o •i T, diaez,a,t/- 0 MESSENGE U Ni Vol. XXXII Oshawa, Ontario June 19, 1963 No. 13 dreams to a fine couple shown in the "I _itten" Harvest group below. A few months after the A. Pastor Toronto First Church husband returned from serving in the army in the Korean War he dreamed A keen observer in the field of nature and Pastor A. J. Mustard (front row, one night that he was standing on a will note frequently that one man sows left) of the Toronto First church, shared hillside in Onchan, Isle of Man. As he the seed, another may water it, yet anoth- the privilege of baptizing the group, who looked towards the sea, a darkness came er may reap the harvest, but it is God ranged in years from 12 to 87. over the earth; then, the clouds and Who gives the increase. As it is in the One 85 year old lady had a remarkable heavens unrolled as a scroll, and there natural world, so it is in the spiritual experience of Divine guidance in finding was a great light revealing Jesus and His realm. the truth. Her father, who was a Meth- angels. At the time, he was not aware If there is one lesson above another to odist lay-preacher, had often stressed to that there was a text in the Bible de- be learned from the recent It Is Written her that she must know that her sins scribing the return of Jesus in a similar Crusade in Toronto and Hamilton it is were forgiven before entering heaven. manner as he had seen. Later he had that success in this work depends above Many times she had asked the Lord to another impressive dream. all things on the utmost co-operation be- forgive her sins, but did not have the as- Then came a third dream, this time ing obtained from ministry and laity, in surance that her prayer was heard. Some experienced by his wife. In 1959 she partnership with God. Through the It years ago she dreamed she was attending dreamed that she opened the side door Is Written telecast the seed was widely a funeral and the minister read from of her home and found the dark blue sown for a period of several months. Last Psalm 21. Verse 2 was impressed upon sky bright with stars. Suddenly she saw October, Pastor George Vandeman per- her mind, "Thou hast given him his three angel faces pass overhead looking down on the earth with searching eyes. sonally conducted a three-week crusade heart's desire, and hast not withholden She had an intense feeling of awe and in these cities. The interest was so large the request of his lips." She took that as wonder and fell to her knees. and the prospects of harvest so good that the answer to her oft-repeated prayer, but soon after, again felt doubtful. She When they saw Pastor Vandeman another week of thrilling meetings was was alone in the home at the time, doing open the Scriptures and teach the great planned for January. During the interval her housework, and heard a voice behind truths of the Second Advent, the Millen- an enthusiastic band of local workers vis- her, saying, "Why not take Him at His nium and the Three Angels' Messages, ited, instructed, and baptized. Besides Word?" She answered, audibly, "Yes, they listened with amazement. God had many who have been added in Hamil- Lord, I will." And was satisfied. Then mercifully prepared their hearts for these ton and adjacent areas, more than 60 have last fall, casually turning on the televis- teachings. And today they are rejoicing been received into the churches in Tor- ion set, she found It Is Written and in the faith. onto. The accompanying photograph dis- heard Pastor Vandeman's invitation, Lay members of the churches are giv- plays some of those who have been sig- "Why not take His Word?" She exclaim- ing most loyal and hearty support to this nally blessed by the It Is Written pro- ed to her friend, "There's something here still active programme, and they deserve gramme. Pastor H. Ward Hill (front for Me!" Of course there was. a major share of any accolades that may row, right) of the Willowdale Church, The Lord had also spoken through justly be given. The "It Is Written" group baptized in Toronto. LITERATURE EVANGELISM r Zylds Is the Vera Work the Lord Would Have His People Do at This Time." 6T. 313 From my summer's work, I have re- LITERATURE EVANGELIST Zeterateete Ecteut9eleat ceived another mother. This lady has HONOUR ROLL given me her home and love due a son APRIL Ewriefece4 with blood relationship. To me this lady Bible is God's answer to many prayers. And I Course continually give thanks to God for an- Enrol- A man has been trying to contact me Hours Deliveries ments about the Bible Story for three months. swering prayers. ALBERTA This evening he came, examined both Now I encourage everyone who con- C. W. Whitehead __ 148 bindings and took the Mylar binding for templates entering the colporteur minis- D. R. Sudds 1,803.40 cash. He said he had never been able to try to do so without delay because in that W. Zahara 14 find anything to compare with it. When work are unknown blessings waiting to BRITISH COLUMBIA P. R. Rafuse 189 I told him they were written by an SDA be tapped. P. R. Rafuse 1,094.48 minister he said that didn't matter as he WATSON CHIN, Student MANITOBA-SASKATCHEWAN had the highest regard for anyone who Ontario-Quebec J. Sabiston 152 would publish something as good as the G. Christenson 1,243.50 Bible Story. I gave him a courtesy copy LITERATURE EVANGELIST R. Dielmann 3 J. Sabiston 3 of the small Your Bible and You. We DELIVERY REPORT MARITIME hope it also will give him some added For the Month of April 1963 H. Cunningham 145 light on the Scriptures. Alberta $ 8,560.35 G. Heeney 738.40 H. Cunningham __ A. BRANDT British Columbia 4,530.74 8 Manitoba-Saskatchewan ONTARIO-QUEBEC Manitoba-Saskatchewan 5,403.45 F. Dinsdale 209 Maritime 2,903.15 J. J. Wells 3,631.75 K. Oliver 22 Newfoundland 7.50 After my second summer as a colpor- (Experiences continued on page 230) teur, I have nothing but praise for this Ontario-Quebec 21,679.59 phase of our special work in the Advent- Canadian Union 43,084.78 ist Church. Out of this work, I have re- ceived innumerable blessings and with Missionary Report these the peace and joy which only Christ can give. for April Many times I have heard our confer- Literature distributed 2,898 ESSEN GER ence publishing secretaries speak of the Bible School enrolments 238 wonderful work in the colporteur minis- Interested persons attending try but never really understood what they Official Organ of the church 64 meant. Now, from personal experience, CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE Former S.D.A.'s contacted 1 of Seventh-day Adventists I am able to comprehend what they Issued Biweekly speak of. But I wonder how many there Homes prayed in 186 Subscription Price $2.00 a year are who do not know how wonderful the Authorized as second class mail, Post Office De- Bible studies given 102 partment, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in colporteur work is. cash. Printed by Maracle Press Ltd., Oshawa, Ont. Big Week Report 1962-1963 E. L. Green Editor 1962 1963 Pearl I. Browning Associate Editor Conf. Hrs. Del. Hrs. Del. Alta. 503 4,370.15 583 5,152.15 Canadian Union Conference B.C. 373 1,847.15 552 2,736.13 1148 King Street East M.S. 298 1,322.95 305 2,310.50 Oshawa, Ontario Mari. 336 3,401.25 227 2,030.00 President — J. W. Bathe O.Q. 815 7,197.96 861 10,549.02 Secretary-Treasurer E. L. Green Totals 2,325 18,139.46 2,528 22,777.80 DEPARTMENTAL SECRETARIES Publishing 0. A. Botimer Gain—Hours 203 Deliveries $4,638.34 Sabbath School and Home Missionary W. G. Soloniuk 0. A. BOTIMER Missionary Volunteer, Educational and Pub. Sec. Temperance r F. B. Wells Public Affairs ....... ...... — D. L. Michael Watson Chin Canadian Union Medical E. A. Crawford, M.D. 218 CANADIAN UNION MESSENr;ER Whole Church Behind Educational Programme in Halifax, N. S. Four grade 9 and 10 students hard at work. Grades 1-4 hard at work in their Junior Classroom. When the possibility of a two-teacher profession in the public schools in the teacher was provided. Mr. Leonard An- school for Halifax was raised last year, Oak Park area and had recently decided drews was transferred to Halifax due to there were many who thought this was to enter the denominational educational the closing of the high-school grades in indeed a step forward in faith. This big work. Halifax was fortunate to obtain Moncton. We were very much pleased step forward in faith was exactly what such teaching capabilities, and the school to have him teach in Halifax beginning we needed in order to weld the whole opened in September with an enrolment in the new year. church behind the educational pro- of some forty students. gramme. The Halifax Church took that School progressed very well but Mr. As we look back over the success of step and the programme was set in mo- Nickerson, who is a veteran, found that our school in the past year, we can in- tion when two teachers were hired.
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