The Lutheran larion C Lutheran Concerns Association March 2020 149 Glenview Drive, New Kensington, PA 15068-4921 Volume 12, Issue 4 Gospel Reductionism The Transforming Churches by John Warwick Montgomeryt Network: Still Ablaze! 1. Definition The Transforming Churches Network (TCN) was begun During the Seminex controversy, I spoke and wrote widely in 2007 to support the mission objectives of Ablaze!, the in support of the classic theology of The Lutheran Church— now-euthanized The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod Missouri Synod. 1 In my lectures and publications, I coined evangelism “movement.” In the latter half of the twentieth the expression which is the subject of this essay. century, the panic was on. The LCMS, like other mainline So, what is “Gospel reductionism”? Obviously, it is a spe- denominations, was shrinking, and it was up to us to stop cies of the reductivist fallacy. “Reductivism” may be defined the shrinkage—or so the narrative went. After decades of as a procedure or theory that reduces complex data or doctrinal slide due to such things as higher criticism, Mis- phenomena to a single factor. Example: the Marxist phi- sion Affirmations, Seminex, Oscar Feucht’s Everyone a losophy, asserting that everything other than materialist Minister, and the Pastoral Leadership Institute, the LCMS economics is epiphenomenal—that the only genuine ex- 2 was primed for its next church growth program, and TCN planations are materialistic ones. The fallacy here fit the bill. should be obvious: though materialistic considerations TCN promises to revitalize churches using best practic- surely account, at least in part, for a variety of historical es, transforming your congregation into an outwardly- events (e.g., the shift in the balance-of-trade in the Medi- focused enterprise. Those best practices are gleaned terranean leading to the Italian Renaissance), there are from all parts of the theological spectrum, without consid- many historical events produced in large part or exclu- eration for whether or not they agree with what Lutherans sively by non-materialistic ideas (the invention of the cot- believe, teach, and confess. They just have to “work.” ton gin, etc.). If one tries to account for Bach’s genius TCN adopts a Lutheran cover, but the foreign theology through materialism (his diet?), the difficulty will be that inside will adopt you – lex agendi est lex credendi (the rule feeding that same diet to other Germans will not produce of deed is the rule of creed). To offer an example, if you’re additional B-Minor masses. a practicing homosexual, your practice will insist that you Gospel reductionism, then, is the error of reducing the seek a compatible world view or creed, which can’t be or- revelational quality of all biblical teaching just to gospel thodox Christianity. Your practice will nag at you inces- proclamation—or, even worse, regarding the Bible as santly until you embrace a compatible Weltanschauung. necessarily trustworthy only in reference to the gospel or Similarly, TCN demands that laymen conduct the ministry to the “proper distinction between law and gospel.” of the church; hence, Lutheran doctrinal distinctives are 2. Illustrations in the Context of Seminex necessarily skimmed off as a heterodox creed coalesces. It was my conviction that the dissident professors who Unlike previous church growth programs which sought to eventually walked out (exited) the Concordia Seminary in attract unbelievers by offering a dynamic worship experi- St. Louis had swallowed gospel reductionism—hook, line ence and popular church programs, TCN sends the em- and proverbial sinker. powered laymen into the community to reap the harvest. Let us take several examples, represented both by the The real mission growth comes via the congregants turned Seminex crowd and by quasi-liberal Lutheran theologians mission specialists and via small group interaction – the Divine Service and the pastor take a back seat. This is a ______________________ direct contradiction of Augsburg Confession Article V, t Professor-at-Large, The 1517 Legacy Project, CA.; Profes- which asserts “So that we may obtain this faith, the minis- sor Emeritus of Law and Humanities, University of Bedford- try of teaching the Gospel and administering the Sacra- shire, England; Pastor Emeritus, LCMS; Director, Interna- ments was instituted.” Ministry actually occurs primarily in tional Academy of Apologetics, Evangelism and Human the Divine Service, not out on the street. The Sacraments Rights, Strasbourg, France; Ph.D. (Chicago), D.Théol. (Strasbourg, France), LL.D. (Cardiff, Wales, U.K.); member of the California, D.C., Virginia, Washington State and U.S. Continued on page 2, left column. Supreme Court bars; Barrister-at-Law, England and Wales; Avocat à la Cour, Paris. Websites: In this Issue of the Lutheran Clarion www.jwm.christendom.co.uk; www.apologeticsacademy.eu; www.globaljournalct.com. Gospel Reductionism ...................................................... 1 Transforming Churches Network: Still Ablaze! ............ 1 Thoughts on Entering a New Year .................................. 7 Continued on page 3, right column. Page 2 The Lutheran Clarion - Volume 12, Issue 4 – March 2020 Transforming Churches Network... Continued from page 1 New Book! and the pastor have been subordinated by the TCN by Rev. Dr. Kristian Kincaid creed. With this arrangement, Article IV, justification, is also threatened – without the means there is no justifica- Living with Grief: tion. By default, therefore, the underlying doctrine of Bound by Sorrow, Wrapped in Comfort TCN must contradict Lutheran Symbols or the result will In his new book, Dr. Kincaid offers guidance on how be cognitive dissonance: “The affinity among members Christ is your comfort through the grieving pro- of these [thriving] congregations will not be theology or cess. Pastor Kincaid has been through substantial doctrine but a powerful, personal experience with Jesus 1 loss, mourning the death of seven differ- that has and is transforming their lives.” Compare that ent family members, all taken in tragic with the Apology of the Augsburg Confession: "The true and horrific ways. The effects of grief, adornment of the churches is godly, useful, and clear loss, and mourning are long lived, even if doctrine, the devout use of the Sacraments, fervent pray- it seems the rest of the world has moved er, and the like" (Ap XXIV, 51). By undermining the im- on. Sometimes you question your faith, wondering portance of the Church’s sacramental life in favor of an where Christ could possibly be in the midst of this internal experience, TCN focuses on what we’re doing mess or why Christ would take this beloved person rather than on what we’re receiving: from you. With biblical application wrapped through- By investing yourself and your congregation in a out, Dr. Kincaid’s book offers strength through Christ church revitalization process now, you can be sure to lift the unexplainable burden of loss off your shoul- that, by God's grace and power, there will be those ders. Dr. Kincaid is a member of the Board of Direc- that will not have to pay later for their sins in hell, tors of the Lutheran Concerns Association. because they will come to know the One who has 2 The book is scheduled to be available in February paid for everything by giving His life for us all. 2020, from Concordia Publishing House. CPH What we can be sure of is this: “All that the Father Item #: 124590 / 2020 / Paperback / 148 Pages / gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I $12.99 / Bulk Discounts available. will never cast out” (John 6:37 ESV). Besides the obvi- [Excerpted with permission from Concordia Pub- ous Law-driven motivation, the TCN quote undermines lishing House. All rights reserved. To order this the article of faith on election, making God dependent on publication, please visit www.cph.org or call CPH you or me particularly, in order to accomplish His salvific at 800-325-0191.] work. This kind of synergistic thought devolves even fur- ther: “Isn’t it amazing what God can do when his people casting leader who is on a mission from God, and you are empowered to use their gifts and talents?” 3 God is don’t question God! Those who do not make the trans- not dependent on us to do anything. Their flawed think- formational jump are accused of the greatest heresy of ing borders on full-blown Word Faith heresy, where God all, an unwillingness and inability to change. “…The cannot act without our prayer: “Creative energy will be manifest presence of transcendent spiritual power that is released when a prayer coordinator owns the responsibil- able to transform peoples’ lives is lacking. In its place is ity to stir a heart for prayer in the congregation.” 4 adherence to tradition and form, activities designed to satisfy the religious club members’ nostalgic preference 5 Psychological manipulation is used to for the past.” These churches “in which the Gospel is great effect. Discontent with the current purely taught and the Sacraments are correctly adminis- tered” (AC VII) are consigned to eventual oblivion by environment is created along with a TCN. "To demean such works (the confession of doc- sense of urgency for the utopian future... trine, sufferings, works of love, suppression of the flesh) would be to demean the outward rule of Christ’s king- Much of the process used to transform your congrega- dom among people” (Ap V 72). tion to an outward-focused mission machine doesn’t even To complete the TCN transmutation an accountable rise to the level of theology and is simply modern busi- leadership polity is often put into place; the pastor be- ness technique, which can be problematic. Psychologi- comes a CEO-type figure, neglecting his call. A small cal manipulation is used to great effect. Discontent with church board is installed which is sympathetic to the out- the current environment is created along with a sense of wardly-focused vision, the oversight capacity of the vot- urgency for the utopian future; guilt-motivation is em- ers is muted, and objectors are shown the door.
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