Hacettepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Department of Social Work EVALUATION OF SHELTER SERVICES FOR INTERNAL UNACCOMPANIED MINORS IN AFRICAN’S POST CONFLICT COUNTRIES “THE CASE OF BURUNDI” Yvonne Tchaka KAREKEZI Master’s Thesis Ankara, 2019 EVALUATION OF SHELTER SERVICES FOR INTERNAL UNACCOMPANIED MINORS IN AFRICAN’S POST CONFLICT COUNTRIES: “THE CASE OF BURUNDI” Yvonne Tchaka KAREKEZI Hacettepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Department of Social Work Master’s Thesis Ankara, 2019 ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL PUBLICATION AND PROPERTY RIGHTS STATEMENT ETHICAL DECLARATION iv DEDICATION This study, which is the fruit of my three academic years spent in Turkey; is dedicated to my Beloved Mother Adèle IYABOSE, to my beloved sisters, and especially in memory of my beloved father Caripophore KAREKEZI. v ACKNOWLEDGMENT Almighty Heavenly Father, thank you for what I did not achieve but I was blessed too; without you, nothing could be possible. This paper is the result of the valuable experience in my life as a student participating in Social Work Departement at Hacettepe University in Ankara-Turkey. First and foremost, I am grateful to my supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reyhan ATASÜ TOPCUOĞLU for her time, her encouragement, and her guidance throughout my project. You improved my potential. May the Almighty reward you abundantly. I express my deep thanks and appreciation to Prof. Dr. Kasım KARATAŞ for all his marks of sympathy, moral support, and his appreciable advice. May the Almighty reward you abundantly. My recognition too; is for all professors and member’s staff of Hacettepe University; especially those from the Social Work Department for having invested in my university education. I express my appreciation and gratitude to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emrah AKBAŞ; and to Dr. Öğr. Gör. Aslıhan AYKARA for having contributed to the corrections and judgments of this Study. I am deeply recognizing, the great role of my parents in the orientation of my life. They have always responded to my vital needs to ensure my good physical and intellectual growth by assisting me morally and materially from kindergarten to the present day. May my brothers, sisters, and any member of my family who has helped me in one way or another find in this work the crowning achievement of their efforts and their patience. I express with the true value, my enthusiasm and gratitude to the Government of the Republic of Turkey, especially to the Yurtdışı Türkler ve Akraba Topluluklar Başkanlığı” YTB” for granting me a scholarship which allowed me to obtain this master’s degree in the social work department. Furthermore, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to all participants in this research without whom, this research would not have been possible. I own my deepest gratitude to all Burundian children who helped me to proceed with my research. vi Lastly, I also thank my friends, Amin NYANDWI, Lydia Ferdinand NASSIA, Peace DOKA, Eloi BIZIYAREMYE, Ramadan SHABANI, and Noel MANIRAKIZA for always encouraging me. Your discussions and reviews were invaluable and contributed to my research. vii ABSTRACT Yvonne Tchaka KAREKEZI, “Evaluation of Shelter Services for Internal Unaccompanied Minors in African’s Post Conflict Countries: “The Case of Burundi”, Master’s Thesis, Ankara, 2019. This study describes the main factors that explain the increasing migration of internal unaccompanied minors in Burundi, especially in Bujumbura; It also explores the problems and risks that these internal unaccompanied minors face during their migration journey to Bujumbura. In addition, this study explores the formal social assistance intervention and its adequacy provided to these children by FVS-AMADE Burundi Foster center who served as study population area in this study. A qualitative research approach was used that included the utilization of two different but narrowly linked semi-structured interview guide forms with a total of sixteen informants, thirteen internal unaccompanied minors and tree social workers. The analysis of the opinions of these informants was made with MAXQDA 2018 software by the use of thematic codes. In addition, the SWOT analysis tool was used for the third research questions of this study. The results of this study identified among other many factors, the extreme rural poverty; domestic violence against children within their families by stepfamilies and legal guardians as principal push factors that force these children to migrate; while the search of jobs opportunities, the search of safe environment; access to social infrastructures such as (education and health care) as well as family reunification were also identified as principal pull factors that attract these children to migrate to Bujumbura city. This study also identified; child trafficking, child exploitation; incarceration; ethnic denigration, criminal organization's attacks; etc, as the main risks that these children encounter on their migration journey to Bujumbura and after arriving in Bujumbura. Thus, this study suggests that a child protection intervention mechanism which aims to respond to the particular situation of the needs of these internal unaccompanied minors should be implemented. The child protection system and migration policies must prevent the risked migrations that expose children to violence and must be placed at all stages of the migration journey of these children; starting from viii their home cities, up to their destination place. This study also presents a series of specific policies to address the necessities of internal unaccompanied minors in Burundi. Keywords: Migration, Internal Migration, Unaccompanied Minor migrants; Social Welfare; Shelter Service; Foster Center, Post-Conflict Country. ix ÖZET (TURKISH ABSTRACT) Yvonne Tchaka KAREKEZI, Çatışma Sonrası Afrika Ülkerinde İç göç eden Refakatsiz Küçüklere Yönelik Barınma Hİzmetlerinin Değerlendirilmesi: “Burundi Örneği, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara, 2019. Bu çalışma, Burundi'de, özellikle Bujumbura'da, tek başına kalan çocukların artan göçlerini açıklayan başlıca faktörleri açıklamaktadır; Ayrıca bu iç refakatsiz küçüklerin Bujumbura'ya olan göçleri sırasında karşılaştıkları sorunları ve riskleri de inceliyor. Buna ek olarak, bu çalışmada çalışma nüfus alanı olarak görev yapan FVS-AMADE Burundi Koruyucu Merkez tarafından bu çocuklara sağlanan resmi sosyal yardım müdahalesini ve yeterliliğini araştırmaktadır. Toplam on altı katılımcı, on üç şirket içi yalnız çocuk ve üç sosyal hizmet görevlisi ile iki değişik, fakat yakından ilişkili yarı yapılandırılmış mülakat rehberi formunun kullanımını içeren nitel bir araştırma tasarımı benimsenmiştir. Bu katılımcıların görüşlerinin analizi, tematik kodlama ve veri analizi ve SWOT analiz aracı kullanılarak MAXQDA 2018 yazılımı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları diğer birçok faktör arasında tespit, aşırı kırsal yoksulluk; üvey aileler ve yasal vasiler tarafından aileleri içinde çocuklara yönelik aile içi şiddet, bu çocukları göçe zorlayan başlıca itici etkenler olarak; iş fırsatlarının aranması, güvenli bir çevre arayışı; (eğitim ve sağlık hizmetleri) gibi sosyal altyapılara erişim ve aile birleşimi gibi sosyal altyapılara erişim de bu çocukları Bujumbura şehrine göç etmeye çeken temel faktörler olarak tanımlanmıştır. Ayrıca, bu çalışma çocuk ticareti, çocuk istismarı; hapsetme; etnik kötülük, suç teşkilatının saldırıları; vb, bu çocukların Bujumbura'ya göç yolculuğunda ve Bujumbura'ya geldikten sonra karşılaştıkları başlıca riskler olarak belirletmiştir. Bu nedenle, bu çalışma, bu iç refakatsiz çocukların ihtiyaçlarına özel durumuna cevap vermeyi amaçlayan çocuk koruma müdahale mekanizmalarının uygulanması gerektiğini ortaya koymuştur. Çocuk koruma sistemi ve göç politikaları, çocukları şiddete maruz bırakan riskli göçleri önlemeli ve bu çocukların göç yolculuğunun her aşamasına yerleştirilmelidir; kendi şehirlerinden başlayarak, hedef yerlerine kadar. Bu çalışma aynı zamanda Burundi'deki tek başına kalan göçmen çocukların ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için bir dizi özel politika da sunmaktadır. x Anahtar Sözcükler: Göç, İç-Göç, Sahipsiz Göçmen Çocuklar, Sosyal Yardım, Sığınma Hizmeti, Koruyucu Merkez, Çatışma Sonrası Ülke. xi TABLE OF CONTENTS ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL ................................................................................................................ i PUBLICATION AND PROPERTY RIGHTS STATEMENT ...............................................................................ii ETHICAL DECLARATION .........................................................................................................................iii DEDICATION ......................................................................................................................................... IV ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................................................................. V ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................... VII ÖZET (TURKISH ABSTRACT) ................................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................. xi ACRONYMES…………………………………….....……………………………………………………………………..…….xiv INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................
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