E for a FREE SOUTHERN AFRICA C EPISCOPAL CHURCH PEOPLE S 339 Lafayette Street A Phone (212) 477-0066 New York, N.Y. 10012 FAX: (212) 979-1013 #123 13 May 1992 ~ THE INDEPENDENT Monday 4 May 1992 European The South AfricaD 1l0vernmeDl 15 uDderstood to br IlMDtbusw­ tic about an IDternltional mission The Synod of the proposal scrutiDisiDg the lItCUrit) fot cts. Bishops of the bat both the govern_at and tbe The questloa wal dbcuned at Anglican Church, aD lDformaJ meetiac ofEC fo~ign IDbtba Freedom Pam' Ila' f to monitor mial.ten that eDded ID Portupl stated tul electiolls art oiat of the 3 May 1992 question while tbt towtibip wars 011 Saturday. "All art agrHd OD tbt UfJeDCY or the problem IDd persisL DiplollUlu bope to ftJJd a tilt Deed to do 5OJMtbiDg. Wbat formula for IDlervtlltioa that Mil 'We callan the SA police bt diftlcuJt to ~isL The suppon lias DOt beta decided vet a~ tbe Convention for a M the AtriaD National CoDgJ"fss. modal.idel or tbt EC rOle." I Eu­ Derrocratic South ropean diplomat said. AmoDl tbe whose presldeDt. Nelson Mande­ Fr..- Job Carlin ta. bas raiJed tbt IIUItter both Africa to VDrk in Johannesburg aJternatins UDder scrutiDv art aD EC Illisslo.. a bod) co~prislog ltith Mr EllellUlnD-JeDsfD aDd quickly towards OAl leaden, is IlW"aIIleed. THE !aropeu C_aDiay is membrrs of the OrpaisaooD or AfricaD Ualt), (OAUl - perhaps 11lt SolIdi Africu .J-dkiar:v setting up an in­ plIttiIIc its wdPI behi.cI propos. bKbd b,· tJ.t CommooweaJth ­ lias jobIed dw cm-r for artioo ternational IIDni­ als for Ihf muoDctioa M IDler­ aplut dw poIb. At a.e ead oIa atioaal Ia dw South ud I UN croup. taring force to --.on ~ triaJ last W'Ilek Ia wtIk:Il a ~ Africaa towubl.-, cIipiomau said iaitiative lias come at the iastiptioo of l'fte EliemaDD-JeD­ aptaiD was fond pBtJ ~ n po­ be present in yesterday. ~ aim .rtJ.t miuloD seD. the Danish Fomgo MiDister. UtIcaJ murders and _ae.cecl to woa.Id br te keep aD eye 011 polict situations of who visited Soutb Africa lasl deatk, the JudctllJ"led a pOlk ill­ Ia Ihf f'WI-Up to electioas. moDth. He coacluded tbat tbe st'­ tpiry illto the brUTiov ~dIr p0­ conflict. ' 1lW trill br oe Ihf aeeoda QeD curi~ fo~s lice. A Sapraar eo.n JMIt. I troika 01 EC foreip miJIislers. lacked tbe popular cred.ibili~· D~ssar:v J.... Dtdcott, aJau ... daat tilt tbt Britis!&, Dutch ud Portu­ to supen;se I democratic traDsitioD. poIk:t Werf pJIty M plaaatac and peK. rislt South Africa. ; COIIlJJIJtt1D& mlll"den. S African Cabinet divided' over OAD monitoring visit By Chrlltopher Munnlon In Johannesbur& SOUTH AfricaD Cabinet minisler; . Mr ,\Iexander said the OAU's rwwe"er, hardEners in the Cabi· Meanwhiie. the governmem I~ were at each other's throats yester­ net see the visil as setting a danger­ iDvohed in a row over the ~Iease dilY over a government decision 10 aim was to "identify the perpetra­ ous precedent for full·>( all' foreign from prison of a lormer KwaZulu welcome a visit by an Organisation tors of the orchestrated violence interference in the South African policeman. Richard .Shange =­ of African Unity team 10 monitor and investigate the causes". Its constitutional nej:0liations. They kno" n as "The Beast - Just ,)6 lhe violence in black townships. findiDgs would be conveyed to the are particularly IIlcensed by the days into- a 27·year sentence for As Mr Neil van Heerden, direc· OAU and the United NatioDs o'to fao thai some delegates are Irom murder. tor-general of the foreign Affairs bring pressu~ to bear on tbe per­ countries ravaged by their own Department. said the government petrators". be said, political and tribal violence. would request all relevanl South He added that the team would Violence and demonstrations African authorities 10 assist the continued in Pietermarillburg yes­ OAU team. Mr Hernus Kriel. Law "not probe anned struggle vio· terday. A com'oy es(orting an In· p~sumalJly and Order Minister. was telling lence' 0 bec'ause the katha F~edom Party committee reporters foreign interference was PAC's armed wing has boasted "out of the question". openly of its polit-y of murdering member. Mr David Ntombela. was The Cabinet appeared bitterly South African SOlicemeD. black attacked by gunmen OD the out­ and white. on an off duty. skirts of the city. divided. particularly because the foreign Ministry sources said Mr Ntombela was unhurt. but visit was announced'by the radical that in giving the OAU tum f~e blamed the African National Con· Pan-Africanist Congress. whic h cress for the attack. which he said has boycotted the constitutional access. South Africa would show it was an assassination attempt. The negotiating process and remains had nothing to hide. They added that there was "every likelihood" coovoy had been arranged to take committed to violent revolution. Zulu workers home because of Mr Benny Alexander. the PAC tbat South Africa would be join the what he called "the ANC strangle· secretary-general, said the five­ OAU before the end oftbe year. hold" in t.he area. nation monitoring group. including members from Algeria. Congo, Nigeria, Uganda and Zimbabwe. would arrive in Johannesburg next week. The team would be led by Maj-Gen Ike Nwachukwu. the Nigerian Foreign Minister. THE DAILY TELEGRAPH * TUESDAY. MAY 5, 1992 'Stench of '\(1 "'3 SAfricajudge corruption'Ii tzj links police surrounds ~ t.z.l t3 ~ ~ tomurders Pretoria :1 ON 1 Fd>tI.aty Ia$l }'Qr, II die ~ or parliamen~ F W de By Christopher Munnion In Johannesburg IC*t wweiled wII.!, ~ called bis Scandals have led to "w.iloSlo lot tile New Sour!! Af· a crisis of credibility SOUTH AfricA's Law and ),ir Kriel. who has striven to rica", ~d '" rally aD !hOS< he Order Minister. Mr Hernus ddt!nd the South African ...~b1eSoutll .<Uri<:::ms" for South Africa's Kriel. ordered senior officers police iltiinst mounting cl'iti· ¥IloI>Id COIumoll priDeipleo. white rulers, ciliim. an III I1le 1ipt of • buac 1O'Cf'!l' yesterday to question a NZltal demanded explana­ _ corruption JaJ\da1 elCp05<d writes John Carlin judie who has accl.lsfld police tion from Mr Justice: Did<:ott, ... WIOd< doseJy following alleS". of c:omnUtting ·'well·planned "The police will investig,lte _ potnllD& '0 Clle ,tate', role i:l from Johannesburg murdU'i and crime" . tbe information re<:eived ~til>g political violellu. The move is likely to pre· from Mr }uliiti<;e Didcott with I'ft:sidenl Oe 1Oert. mi&h I be >d. The llCWSpOpen, echainS the oiled .....er 10 repeat ooc of !be cries of oppositio<I ...Ps, ate bay­ c:ipitilti! .ll lOll!-l;immering all the (lOwer at their dis· ~ 1llUifa10" pia", pan. till fcc l1le blood of Geriit clasb between stale and judi· posal," be said. .-. Mr De 10m dacl:uod ViIjoell, tile lIliaUlu Mr <k XlM: ciary over tb. conduct of the Tbe jud;e later said hi); dlu "Oui5tian value:s and univer· bas appoilUed to draw lip I DeW. police ilad other government IIIl7 ICl:CpI<:4 ~d nor"", atld OenIoeratic OOOlS(j(utiQn, ~ IIMdat<:I$lbould be maitltl.ioe<! in from lolinisw cI eoa.tia.tiollaJ .cucies. lo"Uch AS the "Civil statements were based on bill Africa". The cboi= ofverb ~lopmut court records "and not On pri­ lO Mi4isler for Co·opeution Bureau", the --.l iAapprap.ria<c at Clle time. SIak Albin a _k 1&0. Dr ViI­ ltlleged. military hit,sQuad. vate kAowledre", He invited 1'10-. a powetfuJ uencll bavill& .... jo&n pteSid<:d Cl"Cl tllc Depart· Mr Justice James Didcotr, Mr Kriel to read the records. pIoccd die JO"etntIlenr', r05y _Dr of ~ Aid !rom Natal's most senior ju(!ge, Mr Peter Gastrow. the 1JotI, it t=lllS like I bid joke. l!l8o\ co 1989. A jDdicial iIlqui1y u.der tile Ile.idHnc"A Datio<!', fowd las< -..eel!: t!Iar "IlIlIIlY mD· said Soutb Africa was paying opposition Democratic Par· Jo!lamlcsbu~ _a-; dlc s.u,. lion$, if of r..nd" were p~ ty's la.w spokesmao. said pre· notllillioas, m. for lecisliltion which ." n....r publisbcd III cdilotiaJ IoIt dllrill& Dr Viijoen's telIute ,ave the police vast powers. vious police investigations of }'aIa'day UJl<krlillin& the JO"Wl' Wou&h l1lett, fraud, a>tTuplioa placille them "beyond the' the police bad "oever seen _'scrisis or credibtlity...t\l!he and inl:o<wpctellce. ~·s tbe I1ght of day". Man 01 the :DItter," !be editorial The inquiry dilaJo,oercd wr effective reach". Speak· aid. "lies tbe question why the in~ The governmeat na$ a1,.0 tDOIIeY eatmark<:d for !he poo<'eO: at tbe University of the party 01 pIlfitanjaJ Afribl>ers ... manbels ofl1le black commWli:y Witwatersrand, where he ordered, seemingly reluc· 11M ....... to Ic:vcl> of depravity welIl to tile poctca of Prccoria received an bonorary law doc· tantly. a judicial iuttuClit into wIlidl are pem.po rM!le.d bu, not buroaueralS. 1Jl OK i.....ncc, f"", torate. he said various cases tbe J obannesburg murder -.led an this continen!." teDde... were teO<ived for an had shown some officers to b~ three years ago of Dr David No criticiGm of IoU De lOerk', ean~ c:<>nrtaet _J1h 2.6 lItil· NalioMl Patty oouJd ~ b«n lioII ,,"W (£nl,OOO). three of involved in violent crime", Webster, an icademit and IIIOR cnal\ill£ FOt. as a Euro­ wIiic!1 "",re rlCli~.
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