Stocker & Anderegg Family History from the Stocker Family Collection

Stocker & Anderegg Family History from the Stocker Family Collection

Stocker & Anderegg Family History From The Stocker Family Collection c I -.-,--... -.- .... _-_.- .. __._- --~I BY AL CAPP _ HOW 'BOUT TH~T CA'~'T READ IT .- :~~.;. ON E ? E.JTH ER -IT'S .!'"'. ~,'.: IN ITALIAN. ....... j ~------------------------~ BUT, THASS ~ M POSS 18L-E:..'r NO THREE. DIFF'RENT KJNDS ~~"'J 0' PEOPLE COULD GET ~~~i1 ALOl'.G SO WELL, AN' ~ SO PEACEFUL ."."'" r t j S locker Stocker ~ tuck(! r 1913 (BUron) - 1924 (Buron, ~Aarau 1W}6, 1941 (Ol)(!rmumpf') Gunzwil, NeU(ht'r, Neuenkirch)- ~ Abtwil a + Baden 1896 (Ober- 1925 (Abt.wil, Lieli) - 1928 mumpf) - 1950 (Winterthur) (Grosswangen) - 1930 (Gunzwi1) - + Magden 1925 D + Mcl1ingpn II))} (But'on) - 1939 (Gunzwil) - 1916 0 + Mohlin a + Obermumpf u 1944 (Escholzmatt.) - 1945, 1946 + Sins a + Stein AG 1924 D (Buron) - 194q (Gunzwil) - 1950 + Val1bach lY20 (Obcrmumpf') (Gunzwil, Lie1i, Romcrswil) - AR Tcufen AR 1926 (Thayngen) 1952 (Gunzwil) - 1958 (Neuen­ ~iel BE a + Boltigcn a + Erlach kirch) + Halt~rs 1924 (Gunzwil) ~ + Thun 1S96 0 + Zweisimmen - 1925 (N~uenkirch) + Hauensee 1867 (BolUgen) 1924 (Ncudorf) + Heggen 1959 81. Nusshof 1915 D (Gunzwil) + Neudorf a + Neuen­ BS Ba~el IS67 (Obermumpf) - IS76 kirch a - 1').!9 (Gunzwi1) (Mohlin) - lS85, 1888 (Ober­ + NoLtwil 1924, 1926 (Gunzwil) mumpf) - 1895 (Reuti) - 1899 + Oberkirch 11 + Romerswil a (BUron) - 1904 (Obermumpf) - + Romoos 1933 (Gunzwil) + Ruswil 1905 (Wadenswil) - 1906 (Ober­ a - 194) (Neudorf) - 1954 I mumpf) - 1908 (VHdenswil), D - + Sursee 1924, 1932 (Gunzwil) 1910 (Neuenkirch) - 1915 (Wn­ + Triengen 8 + Wikon 1956 denswil) - 1916, 1917 (Ober­ (Neudorf) + Wil1isau Land a mumpf) - 1920 (Obermumpf, + Vinikon a + Wolhusen 1925, Thayngen) - 1925 (Obermumpf) - 1928 (Ruswi1) !t)~~ P !C'l2 0 ('lhl>rm"mnf) - NE Le Locle 1929 (Abtwil) 1930 D - 1931 (Mohlin,'Wtidens­ SG St.Gallen i~~2 D + wartau 1~29 ~ will - 1937 (Obermumpf) - 1941 SH Schaffhausen 1933 D + Thayngcn a (Schonenbcrg ZH) - 1947 (Hohlin) SO Egerkingen c * + MeLzerlen 1920 - 1950 (Stein AG) - 1954 D - (Triengen) + 01ten 1962 (Abtwil) 1960 (Wlidenswil) - 1962 (Ober­ ~ Freienbach Ii mumpf) + Riehen 1961 (BUron) ~ Reuti a + Rickenbach bei ViI GE Avul1y 1910 (WHdenswi1) ~ 1959 • + Tallnegg a + Gen~ve 1919 (Obcrmumpf) - VD Lausanne 1956 (Baar, Obcrmumpf) 1934 (801t.igen) - 1959 (Obermumpf) ~Davos 1921, 1942 I + Flasch a VS Lalden 1923 (Leuk) + Leuk lS71 * + Jenins a ~ Baar a 1.0 Ballwil 1924 (Oberkirch) ~DieLikon 1955 (Abtwil) + Grunin­ ~+ BeromUnster 1924 (Gul1zwi 1) ~ gen a + lIumhrechtikon 1946 + Buchrain 19~4 (Willisau Land) (St~fa) + HUtten a - 1942 • + BUron a + Buttisho1z 1927 + Kilchberg ZH 1961 (Freienbach) (Oberkirch) + Eblkon 1924 + KUsnacht ZII 1914 (Gunzwi1) (Ruswil, Sursee) + Egolzwil + M~nnedorf 1959 (ZUrich) 19~2 (nUmerswil) + Eich )914 + MettmenslHttcn a + Ncftenbach (Ncudorf) + Emmen 1924 (BUron, 1954 (Schonenbcrg ZH) + Richters­ Gunzwil, Romerswil) - 1926 D - wil 1876 (Freienbach) + Schonen­ 1959 ( + Eschenbach LU berg ZII a + St~fa )893 (W~dens­ 1924 (Neuenkirch) - 1926 wil) - 1958 (Schonenberg ZH) (Oherkirch) + Ettiswil 1')42 + Turbentha: a + UeLikon 1928, (Oberkirch) - 1962 (Neudorf) 1961 (Freicnbach) + V~denswil + Fischbach 1924 (Gunzwi1) lS13 D - lS82 (Hirzel) - 1884 + Gros5wangen 1946 (Neudorf) (Basel), D - 1910 (Hutten) + (junzwil a + lIochdorf 1924 + Wangen ZII 1953 (Baar) + Wetzi­ (Neudorf) - 1949 (Abtwil) kon ZH 1957 (W~denswil) + lIurw 192i1 (Buron) + Kri~ns + Winterthur 1875 (SchHnenberg 1924 (Ruswil) - 1931 (UHmerswil) ZJI) - 1952 (Buchrain) + Zurich - 11'47 «(iunzw i I) - 1 'II) 1 (Nellc'n­ 1908 (Obermumpf) - 1919 kirch) + Lieli 11 + Litluu 1924 (Frei~nbl1ch, Obcrmumpf, Reuli) - (Gun1.wi I) + Luzern IK62, IHH2, 1920 (BUron, Thayngen) - 1921 225 , .... '. -_'. '. • J'S. (}t:-Ic-tk.l ·/cP.3/. s • Or { , \ ., • . -., . .- '. ,I, e;;Yra~1 / jM,/n'4U-.-- .JtJ. fj)L~: :/tf.:J$. ---- CJ -;jI~fl-n'P // /t1r7/ : ;/,?.JP, Xy; ft.:':/:' n f) :) /~,c:.::.:.=~~/ ., ~ :Za-?U' -/tf:J7 - /cf, ~ 'I " .2tl . , ,.' 'j t7,' .!~":J //. .I/O: /J!f ~:-.I//-.:. '7 ";'J. ~l. L ' '. _t . <0 '. " . ~ :.;:• " • ~;; '. ~ ,;!*~ , : i' ....... .' '.. ·. I ;- - :- ~; ~ +-: i " '-, --! -" • J '-} I . ~- -, -, • . i ...,.. ' " " I . - .•. _.. -'•.• '. ~. : , . : .! ; i : . ; ; r j,' ' . _; --1 _I ., - . , ~. '. ..,,' ..J- ~ -/ ' , '1..;." . , . , . • . : . : _. _ ,J'1 1 -1 ' . _..1_ - ~ . : : : : -, • '(0 ~. ' ~ .. , . I , . ~ ;: I-~ .1' .., ~-. , . -"" , : : . : ~. -=-:1.... ', ~': ' ~,.... I . ; ; , . , . • • . "". , . ", - ,-:,.. .. 1....'"I ' ~'"", .;'; - •. -; • - . • • . ~. , ' , . .. -. ' , :~ ::~; ! :: ~~Ij . 1 . : . -.1 -; . , . ., " , , , . , J\'1 . {:it- : : . 1 . , '..... ,. 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I I • I j I I ! • I ~ I I • I I I II I I I I : ~ I ( • I t t I ; I I • j . r -I i - I • I I , 1 ' I I I i j : I • I i l I I . ,1 , ! : j I I j i , , I ; ~ r! • ! I I --1_ i 1 I -I I I jane Folsom 2704 Calgary ~ve nue Kensington , " ar vIan1 T)p.9.r Knone - Thanks for remin1ing I"e about t.ha t rrarriage certificate . !jope vou can get someone to t.ranslate . A relati ve of one of my neh,hbors might be able to but she hasn ' t visited in a while . It is john Anderegg an1 Elizabeth ~bpla n alp . Eer parents are buried near ~t-uetli . 4sk !fose Birdwell and see if d" tea are on tombstone . Also cemeter y r ecords might ~ive oarents names a n~ exact birthplaoes . Fave IIQU heard if t~e r e I s an Anderegg Reunion a nd when . Some news - - "'red ~n~eregg 'lnd Elsi e Tl'o ver! f'rom Bi r mingham to g',nnysHe, Florida. 'lazel "'c'lri 1e Stewart. !"oved from Sunnyside , Florida , to Nashvi lIe , Tennessee . Vv " nc Ie Phi lli 0 ~,n <Jereg!, 'lwl wi fe , Flo~ence , of ilevada visi ted sons in Virginia and sister , Inez ;n johnson r;ity , ... lso visited "' v m:lther in "'arch . i'v !T1c t':er js v i. sitinE; her siste'r'"s in Snellvill e , ~ :) r f?ia thi s '..Jeek -- call her 'it Q72- 5714 . Ser 'la'fT'Je is 1"yrtle i.rvie:'er:;g . ~ lso ry sister Je~n DO 'led to Des ",Jin~s , 10',,; 1. , DJt is \risi ting f""'ien-Js in 4tlanta t"1is week . ~notho r thing, Illber t 4n'ieregg, Jr . ' s first wife and d'l'lf;hter s'll'posedly live in 4.t:"anta and have a craft shop . He married three times . l.'avbe you can check on th'it too. Take care . Jane (!Iv nei£;hbor W'1S a ble to translate the printed rortion of the certificate crlt it. is the wri t.ten s~riDt which is signific~nt) -- C \NTON S'..JIT2SRLA"n District Office Songregat18n 'a rriage Certificates In the 23rd October 1868 the folloving names of tre engaged cOl1ple we"'e written in the IT'arriage book in this church near Vorweisung-- John ~n~eregg Eli z'l. beth Abohnal p The Cler ~~a n of Theologv The trlthfulness of the above given signature of the clergyman 0: the Congre£;ation is ce rtifi ~ d The Government Registrar Second The recor 'i clerk of the Cantons of Se ~n certifies t:age the validi tv of the '"Ii tne ss ann the signatures of the C~vernment Registrar Re cord Clerk -, .J. 1.'J" /j/ 18.,. 6~ ·bclI Util'/'" ,- ~nb in f)it'iig cr nircf)c, nne!) IBorroeijulIG orr gcjc\ifid) llorgc[d)ricbcllcll 0c!;einc, .\ '., I <::Dic l2leci)tf)eit ob~ e9c llbcr ltntcrjd)rift bn'l J)mn >.primers ber Si ird;gcmrillo e oelmg! ben lin 185 ~t r ~c("li~rurtg':'11att~aItcr: 16 c:£:cr 6 1(1I1t:\fq,rrir'rr ~r" .11111:il'lIC, :::('1"11 [;c3["lIni ~:r ~krl l t !F i t brd J rniriii~rll 2il'!]dd 1I 1!~ vcr llntcr:dlriil b r ~ .I)mll V1 rnimlll iJ('i!<lit!}'l (t rrB \l Oll !B ern, brn Ito 1S5 !Dcr CSta Cl fafq,rcibn: ,- fur J1 John Anderegg Sr., Murde red Mar. 17, 1914 Mrs. Elizabeth Andregg Apr. 3, 1926 We fBiled to record in our last Trrlcy City, Tenn., April 6.-Hrs. week~ issue abo\lt the death of Elizabeth AndregR, RI, widow of Mr. john Anderegg,

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