FKIDATi DBCBMBER 2, 19W •Um n m W a a O M r Am agu Daily Nat Pnaa Nan I aC V. a.'Waanm F s r Uh Moaki af Navenker, lfl4f 9,796 Santa Says, ^Take A Tip From Me—I See M a n e h € $ t 0 r-^A CUy o f VUlago Charm (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS Them AII^HALE'S HAVE THE GIFTS YOU VOL. u m u NO. 54 ao raaa It) MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1949 Gas Main Blast little (larige For Style, Quality And Right Prices/' Town of Maletto Seen in Bans TThree Students Die In Path of Lava On Minorities In Fire Early Today New Government Move From Etna Flow! To Curb Discrimina­ tion in Housing to Be At Oklahoma College New Craters Act as ‘Safe­ Snowballs Fores Santa In ‘Exceptional Cases* To Quit Annual Parads ty Valves* to Slow Washington, Dec. 8—(JP)—A key Blaze Whips Through Down Approach Sev­ Fitchburg, Maaa., Dec. I .— (4>)—The kids of this central official said today that a new gov­ Turned Down Wooden Dormitory | eral Kilometers from Massaebusetta city certainly ernment move to curb racial and News Tidbits Sicilian. Community gave Santa daus a bad time religious discrimination in future Culled From (/P) Wires More Than 300 Es­ with snowballs. housing means little real change cape But 19 Are In­ Of 3 ,6 0 0 I Inl^abitants , Santa Claus was the central in present bans against minorities. Nationalist China’s Acting STATIONERY --------- i Franklin D. Richards, eommis. figure In the annual Santa pa­ Sloner of the Federal Housing Ad­ President U Tsung-Jen eompletee jured, Two CrilicaUy; Catania, Sicily, Dec. 3.—(/P) rade last night Thousands of. ministration. said the plan to deny arrangements to fly to U. 8. Mon­ Eaton’s fine quality boxed papers for youngsters lined the snow- day...Report that Prime Minister Damage from Loss of men or ladles. All white or colors. Note — Fiery lavs from erupting Federal guarantees on home mort- covered streets to see their fa* gages where new restrictive cov­ Peter Fraser of New Zealand, los­ or letter slae. Many with decorated Mt. Etna today threatened vorite person go by on a float er in election, will reelga hie 'prat Building and EQuip- sheets. enants are on record will apply the little Sicilian town of However, their fun was only In “exceptional cases." Wednesday ... President Tniman ment Is at $500,000 . moves ahead with plans to ask Maletto but an official source spoiled when older kids heaved “The ruling will have no effect snowballs at the old gentle- on any property which had racial Congress'for strong civil rights 30c and Sl.OO box at noon (6 a. ro., e.s,t.), said man. covenants In the past," he said. program, foUovring up hia new Norman, Okla., Dec. 8.— HOSIERY th« burning flow had ’’slowed And they hit him so often Backed By Truman antl-discrimlnatkm policy applied (/P)—Fire whipped through down" considerably several that Santa Claus left the pa­ The new policy—to become ef­ to Federal housing... Mayor of a wooden dormitory on the F irst quality full faahtoned kilonieters from the town of rade. fective at some future date—was Aue, uranium mining center In So­ University of Oklahoma cam­ nylon hosier In sheer or extra announced yesterday by Solicitor viet Zone of Germany, flees to 8,600 tnhsbltsnts. the west after refusing to . move pus early today, burning to sheer weight' Smlsrt new win­ Ths poUce chief at Catania, General Philip B. Perlman, with ter shades. President Truman’s backing. people out of. tbeir homes to make ^ eath at least three students. WBo reported on this .m ost ad- room for newjy-drafted miners. XA\AS GREETING vaaesd of several flows from ML Perlman told a New York audi­ More than 300 escaped the Pensions Seen ence, that the “Federal Housing Longshore toss Henry Schrlmpf Etna, said the pressure of the administration Is amending Ita tells court that Harry Bridges was burning former Navy bar­ eruption appeal^ to have de­ 8 8 c lo $1.95 pair CARDS rules 8 0 as to refuse to aid the fin­ an acUve participant in Commu­ racks but 19 were injured, creased because new craters ware ancing of any properties the occu- nist party councils during 1934 two critically. acting as “safety valves.” Sure to Cornel Colorfqt cards with friendly holiday Workmea are rilhooetted against the flames as they feverishly try to ,pancy or use of which is restricted general strike...W . F. Bean, 51, Bodies UnIdentUled Children’s Mercerized Cotton A nklets.........29c and 39c He estimated the “pent-up" on the basis of race or creed or The three bodies wera removed greetings. Single cards or boxed assort­ — V « o I * * 4 ^ vatvo of a gas mala which exploded In downtown AUen- auto .mechanic, being sought by Children’s Wool Anklets...................... ......... 59c to fl.OO Pr. ment also cellophane packages. lava now was flowing from a t color.” Tennessee police for murder of from the ruins but were unideaU- leaat ten openings In th s ' moun- G o v e r n n i e n t L a b o r S t a - 1 tewa, m . n o axplosloa b a n t a. water main, flooding the ares and While he added that the restric­ fled. forcing tba gsraeontton of several homes. Damage from the blast wife and diaaghter . Louisiana Wool Skating Socks ............................. ........................... $1.35 Pr. Single Card . ............5e to 25c each tnla’s aide. tions must be “recorded” after the hoping for rain to fight forest An official In the office of Dr. A t dawn, axactly 24 hours after tistics Chief Point* to I was set at $108,000. (NEA telephoto). Boxed Asst. ..............50c and $1.00 effective date of the new rule be­ Area devastating a vast acreage. George Cross, university presi­ E tna began Its new ethpriona, ‘Old and Near - Old* * fore the ban would apply, there Alger Hiss’ lawyer, trying to show dent estimated the damage from Cellophane P k g .................2 ^ each monstrous flames shot toward ths was Immediate speculation that that some one else gave Whittaker Former Federal Judge CXiarlee L the loss of the building and equip­ sky from the main crater. A four- sweeping changes were in store In Dawson of LoutsvlUe, Ky., stares Washington, Dec. 8—(F)—The Chambers the secret papers, pro­ ment at approximately $500,000, second earthquake Jolted the area the government's policy of helping duces teetlmony that 40 or 50 cop­ fixedly ahead as he Iraves a meet­ The buUdmg was a two-story foveniment’a Ubw sUtlaUoi chief .with a terri^dng roar, wrltncaaea Big Pot of Gold finance home purchases and con- ies of some Of them were circutet ing liL Wrahlngton of United Mine wooden structura built by the reported. said today that penstona for every-, Btructlon. ed to various divlaionB of the State Workers welfare fund trutees. Navy in 1941 at a cost of $413,000 The flow advancing on Maletto body seem a sure bet with “the But Richards, who heads .the department John I* Lewis, UMW representa­ and used as a Na-vy barracks dur­ appeared no longer to threaten agency, which handies government tive and chairman, refus^ to ac­ old and the near-old’’ making up Soviet union preparing huge ing the war. ^ Bronte, a town of 18,000 southwest financing for home cwistructlon cept Dawson as operators’ repre­ Listed as Critical half the natlon’e voting popuU' Given Exhibitorsr- celebration for Stalin’s 70th birth­ HANDKERCHIEFS of Malstto. Ths lavs stream came and purchasea, said later that such day Dec. 21. , . Senate committee sentative. Injured students listed as criti­ from one of three new craters UoB. U not the case. investigaUng recent rise In coffee cal by the president’s office wera Sheer cotton or linen handkwrchlef which Xhirope's highest volcano ChlcagoT Dee. S—OP)— The In-<»acribed the accomplishments of Most Stin win Be Eligible in ^1 white or colorful prints, also Ewan Clague, commissioner of prices gives head of A. A P. more David M. Clary, Buckner, Ark,, pushed open yesterday. ^ labor etatlstics, said many work­ ternatlonel Livestock exposition’s the big show with this statement Moat of the naUon’a dwellings time to prepare his tesUmony on and John H. Sorensen, Brooklyn, attractive boxed handkerchiefs In­ One witness said the lavw had “We have^ developed cattle, bogs atiU will be eligible for FHA fi­ cluding children's hankies In gift ers between 40 and 60 are "very golden Jubilee haa been a big pot subject . , . American, Britain and Barkley Sees N, Y. reached a point three miles from properly concerned about their and'sheep of superior meat pro­ nancial aid, he told a reporter, France wlU try to iron out their Starting about 2:30 a. m. folders. of gold for its thousands of ex­ Maletto, destroying outlying farm­ bleak economic future once they ducing qualities in the past 50 even after the effective date of the differences over future ownership (c. B. t) the fire spread quickly houses. Hie flow during the night hibitors. years. new policy. 1952 Victor)’ Single become branded as ‘too old to of Germany’s industrial cartete. through the sprawling wooden reached a point U and one-half work.’ WThan tha world’s biggest annual Meaae Cheaper Meat “It will be an excepUonal case,’’ Senator Fergoson anggests “some building. The studenta, aronoed aalles from Bronte, then deviated he aald, *^vhere a property cannot Handkerchiefs lOC to 75c each “And theM two groups—the old agricultural show pasaes into his­ All this means cheaper,, better American warships with 12-lnch from sleep, made their way to the toward Maletto^ The flery mass tory tonight exhibitors will have and more ^neat for the consumera receive federal mortgage help." guns sail around Formosa" if' Extols Democrats’ Pro- exits or Jumped from first and aewed destruction among rich fruit and the near-old—are a very po­ The FHA chiefUln said the pol­ Boxed • tent force in our society today,’’ realised an estimated $2,115,000, at a time when the livestock pop- Chinese Communists threaten that second floor irindows.
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