Curriculum Vitae Prof. Carola{Bibiane Schonlieb¨ Address Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP) University of Cambridge Wilberforce Road Cambridge CB3 0WA, UK & Jesus College Cambridge CB5 8BL, UK Tel.: business +44/1223/764251 Email: [email protected] Homepage: http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/research/cia/, http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/cbs31/ Personal Details Date of birth: 21th of December, 1979 Place of birth: Vienna, Austria Present Citizenship: Austrian Career 09/2018{ Professor of Applied Mathematics, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theo- retical Physics, University of Cambridge, UK. 09/2016{ Alan Turing Institute Fellow, Alan Turing Institute, British Library, London, UK. 03/2016{ Co-Director then Director of the EPSRC Centre for Mathematical and Statistical Analysis of Multimodal Clinical Imaging, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Cam- bridge, UK. 11/2015{ Director of the Cantab Capital Institute for Mathematics of Information, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Cambridge, UK. 10/2015{08/2018 Reader in Applied and Computational Analysis, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, UK. 10/2011{ Head of Cambridge Image Analysis, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theo- retical Physics, University of Cambridge, UK. 10/2011{ Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, UK. 09/2010{09/2015 Lecturer in Applied and Computational Analysis, Department of Applied Mathemat- ics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, UK. 09/2009{09/2010 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Numerical and Applied Mathematics, Georg- August Universit¨at G¨ottingen, Germany. 10/2008{09/2009 Research Associate, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, UK. 10/2005{10/2008 Research Associate, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Austria. 09/2002{06/2004 Research Associate, Department of Mathematics, University of Salzburg, Austria. Education 10/2007{07/2009 Ph.D. student of mathematics at the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) Thesis title:Modern PDE Techniques for Image Inpainting, Advisor: P.A. Markowich 15 June 2009 Oral defense of the thesis. Examiners: Arieh Iserles (University of Cambridge) and Stanley Osher (UCLA) 18 July 2009 Full congregation. Admission to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy 10/2005{10/2007 Ph.D. student of mathematics at the University of Vienna (Austria), Advisor: P.A. Markowich 10/1998{01/2004 Student of mathematics at the University of Salzburg (Austria) 25 Oct. 2000 First level in mathematics with distinction 30 Jan. 2004 Master's degree in mathematics with distinction Thesis title: Invariante Momente, Advisor: P. Gerl 10/1990{06/1998 Grammar school, Neusprachliches Gymnasium in Nonntal, Salzburg (Austria) 17 June 1998 Final exam with distinction Honours and Awards Calder´onPrize, Inverse Problems International Association, 2019 (to be announced at the AIP in Grenoble on 8 July 2019). Visiting Professorship, Institute Henri Poincare, 01{04/2019. Philip Leverhulme Prize, 2017. Whitehead Prize of the London Mathematical Society, 2016. EPSRC Science Photo Award, 1st Prize in the Category `People' in 2014. INiTS Award from INiTS (Innovation into Business), Vienna. 3rd Prize in the Category General Technologies in 2010. Mary Bradburn Award, awarded from the BFWG (British Federation of Women Graduates) in 2008 CET (Cambridge European Trust) Book Prize 2007 and 2008 Honorary Cambridge European Trust Scholar, awarded by the Cambridge Trust at the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) in 2007 Scholarship for exceptional achievements as a student, awarded by the Faculty of Science at the University of Salzburg (Austria) in 2004 Hans{Stegbuchner{award for exceptional achievements as a student for the academic year 2001-02, Department of Mathematics, University of Salzburg (Austria) Third-party grants 09/2019{08/2020 Wellcome Trust Digital Innovator Award project on All in one cancer imaging optimi- sation using an integrated mathematical and deep learning approach. PI: E. Sala. CoI: C.-B. Sch¨onlieb, Mireia Crispin-Ortuzar, Ozan Oktem,¨ Ramona Woitek, Raj Jena and James Brenton. Size ≈ $ 822K. 09/2019{08/2021 EPSRC project on PET++: Improving Localisation, Diagnosis and Quantification in Clinical and Medical PET Imaging with Randomised Optimisation. PI: C.-B. Sch¨on- lieb. CoI: F. Aigbirhio, M. Ehrhardt, M. Gurnell, I. Mendichovszky. Size ≈ $ 821K. 05/2019-04/2020 Cognizant postdoctoral fellowship grant in The Mathematics of Information. PI: C.-B. Sch¨onlieb. Size ≈ $ 150K. 01/2019{12/2021 Leverhulme Trust project on Unveiling the invisible. PI: C.-B. Sch¨onlieb. CoI: S. Bucklow, A. Launaro, S. Panayotova. Size ≈ $ 250K. 11/2018{10/2020 Philip Leverhulme Prize. PI: C.-B. Sch¨onlieb. Size $ 100K. 11/2018{05/2020 Unilever & EPSRC IAA Partnership Development Award for Mathematical Image Analysis and Machine Learning for Better Food Microstructures. PIs: C.-B. Sch¨onlieb and P. Schutz.¨ Size ≈ $ 100K. 10/2017{04/2018 Alan Turing Institute seed funding for Personalised breast cancer screening. PIs: M. van der Schaar and C.-B. Sch¨onlieb. Size ≈ $ 24K. 3/2018{02/2021 NPL postdoctoral fellowship grant for The mathematics of measurement. PI: A. Forbes and C.-B. Sch¨onlieb. Size ≈ $ 150K. 01/2017{12/2018 Global Alliance funding for Mathematical and statistical theory of imaging. PI: C.-B. Sch¨onlieb. Size ≈ $ 140K. 07{08/2016 LMS Undergraduate Research Bursary for Bilevel optimisation for learning the sam- pling pattern in Magnetic Resonance Tomography, PI: C.-B. Sch¨onlieb. CoIs: M. Benning, M. Ehrhardt. Size ≈ 1:4K. 03/2016{02/2020 EPSRC Centre for Mathematical and Statistical Analysis of Multimodal Clinical Imag- ing. PI: C.-B. Sch¨onlieb. Co-Is: J. Aston, S. Bohndiek, E. Bullmore, N. Burnet, T. Fokas, F. Gilbert, A. Hansen, S. Reichelt, J. Rudd, R. Samworth, G. Treece, G. Williams. Size ≈ $ 1923K. 01/2016{12/2019 MSCA-RISE project Challenges in Preservation of Structure (CHiPS), EU Horizon 2020 program, PI: Elena Celledoni (NTNU). Cambridge lead: C.-B. Sch¨onlieb. Cam- bridge funding associated to this project ≈ e 36K. 11/2015{10/2018 Leverhulme Trust project on Breaking the non-convexity barrier. PI: C.-B. Sch¨onlieb. CoI: M. Benning, L. Gladden, M. M¨oller. Size ≈ $ 250K. 04/2015{12/2015 Isaac Newton Trust Grant on Automated Contouring for Radiotherapy Treatment Planning. PI: C.-B. Sch¨onlieb. CoIs: N. Burnet, X. Cai, A. Parker. Size ≈ $ 30K. 12/2014{11/2017 EPSRC grant Nr. EP/M00483X/1 Efficient computational tools for inverse imaging problems. PI: C.-B. Sch¨onlieb. CoI: T. Valkonen. Size ≈ $ 500K. 09/2014{09/2016 CCI Collaborative Fund on Assessing the conservation quality of tropical forest un- manned aerial vehicles. PIs: D. Coomes, J. Lindsell, C.-B. Sch¨onlieb, T. Swinfield. Size ≈ $ 70K. 05/2014{04/2015 Wellcome Trust/ University of Cambridge Senior ISSF internship for the project De- velopment of Image Analysis Algorithms for Monitoring Forest Health from Aircraft. PIs: X. Cai, D. Coomes, C.-B. Sch¨onlieb. Size ≈ $ 15K. 11/2013{10/2016 LMS award to fund 4 meetings p.a. on Current frontiers in inverse problems from theory to applications, PIs: D. Lesnic, C.-B. Sch¨onlieb and M. Solemani. Size ≈ $ 6K. 07{09/2012 Mathworks Academic Support for Development of MATLAB Tools for the Numerical Analysis Tripos. PIs: S. Cowley, A. Iserles, C.-B. Sch¨onlieb and A. Shadrin. Size ≈ $ 30K. 07/2012{07/2013 EPSRC / Isaac Newton Trust Small Grant Non-smooth geometric reconstruction for high resolution MRI imaging of fluid transport in bed reactors. PI: C.-B. Sch¨onlieb. Size ≈ $ 50K. 05/2012{05/2014 EPSRC first grant Nr. EP/J009539/1 Sparse & Higher-order Image Restoration. PI: C.-B. Sch¨onlieb. Size ≈ $ 120K. 01/2012{12/2013 Royal Society International Exchange Award Nr. IE110314 High-order Compressed Sensing for Medical Imaging. PIs: M. Burger & C.-B. Sch¨onlieb. Size ≈ $ 12K. Editorial activities Associate editor for SIAM Imaging Sciences 2019 {; associate editor for Proceedings of the Royal Society A 2018{; associate editor for European Journal of Applied Mathematics 2017{; associate editor for Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 2017{; associate editor for IMA Numerical Analysis 2017{, section editor for SIAM Review 2017{, associate editor for ESAIM Proceedings 2012{; Member of International Advisory Panel for Inverse Problems 2015{; Guest editor for Inverse Problems for Special Issue on Special Issue on Variational Methods and Effective Algorithms for Imaging and Vision 2018/19, and Learning in Inverse Problems 2015/16; Guest Editor for EJAM for Special Issue on PDE for data modelling and analysis, 2016/17. Review & Scientific advisory activities Review panel of research institutes and funding agencies: DFG excellence strategy panel on Complex Systems and Structure of Matter (P14), Germany 2017/18; Wellcome/EPSRC representative for iFIND project, 2017{; Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin, Germany, 2017; EPSRC review panels, 2017{. Member of scientific advisory boards: FRIAS - Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Germany, 2020{, SIAM Conference on the Mathematics of Data Science 2020, Isaac Newton Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, UK 2019{, IMA Conference on Inverse Problems 2019, SIAG/IS Early Career Prize Selection Committee 2018{, IMA Leslie Fox Prize Committee 2017{, SIAM Conference for Imaging Sciences 2018, Mathematics and Image Analysis Conference 2016 & 2018, Alan Turing Institute, UK 2016, Applied Inverse Problems Conference
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