
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-64680-2 - The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry Edited by Joseph Bristow Index More information INDEX Abdy, Maria 189 ``Isolation: To Marguerite'' 209 Adams, James Eli Merope 118, 120, 218 Dandies and Desert Saints 203 ``Preface'' 118±19, 218 Aeschylus 120 ``Resignation: To Fausta'' 19±20 aesthetics, Romantic 51±4 ``The Scholar-Gipsy'' 53±6, 65, 224 aestheticism 228±52, 290, 292±3, 300 ``Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse'' 128 Aguilar, Grace 166±70, 177, 191 ``The Study of Poetry'' 52±3, 164, 228, ``Song of the Spanish Jews'' 166, 167±70 229 Alaya, Flavia 262 ``Switzerland'' 209, 223 Albert, Prince 131, 285 ``To Marguerite ± Continued'' 209±10 Alden, Raymond Macdonald ``Tristram and Iseult'' 210±12, 223±4 Alfred Tennyson 29 astronomy 140, 149, 153 Altick, Richard D. 165 Athenaeum 5 Anaximenes 151 Attridge, Derek 100 Anderson, Benedict 256 Austin, Alfred 214, 283, 286, 287±8 Anglican Church 132, 160±2, 163±4, 165, England's Darling 298 170, 173 authority, cultural 203 annuals 190±2 Apostles Society, Cambridge University 8, 33, Bacon, Francis 137 36, 139 Bakhtin, Mikhail 59, 66 Arata, Stephen D. 272 Baudelaire, Charles Aristotle 141, 142, 218 Les ¯eurs du mal 21 Ethics 244 Notes nouvelles sur Edgar Poe 21 Armstrong, Isobel 199 Beardsley, Aubrey 287, 295 Victorian Poetry 32±3, 56±7, 86, 130, Beddoes, Thomas Lovell xix 180 Beer, Gillian 133, 153 Armstrong, Nancy 39, 203 Bentham, Jeremy 5±6 Arnold, Sir Edwin 288 Bhagavad-Gita 20 The Light of Asia 287±8 Bible 150±1, 160, 170 Arnold, Matthewxviii, xx, 19±20, 30, biblical criticism 150±2 117±18, 192, 283 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 3, 7 books on 307 Blain, Virginia 186, 199 masculinity 204, 220 Blake, William 294 religion 164±5 Blanchard, Laman 183±4, 187 on Shelley 289±90, 292 Blessington, Marguerite, Countess of 190 ``The Buried Life'' 209 Blind, Mathilde 198 ``Byron'' 292, 301 Bloom, Harold 34±5, 3640 Culture and Anarchy 114, 118, 133, Boer War 268, 269, 270 164±5 Book of Beauty 190 ``Dover Beach'' 118, 121, 144±7, 148, 223 Bornstein, George 56 ``Empedocles on Etna'' 58, 118, 119, Bourdieu, Pierre 35±6 217±18 Bridges, Robert 174, 291, 300 ``The Forsaken Merman'' 205±6 Bridgewater Treatises 139 312 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-64680-2 - The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry Edited by Joseph Bristow Index More information index Bristow, Joseph xi, 127, 199, 223, 244 The Prisoner of Chillon 36 BronteÈ, Charlotte 192 BronteÈ, Emily 192 Caird, Mona 197 Brooke, Rupert Cambridge History of English Literature ``The Soldier'' 275 xviii±xx Brooks, Cleanth 25 Campbell, Matthew92, 110 Understanding Poetry 26, 37 Carlyle, Thomas 13±16, 18, 19, 115, 270, The Well-Wrought Urn 37 289 Brooker, Peter 259, 266 historicism 115 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett xviii, xx, 16±18, on masculinity 217, 219 40, 123, 195, 198 on prophecy 178 books on 307 ``Burns'' 15 and poetic form 46, 47 ``Characteristics'' 15 republicanism 256, 260±3 ``Corn-LawRhymes'' 15 Aurora Leigh xxi, 16±18, 48, 62±3, 64, ``The Hero as Poet'' 15, 17, 159, 160 74, 193±5 On Heroes . 203 ``The Battle of Marathon'' 260 ``Shooting Niagara: And after?'' 14, 18 Casa Guidi Windows 261±2 ``Signs of the Times'' 14±15, 280, 298 ``A Curse for a Nation'' 195 Carnegie, James ``Essay on Woman'' 193 Jonas Fisher 290 Last Poems 262 Chadwick, Joseph 41 ``Mother and Poet'' 262±3 Chambers, Robert ``Napoleon III in Italy'' 262 Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation Poems before Congress 260 140 ``The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim's Point'' Chandler, Alice 129 50±1, 79±80 Chaucer, Geoffrey 58, 69, 93, 129 Sonnets from the Portuguese 58, 195 Canterbury Tales 70 Browning, Robert xviii, xx, 18, 19, 25, 30, Troilus and Criseyde 58 84, 157, 198, 260, 283 Chesterton, G.K. 255, 276 books on 307 Christ, Carol T. 42 dramatic monologues 48±50, 63±4, 68, Christianity 139, 146, 150±2, 159±67, 71±2, 127±8, 230 169±78, 206, 298 ``Andrea del Sarto'' 82 muscular 222±3, 226 ``The Bishop Orders His Tomb . .'' 71±2, cities 281±2, 294±8 84, 87, 128±9 Clare, John 192 ``Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came'' classicism see Hellenism 48±50, 51, 62, 72, 82 Cixous, HeÂleÁne 41 ``Christmas-Eve'' 150±2 Clough, Arthur Hugh xviii, 110 Dramatic Lyrics 69, 70 books on 307 ``Essay on Shelley'' 18 Amours de Voyage 48, 57±8, 59, 63, 64 ``Fra Lippo Lippi'' 128 The Bothie 102±6, 112 ``Johannes Agricola in Meditation'' 69, 73 Dipsychus 56, 58 Men and Women 70, 82, 128 Coleridge, Hartley 192 ``My Last Duchess'' 68, 71, 79, 128, 244 Coleridge, M.E. xix, 198 ``Pictor Ignotus'' 82 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor xix, 9, 47, 51, 141, ``Porphyria's Lover'' 69, 73, 78±9 192, 250 The Ring and the Book 62, 63±4, 126±8 Biographia Literaria 12 ``Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister'' 72 ``Constancy to an Ideal Object'' 141 Sordello 127±8 ``The Eolian Harp'' 155 Buchanan, Robert 224±5, 273, 282±3, 290 Coleridge, Sara Buckley, Jerome H. xvii Pretty Lessons in Verse for Good Children Buffon, G.L.L. 140 189 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward 186±7 Commune, Paris 291 Bunsen, Robert 153 Communism 291, 300 Burke, Edmund 6 Contemporary Review 290 Burns, Robert 6±7, 15 conduct books 181, 203 Byron, George Gordon 15, 42, 46, 47, 119, Cook, Eliza 191 186, 187 Corn Laws 1, 4±5, 7 Manfred 217 Crabbe, George xix 313 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-64680-2 - The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry Edited by Joseph Bristow Index More information index Craft, Christopher 221 ``Villanelle of the Poets' Road'' 241±3 Craig, Isa 192 Doyle, Francis H. Crimean War 267±8 ``The Red Thread of Honour'' 271 critique, cultural 46 dramatic monologue 47±51, 59±64, 67±85, Cromwell, Oliver 161, 163 88, 128 Crosby, Christina 123 Arnold 209 Crowell, Norton B. 283, 287±8 Barrett Browning 48, 50±1, 62±3 Crump, R.W. xxi Browning 48±50, 63±4, 68, 71±2, 127±8, Culler, A. Dwight 67, 69, 115 230 Cunard, Nancy 296 monologic conversations 72±7 Cunningham, Hugh 256 monologic ends 77±85 Curran, Stuart 180±1 Rossetti 75±6, 230 Curry, Samuel Silas 67 Swinburne 228, 233 Tennyson 48, 59±62, 132 Daily Mail 269 transformation 68±72 Dale, Peter Allan 119 Dyce, Alexander Dante 6, 15, 123, 125, 131, 236 Specimens of British Poetesses 188 The Divine Comedy 221±2 Darwin, Charles 117, 138, 144, 149, 236 Eagleton, Terry 223 The Origin of Species 146±7, 240 Elfenbein, Andrew David 223 Byron and the Victorians 35±6 Psalms 159, 160 Eliot, George 150 Davidoff, Leonore 203 Eliot, T.S. 25, 26, 84 Davis, Robert Con 46 ``The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock'' Dawson, Catherine Anne 249 ``Sappho'' 196 ``Swinburne as Poet'' 297, 301 DeJean, Joan 124 ``The Waste Land'' 26, 297±8 DeSade Marquis 120 Elliott, Ebenezer 13, 15±16 de StaeÈl, Germaine Corn-Law Rhymes 4±7 Corinne 184, 259±60 Ellis, Sarah Stickney 181, 194 De Vere, Aubrey 98 The Daughters of England 181 Decadence 228±52, 281, 287, 289, 292, 295 Ellmann, Richard deconstruction 31±2, 33, 38, 41 Oscar Wilde 290, 300 Dellamora, Richard 42, 224 Emerson, Ralph Waldo 228 Derrida, Jacques 32, 38, 41 England 4, 288±9 dialogism 59 English Lessons for English People 90 Dickens, Charles 192, 288, 294 Englishman's Magazine, The 8±9 Bleak House 282 Ensler, Eve Dickinson, Emily 41 The Vagina Monologues 85 Dijkstra, Bram 233 epistolary poems 57±8 Disraeli, Benjamin 163 Eusden, Laurence 283 Dissenters 150±2, 161±2 evolution 48, 140, 144, 146±7, 149 Dixon, Ella Hepworth Eyre, Governor 14 The Story of a Modern Woman 296 Dobell, Bertram Faas, Ekbert 73 The Laureate of Pessimism 295 Faber, Frederick William 132 Dobell, Sydney 291 Feldman, David 168 Dollimore, Jonathan femininity 41±2, 123, 182±3, 195, 198, 200, Sexual Dissidence 220 203±10 domestic ideology 187±9, 190, 203±10 masculine viewof 236±7 masculinities 204±10 and patriotism 257±8 Donne, John 25, 161 feminism 180, 197±8 double poems 56±7 feminist criticism 39±43, 198 Dowden, Edward Field, Michael RKatherine Bradley and Edith Life of . Shelley 289, 290, 300 Cooper) xxi, 125, 127, 198, 244±5 Dowling, Linda 122±3, 296, 297 Long Ago 125±6, 198 Dowson, Ernest 230, 247, 287, 292±3, 295 Underneath the Bough 245 ``Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae sub Regno Fisher's Drawing Room Scrapbook 190, Cynarae'' 241 191 314 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-64680-2 - The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry Edited by Joseph Bristow Index More information index FitzGerald, Edward 98 Hall, Catherine 203 RubaÂiyaÂt of Omar KhayyaÂm 240±1, 242 Hammett, Nina 296 Fleshly School of Poetry 224±5, 227, 282±3, Hallam, Arthur Henry 33, 40, 69, 131, 139, 290, 292, 300 220±3 Fletcher, Ian 292, 294, 295, 296, 298 ``On Some Characteristics of Modern Forget-me-Not, The 190 Poetry'' 8±10, 69, 97±8 form, experimental 46±64 Hardy, Thomas 108, 274±6, 288 Forman, H. Buxton books on 308 Our Living Poets 197 ``A Christmas Ghost-Story'' 275 Forster, E.M. xvi ``Christmas: 1924'' 275 Foucault, Michel 42 ``The Colonel's Soliloquy'' 275 The History of Sexuality 39 ``Drummer Hodge'' 275±6 The Order of Things 117±18, 132 The Dynasts 274 Fourier, Charles 17, 18 ``Embarcation'' 274±5 Fowler, Alastair 69 ``The Going of the Battery'' 275 Fox, W.J.
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