TA__A,_ IL) I Co II' 1=1_ Co S CI ILUA 11)LJL1kIEro (I) I-t iAST` I S (.1 9 :30-Walter Winchell molmic-Symphony Oreh., 7:00-Court of Human EelS-6 :30-Genealogy-K. Minot 9 :45-Gould and Shefter, Hans Lange, Conductor; tions-Sketch Pitma,n Piano Duo Poldi Mlldner, Piano 7:45-Wendell Hall, Songs 6:45-Red Lacguer and Jade 5:00-Roses and Drums; SUNDAY, JAN. 14 TODAY, JAN. 7 8:00-Eddie Cantor. Come- 7 :15-News-Gabriel Heatter10 :00-Tiger Ghost-Sketch 1 ductor; Roth String Quartet; Joseph dim ; Rubinoff Orch. 7:30-Johnston Orcil. ; Veron-10 :30-Carlos Gardel. Bert- Road Around Richmond- Szigeti, Violin-WOR. 9:00-Rodemich Orcb. ;Da- ica Wiggins, Contralto; tone; Macian-i Orch. Sketch LEADING EVENTS 3:30-4:00-From London:"Whither Brit- vid Percy,Songs; Male Fred Vettel, Tenor 11 :00-Master Singers 5 :30-Frank Cmumlt and WEAF-660 ho WJZ-'760 Xc Eastern Standard Time Is Used in All Cases; Trio; Tamara, Songs S :00-Vera Brodsky and 11 :15-Ennio Bolognini. Cello Julia Sanderson, Songs 10 :00 A. 51,-The Inward 10 :30 A. M.-Samovar Sere- am?" H. G. Wells, Author-WABC, Stations Arranged in Accordance Frank Harold Trigga, Piano Duo11 :30-Vallee Oreh. 6:00-Muriel Wilson, So- Change-Dr. S. Parkes nade WEAF. 9 :30-Concert Orcb. ; 8:15-Rita Gould, Songs 12 :00-LuncefOrd Orcb. prano;Oliver Smith, (Jan. 7-13.) 9 :30-10 :30-Providence Symphony Orchestra With Dial Locations- Munn, Tenor;Virginia 1.2 :30 A. 51.-Black Orch. Tenor; Renard Orch. Cadmafi 12 :30 P. 1,1.-Symphony Orch.5 (Time Is P. M., Eastern Standard, Unless WMCA-570 Xc 9 :00-Bafladeers Quartet Rca, Soprano ;BertrandS :30-Choir Invisible 6:30-Ed McConnell, Songs 10 : 30-Mexican Marimba Emno Rapes, Conductor Otherwise Indicated.) -WMCA. 9 :30-Sacred Music Hirsch,Violin ; Oilman 9 :00-Spanish Revue WNYC-81O Xc 6:45-Charles Carlile, Tenor; Typica Band; Hector 1:30-The Unwanted Gener- WEDNESDAY. 9:00 A. 51.-Mixed Quartet9 ;45-Atden EdAlne, Bass and Arden, Piano 9 :30-Dramatic Sketch Symphony Orch. de Lame,, Baritone atlon-Dr Daniel A. 9:30-Dream Weavers, Songs10 :00-The New Era-Rev. S.10:00-Jack Benny, Come- 10 :00-Opera-Manon 12 :30 P. 1,1.-Burns Orcb. 11:10-Major Bowes's Family Poling - TODAY. 1: 15-2 : 00-Advertising Club Luncheon; 9 :40-Thomas Anderson. Pat-Ices Cadman dian ; Black 0mb. ; Frank11 :00-Moonbeams Trio 1 :00-Our Changing Amen!-7:00-Ethel Waters, Songs; 12 :30 P. 51.-UniversitY of 2 :30-Grenadler Guards' Poetry 10 :30-MexiCan Marimba Parker, Tenor 11:30-Coleman Orch. can Govemnlneilt-PrOreS- Denny Oreh. ;George Chicago Hound-Table DII- Band From Toronto 2:45-3:3O-"PUbliC Housing," Herbert Bay- "Business for 1934," Richard H. Grant, 10 :00-Italian Program Typica Band ; Hector de10:30-Shilkret Orcil. ; Sketch12 :00-Tremaine Orch. sor William B. Guthrie Beatty, Comedian 5:00-Is Christianity Po Vice President General Motors-WEAF. Morning Glory, With Ka- 1 :15-MasterwOrk Hour 7 :30-Current Events-H. V. cusslon slble?-Dr. Harry Kin-er- ard Swope, Treasurer National Public Conrad 10 :30-WatChtower Talk Lana, Baritone .WJZ-760 ho Kaltenborn 1 :30-Little-KnOwn Facts Peter Grimm, 8:30-9 :00-Albert Spalding, Violin ; 11 :00-ChristIan Science 11 :00-Hall and Gien, Piano tharine Hepburn, Actress; 1 :45-Playbroker and the About Well-Known People son Fosdick - Housing Conrerence ; H:15 F. 1,1.-Kindergarten11:10-Major Bowes's Family John Erskine, Narrator 8:00 A. 1,1.-Ruth Peppie, Theatre-Alexander Su- .7 Thriller, 5 :10-Grand Hotel-Sketch Chairman City Budget Commission; Thibault, Baritone-WABC. Piano; Mixed Quartet kenikoff With Francis X. Bushman -Dale Carnegie 1 :00-Gravelle Orch. ; Maxine13 :15 P. 1,1.-Home Circle i1:00-Thlk-J. B. Kennedy S :30-Lew White, Organ 8:00-Lyda Robertl. Songs;2:45-Muriel Wilson, So- 6:00-Symphony OrciL: Rev. Edward R. Moore-WOR. THURSDAY. Lash and Roy Gobey, 12:30-University of Chicago11 :10-John Fogarty. Tenor 2:00-Concert Hour William O'Neil, Tenor; prano; Fred Huismith, Fritz Reiner, Conductor; 3 : 00-5 : 00-New YorkPhilbarmonic-Sym- 3:15-4:00-Rochester Philharmonic Orches- Songs ;Male Trio Round Table Discussion;11 :30-Minneapolis Symphony 9 :00-ChIldren's Hour 3 :00-To Be Announced Tenor; Concert Orch. 1'lto Scbipa. Metropolitad phony, Hans Lange. Conductor; Poldi :00-Haring 0mb. ; Jerry Problems and Attitudes Orch. ;Eugene Ormandy,10 :00-Southernalres Quartet;3 :15-Hassell Musicale Helen Morgan, Songs; 3:00-Wayne King Orch. Opera Tenor t.ra; Fritz Reiner, ConductOr-WJZ. Baker, Tenor of the 73rd Congress- Conductor Levee Band 4:00-Ireland: Past and Pre- Alexander WoolicOtt; 7:30-Joe Penner, Comedlan Mildner, Piano-WABC. 2:30-Three Little Funster' Professors Louis Brown-:12 :30 A. M.-MolIna Orcil. 10 :30-Nicholas Vasileff, sent-J. D. Hackett Orchs. Under Direction 4:30-Concert 0mb. ; Ed- Nelson Orch. ;Harriet 6:OO7:OO-SymphoflY Orchestra, Walter FEIDAY. a :00-Mauro Cottone, Organ low, W. 11. Spencer, Tenor ;Balalaika 0mb. 4 ; 15-Greek Program Isharn Jones, Leon Belasco, ward Davies, Baritone: Hilliard, Songs 3 :30-Tom Noonan's Cache- WOR-710 Xc 11 :00-StrIng Quartet 4 :45-War vs. the League of Claude Hopkins. Jack Chicago a Cappelia Choir9:00-Will Rogers, Come- Damrosch. Conductor; Yehudi Menu- 2:0O-2:SO-"The NRA Codes," William H. dral of the Underworld Donald Slesluger 10 :30 A. 1,5.-Newark Museum11 :30-Anthony Frolne, Tenor Little, Fred RIch. 6:00-The Eternal Gaiiiiean- hin, Violin-WJZ. Davis, National Compliance Director, 1 :00-RussIan Choir -Talk 11 :40-Don Hall Trio Nations-Spencer Van B.9:00-Nino Martini,Tenor; Rev. Fulton J. Shean dian ; Coleman Orcfl.; 9:00-9:30--WillRogers, Comedian:Cole- NRA, Speaking at St. Louis NRA Corn- 5 :00-Young People's 1 :30-Little-KnoWn Facts 10 :45-Current Legal Topics-12:13 F. 1,1.-Baby Rose Nichols Jane Froman, Songs; Ra-6:30-A V,'orid Traveler Revelers Quartet RevelersQuartet- Church ;Rev. Percy About Well-Known People Robert Daru Marie, Songs 5 : 00-German Program pee Orch. Looks at Education- WABC-860 ho man Orchestra ; mittee Luncheon-WEAF. Crawford -Dale Carnegie 11 :00-Moderns Trio 12 :30-Symphony Orch.; 5 :30-Our Bridges-Talk 10:00-Patri's Dramas of Lowell Thomas wJz. 2:30-4:00-Philadelphia Orchestra ;Leopold 6 :00-Studio Party 2:00-Larry Larsen. Organ;U :30-Organ Recital Roxy's Gang S :40-Nelson Sprackling, Childhood-Sketch 10:00 A. 111,-Church of the 1O:OO-1O:45-"Truth About Slum Clearance," Stokowski. Conductor-WABC. 9 :30-Richardson Orch. Commodores Quartet 12 :00-Going Places-T. Ath-1:20-Why You Pall-Dr. Baritone 10:30--Conclave of Nations; 8:00-Eddie Cantor, Come- Air; Rev. Ashley D. Langdon W. Post, Tenement House 6:45-Grant Onch. 2 :30-Elizabeth Lennox, erton DIXon Daniel A. Poling WABC-'860 Xc Speaker, Sir Ronald Lind- dian ; Rubinoff Orch. Leavltt. liaryard Church5 7 :45-8 : 00-' 'Protection of Childhood Through 7 :00-The Maiden of Ludo- Contralto 12 :15 P. 51.-Pauline Alpert, say, Ambassador From 9:30-Concert Orch. ;Frank Brookline, Mass. CommissiOfler Louis Pink, Member NRA Codes," Donald Richberg, Gen- mir-Drama 2:45-Muriel Wilson, So- Piano 2:00-Bar X Days-Sketch8 :00 A. 1,1.-Program Resume Munn, Tenor; Virginia 12 :31) F. M.-Tlto Guizar, and prano ;Fred Huf smith, 2 :30-Grenadier Guards S :05-Organ ReveIlle Great Britain Rea, Soprano ; Oilman Tenor; Hart Ensemble New York State Housing Board, eral Counsel NRA-WJZ. '7 :15-Jewish Events Tenor; Sanford Orch. 12:30-Bert Rule, Songs Band From Toronto S :30-Charlotte Harriman. 11:00-Little Orch. and Arden, Piano Duo others-WEVD. 7 :30-Shemos-Sketch 12 :40-Hobbles-Sigmund 3 :00-Walter Preston, Earl- Crane Calder,11:30-Belasco cinch. 1:00-Church of the Air; 10 :30-11 : 00-Conclave of Nations ;Speaker, SATURDAY. 7 :45-BillIe Dauscha. Songs;3:00-Wayne King Orch. Rothscbild tone ; Stone Orch. Contralto ; 12:00-Busse Orch. 10 :00-Jack Benny, Come. Rev. Thomas F. Conlon Philhar- Westell Gordon, Tenor 3 :30-Frances Langford, -1:00-Perole String Quartet; 3 :10-HollywoOd-Irene Rich Bass. 12:50 A. 51.-Lopez Orch. dian; Black 0mb. National Director Holy Sir Ronald Lindsay. Ambassador From 11:00 A. M.-12:OO M-New York 8:00-Three Little Funsters Contralto ;Three Scamps, Frank Brantley, Baritone 3:30-Garber Orch. S :40-Radio Spotlight 10 :30-Shilkret Orch. ;John Name Society Great Britain-WABC. - monic Symphony Children's Concert; 8:15-Dawson and Hackett; Songs ;Himber Orch,, 2:00-To Be Announced 9 :00-ChIldren's Program WEVD-1,300 Xc Erskloe. Narrator ;Lily 3 :00-New York Philbar- jO:SO11:OO-Katharine Hepburn, Actress. in Ernest Schelling, Conductor-WABC. Piano Duo 4:00-Submarine G-10- Dra-2:15-Organ Recital 4 :00-DIon Kennedy, Organ10:00-Church of the AIr; 11:00 A. M.-2:U0 P. H-Jew- Pons, Metropolitan Opera monlc.Symphony, Arturo 12:3O-12:45---"The Copeland Bill," Edgar Ko- 8:30-Biblical Drama matic Sketch 2 :45-Public Housing-Her- 4:30-Answer at Midnight- Rev. John Stapleton, ish Programs Soprano Toscanini,Conductor Sketch. "Morning Glory"; John Er- 9:00-Al Shayne, Baritone; 4:15-Vee Lawnhumst and bert Bayard Swope, Sketch Frankford Congregational2:00-Esther Fleid, Songs 11 : 30-Minneapolis Symphony5 :00-Roses and Drums: skine, Narrator ; Orchestra-WEAF.
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