Volume 2, Issue 1 March 2018 SunLLLight La Leche League South Africa Newsletter The mission of La Leche League is to help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother W e l c o m e ! Inside this i s s u e : Happy 2018 and welcome to SunLLLight, La Leche League South Africa’s third newsletter for this millennium. Welcome 1 In this edition we bring you more insight into LLLSA’s Peer Counsellor Program, LLLSA’s coun- selling training, have the spotlight on Elaine (LLLSA’s Area Treasurer), bring you interesting La Leche League's articles from our esteemed journalists and much more! Peer Counsellor Pro- 1 gram Leche League's Peer Counsellor Meet Elaine, our Area P r o g r a m 2 Treasurer For 60 years, La Leche League these circumstances but rights counsellors in 2005/2006 and Communication Skills 3 International has provided in- many emotional and physio- subsequent years. Training formation and encouragement logical issues that would usual- The primary focus of the to breastfeeding mothers ly add to the obstacles faced Breastfeeding news program is to recruit mothers 4 worldwide. La Leche League's as a result of a disadvantaged LLLSA website from their communities and success is based on the under- start in life. enroll them in a minimum of standing that one experienced Spitting up in the The need for ongoing support 24 hours’ training. After train- 5 mother helping another mother breastfed baby in the field of breastfeeding in ing, they become involved is the best way to increase disadvantaged, low-income in their communities in vari- breastfeeding rates and dura- families, as well as amongst ous ways. We provide op- Newsletter tion. the privileged few, remains portunities for continuing t e a m The Healthcare 2030 vision of with us. Far too many outside education. This ranges from the Western Cape government influences are hindering moth- partaking in peer counsellor Elizabeth & Nicole - identifies poverty as one of the ers in their breastfeeding ef- follow-up training and sup- editing and proof- major challenges for our young forts. A once traditional, life- port sessions and breast- reading democracy with millions of saving practice is under threat. feeding workshops to at- people still living in informal tendance at La Leche Simela - everything In 2004/5 the Department of settlements. Mothers living in League conferences. At- Nutrition in the Western Cape these areas do not have ac- tendance at our Area Con- Yolandi - website invited La Leche League to cess to clean, piped water to ference in South Africa has work with them in appointing 4 their homes; they often do not increased steadily over the Amor - LLLSA news- breastfeeding peer counsellors have electricity, and cleaning years, and all our confer- letter journalist and a coordinator at selected and sanitation services either ences provide for Peer facilities. The success of this Leana - Publications do not exist or are erratic. Artifi- Counsellor Program sessions. Peer Counsellor pilot initiative Coordinator: please cial feeding in these circum- resulted in the Western Cape send all your news stances is not only unsafe but Department of Health increas- and contributions to contributes to the perpetuation [email protected] ing funding for the Peer Coun- of poverty. Breastfeeding a sellor Program to 27 peer baby not only saves lives in P a g e 2 SunLLLight Peer Counsellor Program continued….. The recognition given to our Peer Counsellor Program by the beyond. Education starts at antenatal visits and continues Western Cape Department of Health (DOH) has proven to be throughout infancy, hence the 1000 days. These peer coun- crucial in many Maternity Obstetric Units (MOUs) and hospitals sellors receive a stipend from the DOH. The contract is on a gaining BFHI (Baby Friendly) status. Peer counsellors work in year-to-year basis. specifically targeted MOUs and government hospitals. The More than 3 510 peer counsellors have been trained in peer counsellors are able to complement the work of the nurs- South Africa over the years. The Western Cape is the most es who are often too busy to provide one-on-one support to active province. The Eastern Cape used to have some peer expectant and new mothers. The peer counsellors’ dedication counsellors; however, there have been some challenges to their work sees them work long past their required hours. there. The only way a community member can come on board is Currently we have 3 peer-counsellors who have gone on to when the Department opens a site either at a well-baby clinic do the Doula course. They provide invaluable support to the or a MOU. The coordinator will then be notified, and she has to staff at their respective facilities. find a suitable person (not always easy) and train that person. This woman is then placed, and ongoing training is provided in We are extremely proud of what has been accomplished the form of compulsory workshops to keep abreast of all cur- over the past 25 years in South Africa, especially in Cape rent changes the DOH may come up with. Town. The main aim of the peer counsellor is to educate and support La Leche League South Africa’s Peer Counsellor Coordina- the mother in her quest to breastfeed her infant for 2 years and tors are Sophia Blows and Dilshaad Sungay. Meet LLLSA’s Area Personnel :Elaine Dawson our Area Treasurer I am a qualified primary school dren. I will always be grateful to Commit- teacher having passed the Trans- the LLL Founders for their wisdom tee, and 2 vaal Teachers Higher Diploma and dedication. Giving each of years as with distinction in 1975. My majors them a hug at an International La Leche are Mathematics and Science Conference in 1991 was a dream League’s with Physical Education as my come true. repre- sub-major. After qualifying, I sentative taught Mathematics to Stand- on the ards 6•••–8 at Nigel High School My first contact with La Leche Steering for a year. Following this, I was League was in December 1980 Commit- appointed to Pinegrove Primary when I was ready to throw Bron- tee for School. wyn out the window and jump National after her. I’d left the hospital with Breast- the idea of Bron being on a 4- feeding I’m married to Rodney…this year hourly schedule (grrrrr) and so Week. In 1989, I was appointed as will be our 40th wedding anniver- encountered terrible frustrations Area Coordinator for South Africa. In sary. In July 1980, I resigned from while nursing Bron. Thank heav- 1992, I initiated the pilot program for my teaching post to become a ens for my dear friend giving me the Peer Counselor Program and fulltime mother. We have 3 adult Denise Wilshire’s number from the supported Jane Maasdorp in the children. Bronwyn is 38 and is Benoni group. In 1982, I was ac- training of the first group of Peer married to Craig. They have 3 credited as a La Leche League Counselors in the Valley Trust Area in children: Keagan 11, Liam 9, and Leader and immediately started Kwa-Zulu Natal Maddison Jade 5 (all long-term the Springs Group. Eventually breastfed). Gareth is 36 and is Rene Swanepoel joined me there dating a lovely young lady whom as a new Leader. When we I was Regional Administrator of we pray will be his wife , and moved to Durbanville, I joined Leaders for Africa, Asia and Middle Brevin is 34 and is married to An- Rosemary Gauld’s Durbanville East for 3 years. I then devoted my dreya. They have 3 children: Group. In 36 years, I have met time to my new position as Co- Amelia 4 and twins Ava and Aria and embraced soooo many Division Director for The International who are 10 months. My family are wonderful LLL Leaders. Division (ID) of LLLI. My term in this my world. It’s wonderful to have position ran until 2002. When my them all living close by. La Leche My LLL experience is vast. I served term a co-director was complete, I League (LLL) has made a signifi- a 3-year term as District Coordi- became ID administrative assistant. cant difference in how we nur- nator for the Eastern Transvaal, 2 This position was discontinued after tured our children and how they years as Fundraising Coordinator, about 2 years. I am currently the subsequently care for their chil- 2 years on the Public Relations Volume 2, Issue 1 P a g e 3 Treasurer for LLL South Africa and one of the administrators for our Peer Counselor Program. In 1990 I passed the International Board of Lactation Consultants exam and recertified in 1995. Jean Ridler, Rose Gauld and I ran many workshops for health professionals. I left the trio in 1998 as I found my passion for LLL work out- weighed the more clinical world of being an LC. Wherever possible, I involve myself with all the activities my family partakes in even at this stage in their lives. This has led me to coaching a Super League soccer team from under u/8 level to u/15, organizing swimming galas, and scoring cricket and baseball matches and lately watching motorbike racing at Killarney. I am actively involved in the activities of our Church. I am currently involved in the Hospitality Commission, overseeing the Young Mothers Group. I know that without having encountered LLL and all we stand for, my life would have been a whole lot different from what it has become.
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