1938 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 6607 SENATE Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that the Senator from New Hampshire [Mr. BRIDGES] is necessarily absent from the WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1938 Senate. <Legislative day of Wednesday, April 20, 1938) The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-six Senators have an­ swered to their names. A quorum is present. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration PERSONAL EXPLANATION of the rece5s. THE JOURNAL Mr. McGILL. Mr. President, in this morning's issue of the Washington Herald is an article entitled "Washington . On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, the Daily Merry-Go-Round," by Messrs. Drew Pearson and Rob­ reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calendar day ert S. Allen, containing a number of statements pertaining Tuesday, May 10, 1938, was dispensed with, and the Journal to what is known as the Spanish embargo. Among them is was approved. a statement relative to myself, and purporting to indicate MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE a desire upon my part to make certain suggestions to the A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Callo­ President of the United States. way, one of its reading clerks, announced that the House had In order that there may be no niisunderstanding, I take agreed to the report of the committee of. conference on the occasion to read that portion of the article: disagreeing votes of the two Houses on. the amendments of Many Senators caught between two religious fires are worried, the Senate to the bill <H. R. 9218) to establish the composition among them Senator McGILL, of Kansas, a strong Roosevelt sup­ of the United States Navy, to authorize the construction of porter, who says he will urge the President to lift the em­ bargo himself without precipitating a Catholic-Protestant feud in certain naval vessels, and for other purposes. Congress. The message also announced that the House had passed a joint resolution <H. J. ·Res. 678) making an additional appro­ That portion of the article in which it is indicated that .priation for grants to States for unemployment compensation I am a strong supporter of President Roosevelt I readily administration, Social Security Board, for the fiscal year end­ admit to be true. Aside from that, I know of no such situa­ ing June 30, 1938, in which it requested the concurrence of tion relative to myself as that indicated by this statement -the Senate. of Messrs. Pearson and Allen. Neither do I propose at this time to be drawn into a discussion of matters which may or ENROLLED BILL SIGNED may not be involved in the foreign affairs of this Govern­ The message further announced that the Speaker had ment. I have no desire, and have at no time entertained affixed his signature to the enrolled bill <H. R . .10066) to a desire, to interfere with the President and the Department amend the District of Columbia Revenue Act of 1937, and for of State concerning such matters. other purposes, and it was signed by the Vice President. Ordinarily, I have found the representatives of the press HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION R~FERRED to be fair, and have never previously found it necessary in The joint resolution (H. J .. Res. 678) making an additional any manner to respond relative to statements contained in appropriation for grants to States for unemployment compen­ any newspaper concerning myself. This statement, however, sation administration, Social Security Boar<L for the fiscal relative to me is so palpably untrue that I deem it necessary, year ending June 30, 1938, was read twice by its title and in order that I may not be misunderstood, to say that at referred to the Committee on Appropriations. no time, either in the presence of either of the authors of this article or elsewhere, have I said anything that would CALL OF THE ROLL afford any basis whatever for the assertion that I had said Mr. BARKLEY. I suggest the absence of a quorum. I would urge any course relative to these matters upon the The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. President of the United States or the executive branch of The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Sena- the Government, and further that I have never entertained tors answered to their names: · a thought of so doing. Adams Copeland Johnson, Colo. Overton · I feel I should further state that the portion of this ar­ Andrews Davis King Pittman ticle which I have quoted, with the one exception of the Ashurst Dieterich La Follette Pope Austin Donahey Lee Radcliffe statement that I am a strong Roosevelt supporter, is built Bailey _ Duffy Lodge Reynolds wholly out of thin air, and without any facts whatsoever Bankhead Ellender Logan Russell Barkley Frazier Lonergan Schwartz upon which to base it. I was available here, either on the Berry George Lundeen Schwellenbach floor of the Senate or at my office in the Senate Office Buiid­ Bilbo Gerry McAdoo Sheppard ing, at all times throughout all of yesterday, and at my home Borah Gibson McCarran Shipstead Brown, Mich. Gillette McGill Smathers here in the city of Washington throughout the night; and Brown, N.H. Glass McKellar Thomas, Okla. at no time was I afforded the opportunity by either of the Bulkley Guffey McNary Thomas, Utah Bulow Hale Maloney Townsend authors of this article or any other person to affirm or deny Burke Hartison Miller Truman the attitude the article attributes to me. Byrd Hatch Milton Tydings Mr. President, I think I should further say that at no time Byrnes Hayden Minton Vandenberg Capper Herring Murray VanNuys was either this matter or anything pertaining to it the sub­ Caraway H111 Nye Walsh ject of discussion by me with anyone from which any such Chavez Hitchcock Neely White Clark Holt Norris conclusion could possibly be drawn. Connally Johnson, Calif. O'Mahoney LEGISLATIVE APPROPRIATIONs--cONFERENCE REPORT Mr. MINTON. I announce that the Senator from Dela­ Mr. TYDINGS submitted the following report: ware [Mr. HUGHES] and the Senator from Oregon [Mr. The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two REAMES] are detained from the Senate because of illness. Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 10216) The Senator from Washington [Mr. BoNE] is detained in :r:naking appropriations for the legislative branch of the Govern­ the Department of Agriculture on matters pertaining to the ment for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939, and for other pur­ poses, having met, after full and free conference, have agreed to State of Washington. recommend and do recommend to their respective Houses as The Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. GREEN], the Sena­ follows: tor from Illinois [Mr. LEWis], the Senator from Florida That the Senate recede from its amendments numbered 17 and 18. That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendments [Mr. PEPPER], the Senator from South Carolina [Mr. of the Senate numbered 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, SMITH], and the Senator from New York [Mr. WAGNER] 22, 23, 24, and 25, and agree to the same_ are detained on important public business. Amendment numbered 11: That the House recede from its dis­ agreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 11, and agree The Senator from Montana [Mr. WHEELER] is unavoid­ to the same with an amendment, as follows: In lieu of the sum ably detained. proposed insert "$8,260"; and the Senate agree to the same. \6608 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 11 Amendment numbered 19: That the House recede from its dis­ thorizing the Secretary of the Interior to pay salaries and agreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 19, and agree expenses of the chairman, secretary, and interpreter of the to the same with an amendment, as follows: Restore the matter stricken out by said amendment amended to read as follows: Klamath General Council, members of the Klamath busi­ . ••: Provided further, That the Capitol Police Board is hereby au­ ness committee and other committees appointed by said thorized to detail police from the House and Senate Ofilce Buildings Klamath General Council, and official delegates of the for police duty on the Capitol Grounds"; and the Senate agree to the same. • · Klamath Tribe, reported it with amendments and sub­ . The committee of conference report in disagreement amend­ mitted a report <No. 1785) thereon. ments numbered 4 and 5. He also, from the same committee, to which was recom­ M. E. TYDINGS, mitted the bill <H. R. 3162) conferring jurisdiction upon the JAMES F. BYRNES, ALVA B. ADAMS, United States Court of Claims to hear, examine, adjudicate, PAT McCARRAN, and render judgment on any and all claims which the Un­ FREDERICK HALE, compahgre <Tabegauche), Uintah (Uinta), and White River Ma1Utgers on the part of the Se1Utte. <Yampa and Grand River) Bands of the Ute Indians may JOHN F. DOCKWEILER, have against the United States, and for other purposes, Louts C. RABAUT, ·reported it without amendment and submitted a report <No. - . J. 0. FERNANDEZ, JOHN M. HOUSTON, 1786) thereon. D. LANE POWERS, Mr. McADOO, from the Committee on Patents, to which Ma1Utgers on the part of the House. was referred the joint resolution <H. J. Res. 447) to protect '!be report was agreed to. the copyrights and patents of foreign exhibitors at~ the Pacific Mercado International Exposition, to be held at Los PETITIONS Angeles, Calif., in 1940, reported it without amendment. Mr. WALSH presented letters in the nature of petitions BILLS INTRODUCED from 1,500 employees of the Boston (Mass.) postaJ. district, praying for continuance of the "0.
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