www.mustangdaily.calpoiy.edu Ç A i I F 0 R N I A P^O t Y T Ê C H N J C S J ATE U N I V E R S VT Yt S A N L U,l :S P- 0 'Zoolander'is fun: Friday, October 5,2001 Ben Stiller movie full of slap' stick comedy, 4 Opinon:Letters to the { “ y s r Editor all about attacks, 6 T O D A YS W EATHER Volume LXVI, Number 17, 1916-2000 ' High: 71» Low: 51» Breaking 1^ . Ammonia spill closes schools, Hwy 1 exits silence / By Stephen Harvey MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER n Cal Poly students organize Mi>rro Bay High Schinil and the to demonstrate alterna­ city’s elementary school woke to an tives to war unexpected surprise Thursday. Due to an ammonia spill, classes were can  celled and schixils closed. Pi ■ Kf ^ i The anhydrous ammonia spill orig inated from Brebes’ Seafood By Carrie McGourty Ì7É P MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER Processing Plant - a closed fish pro cessing plant on the 200 bliKk of Cal Poly waN alive yesterJay as stu- Beach Street - sometime between Jent protestors waved the American 1:45 and 4:10 Wednesday aftermnin, flag with peace signs instead ot stars, said Kevin Olson, battalion chief and chanted “hlack, Latina, Arab, with the Morro Bay Police Asian, white, no racist war, no more Department. This was the cause of no more, protect our civil rights." . the schiHil closure, Olson said. Ahout 50 students and other pro­ Cdean up started at aKuit 1:10 p.m. testors g.ithered yesterday to voice Thursday and was expected to take their opposition against the United AARON LAMBERT/MUSTANG DAILY five hours, Olson said, (deanup crews were draining the spilled ammonia '^tare’s decision to go to war. Clayton Whitt, co-director of Progressive Stuent Alliance, chants pro-peace slogans along with the approx­ into <1 iKal septic system, he said. The peaceful protest, organi:c\l hy imately SO other marchers that joined in the peace march Thursday. The group hoped to spread anti-war the Progre''sive Student Alliance awareness while still showing pro-America sentiment. .Ammonia is a fertilirer in small (.jiian- (P^.-Xl, K'g.in on IVxter Lawn and tities and it’s hoped th.it it will dissi­ moveil through the Untversity Union Protest memhers brandished green The Peace Walk broke the silence Protestors were escorted by police pate when drained, Olson s.iid. as stiklents h.tnded out fliers .ind bands vm their arms, an idea inspired of student protests at L'al Poly. The lifticers, who were there to make sure “Cdeanup is giung better th.in mformation on what students could by protesti>rs friim University ot last protest on campus was ctuufHised there were no uprisings on campus. expected,” Olstm said. ilo to let their voice K.‘ heard. ('.ilitomi.i, IVrkeley. The green signi- of faculty memK-rs, who were unsatis- “1 think it’s a giKkl thing for them; At the request of l(Hal police and "We want to demonstrate that tie» peace in the religion of Islam, and tied with their salaries. The pnnest we’re just here to keep pc-ace in the fire departments, ('alTrans closed the there are .ilternatives to war. For the PS,A members wore them to rep- was also the first for PSA in its exis- community,” .said Sgt. Lon Uashim, a twn main off-ramps into Mi>rro Bay. those who have the same feelings as resent unity across all erhnicities. tence, since it was established a year police officer. Morro Bay Boulevard and Main we do, that we shouldn’t go to war, C)ne of the protest fliers stated that and a half ago. The PSA is comptised There were no disturbances in the Street were ck>sed around 7 a.m., said our walk will show that students have “Islam is nt)t a type of terrorism: it is of 15 memK-rs and has three co- protest, as surrounding students John Burke, public information offi- .1 power - a voice," said Clayton a religion that has nothing to do with directors: Cdayton W hitt, Sarah Whitt, a co-director for PS,A. terrorism." Elliot and Jessie McCt>uran. see MARCH, page 8 ___________see SPILL, page 8| r Recording industry wises up to fight pirating Attacks weaken tourism By Malia Spencer material will “have the best a.ssurance we’re seeing signs that the record By Bonnie Harris and Kimi Yoshino MUSTANG DAXY STAFF WWHR of their legitimate rights to copyrighted industry doesn’t want you to he able m Los A ngeles Tim es material.” to make copies, even tor your own In the wake of Napster and other However, Verance sees other uses personal use. Hilary Rosen of the ANAHEIM, Calif. — Few cities in file sharing technologies, the for the technology as well. The compa­ RIAA would not admit before America have staked as much on tourism in Recording Industry AssiKiation of ny has developed another service Congress, when Sen. Hatch ques­ recent years as Anaheim. But the city that is home to Disneyland and the West Coast’s America (RIAA) is hoping to fight fire called QmfirMedia that will monitor tioned her, that it was OK to make a biggest convention center has been .staggering since the terrorist with fire. and track all usages of the music that copy of your CITi that you legitimate­ attacks. The indu.stry is instituting the help has been enccxled. ly purchased.” That was apparent Wednesday when bonds backed by Anaheim — of various technology ccimpanies to According to the Verance Web site, Pcilitical science professor Philip along with Hawaii and the Washington, D.C., convention center — develop ways of securing digital music. the source content is enccxled during Fetzer said that with this new technol- were placed on “credit watch" for a possible downgrade by Standard The biggest development has been the the prcxluction prcx:ess, the enccxled ogy, privacy issues are a legitimate con­ & Poor’s. The rating agency said Anaheim and Hawaii were particu­ creation of a digital watermark. content is then aired and the encryp­ cern and there needs to be clarity in larly vulnerable because their budgets were heavily dependent on This watermark is inaudible infor­ tion is picked up by various monitoring what is happening. Fetzer specializes in tourist spending. mation that is enccxled into the music, stations in major markets that will be civil rights and civil liberties issues. Anaheim “made this major investment, and it all came on-line in according to the Tech TV. Web site. monitored 24 hours a day. The infor­ “There are legitimate arguments on difficult times,” said Howard Roth, principal economist with the California Department of Finance. “They’ve just been unlucky in a Future music players will be able to mation is compiled and then ready for bcTth sides, but how far is (it) appropri­ number of ways.” read the watermark and then deter­ download by the content owner. ate to go before you go over the lineT’ The prédit watch for Anaheim covers only $8.5 million in general mine wether or not the user has the This new technology is raising many Fetzer said. obligation bonds, but a downgrade could make future borrowings right to play the music. eyebrows. It has brought up both ques­ He also went on to add that if usage costly. And Anaheim’s predicament underscores how the terrorist People who try to bum CDs or store tions of ecTnsumer fair-use and privacy. is going to be monitored, then the attacks have intensified risks for a city that had envisioned a prosper­ songs on a computer will no longer be “One thing that people are think­ consumer has the right to know that ous future as a major tourik destination. able to do so unless they pay to get the ing about is trying to stop what they that is part of the deal. This was to be Anaheim’s big debut after $4.2 billion in public and proper license. Record labels and many call piracy, what some of us might call The watermark was created in private money was spent on building a second Disney theme park, a artists are hoping this new technology fair use,” said Fred Von Lohmann of accordance with the Digital glitzy retail district and new hotels along streets beautified by 15,000 will put an end to piracy. the Electronic Frontier Foundatiem in Millennium Copyright Act. Section freshly planted trees and shrubs. The city’s convention center was also Qimpanies that are developing the an interview with Tech TV. 1201 (a)(1)(A ) states, “No person remade and enlarged to become the eighth-biggest in the nation, based on exhibit space. watermarks, such as Verance, see a “Basically, (to) stop consumers from shall circumvent a technological benefit to consumers as well. copying their music, or sharing it with measure that etfectivelv controls 2 Friday, October 5,2001 News Mustang Daily Save a friend by 4 Y 5-DAY FORECAST SATURDAY earner ' High: 70® / Low: 50® phoning a friend By Kat Corey “ Phey have had firsthand experi­ TODAY'S SUN MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER ence fiyhtiny the battle and under­ Rise: 6:01 a.m ./Set: 5:41 p.m. stand the benefits of early detection,” It plagues mi>re than 180,000 vic­ he said. TODAY'S MOON tims a year. One in every nine women Volunteers from last year’s event Rise: 7:47 p.m.
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