![The Weiser Signal (Weiser, Idaho), 1891-04-30, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
\ J - *rv ■■ i W-'* I ■ vm mm- -.■ «sh - nt ►«Ä* * : , Vw .; •■ , -.V'- - — Washington County! Washington County! Land of Many Resources! 1 The Land of Mines. gm / HOMES FOR THOUSANDS ! J THE SEVEN DEVILS! 1 e THE SUMMERS DISTRICT! MILES or GRAZING LANDS! MINERAL, RUTHBURG & WARRENS I Huudrcds of Fariins ! Wonderful Î In the production of licit ore ! MILLIONS OF SAW LOGS ! VOL. I. WEISER, IDAHO, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1891, NO. 20. THE SIGNAL. FIRE! FIRE! REGARDING cies—flesh colored,* with the tail ap­ BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL. parently cut square off. Mr. Allen Published Every Thursday first thought the toilless condition of U. ” : NUMBERS. 'he Thrilling Cry Rings Out J SON J , ,w this specimen was due to some acci­ -BY- Hurrah for Our Daily Line! PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, in Salubria. dent, but upon mentioning it to some WEISER, IDAHO. R. E. LOGKWOaD, WEISER IN THE LEAD ! of the boys in camp they informed MERCHANTS. BUSINESS BUILDINGS BURNED. him that one had been discovered in ALLS promptly attended to day or -AT- night. Office at the Elk Horn Drug 51iH<“ellui>eous Keins Jîo- the Lockwood mine under such con­ r 'X7H7m oiesery XcIclIxo. Store. US ut Ihéltrtlo <*nn b<^ Loarnecl (fiirdiiifj: tlio Ciinip. WEISER ditions that they did not see how it . O. B. ©HIRLEV, IDAHO. in Timo tor UiIk Iskuo. SUHSCRIPTION RATES. could possibly get there from the About 9:30 Tuesday evening the Goods loi- tlio Dovllss. One copy 3 months i surface. Is this genus some relic of PHYSÜ3IÄM AND SURGEON. Always Keep on Hand - cry of fire sounded out in Salubria. The S. D. Mcrchantile company One copy 0 months, $ 1 2"> a previous epoch, trapped and con­ WEISEN, IDAHO. One copy one year, if paid within Nothing definite can bo learned in have been receiving an immense fined by a convulsion of nature? Or A A Y or night calls promptly attended two mouths $ 3 0(1 ard to its origin, and divers rumors amount of goods at the \\ eiser depot If not paid within two months from ret is its natural habitat the interior ' to. Office in the Concrete. 1 aprl week. Several freight Dry goods, Groceries Tobacco Satteeus, date of subscription. $ 2 50 ire current. As near as can be during the crevices of the earth’s rocks? Let aims .have been loaded and started j-------RANK HARRIS. Entered in the postnffice at Weiser as learned the fire started in Mart some naturalist answer. stnooud-class matter. out for the Seven Devils. Tlfe S. D, Ladies glass ware Cigars Lustres Hannan’s saloon from a falling lamp. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Wilson Bros, store Shaw’s drug store, firm well knows which is the beat rout 0. S. L. Time Table. *j*ö,«oo,ooo : Dress goods, Crockery Notions Alpacas, Hannan’s saloon, Reynolds livery over which to get in to the mines. WILL attend to legal work in all courts EAST BOUND. What au immense sum! That is stable, a blacksmith shop and other We hate to make Baker city feel bad ' ' of the slate. Office on First si reel, No. 3. East mail 2fi p. m. the value of the copper now iu sight Weiser, Idaho. Mens Queens Cutlery Worsteds, No. 8. Express, 2 a. m. buildings were consumed, B. Haas but we can not help it if our This N. Freight, in the Peacock mine alone, 1 i'7 p. m & Co suited some damage in moving superior advantages induce the future N it. Freight. to p. m miuc has been ground sluiced oli down M. CANARY.^» of the Seven Devils «J. Furnishing Ware Candy Challies, N 20, Freight. 10 a. m. goods. The Idaho Citizen was up business men the glueh for one-half mile for the free camp to make Weiser their railroad WEST HOUND. stairs in the Shaw building and is gold it contained alone, exposing BARSER & HAIllDitESSEa. point. Goods Ac. &c. Yarns. No. 1. Fast Mail,, . 3:20 p. m. undoubtedly dislroycd. The loss twelve acres of copper that runs 30 N 7. Express... .. 4:0i) a, m. WEISER, IDAHO. No it. Freight... .. 7:20 p. in. will reach from $30,000 to $50,000. to 80 per cent. Three years ago there N fit, Freight,.. 7:10 a. m. ;iio loi- (ho Devils ! No further particulars can be learned was in sight at this mine 75,000 tons A work don* in an artistic and No. 25. Freight... 3; p. m. J ~-vrorkmnn-like manner. First door at present writing. By next week Weiser is the first town to have of ore, value nothing; now at 10 cents LOW PRICES! BKÏ SAFES ! BOISE Bll.VNCU. onlh of Post Olllea. we hope to have u full and complete daily stage facilities for reaching the per pound, $5,200,000. It can be Leaves Nampa,. .. 8:00 a. m Seven Devils. Why? Because she .. 1:50 p. m accounts. worked at a net profit of $3,500,000, Leaves Boise, ') p. m Later; Since the above was in has superior advantages over all vein fifty feet wide. There are other çrO- DAV( ..................... 0:30 ]i. in -*£=■ type we have received a communi­ other points. The route from Weiser the Seven C. C. Milden, Agent. mines just as good iu What is Ready for Inspection? cation, more fully giving the circum­ is now the only one open for travel Devils. Weiser is the gateway to DEALER IN------ stances, w hich we have not time to and having stages ready to carry Brose & Harvey for farms loans. these mines. Why, of course Sommer & publish this issue without delaying passengers. The Weiser & Indian H.A.RNTHSS Brose & Harvey for Insurance of the paper. From it we learn that Valley line runs from here to Indian Gome’s immense stock of (»en­ the fire originated in Shaw’s building valley. Thence the proprietors of "Viii ,\VoUior AND all kinds. * crai Merchandise, groceries.■ Ac. from a lamp falling in the hall which the Indian Valley & Salmon Mead- Democrat. The Pacifie Brewery proprietor, H- » Rooms to rent! Apply to Sommer was lit up for a dance. Also that owe line superintends a daily line SADDLERY. and Gorrie. * Mr. Henry Rust, claims the honor of the Citizen will at once order a new to Council, and from here the Coun­ -We have just added a Complete Line in akiug the first shipment of freight HAND MADE HARNESS A SPECIALTY. Photographs coppied and enlarged outfit. cil & Seveu Devils line runs to the to the now famous Seven Devils to any size at Rhodes’ studio. * mines. Come to Weiser, stranger, Utii-io Ball Meeting. mining district. He received an A FULL LINE OF------ Hardware, Tinware, Wallpaper, and you will be taken up to the Great bargains in all lines at Som On last Sunday our ball players order accompanied by a check from mines over a nice, pleasant route, mer & Gorrie’s. met iu Page’s hall to talk over the the Idaho Commercial Co,'s bank at BRTDEl^, lined nearly ail tlis way with lovely Carpets, &c. matter of forming the Weiser Base Weiser, amounting to $100, in pay­ Brose & Harvey do accurate con­ farms where you cun get plenty to BITS, Ball Association. Geo. J. Davis was ment for eighty dozen bottles of beer veyancing and handle real estate. * eut and not ruu the risk of starving Come and lie convinced of the fact that we are chosen chairman. Several of the and other goods, aggregating in SPURS on the road. For fine millinery at reasonable boys expressed their opinons and weight 3,400 pounds, and yesterday the LEADERS in carrying the Larg­ price call on Mrs J. W. Rhodes, * WHIPS <V<-. after some talk a cominitte was shipped the order to Helena, the ITi*oi»i the Citizen. appointed to meet and draft a consti­ town of the Seven Devils. This is un est and best stock in the comity Call at Rhodes’ studio for first class The following items regarding the Kept Constantly on Hand. tution and by-laws. Sail in boys, by udiealion of the great benefit Raker photographs at reasonable prices * mines are clipped from the Idaho ail means, und let us have an associ- City is to realize from this great Sole Agent in Washington Co. for as well as Lowest Prices! Citizen.of last week; Mrs, C. M. Jones has been afflicted We quitted the. diamond witli mining section just opening up. ation. A daily stage now runs between with lagrippe for several days. glory last season and should make a Sciriraer Sz O-oirzrio Weiser and the Seveu Devils via The Democrat takes great care to mark this year as we have more good O. M. Harvey is in the upper Salubria. not state that these goods were ship­ players from which to pick. ■ country on business. ped to Weiser from where they will ■ It is claimed that there is sufficient m lie hauled to the mines, us will lie all Seveaal real estate men from Boise The gold leaf lettering on Jenney copper in the Seven Devils country One Price Cash Store! other goods that do not go by way of were in town since last issue. & Numbers drug store windows is the to supply the world and put a copper Shearer's new patent safety stirrup finest job in that line that has yet been bottom on every boiler in the uui- the steamer. for sale at Geo. J. Davis’ harness The farmers are all seeding their seen in Weiser. verse. shop. Call and see them. land.
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