Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 11, Number 42, October 30, 1984 Gemlany's 'non-violent' Greens: the support apparatus for terrorism Green Party leaders who have gained seats in parliament or ers. Radikal has been one of the most aggressive and una­ city councils claim that they are "non-violent. " When a Green bashed platforms for the Red Army Fraction/Revolutionary legislator in the state of Hesse poured blood over an American Cells and "autonomist" terrorists. Under the rubric of "Heart general stationed in Germany last year, the Greens' national Attacks, " every issue would list the latest bombings and arson executive hailed the action as a model of non-violent protest. attacks, along with those taking credit for them, and would When military transport trains are derailed and military fa­ call for further militant actions. Despite the legal ban against cilities sabotaged--thistoo, of course, is "non-violent." radikal, it has continued to be published and distributed under Petra Kelly, formerly the Greens' national chairman, ex­ the auspices of the Swiss Wochenzeitung, which is linked to pressed her views on the subject of terrorism a little more the Berlin pro-terrorist newspaper taz. honestly in 1982: "I can't simply dismiss certain groups that Another representative of the pro-terrorist "old guard " is will eventually become violent, and lock them away the West Berlin "Alternative List " deputy Dieter Kunzel­ somewhere." mann who, understandably enough, considers himself an While civilized society believes that terrorists and other expert on questions of domestic security and criminal punish­ criminals should precisely be "locked away somewhere," the ment. The Alternative List is the Berlin equivalent of the Greens provide the cover, public relations, and support ap­ Greens.Kunzelmann described his illustrious career in June paratus for the hard-core terrorists of the Red Army Fraction 1983 as follows: (RAF), Revolutionary Cells, and similar outlaw groups. The I was already active in the 1962 confrontations in typical pattern is that the Greens organize a protest demon­ Schwabing. And then in 1966 I went from Munich to stration with other "peace movement " forces or with the Berlin and was very active in the SDS and the anti­ Citizens' Initiative environmentalist groups, and then profess authoritarian movement. From '70 to '75 I was in astonishment when the demonstration explodes into violence. prison because of alleged terrorist attacks. Of the five What a fraud this is can be seen immediately by anyone years I spent in prison, the court had to admit that I who examines the background and current activities of the was not guilty for three of those years. And I got out Greens. Damning information came to light, for example, in 1975 and fell in with one of the communist groups, during this summer's election campaign for the European the KPD. I was active in the Red Help, and then in Parliament, in which the Greens scored major victories. The the summer of 1978 I co-founded the Alternative List, Green slate included Brigitte Heinrich, Benno Harlin, and in which I have been active since, particularly in the Michael Kloeckner, all of whom were elected, and all of field of democratic law, where we have to deal with whom have flamboyant histories of terroristactivity. the justice ministries, the police, computerized data Brigitte Heinrich, during the student unrest of the . late- files, and thus the restriction of our democratic rights. 1960s,was arrested repeatedly and numerous investigations of her were carried out. She spent 16 months in prison, from Said Kunzelmann of his friends in the terrorist the end of 1979 to the middle of 1980, because she had been underground: a courier for the Red �rmy Fraction (Baader-Meinhof Gang), supplying and transporting explosives. In April 1983, the It is my view that the extra-parliamentary move­ Greens issued a declaration in the Bundestag, the Hesse leg­ ment must have a certain esteem for militance! Not islature, and the Frankfurt city council, calling for "Amnesty that we take part in it, but each one of us who is for for Brigitte Heinrich." passive resistance must be clear that he himself is Kloeckner and Harlin were sentenced in March of this drawn into the corner of terrorism, through the passive year to two years and six months in prison for inciting illegal means of resistance! And I would also like to bring acts and advertising for a terrorist group in the anarcho­ to passive resistance those who now believe that only terrorist Berlin rag radikal, of which they were the publish- militant resistance can succeed. EIR October 30,1984 Special Report 23 © 1984 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. Another well-known Green parliamentarian is the airline Green movement, says: "I think less of the U. S. A. than I pilot Keppel of the Hesse Greens, who in September 1979 do of the U.S.S.R.," while Nazi terrorists such as Odfried had tried to hijack a Lufthansa plane and was sentenced to Hepp have gone hunting for American GIs in their auto­ three-and-a-half years in prison. mobiles, with bombs. Neo-Nazi leader Karl-Heinz Hoffman declares: "The Greens would have to embrace me if they 'Amis go home!' know how Green I am." The Greens are of course rabidly anti-American (except, The Greens in Baden-Wiirttembergare deliberately seek­ perhaps, when being wined and dined by members of the ing to appeal to the more backward instincts of the rural New York Council on Foreign Relations), and have partici­ population, to incite them against "the occupiers." A spokes­ pated in numerous demonstrations and sabotage actions man for the Green regional office declared: against American military facilities in Germany. A Green Farmers have an enormous rage in their gut. Es­ member of parliament from Baden-Wiirttemberg, Thilo pecially in the area of Reuttlinger, Canadian troops Weichert, put it this way: have destroyed entire crops with their tank treads, We live in an occupied land and the occupiers are without regard to the protests of the farmers. The next the U.S. and NATO armed forces. The victims are maneuvers could end in real farm riots against the the children, homeowners, car drivers. Our occupiers soldiers. Many people think that. The population has do not usually even know the German language, let become politically more conscious. alone German law. For these occupiers, our environ­ The Greens in Hesse recently announced in a press re­ ment is a huge garbage can. lease that the American forces stationed there serve the goal The neo-Nazis could not have expressed it more bluntly. of "the destruction of Hesse and its population." They have Michael Kiihnen, a neo-Nazi who works closely with the demanded that the regional government of Hesse "initiate Terrorand sabotagehit militarybases in Germany Aug. 31: Arson is carried out against an excavator which over the wall of a German army barracks, between some was to be used to dig a shaft for a road-explosive structure­ military vehicles. In Warendorf, the warning lights on a intended for use by retreating NATO forces to blow up roads landing strip are destroyed. in case of a Soviet invasion. In the region of Malente-Nev­ ersfelde, quick-setting concrete is poured over the cover of a Sept. 13: A freight train smashes into a blockade on the tracks similar road-explosive structure. at EberbachiHesse, constructed of wooden blocks, steel rods, and large stones. The track was used exclusively by military Sept. 8: A road-explosive structure is completely sealed with trains at this time. quick-setting concrete. Sept. 14: A U.S. armored transport is blockaded in the train Sept. 9: The fence of aU.S. army depot in Mutlangen is cut. station in Biidingen by 12 persons armed with wooden spars In Kalletal-Bavenhausen in Lower Saxony, copper wires are and pavement stones. forced into the keyholes of the doors of a pump building of a NATO pipeline. In Giitersloh, U.S. military vehicles are Sept. IS: The Greens issue a leaflet calling on the population painted with RAF (Red Army Fraction) emblems and signs to disrupt NATO's air and land maneuvers with "flyingdrag­ reading "No NATO War." The vehicles'tires are punctured. on kites." Sept. 10: A British Army railroad engineer in Giitersloh Sept. 19: In Hamburg, a telephone cable to a divisional determines that a switch has been jammed with iron staples observation post is cut. In Steinau, Hesse, a telephone cable and steel rods. to a maneuver-command observation post is cut. A British soldier is injured by a shot from an air-gun near Dassel, Sept. 11: In Oldenburg, four Molotov cocktails are thrown Lower Saxony. German and American military police inves- 24 Special Report EIR October 30,1984 criminal prosecution of the U.S. troops." Hesse's Social Luise Rinser, and Kerschgens were arrested and charged Democratic interior minister is quite open to this sort of with illegal entry of military bases and disturbing the peace. proposal, since he had himself publicly attacked the United The original planning group for the protests against the States when the commanding general of the Fifth Corps of maneuvers, the "Working Group for the Fulda Gap Fall '84 the U. S. Army complained about the lax attitude of the state Action," worked with the "Peace Committee" of the Hessian authorities toward attacks against American military Greens and the "Peace, Inc." of the national Green orga­ installations. nization right from the start. The Greens do much more than issue fulminating press releases, however.
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