I : PAGI fOUBTESN FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, IWl Avartge Daily,Net Press Ran Ths Wssthsr lE o A ln g For the Weak Ended FeNkhet e< D. B. Weathan Bm Jana S. IM l NIaiMn, Mika Zamka, David dandy with feg toalsht, pri About Town Sartor Appointed Waoktar, Suaan Rlngroaa. LT.WOOD CO. 1 3 ,3 .S 0 aMy aome driaale. Lew near Parker-Tongren * First Series mtarmedlata awlm claaa at Sunday, ahewen, thuadei'shawl Cadet Captain in Globa Hollow: John Turidngton. Member of the Audit wartnei' hi afteriMioa. High W Tbs VMday night dsnoes held Marilyn Hutton, Thonuw TralU, ICE PLANT Bureau of Cbraolatf on m. weekly by the reoreaUon depart- Civil Air Patrol Itte marriage of Mias Margaret Of Swimming Joanna Eichmaif, Francla Plach, «1 BI88ELL SlBElH? Manche$ter— A City of,Village Charm nsnt srtU be held tonight at the Bruce Derrick, Mlchelana Morin, Robertaon Park tennis courts EJvelyn Toogren of TaloottviHe and Marcia Borello, Michael Ander­ Tom Eaat From Haila S t w stathar parmltting. Children’s Cadet 1st Lt. Richard Sartor of David M. Parker of Manchester, Lessons JEnds son, Joseph Simmons, Joey Dl- At State Theater VOL. LXXX, NO. 260 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1961 (ClaaaUled Adrartlataig ea Faga S) PRICE FIVE CENTS daaosSOS for U and under Is from the Manchester Cadet Squadron of mock. 7;M to 8:80, and the Teen-age Hop the dvU Air Patrol has been pro­ and formerly of Buffalo, N.Y., for ths IS and over age group la moter to cadet ’ captain and will was a<rfemnd*ed Saturday after­ ‘nvB following chll<k’«n oomplet- 8:M to 10:30. Mr. and Mre. Robert become the cadet commander of ed the ftret a ^ e e of awinmlng noon at the Church of the Na*- leanona conducted by the Recrea­ Escape Clause for Leaders MeQ win supervise. the squadron. arene in Manchester. Sartor's promotion and appoint­ tion Department. GOP Group State News ment have been approved by Col. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Begtbuier’s claas at Salter’a Pool; Jrtm Urbanettl, son of Mr. and and Mrs. Paul T. Tongren, Main OoUn Maroeau, Ernest Bilodeau, Mrs. Anthony J. Urbanettl. 57 But- Nelaon T. Hart, deputy for cadet training for Connecticut Wing of St., TWcottvllle. The, bridegroom Mike MacDonald," Jack Oresel, H O USE &. H A L E temut Rd., has been named to the la the son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rallies for Khrushchev Reveals Roundup Freshman Executive Council at the Civil Air Patrol. Mark Yenoifaky, David Odese, Sartor will fill the vacancy cre­ Parker of Buffalo, N.T. IMayna Dougflas, Jeffrey Soule, MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER Trinity CoUege lor the academic The Rev. C. E. Winslow, pastor year beginning In September. ated when the present command­ Da’vM Haseett, Stephen Haasett, er. Cadet Major Tlinothy Beck­ of the Church of the Nazaiene, Greg Senupux, Sally Hurd, Mary Foreign Aid with, leaves ihe squadron this fall performed the ceremony before an Hickey, Dawn McDowell, Jane New Rules for Reds L o d g e Says G O P Ths 10th Annual Outdoor Fair to enter the University of Con­ altar decorated with white gladi­ Karp, Nancy Miner, Jeff WJUte- sponsored by the Norwich Art necticut. Elarlier this week, Beck­ oli and yellow pompons. Miss sell, Suzanne iwngner, Robert SeouL Korea, Aug. 5 (fP)— Has ‘Opportunity’ Assn, will be held on the campvis with was promoted to cadet ma­ Pamela Fltssimmona of Manches­ Mix, Richard Johnston, Mary Ann of Norwich Free Academy on A leading South Korean Moscow, Aug. 6 (/P)— Pre-t But the out for Khrushchev was jor, and b^am e the first cadet In ter was soloist, accompanied by Young, Lynn dUMtlck, Stephen newspaper attacked the U.S. provided by a clause saying "those' Meriden. Aug. 5 (/P)— John Sept. 9, from 10:30 to 5 p.m. Art­ the state ever to hold that rank. Mrs. Florence Wood of Bridgeport mier Khrushchev today un­ TomaasI, Robert Jonee, Bill Sproul, party leaders who, because on Davis Lodge said today the His Reply to ists and craftsmen wishing to aid program today and said: Prior to this latest appointment. as organist. Mike Carr, Pam Rlchardaon, Al­ wrapped a new Soviet Com­ their acknowledged authority on participate in the event should con­ Sartor was elected to attend a Escorted by her father, the “We’d rather have a $5,000 Republican' party has a tact the Norwich Art School for de­ ton Hare, Bruce Odeas. munist party rule book for­ high political organization and Space Age Orientation Course, to bride wore a Chantilly lace gown, Beginners class at Globe Hol­ plant than $1 billion worth of "matchless opportunity” to tails bidding members to gain other qualities, may stay on.” be held later this month at an Il­ fashioned with a Sabrina neckline low: Mary Henderaon, Cheryl consumer goods.” Observers here viewed the rules formulate a program to linois Air Force base. He has power through a “ cult of per­ The Hartford VFW County trimmed with sequins and pearls, Warrender, Donna Wentworth, The Hankook Ilbo, one of as the unmistakable product of “counteract the enormous in- been a CAP member for four long tapered sleeves, basque bod­ FYed Tompkins, Dennis Dion, sonality” like Stalin develop­ Council family picnic will be held Seoul’s three major dailies, Khrushchev's thinking and ex­ ci-ease In the state debt, in President’s years, and has been serving as ice, and bouffant skirt terminating Jackie Anastasio, Laurie Lambert, ed and limiting the tenure of perience since he ultimately Sunday starting at noon at Ued- cadet executive officer. added in an editorial: “ W hat government expenditures and ertafel Park, Forbes St.. East In a full chapel train. Her finger- Brenda and Denise Mattarelli, party leaders. emerged as Stalin's successor. The son of Police Det. Sgt. and tip-length veil of silk illusion was Melinda Moore, Tails Paups, Peter really matters is the quality The new rules, however, aiipear- It was expected that the rules in taxes which we have wit Hartford, rain or shine. A hat con­ Mrs. Joseph Sartor of SO Irving test will be featured. Committee arranged from a weding cake NimlrowsW, John Donohue, Ellen of the aid instead of the ed to provide Khrushchev with an will face strong opposition from nessed during the past few Talk Riled St.. Cadet Capt. Sartor Is a June crowm trimmed with sequins and DonohtM, J^trlcla Tedford, Bar­ the Old Guard in the party’s Cen­ chairman Is Charles Hirth. post amount. If the U.S. aid is go­ escape clause enabling him to re­ years.” graduate of Manchester High seed pearls. She carried a cascade bara Edgar, Earl Stevenson, Lynne main in office for an unlimited tral Committee — possibly when commander is Joseph Jeslovsky. School. ing in the right direction— to The former CJonnecticut gfiver^ and auxiliary president Is Mrs. of white orchids and white cama- Derrick, Irene Kluoewicz. period. the rules come up for adoption at nor and ex-U.S. ambassador to Olive Ray. Uons with baby’s breath. Beginners class at Verplanck build economic stability— the The rules were foreshadowed the 22nd party (jongress Oct. 17. Spain made the statement in a Red Leader McLean Remains Miss Leviim Dow of North Hav­ Pool: Kathy Hooper, Susan Sllha- amount does not matter.” last Sunday with the publication Chief threat to the Old Guards' giiest column he wrote for today’s American Legion members and en was maid o f honor. She wore vey, Sharon Meldrum, Donna W- of the new Soviet Communist par­ position was seen in the rule call­ edition of the Meriden Journal. the Auxikaiy will meet at the On Critical List a yellow strapless gown of silk Battisto, Linda Gagnon, R a 11 a Sense Washington, Aug. 5 (/P)— ty program, which denounced the ing for periodic rejuvenation in the Lodge said Important industrial Mo.scow, Aug. 5 (/P)— Pre­ Holmes Funeral Home tonight at organna, designed with a gold mid­ Daigle, Joann Fothergill, Eliza­ xult of the personality and called leadership ranks. concerns "are moving out of our mier Khrushchev will make a riff and bouffant skirt. Her head- A group of Senate Republi­ for rotation in party office. TI)e rules proclaimed the prin­ 8 to pay their respects to Wells beth Cox, Raymond Cox, Michael state in search of more advan­ nationwide radio and televi­ Pitkin.. Mervln W. McLean, 25, of 281 piece was a matching circle face Balon, Susan Mitney, Marsh Mc- cans— admittedly a small mi­ The party program, however, ciple of collectivity as the supreme tageous conditions. A determined Center St., a passenger in a panel veil. and. she carried a colonial Callum, Robert Rlzza, Mary Pe- Just nority of their party— rallied was concerned mainly with broad law of party activity. effort must be made to retain and sion speech Monday night, pickup truck that ran off the road bouquet of tinted orchid cama- rottl, Noren Palladtno, Timothy today to support of President policy, including an economic pro­ A section on duties of party to attract business and industry, presumably in reply to Presi­ tioiM and baby’s breath. members was filled with admoni­ on Center St. yesterday morning. Bailey, Joan Bonlno, David Mum- Kennedy’s treasury-financed, gram designed to overhaul the to diminish unemployment and to dent Kennedy’! defiant ad­ Is reported still In critical condi­ Bridesmaids were Miss Janice ford, Ronnie Wlerzchowskl, John Try 'United States in industrial and tions to struggle, actively partici­ attract business and industry, to I* «*, .
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