

'Japro lBrrlaqBqdle ur paqrJcsap arB sarJadsar{J sla{cpJq alenbs fq palec -rpur .u^\ou{un aJE slaqel uaurtcods uo lou suorlB?D addJ sr lr r{rrqM JoJ satJadslo suorldrJcsop aql ruoq pal?rulo ,{ ensn sr sarcads odtl ro auo ^luo JoJ u^\ou{ Ja}cBrEqJ y ad^lolcal p sB uasoqJ lou ad,{lu.{s B ol roJal ol araq pasn sr addlBJ€dolca[ urJal 'uotuolsoa ,Ja^an oql etrI ur ^JelrTos s.{E^\le oJe sra.$ou alp ocrpad se oq ,acrlcBrd ur alq€rlsrn8urlsrpur dllBnsn ar€ suorlrsod asaql :Je^\oU aql pualqns saloaltBrq alIr{.{\ 'alJunpad .s?cerq aq? Jo lruwns aql le palenlls ar" slrBrq arlJ palleo araq ,sarnl -cnJls J3r{lJnJ U ^q pspualqns fllBnsn sr sra^\ou aJoru ro 6 Jo aJuacsaJouur ue'uorlrp -pB 'soloalceJq uI z dq papuolqns aq o1 sde.rlE vraas uowo$oa ew Jo sJod\ou aql 'aJuaJSaJoUur .uorl€u palal(ou-orou ro Z B Jo lJBd urJoJ Jo ^relqos arB ^arll raqlaqlA -Bldxa auos paau osl€ dBur saloalcErq puB slJeJq roJ arar{ pasn ^Solouruual aql .uowojsoallehl ur uoruruoJ oJ€ sad^l r{loq :sJoAtoUoJoru ro 6 Jo ocuacsaJouur u€ Jo alcunpad aql qll,!\ sno8olouoq se palald.ralur sr aJnlf,nJls 'ra,rou srql sB ,4r€lrlos B Jo {l€1s oql ol JaJaJ ol aroq pasn sr alcunpad urJol aqJ '(q086I puB 8086I '61,6I) uaarC ,{q paur€ldxa sB ore .{Soloururral pasrlBrrads pu€ spoqlaur.,{pnls 'n olaq passncsrp ,auawold^&qf oSI€ aJp asaql :eraqlueu,tJoJ rc sn?riworcrw ur rnJro Jou op qrq^l .^\olaq sarcuapual JalJEJBqc Joqlo l€ralas s,r\orls uoua?soallq;ll pessnJsrp sr €Jaua8 polBIAJ puB eulCasg ur ocuaJrnrJo slr :1r ur alqBuB^ur pue uowaFoa[["r!. (]1 onbrun aq ol srBadde lr aPatrnelaruPqC aq1 Jo Braua8 aql Suouly Gnasot aowaqoa[pw rapun uorssncsrp aas) sarf,ads paqsrTqnd-.{lsnor^ald p Jo JoqlnB ouo dluo dq patrlou 'oldls ,luaru?IrJ sB,r JalcBJBqJ srq& aql sprp,!\ol auJoq sr JaqluE orll lBr{l os aql lo dol er{l 1€ puaq a13ue 1q8r.r lua.redde uB le palen?rs sr pu€13 alrlJauuoc aFrBI aql qcrq.rl lsuaurEl.s ur alelncrua8 oql Jo rolc€reqc aq1 uo .{11edrcur.rdpes€q sr aouro?soalJ".t1l. uolltnporlul -srp 'paqrrcsap .1i1"r1,"4 rraql puBparerrsnflr eresercacrs xrs Ilv.ueoJc.rr g1 "ntnlnrrrpq'n1q;il;$']:3ji 'Af (ldzLrrd g) rnJsor 'r,V.udeJD (arool -St .,1 Ayf ldSt4dd n.urrrC !\ | 1.Bzrr3 167rusnoqrsrn! uouetsorllew :.nlr,{uJorrrw to aueuotdtrrtll ur prpnlJur ,IliJuroj sirriils soureu uo peseq .apeui ,uaar5 .A\ lo e.re suortBurquoc ^\eu rnoJ elrq^\ M f snt"Jnrnnpad7t pue uaor5 srsuae.{1arur._1,gipa<jrrcs -ap ..ru.rsrrouur l aJBsarraos aru oMJ pdJomou.lerr\e! e o^eq ^eur qdrrddcerrLll .rlrq,h.etudJBld dql qlr^\ PrrIlE asEq-ilr\tsrrrturJJd ue 0^eq srrJdds llp_Joslenpr^rpur euros,uortrppe ur:surujers o,etnrrurS 3ur^pq ut BraqlueuiJoJ pue sntr{LuorrttN'dudutotd,{rtll BrdudBpelelrr ,{ldcolJ.rlt urort ,raJ.ttpuorurtso\IEw snud8 mau rqJ. :tC'] {[861r _qtC-g6Z erst,{n5 erlerrsny uJrrsJ"-qrno. Luoli iaeerrneleLJi,qJ aqrrr-rBaprourJeocotoJ.l \lrLuplqns) 'uowel.oellew .uaJJD JEJJatIAhJ Jo snuob Mru e j$ f laeJlsqv IqI9 erlp4snv ura?selA'qt.Iadqtnos'1S a8roet lurnuBqraHu€r]e4snv ura?sa^A uaorc'd|r BIIBrlsnv uralsola-qlnos ruoJJ (a€aIcnulaw€rlc aqrJl'eBaproruJodsoldoT d urugqns) aBor€lJdtr{tr Jo snue8 ..!Aou e 'aowolsoa enl q66 (tB6r)9r8-q6Z :(t)r erst.{nN NuytsiaVol. 4, No. 3 (1983) Malleostemon J. W. Green. gen. nov. Frutex; folia opposita, decussata; inflctrescentia 1 3-flora; sepala herbacea: stamina geniculata, 10 vel 5, antisepala et (vel) antipetala; ovula 4-8, placentatio apicalis. Typus: M.loseus (E. Pritzel) J. W. Green Shrub, erect. Leaves sessileor nearly so, opposite, decussate,entire, gland-dotted. Int'lorescenceof 1 3llowers in the upper axils, each flower subtended by 2 condupli- cate bracteoles; if 2 3 llowered the flowers also collectively subtended by 2 condupli- cate bracts. Conllorescence if present resembling a terminal or subterminal spike- like raceme. Ilowers small, not exceeding ? mm across the open petals; floral tube obconical, turbinate, campanulate or urceolate, scarcely produced above the ovary, smooth, rugose or with 5 antesepalousribs; sepals 5, herbaceous,except the scarious margins; pefals 5, white or pink; sramens 10, borne on a narrow staminophore and opposite sepals and petals, the antepetalous ones slightly longer than the antesepalous, or stamens 5, antesepalous or antepetalous, occasionally a few 5- stamened flowers in an otherwise 1O-stamenedspecies; stamens geniculate or ham- mer-like, owing to the presence of a conspicuous connective-gland opposed to the introrse anther; antler bisporangiate (rarely apparently unisporangiate), bilocular or unilocular (Green 1980a),dehiscing by linear stomia converging above; style slender, equalling the stamens, the base often eccentric, owing to the vascular trace bending sharply lowards the placenta, which arises from a lateral pocket under the disc, sometimes the style-base and placenta central or nearly so; ovules 4-8, radially ar ranged on a peltate placenta. Fru.it formed frorn the scarcely enlarged and hardened floral tube together with the often persistent perianth; seed solitary, usually filling the fruit, ellipsoid or renitbrm; festa membranous, pale brown or appearing reddish- brown owing to the adherent tanniferous inner ovary wall1.embryo having a massive, white, ileshy clavate or cylindrical hypocotyl (sometimes known as a radicle), and a short, slender, curved and sometimes twisted neck bearing two minute linear or semiorbicular cotyledons lying against the hypocotyl. The new genus belongs to the group of genera in the tribe Chamelaucieaecontain- i.ng Thryptomene, Micromyftus and Corynanthera (Bentham 186?, Green 1979). It is distinguished Iiom those genera by geniculate stamens, an eccentric style-base having a common origin to the placenta (found in some flowers of all species)and a tendency towards a 2 3 llowered inflorescence (found commonly in M hursthousei and M. trrberculalu.sand occasionallyin M. roseus); in addition, the sepals are her- baceous-tipped,a character rare in the above genera, the petals, stamens and some times sepalsare often pink or pink-tinged, and the placenta is peltate. Malleostemon has six species restricted to the south-west of Western Australia, oc- curring between Shark Bay and the eastern goldfields north of Esperance. The plants occur mainly in low shrublands, often with mallee species of Eucalyptus, on predominantly sandy or clayey soils. Etymology. l'he name combines the Latin malleus, a hammer, and the Greek stemon, a thread or stamen, referring to the geniculate or hamrner-like stamens typical of the genus. Gl z16Ea '(HJUf,d'qroq .daS ur raqcno^) (pr6I AZ,pEor B,uallntr .punoJ l-^\aua8urtrl,g0Itl IIatAod) W'J=uA raqurnu awosouorq) spaas ou :pal{uu,u dlrBln8arrr ro 'pa8rBlua 'g ,t .8uol pa8pl.I laq,naluos ,{lacrBcs ?rnrd' dlarBr saln^O urru g.0-U.0 s?uaur -BLrJ '3uo1 'snolEladaluB ,g .aqnl ,Bur :{urd aled urru 9 0-t 0 suaIIr??S aql aaq 'lloqs Jo lrBd -pEalds aql. qlr,r\ dllBralEl snonurluoc ,ralaur€rp ufiu ,A\ollBqs ,a,\EJuoJrsrc. 'pa8url-Iurd Z I saurrlauos Jo olrq.r ,8uol \aw g.Z-Z,pa^\BIJ,J€lnctqJo ol JrldrTlasJp?ad. 'olElncrluap .{lrElnEaIJr puB ^laurJ JapJoq snoueJqure(II arll .polao{ puE snoacEqJaq '&lnrrqro .squprru elpprur aql'ralaurBrp urur Z'I-9'0 sledas I€das aql rllrA\ snonurluo) 'paEpu-g '3uo1 'alEurqrnl-le,1rpurTdc .aplr ,{lorncsqo urur g 1-1 aqn? Flold. urur i-t 'Euol 'alrssas 'ruals ,slcprq uIuI I srarlold aql ol ^ prppJ pasodsrp aql u€ql ra^\oJrBu .saloatcB.rq lnq se Suol sB saloolJerq A dq papualqns qcBa pErrl E lo sra^\olJ 'l€ra]€l ,pare^\ou-I lera??? a{rT-lcErq Jo rr€d E dq ^luo papua?qns aJuaJsorouuraql florer 'urqlr^\ 'Fuol ,palaa{ ro srad\ou aql Surrncsqo ^lUEd t ru Z.Z o1t dn slcBJq 'snoupJquaur 'aAeJuoc 'al"looJu€l IBJalpl flpBorq 'lualsrsJad Jr€d E dq papuatrqns pBul 'elelncunpad Jo p fllsolu ^llJoqs aruacsaJolrful- 'xoAuoJ,oAB)uoJ ,asnlqo ,8uol uIuI g.Z -9 'alB^o 'alBcuqurr 'aJBSrrA 'lcara ,rapuals ,qnrqs T ,{lasool sa^pa1 qEIq * 6-9'0 '(HJUSd :osr:l90llASN ',Ul 'g '206I 'llros :oloq) asnoq?srnlj roqolro .{puBS ur] l)I.rlsrp uosrqcrntr\i :ad,fJ 'G06I) 'lerlsny 'f ' ZZ:Z'oN ,oS tsrH lEN AA 32I.{ A &\ rasnoq?srnq sn4.{uroDttrN (9r 'Aou -I sarn8rd) quoJ 'uaor0 'M .f (.3zll.{ .A .A\) rasnoqlsrnq uolualsoallBl{l .I suorldrrasap saraadS snlelnJraqnl 'W '9 ' ' ' pBlJl € dllsoul ocuocsorouur:snolBdasalu€ suaurBls :oJrnru pa^Jncar B qlr,r xade 'alaral '8uol ullu q-t saAEe-I .g ' '9 rasnoqlsrnq ht I'''' suaurBls:ppul e .4llsour acuacsorol]ur lluatsrsJod'luauruord saloolJ€Jq 'paseq-pBorq Jo slJBJq :uur 9 0,rolaq suaurBlslalrssas sa^Ba-I g 'xa^uoD-o^€cuo, srcuoetlruttaW'Z''' 'JelncrqJo so^€ol :alrssas 'para,rou-I acuacsarouul 'L " " 'pasr"r 'Suolqo snasot trI S' spuBIS-I1olxaauoc-oue1d ol 'para,$ou 'L Iecrldrlla sa^Bal :alelncunpad t-I aJuaJsarouul 0l ro g suduets:spBrJl ur ^lleuors?cco ro dJElrlos sJa,$ou :snonprcap saloalJ"Jq ro .g slaerq i8uol uIuI tr 0 a^oq? suaurBls :alBlorlad dllJoqs sa^Ba.I para.roU-lBJaAas-I aJuarsoJoUur :snolBlodaluE suaurEls :orontu 'xa^uoc-o^pcuoc '3uo1 .S IEulurral ? 8ur{Jel ro -oue1d Iuur t I sa^Barl .I I suaurBls 'W 'Z' ' ' 'rlcrql 'xa^uoc-o^BluoJ 'paxrJrsEq ', srcuoe,tlrutta wlu g 0 sa^Ea-I ' ' ' ' '{Jrql 'l rca4lad'trN V' IuuI I'lBruaqds lsolule'elelled saAEa.I alrssasa3uaJsaJouul z " " "0I snlelncqnpad'tr 1'9 suauBls :pasrourur spue18-1ro 'apl.r ulur q'I fllsour 'alBJldnpuoJ ssal Jo orotu 'xa^uoJ-o^ecuoJ sa^Eal :cruocqo ol alpurqJnl aqnl IBJold t '^r snasot tr41g r^. erdrrrDle.,{rn...- r rJoq,/tlpASTBJ 'opr,,r\ '{crql 'alBcrldnpuoJ spuel8-Io urlu I uErll ssol lou 'xaAuoJ-oueld sa^Bal :alploacrn o1 alelnuedruec aqnl I€Jold t alBlnJunpadaJuaJsarouul'Z 'I 0I suaruBls saraods JrIl ot ,{a){ -r .ro..ralsoaJJPJ,tLuasrcl NuytsiaVol.

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