§ 80.880 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–16 Edition) (d) An on/off switch must be provided INMARSAT ship earth station meeting for the entire installation with a visual the equipment authorization rules of indication that the installation is parts 2 and 80 of this chapter. switched on. [68 FR 46973, Aug. 7, 2003] (e) The equipment must indicate the channel number, as given in the Radio § 80.881 Equipment requirements for Regulations, to which it is tuned. It ship stations. must allow the determination of the Vessels subject to subpart R of this channel number under all conditions of part must be equipped as follows: external lighting. Channel 16 must be (a) A category 1, 406.0–406.1 MHz distinctively marked. EPIRB meeting the requirements of (f) The receiver must have a manual § 80.1061; volume control and a squelch control. (b) A NAVTEX receiver meeting the (g) If the external controls are on a requirements of § 80.1101(c)(1); separate control unit and more than (c) A Search and Rescue Transponder one such control unit is provided, the meeting the requirements of one on the bridge must have priority § 80.1101(c)(6); and over the others. When there is more (d) A two-way VHF radiotelephone than one control unit, indication must meeting the requirements of be given to the other(s) that the trans- § 80.1101(c)(7). mitter is in operation. [68 FR 46973, Aug. 7, 2003] § 80.880 Vessel radio equipment. (a) Vessels operated solely within § 80.882 2182 kHz watch. twenty nautical miles of shore must be Ships subject to this subpart must equipped with a VHF radiotelephone maintain a watch on the frequency 2182 installation as described in this sub- kHz pursuant to § 80.305. part, and maintain a continuous watch [73 FR 4487, Jan. 25, 2008] on Channel 16. (b) Vessels operated solely within one hundred nautical miles of shore must Subpart S—Compulsory Radio- be equipped with a medium frequency telephone Installations for transmitter capable of transmitting Small Passenger Boats J3E emission and a receiver capable of reception of J3E emission within the § 80.901 Applicability. band 1710 to 2850 kHz, in addition to the The provisions of Part III of Title III VHF radiotelephone installation re- of the Communication Act require quired by paragraph (a) of this section, United States vessels which transport and must maintain a continuous watch more than six passengers for hire while on 2182 kHz. Additionally, such vessels such vessels are being navigated on any must be equipped with either: tidewater within the jurisdiction of the (1) A single sideband radiotelephone United States adjacent or contiguous capable of operating on all distress and to the open sea, or in the open sea to safety frequencies in the medium fre- carry a radiotelephone installation quency and high frequency bands listed complying with this subpart. The pro- in § 80.369(a) and (b), on all the ship-to- visions of Part III do not apply to ves- shore calling frequencies in the high sels which are equipped with a radio in- frequency bands listed in § 80.369(d), and stallation for compliance with Part II on at least four of the automated mu- of Title III of the Act, or for compli- tual-assistance vessel rescue (AMVER) ance with the Safety Convention, or to system HF duplex channels (this re- vessels navigating on the Great Lakes. quirement may be met by the addition of such frequencies to the radio- § 80.903 Inspection of radiotelephone telephone installation required by installation. paragraph (b) of this section); or Every vessel subject to Part III of (2) If operated in an area within the Title III of the Communications Act coverage of an INMARSAT maritime must have a detailed inspection of the mobile geostationary satellite in which radio installation by an FCC-licensed continuous alerting is available, an technician in accordance with § 80.59 138 VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:53 Nov 28, 2016 Jkt 238217 PO 00000 Frm 00148 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\47\47V5.TXT 31 lpowell on DSK54DXVN1OFR with $$_JOB Federal Communications Commission § 80.905 once every five years. The FCC-li- (i) Be equipped with a VHF–DSC ra- censed technician must use the latest diotelephone installation meeting the FCC Information Bulletin, How to Con- requirements of paragraph (a)(1) of this duct an Inspection of a Small Passenger section, except that a VHF radio- Vessel. If the ship passes the inspection, telephone installation without DSC ca- the technician will issue a Communica- pability is permitted until one year tions Act Safety Radiotelephony Cer- after the Coast Guard notifies the Com- tificate. Communications Act mission that shore-based sea area A1 Radiotelephony Certificates may be ob- coverage is established; tained from the Commission’s National (ii) Be equipped with an MF–DSC ra- Call Center—(888) 225–5322—or from its diotelephone transmitter and receiver forms contractor. meeting the requirements of paragraph (a)(2) of this section, except that a MF [63 FR 29660, June 1, 1998] radiotelephone installation without § 80.905 Vessel radio equipment. DSC capability is permitted until one year after the Coast Guard notifies the (a) Vessels subject to part III of title Commission that shore-based sea area III of the Communications Act that op- A2 coverage is established; and erate in the waters described in § 80.901 (iii) Be equipped with either: must, at a minimum, be equipped as (A) A DSC-capable single sideband follows: radiotelephone meeting the require- (1) Vessels operated solely within 20 ments of § 80.1101(c)(4) and capable of nautical miles of land must be operating on all distress and safety fre- equipped with a VHF–DSC radio- quencies in the medium frequency and telephone installation meeting the re- high frequency bands listed in quirements of § 80.1101(c)(2), except that § 80.369(a) and (b), on all of the ship-to- a VHF radiotelephone installation shore calling frequencies in the high without DSC capability is permitted frequency bands listed in § 80.369(d), and until one year after the Coast Guard on at least four of the automated mu- notifies the Commission that shore- tual-assistance vessel rescue (AMVER) based sea area A1 coverage is estab- system HF duplex channels (this re- lished. Vessels in this category must quirement may be met by the addition not operate more than 20 nautical of such frequencies to the radio- miles from land. telephone installation required by (2) Vessels operated beyond the 20 paragraph (a)(2) of this section); or nautical mile limitation specified in (B) If operated in an area within the paragraph (a)(1) of this section, but not coverage of an INMARSAT maritime more than 100 nautical miles from the mobile geostationary satellite in which nearest land, must be equipped with a continuous alerting is available, a MF–DSC frequency transmitter meet- GMDSS-approved Inmarsat ship earth ing the requirements of § 80.1101(c)(3) station. and capable of transmitting J3E emis- (iv) Be equipped with a reserve power sion and a receiver capable of reception supply meeting the requirements of of J3E emission within the band 1710 to §§ 80.917(b), 80.919 and 80.921, and capa- 2850 kHz, in addition to the VHF–DSC ble of powering the single sideband ra- radiotelephone installation required by diotelephone or the ship earth station paragraph (a)(1) of this section, except (including associated peripheral equip- that a MF radiotelephone installation ment) required by paragraph (a)(3)(iii) without DSC capability is permitted of this section, including the naviga- until one year after the Coast Guard tion receiver referred to in § 80.905(a)(5); notifies the Commission that shore- (v) Be equipped with a NAVTEX re- based sea area A2 coverage is estab- ceiver conforming to the following per- lished. The MF or MF–DSC transmitter formance standards: IMO Resolution and receiver must be capable of oper- A.525(13), as revised by IMO Resolution ation on 2670 kHz. MSC.148(77) and ITU–R M.540–2 (all in- (3) Vessels operated more than 100 corporated by reference, see § 80.7); nautical miles but not more than 200 (vi) Be equipped with a Category I nautical miles from the nearest land 406–406.1 MHz satellite emergency posi- must: tion-indicating radiobeacon (EPIRB) 139 VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:53 Nov 28, 2016 Jkt 238217 PO 00000 Frm 00149 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\47\47V5.TXT 31 lpowell on DSK54DXVN1OFR with $$_JOB.
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