E1504 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 17, 2008 We already have an effective smoking ces- TRIBUTE TO THE HONORABLE onstrated his wry wit and sage perspective, sation program in place that offers free LIONEL VAN DEERLIN saying ‘‘Having been elected by the people in counseling and free nicotine patches and this district for nine consecutive elections, it gum while supplies last. All you need to do would hardly be appropriate to say that is call 1–800–QUITNOW (1–800–784–8669) to get HON. JOHN D. DINGELL OF MICHIGAN they’ve taken leave of their senses this time.’’ started. You can also find more information And so ended the career of a remarkable pub- about the initiative and how you can become IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES involved by visiting http://www.baltimore Thursday, July 17, 2008 lic servant. health.org/disparities.htm. But the efforts that he put in motion did not Mr. DINGELL. Madam Speaker, I rise to end there. Building on the hearing record that We all have the power to attack the num- honor our former colleague, and my good Van compiled, and the growing consensus ber one killer in the United States and live friend, the Honorable Lionel Van Deerlin of that competition should govern the delivery of heart-healthy lives. But everyday that we California. He passed away on May 17th in his wait to adopt a better lifestyle is another communications products and services, Con- San Diego home at the age of 93. gress continued its effort to update the Com- day we put ourselves at needless risk. Everybody referred to him as ‘‘Van.’’ He munications Act of 1934. In 1982 those efforts served in this House from 1963 until 1981, were interrupted by the Justice Department’s f and was a friend and colleague of mine on the announcement that it had settled the AT&T liti- Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com- gation. That settlement resulted in the 1984 di- HONORING NELSON MANDELA ON merce. Throughout his career he maintained a vestiture of the Bell Operating Companies, HIS 90TH BIRTHDAY marvelous wit and a generous spirit. He was a warm and gentle man. and established the industry structure that per- After his defeat, Van went back to the news- sisted for the next 15 years. SPEECH OF paper business he loved, writing columns for In 1993 the House revived its efforts to up- HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY the San Diego Tribune and then the Union- date the 1934 Act, and in June of 1994, by a Tribune. In one recent column he decried the vote of 423–5, passed H.R. 3626. While the OF CALIFORNIA bitter partisanship of today’s Congress, saying Senate did not complete action on its bill, ef- forts to update the law commenced anew in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘Twenty-five years ago in Congress you not only trusted the opposing party, you enjoyed 1995. The result was the enactment of the Tuesday, July 15, 2008 their company. Today, they hardly even landmark ‘‘Telecommunications Act of 1996’’ speak.’’ the following year. Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in During his last 4 years of service, from Those of us who had been involved in these support of H. Res. 1090 honoring Nelson 1976–80, he was the Chairman of the Com- efforts from the beginning recognized that we Rolihlahla Mandela as he celebrates 90 years munications Subcommittee. It was a tumul- were building upon the foundation that Van of life. tuous time to preside over that important had laid back in 1977 and 1978. He was the visionary that realized that the days of AT&T’s Mr. Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, in panel. The Justice Department had filed an antitrust suit against the then-integrated AT&T, monopoly had to end, and he was the one Transkei, South Africa, where he was given and sought to divest the company of its manu- who began the effort to build a consensus in the name Rolihlahla, meaning ‘‘troublemaker,’’ facturing subsidiary, known then as Western favor of competition. which would later seem so fitting. Throughout Electric. In response to the Justice Depart- Early in 1996, the White House contacted his early adulthood, he developed his own ment’s lawsuit, AT&T’s supporters in the Con- my office to see who should be invited to at- ideas about the oppression he had experi- gress introduced the ‘‘Consumer Communica- tend the signing ceremony for the ‘‘Tele- enced which led him to join the African Na- tions Reform Act,’’ which would have ratified communications Act of 1996.’’ I suggested that tional Congress. His work with the ANC led AT&T’s status as a monopoly. they invite Lionel Van Deerlin, the man who him to be tried for treason. He was acquitted All of this fell into Van’s lap when he be- got the ball rolling nearly 20 years before. And of the charges, but his strong opposition to came Chairman of the Subcommittee. At the so in February, 1996, I entered the Library of South African apartheid continued. time, competition in communications was in its Congress to witness the President signing this His fight against racial segregation came to infancy. Competitive suppliers of telephone important new law. And there was Van, my old equipment were beginning to spring up. But friend and colleague; smiling as always. a sudden halt when he was convicted and competition in long distance was still a nov- That was the last time that I saw Van. After sentenced to life imprisonment for allegedly elty. Van knew that if the Congress ratified his defeat I missed his cool-headed leadership plotting to overthrow the South African govern- AT&T’s monopoly, consumers would have lost and ready wit. It was great to see him that ment. an opportunity to shop around and obtain day, and I was glad that he lived to see his However, 27 years in prison could not di- equipment and service for less. So he came efforts come to fruition with the enactment of minish the spirit of a great leader. Once re- up with a plan to forestall the legislation the new statute. This body has lost a good leased from prison, Mr. Mandela wasted no (which was extremely popular) to educate his and decent colleague, who made valuable time in becoming involved with the ANC once Subcommittee while giving the competitors an contributions that extended well beyond his again. It was no surprise that this revolutionary opportunity to gain a foothold in the market- years of service. And I have lost an old and man would become the next President of the place. dear friend, whom I will miss. We were better ANC in 1990, continuing to devote himself to Van announced his intention to draft a for his presence. a multi-racial democracy for his country. ‘‘basement to attic’’ re-write of the Commu- I am inserting for the RECORD the eulogy of nications Act of 1934. And he proceeded to do former Representative Lynn Schenk. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Mandela embodies the just that. In 1978 he introduced H.R. 13015, The following is the text of the Eulogy for dignity, strength, and leadership that all of us the ‘‘Communications Act of 1978.’’ Although Rep. Lionel Van Deerlin, delivered by his should strive for. Our country was founded on the bill was never approved by the Sub- friend of 30 years, the Hon. Lynn Schenk, on the values of freedom and liberty for all, per- committee, he compiled an impressive hearing the occasion of his Memorial and Celebration sonified undoubtedly by Mr. Mandela. He record and began to build the consensus that of Life at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, San grasped these ideals and fought to make them competition in communications was good for Diego, California, at noon, on Saturday, June a reality for South Africa through commitment consumers. 14, 2008: unsurpassed by others. The dedication Mr. The following year he introduced H.R. 3333, I have been given the high honor of speak- Mandela displayed, despite the many chal- another attempt to re-write the Communica- ing to you today about a most extraordinary lenges he encountered, is deserving of our tions Act. Again, the bill was not reported by man—Lionel Van Deerlin—our dear Van. I highest respect. the Subcommittee; however Van’s untiring ef- thank the Van Deerlin family, his children forts expanded both the record and the and grandchildren for this special privilege. Mr. Mandela has undisputedly contributed to emerging consensus. And in 1980, the year of Van’s ‘‘life journey’’ was marked by so tremendous change with his efforts to peace- his defeat, he introduced H.R. 6121, which much accomplishment that it would take fully resolve conflicts throughout the world. It hours to recount—I will do my best to touch was approved by both the Subcommittee and on the highlights. is with great pleasure that I commend Mr. the full Committee on Interstate and Foreign This man, with a giant heart, who looked Mandela for his lifetime commitment to pro- Commerce. at life through the softening lens of humor, moting the vision of freedom and equality for In 1980, Van was defeated for re-election. has brought us together today, but he would the people of South Africa. In his concession speech he again dem- not want us to mourn him. Instead he would VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Jul 18, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17JY8.047 E17JYPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC60 with REMARKS July 17, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1505 want us to celebrate his life and enjoy one chaired its communications subcommittee.
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