North Pas-de-Calais higher education 156,989 students in 2005-2006, studying at 28 higher education sites, o/w 11 university sites. Of the total, 82.2% are in the public sector and 60.8% at university. population change in number of students population without duplicate entries 2000 2005 3,996,588 inhabitants in 1999, i.e. North Pas-de-Calais 151,244 156,989 + 3.8% France* 6.6% population of France* 2,160,253 2,274,987 + 5.3% weight of region 7.0% 6.9% 322 inhabitants per km *excluding Overseas Territories * excluding Overseas Territories baccalauréat holders - 2005 session change and weight of 17-25 age group percentage of enrolment rate of baccalauréat distribution change baccalauréat baccalauréat 2000 2005 since baccalauréat holders in one holders in higher general technological professional total 2000 success rate generation education system North Pas-de-Calais 528,822 533,614 + 0.9% North P.-de-Cal. - 8.4% France* 17,842 10,674 7,081 35,597 76.3% 58.2% 85.3% 7,115,395 7,354,195 + 3.4% France* 272,512 140,828 93,268 506,608 - 1.9% 79.9% 62.1% 81.9% weight of region 7.4% 7.3% * excluding Overseas Territories *excluding Overseas Territories regional atlas > 2005-2006 > 109 main higher education branches of study (2005-2006) Dunkerque Calais categories Superior Technician Sections B STS e and affiliated programmes lg iu CPGE Preparatory class m for Grandes Écoles Hazebrouck University Institutes Boulogne IUT sur-Mer Lille of Technology Saint-Omer Armentières Main sites of universities Aire-sur-la-Lys and affiliated institutions Etaples Béthune Genech Main sites of INPs or UTs Montreuil Douai-Lens Secondary university sites Berck Rollancourt Valenciennes IUFM University Institute for teacher training Maubeuge Engineering programmes St-Pol-sur-Ternoise (all ministries combined) Cambrai Le Quesnoy Aulnoye- Private faculties Arras Aymeries Landrecies Business schools Bapaume Le Cateau- Avesnes-sur-Helpe Cambrésis administrative attachment Fourmies Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Littoral Artois Valenciennes 0 50 km 110 > regional atlas > 2005-2006 > North Pas-de-Calais North Pas-de-Calais number of students enrolled in higher education system (2005-2006) number of students enrolled in higher education system in urban units (INSEE 1999). 50,000 20,000 5,000 1,000 less than 300 Dunkerque Calais Lille St-Omer Hazebrouck Boulogne- Armentières sur-Mer Aire-sur- St-Venant la-Lys Genech Etaples Béthune Montreuil Rollancourt Valenciennes Berck Douai- Maubeuge St-Pol-sur- Lens Ternoise Le Quesnoy weight of higher education branches of study (2005-2006) Arras Cambrai Aulnoye-Aymeries programmes Bapaume universities excluding Landrecies Le Cateau- Fourmies and university Cambrésis affiliated engineering other Avesnes-sur-Helpe CPGE STS institutions programmes IUFM programmes In bold type: university site North Pas-de-Calais 3.2% 12.3% 60.8% 3.3% 4.3% 16.0% 0 50 km France* 3.3% 10.5% 63.6% 3.9% 3.6% 15.1% * excluding Overseas Territories regional atlas > 2005-2006 > 111 size of university sites and change between 2000-2001 and 2005-2006 number of students enrolled in universities and affiliated institutions in 2005-2006 (including IUT and engineering programmes), in urban units (INSEE 1999). 50,000 Dunkerque Calais + 8.9% 20,000 - 4.3% universities and affiliated institutions in 2005-2006 5,000 1,000 university Littoral sites number of students per cycle engineering less than 400 in urban units IUT 0 and 1st 2nd 3rd programmes total St-Omer Lille (1, 2 et 3) + 2.8% Boulogne + 14.6% Artois 1,889 4,765 3,413 882 10,949 + 1.6% Arras 2,796 1,227 346 4,369 Béthune Béthune 999 253 997 313 2,562 + 16.9% Douai-Lens 890 1,716 1,189 223 4,018 Artois Douai-Lens Valenciennes change from 2000-2001 - 7.3% - 12.8% Lille 1 1,873 5,708 6,363 3,468 1,994 19,406 to 2005-2006 Lille 1,873 5,708 6,363 3,468 1,994 19,406 Maubeuge Arras Lille 2 909 9,632 7,698 4,778 23,017 +60% and over + 3.1% Cambrai Cambrai 127 47 174 (Lille 2 et Valenciennes) +30 to + 59.9% Lille 909 9,505 7,651 4,778 22,843 +10 to +29.9% Lille 3 664 10,415 7,395 2,058 20,532 Lille 664 10,415 7,395 2,058 20,532 0 to +9.9% Littoral 963 5,003 4,197 1,072 11,235 -10 to -0.1% 0 50 km Boulogne-sur-Mer 97 1,736 1,227 206 3,266 Calais 366 1,004 1,071 199 2,640 -30% to -10.1% Dunkerque 344 2,165 1,674 667 4,850 under -30% relocation of university and IUT programmes Saint-Omer 156 98 225 479 insignificant (creation of site relocation of university programmes Valenciennes 1,767 3,762 3,080 1,001 777 10,387 or data not consistent over period) Cambrai 291 109 73 473 relocation of IUT programmes Maubeuge 180 18 12 210 France : + 2.6% multi-site university Valenciennes 1,296 3,653 2,989 989 777 9,704 112 > regional atlas > 2005-2006 > North Pas-de-Calais number of students (2005-2006) North Pas-de-Calais universities and affiliated institutions engineering programmes total (excluding engineering programmes) private STS and number of students per cycle other progr. écoles other affiliated university MENESR and other normales private business schools university higher population units CPGE institutions IUT 0 and 1st 2nd 3rd Total progr. progr. ministries IUFM sup. faculties schools and progr. progr. education in 1999 59 - Nord Armentières 102 600 231 933 58,706 Aulnoye-Aymeries 251 251 19,757 Avesnes-sur-Helpe 136 136 8,294 Cambrai 573 291 236 120 647 368 647 1,588 48,261 Douai-Lens * 562 869 687 341 134 1,162 728 1,447 72 338 2,609 5,178 518,727 Dechy 338 338 5,283 Douai 562 634 687 341 134 1,162 728 1,447 72 2,609 4,605 42,796 Pecquencourt 52 52 6,361 Sin-le-Noble 183 183 16,972 Dunkerque 204 977 344 2,165 1,674 667 4,850 452 416 5,302 6,899 191,173 Dunkerque 204 828 344 2,165 1,674 667 4,850 s 4,850 r 70,850 Grande-Synthe 149 r r 23,247 Gravelines 452 452 452 12,430 Fourmies 168 168 17,151 Genech 356 356 2,050 Hazebrouck 345 345 26,217 Landrecies 40 40 3,858 Le Cateau-Cambrésis 71 71 7,799 Le Quesnoy 43 15 58 7,329 Lille 3,002 6,091 3,446 25,628 21,409 10,304 60,787 1,994 1,547 2,587 2,611 4,542 5,567 8,352 65,392 97,080 1,000,900 Haubourdin 38 38 14,965 La Madeleine 362 500 862 22,399 Lambersart 95 95 28,131 Lille 2,830 3,209 8,492 7,664 5,447 21,603 312 2,584 1,566 4,542 5,440 3,754 23,169 45,840 184,657 Loos 182 192 210 82 484 1,540 484 2,206 20,869 Marcq-en-Baroeul r r 37,177 Ronchin 1,197 674 104 1,975 1,975 1,975 17,999 Roubaix 74 1,110 909 595 1,085 317 2,906 245 3 127 628 2,906 5,093 96,984 Saint-André-lez-Lille 313 313 10,113 Tourcoing 98 934 664 189 69 922 529 922 2,483 93,540 Villeneuve-d'Ascq 53 1,873 14,963 11,707 4,354 32,897 1,994 990 1,045 1,033 35,936 38,012 65,042 Wasquehal r r 18,541 Wattrelos 108 108 42,753 Maubeuge 38 509 180 18 12 210 284 210 1,041 99,900 Louvroil 46 46 7,251 Maubeuge 38 463 180 18 12 210 284 210 995 33,546 Valenciennes 608 1,681 1,296 3,653 2,989 989 8,927 777 540 9 1,089 10,244 13,631 357,395 Aulnoy-lez-Valenciennes 1,296 2,254 2,069 642 6,261 777 s 7,038 r 8,002 Condé-sur-l'Escaut 163 15 178 10,527 Denain 262 262 20,360 Saint-Amand-les-Eaux 122 122 17,175 Somain 92 92 12,013 Valenciennes 608 994 1,399 920 347 2,666 540 9 s 3,206 r 41,278 Vieux-Condé 48 48 10,641 s : statistics secret / r : reserved regional atlas > 2005-2006 > 113 number of students (2005-2006) universities and affiliated institutions engineering programmes total (excluding engineering programmes) private STS and number of students per cycle other progr. écoles other affiliated university MENESR and other normales private business schools university higher population units CPGE institutions IUT 0 and 1st 2nd 3rd Total progr. progr. ministries IUFM sup. faculties schools and progr. progr. education in 1999 62 - Pas-de-Calais Aire-sur-la-Lys 131 131 12,219 Arras 332 1,241 2,796 1,227 346 4,369 56 1,344 1,096 5,713 8,438 83,322 Arras 332 1,106 2,796 1,227 346 4,369 56 1,344 1,096 5,713 8,303 40,590 Tilloy-lès-Mofflaines 135 135 1,329 Bapaume 108 108 4,495 Berck 165 651 816 20,113 Béthune 1,392 999 253 997 313 2,562 320 2,562 4,274 259,198 Béthune 677 999 253 997 313 2,562 259 2,562 3,498 27,808 Beuvry 208 41 249 9,175 Bruay-la-Buissière 194 20 214 23,998 Lillers 60 60 9,775 Noeux-les-Mines 123 123 11,966 Wingles 130 130 8,691 Boulogne-sur-Mer 135 849 97 1,736 1,227 206 3,266 402 327 3,668 4,979 92,704 Boulogne-sur-Mer 135 440 97 1,736 1,227 206 3,266 327 3,266 4,168 44,859 Outreau 402 402 402 15,222 Saint-Martin-Boulogne 409 409 11,499 Calais 638 366 1,004 1,071 199 2,640 166 2,640 3,444 104,852 Calais 607 366 1,004 1,071 199 2,640 166 2,640 3,413 77,333 Coulogne 31 31 5,789 Douai-Lens * 94 1,146 890 1,029 848 89 2,856 226 18 470 2,856 4,810 518,727 Avion 59 59 18,298 Carvin 53 53 17,772 Hénin-Beaumont 340 27 367 25,178 Lens 94 459 890 657 635 76 2,258 226 18 443 2,258 3,498 36,206 Liévin 235 372 213 13 598 598 833 33,427 Etaples 185 185 23,994 Le Touquet-Paris-Plage 185 185 5,299 Montreuil 63 63 4,153 Rollancourt 37 37 301 Saint-Omer 485 156 98 225 479 90 235 233 479 1,522 56,425 Longuenesse 182 156 70 226 90 235 226 733 12,518 Saint-Omer 303 98 155 253 233 253 789 15,747 Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise 117 117 8,548 Saint-Venant 290 290 8,915 North Pas-de-Calais 5,077 19,267 8,065 39,285 32,146 13,259 92,755 2,771 1,773 3,461 6,796 4,542 5,901 14,646 102,322 156,989 3,996,588 114 > regional atlas > 2005-2006 > North Pas-de-Calais how to read the tables universities and affiliated institutions engineering programmes total STS private (excluding engineering programmes) other univer- and other programmes écoles schools higher total number of students per cycle sity affiliated university MENESR and other normales private business and pro- educa- population units CPGEinstitutions IUT 0 and 1st 2nd 3rd Total programmes programmes ministries IUFM sup.
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