GA N D H I IN TH E 21 S T C E NT U R Y GANDHI – THE IDEA… …WHOSE TIME HAS COME...OR GONE? istorians of the did not take up’ says his nephew, Abhey future, I believe, Singh Sandhu (See the story on page on will look upon Bhagat Singh) – parted ways. this century not Dr. Douglas Allen, Professor of Phi- as the atomic losophy at the University of Maine who age but as the is writing a book on the Mahatma pro- age of Gandhi." - Eknath Easwaran. vides an intriguing perspective, ‘Espe- ‘EveryH Indian city has a Mahatma Gan- cially relevant and significant today is a ‘dhi Road. Almost. But how many actu- greatly misunderstood position from ally walk down the road that the Ma- the non-violent Gandhi. Rather insist- hatma illuminated through his ing on some utopian, absolutist posi- thoughts and credo? Over generalised tion, Gandhi grants a surprising and simplified, Gandhi has been re- number of cases in which there are no duced to a synonym for non-violence good non-violent alternatives and vio- without any attempt at understanding lence is necessary. But we should never the brushstrokes of thoughts that glorify such violence. The fact that we panned the Gandhian canvas and may need to resort to violence is tragic, their nuanced hues that today, more should sadden us, and is an indication than ever, need to be revisited under of human failure.’ new light. Today, Gandhi’s philosophy perme- Gandhi’s firm backing of his basic ates pop culture in a relatively superfi- principles – that of ahimsa and satyag- cial manner like Raj Kumar Hirani’s raha – were evident in his calling off the "Lage Raho Munnabhai" or tongue-in- non-cooperation movement after an cheek Gandhigiri cards. But his mes- irate and incited mob went on a violent sage, the unique stamp of which finds rampage in the small town of Chauri an echo in the voice of a Desmond Tutu Chaura in Uttar Pradesh, dousing a po- or a Aung San Suu Kyi (See story on lice station killing 22 policemen on Suu Kyi on page 52) needs to spread February 4, 1922. The shockwaves of more because in a more complex and Chauri Chaura sharply divided the pro- nuanced world ‘his philosophy may tagonists of India’s freedom struggles provide all the answers’ as Dr. Allen the moderates and the extremists, most says, ‘yet Gandhi’s philosophy is re- noted among whom was Bhagat Singh markably insightful, relevant, and des- – ‘He believed in action which Gandhi perately needed.’ GA N D H I IN TH E 21 S T C E NT U R Y aung san suu kyi Suu has transcended a state ALAN CLEMENTS (AC): sense of conscience? I cannot encourage that kind guarantee their security. We of mind beyond forgiveness; When you reflect back over ASK: Non-violence means of attitude, for if we do, we can’t say, "Follow us in the she’s not even asking the peo- the years, what have been the positive action. You have to will be perpetuating a cycle of way of non-violence and ple to forgive the generals – most important experiences work for whatever you want. violence that will never end. you’ll be protected," or that she’s actually trying to say we and personal lessons that You don’t just sit there doing AC: Is non-violence an im- we’ll get there without any ca- want you as part of the solu- have had a significant effect nothing and hope to get what mutable ethical & spiritual sualties. That’s a promise we tion, which is hard to be- on your growth as an indi- you want. I know that it is of- principle that will never alter can’t make. lieve… In that sense, she has vidual?? ten the slower way and I un- in your approach...? We have chosen the way of many comparisons to Gan- AUNG SAN SUU KYI derstand why our young peo- ASK: We have always said non-violence for we think it’s dhi. At the same time, she is (ASK): What I have learned ple feel that non-violence will that we will never disown politically better for the coun- alive in this modern world in life is that it’s always your not work. Especially when the those students and others try in the long run to establish with contemporary under- own wrongdoing that causes authorities in Burma are pre- who have taken up violence. that you can bring about standing of things that didn’t you the greatest suffering. It is pared to talk to insurgent We know that their aim is the change without the use of exist in the 40s and 50s. never what other people do to groups, but not to an organi- same as ours. They want de- arms. Here, we’re not thinking What do you think is the you. My mother instilled in zation like the National mocracy and they think the about spiritual matters at all. motivation in facing ruth- me the principle that wrong- League for Democracy (NLD) best way to go about it is Perhaps in that sense, we’re less torture and violence? doing never pays, and my which carries no arms. That through armed struggle. And not the same as Gandhi... But The people of Burma know own experience has proved makes a lot of people feel that we do not say that we have the he did say at one time that if that they are on the right side that to be true. If you have the only way you can get any- right methods of achieving he had to choose between vio- of right, so to speak; they positive feelings towards other where is by bearing arms. But what we want. But, we cannot lence and cowardice, he have history on their side. people… they can’t frighten would choose violence. So They know that dictatorship, you. I think only when you even Gandhi, who was sup- fascism, always fall. They stop loving other people do posed to be the great expo- know that Mahatma Gandhi you really suffer. THE REBEL nent of non-violence, was not overthrew the domination of AC: What is the core somebody who did not make the British; the white apart- quality at the center of any exceptions... heid machine in South Africa your movement? SAINT AC: What about the victims THE MONK WHO seeming impenetrable col- ASK: Inner strength. It’s the who don’t have the resiliency lapsed; the Berlin Wall fell. spiritual steadiness that comes Alan CLEMEnts IN CONVErsatiON that you and your colleagues They know the power of free- from the belief that what you witH AUng San SUU Kyi… have, and do feel violated SOLD HIS PEACE dom. There is a great power are doing is right, even if it by the atrocities committed THE first AMErican OrdainED A BUddHist MONK IN in the moral ethical integrity doesn’t bring you immediate to them? of their revolution. Yes, they concrete benefits... and helps ASK: Of course… This is why BURMA, Alan CLEMEnts Has BEEN WITNESS TO THE WOrst are deeply tested all the time to shore up your spiritual we are talking about the con- OF atrOCITIES EXactED BY THE military JUnta THROUGH – they are a country under powers. nection of truth and reconcili- His stay in A RangOON MOnastEry in THE 70S. AUTHOR siege. There are 50 million AC: On one level, you speak ation. Certainly, their suffer- prisoners held against their of genuine reconciliation, ings have to be acknowledged. OF “BURMA: THE NEXT Killing FIELDS?”, Alan’S CONVERSA- will; 3000 villages have been but at the same time, are you You can’t just wipe away the TIONS WITH AUng SAN SUU KYI IN ’95-’96 BECAME THE BOOK completely burnt to the also speaking to the need of past. If you try, there will al- ground; million refugees live the population to steadily in- “THE VOicE OF HOPE” (EditED EXCERPts ON facing PagE) ways be this ocean of festering outside the country; two mil- crease their dissatisfaction resentment within those who (First c Alan Clements published 1997) . THat PROVIDES REMARKablE insigHT INTO ONE OF THE lion people displaced in the towards SLORC (the mili- have truly suffered… as country; the country is starv- tary junta)…? though they’ve suffered for MOst COUragEOUS NON-vIOLENT REVOLUTIONS OF THE ing… a country oppressed by ASK: It’s not really the need nothing; as though their sons WORLD AND its EXEMPlary LEADER. this very wicked dictatorship, to grow "uncomfortable." Our and fathers had died for noth- supported by the money of principal task is to encourage ing. That there’s an admission of Hope Voice The China, Russia, and also India. people to question the situa- of the injustice done, will take Do you think the success of to keep the idea of freedom minds of millions. Where do they get their tion and not just accept every- away a lot of the resentment. a "non-co-operation move- alive in the hearts of the peo- Compare and contrast Gan- stamina, their vitality? I think thing. Acceptance is not the Mind you, there will always ment" has more to do with ple. So in that sense… many dhi and Daw Suu. they draw on the wellspring same as serenity. Some people be people who can never for- the presence of a charismat- people in the world have I would say that she’d feel re- of compassion, of self-re- seem to think they go togeth- give.
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