Roger Williams University DOCS@RWU The Quill Student Publications 12-15-1965 The Quill - Vol. V - No. 2 - December 15, 1965 Roger Williams University Follow this and additional works at: http://docs.rwu.edu/the_quill Part of the Education Commons Recommended Citation Roger Williams University, "The Quill - Vol. V - No. 2 - December 15, 1965" (1965). The Quill. Paper 20. http://docs.rwu.edu/the_quill/20 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Publications at DOCS@RWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Quill by an authorized administrator of DOCS@RWU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. i "*~ ~ d .. "f"; .,";.... '* 7\< f "1'_J. ."" """":..L-..."* t- ~+-#' ~ +~"J./ lK'*.'·:·,· .+-l- ++ "" ~+ +~ * :AI >Ii' ttl• Published By And For The Students VOL, V- NO, 2 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15.1965 160 BROAD STREET, PROVIDENCE. RHODE ISLAND 02903 New Honors Program Dean Speaks In an era that is moreeducat­ Welch Named In Political Science ion conscious than any era that An experimental program of Any student interested inthis. has preceeded. it . .• in a Teen-age Head honors in political science program and who feels he might generation when huge universit- Edward F, Burke. Esquire. for the Spring of 1966 will be meet these conditions should ies. both private and public, otate Chairman for the 1966 offered by the Deparnnent of see the acting chairman of the dominate the educational scene Rhode Island March of Dimes. History and Political Science, Dept. of History and Political through shear size ... in an announced the appointment of under the direction of Mr. Lee Science, before final registrat- age when new knowledge is' Chester J. Welch, 169 Narra­ L. Verstandig. ion for the Spring Semester of being discovered faster than :gansen Avenue, Providence, as This honors program will 1966. man can assimilate it, the very· .Providence County Teen-Age consist ofanadvanced extension There is, at Roger Williams, foundations of our traditions' Progtam Chairman for the 1966 of Political Science II a significant element ofcapable and institutions are being March of Dimes Campaign. (American Political Thought). students with interest in pOli- shaken. people are asking Mr. Welch, a student at Rog­ In this program. students will tical science who have express- critically: What is the role of. .er Williams Junior College. be able to more fully invest- ed a desire to persue more the college? What are colleges. :attended St. Matthew's School igate and develop the ideas ofthe work in this area under the doing to prepare their students; and Bishop Hendricken High major american pOlitical think- guidance of an instructor. to live and work in our complex School, and has been associa­ ·ers and trends that can only The mebers of the QUILL society? ted with tbe March ofDimes for be touched upOn lightly in the feel that a round of applause These questions have launch­ the past six years. regular course of Political is due the facility of Roger ed us at Roger Williams on an "You need two ingredients SCience II. Such investigation Williams Junior College, and increasingly complex stage of for an outstanding teen project: should stimulate a deeper and in particular Mr. Lee L. Ver" self-study and long-rangeplan-! EnthUSiasm and a good cause. more profound appreciation for standig, for institutingthis pro- ning. We are maki~g a critical; I We have the enthusiasm, and American political thought. gram of advanced studies. It and objective review ofall areas the March of Dimes has g.iven The honors program of certainly is a step in the right of our educational program. We! us one of the m 0 s t important Chester J, Welch Political Science IT will add one direction. want to know -- in an age that· causes in the health field." '"More than 250.000 American additional class period each tends to put a premium on said Mr" Welch. week. This class will be limited t---------------1 specialization -- can we keep babies are born each year with He will supervise the act­ serious birth defects. Birthde.. to ten students of high standing alive that breathoflearningthat College Dean ivities of hundreds ofteenagers fects are causing the deaths of and interest in the subject, who is the basis of a liberal educat- during the January March of A native of Rochester, New . W k h an increasing number of pre­ will volunrarilly add this class IOn. e want to now oW-we can Dimes campaign. "We have York. Doctor Salatino received d d' th f school and school-age child­ to their regular work load. For e ucate stu ents lor e uture some exciting ideas for events this increased work, students his Bachelor's Degree from as weII as the SOCIety" that we ren," he said. ·which we think will raise a lot '"Teenagers should be espec­ will be rewarded with the word the State University of New visulaize today. We recognize 'of money for the MarchofDimes York. and his Master's a. nd ha el t d" th ially interested in the nation­ "Honors" on their college tran- t t mer y ex en 109 e pro- 'and give usanopportunityto Doctorate Degrees from f d" gh wide educational program on s c rip t after satisfactorally gram 0 stu y 15 not enou . have some funatthesametime Columbia University. He also W kn tha th t be pre-natal care now being completing the regular course e ow t ere rollS a he said. "But I know that all of of Political Science II with a took post-doctoral work at the new concept of education based launched by the March ofDimes University of Michin~n and at I" f " " us in the TAP program realize because more teenagers marry grade of liB" or better. An eo- on qua lty 0 experIences lO that beyond the foo and excite­ the StateUniversityofNew York d th hal each yea r than any other age additional one semester hour or er to meet e new c - ment lies the important purpose at Buffalo" I tha f group. By getting the right credit will also be given in enges t ace us. of fighting birth defects" Prior to accepting the postof W k h" d " information on this important complience with this require- e now t at In e ucatlOn ment. Dean of the College at Roger the teacher is the catalytic "Recent statistics· show that subject early, we can really Williams. Doctor salatino was Th t be " with our increasing population, help improve 'chances for the The follOWing are the con- agent. ey mus an m- birth defects are on the rise," ditions for the acceptance of formerly the Dean a f Alice spiration to their students. A birth of healthy babies." Ches­ declared the TAP leader. ter Welch stated. students to this honors program Lloyd College in Kentucky" He bn"II"lam teac her can s t"1mulat e also served as president of the th I k d ." ltd in Political Science II: e most ac a alSlca s u ent. At Roger Williams we also knowledge to be valuable it Higher Education Association 0 I a pa th t" c 1. Student must be of Sopho- r converse y. n a e 1 strive to achieve the balance of the state of Kentucky. Doctor h dull h "d fth must be used and applied" We more (orsenior)sraoding. teac er can t ennn so e in our student body to enable strive to present an educat­ 2. Student must haveachiev- Salatino has also served on gifted student. It is for this each individual to get the most ional program in which both various national committees in I k f th " ed a grade of "B" or reason we 00 or at lO- from his education. We hope faculty and students can fully better in American His _ higher education. He has been definable spark of human spirit that each student has an op­ develop and utilize their power on the faculty at Columbia· f ul tha dOff 0" t tory I & II, or in Pol. 1D our ac ty t 1 eren a es porumity to rub-elbows with of creativity. And above all. Sci. 1. University, at Ohio Northern the good teacher from theordin- others from different enviro­ we want to enlarge the capacity 3. Student must have an University. and the State aryteacher. ments, different heritages, and of each individual to think in over-all academic srand- University of New York at Buf- Although our faculty at Roger different talents. From this falo. terms of his own uniqueness. ing of 2.75. (This con- Williams is basically a teaching daily contact comes an under­ Doctor Salatino has received Star-spangled way to dition may be fl e x i bi e faculty. we strive for balance. standing, and an appreciation several honors in educatioil in- send a son to college under c e r t a i n circum- We want a high caliber of men of -- though not necessarily stances) eluding the President's Scholar and women who not only have in agreement with -- a dif­ Award from Columbia Univer- 4. Studen t must submit the capacity to teach but also ferent viewpoint. It is this daily a letter of recommendat- sity, Who's Who in American those who have the capacity to stimulation that helps to form Education, and is listed as a ion from his faculty ad- breathe life into a subject. We a balanced individual, with a Professor of Junior College visor. want men and women who are sense of proportion.
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