AAEESS112255th CCoonnvveennttiioonn PPrrooggrraamm Oct ober 2 – 5, 2008 Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, CA, USA The AES has launched a new opportunity to recognize James D. (JJ) Johnston student members who author technical papers. The Stu - Michael Nunan dent Paper Award Competition is based on the preprint Mike Pappas manuscripts accepted for the AES convention. Tom Sahara Forty-two student-authored papers were nominated. Jim Starzynski The excellent quality of the submissions has made the Speed Network, NFL Films, NPR, and others selection process both challenging and exhilarating. to be announced The award-winning student paper will be honored dur - ing the convention, and the student-authored manuscript NOTE: Program subject to change based on avail will be published in a timely manner in the Journal of the ability of personnel. Audio Engineering Society . Nominees for the Student Paper Award were required Building from the five previous, highly successful Sur - to meet the following qualifications: round Live symposia, Surround Live Six, will once again explore in detail, the world of Live Surround Audio. (a) The paper was accepted for presentation at the Frederick Ampel, President of consultancy Technology AES 125th Convention. Visions, in cooperation with the Audio Engineering Soci - (b) The first author was a student when the work was ety, brings this years event back to San Francisco for the conducted and the manuscript prepared. third time. (c) The student author’s affiliation listed in the manu - The event will feature a wide range of professionals from script is an accredited educational institution. both the televised Sports arena, Public Radio, and the (d) The student will deliver the lecture or poster pre - digital processing and encoding sciences. sentation at the Convention. Surround Live Six Platinum Sponsors are: Neural Audio and Sennheiser/K&H. * * * * * Surround Live Six Gold Sponsor is: Ti-Max/Outboard The winner of the 125th AES Convention Electronics Student Paper Award is: An Initial Validation of Individalized Crosstalk 8:15 am – 9:00 am – Coffee, Registration, Continental Cancellation Filters for Binaural Perceptual Breakfast Experiments —Alastair Moore (Presenting Author) 9:00 am – Keynote #1 – Kurt Graffy Anthony Tew, Rozenn Nicol , Convention Paper 7582 9:40 am – Keynote #2 – J. Johnston 10:15 am – 10:25 am – Coffee Break To be presented on Saturday, October 4 in Session P14 —Listening Tests and Psychoacoustics 10:30 am – 12:30 pm – Presenters 1, 2, & 3 plus Live Demonstrations and Demo Video Clips with Surround Audio * * * * * 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm – Lunch (provided for Ticketed Par - Preconvention Special Event ticipants) LIVE SOUND SYMPOSIUM: SURROUND LIVE VI 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm – Presenters 4, 5, & 6 with Live Acquiring the Surround Field Demonstrations and Clips Wednesday, October 1, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm The Lodge Ballroom, Regency Center 3:00 pm – 3:15 pm – Break 1290 Sutter St., San Francisco Tel. +1 415 673 5716 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm – Panel Discussion and Interactive Q&A Preconvention Special Event; additional fee applies 4:30 pm – 5:00 pm – Organ Concert (Pending availability of Organist) featuring the 1909 Austin Pipe Organ Chair: Frederick J. Ampel , Technology Visions, Overland Park, KS, USA Scheduled to appear are: • Fred Aldous – FOX Sports Audio Consultant/Sr. Mixer Panelists: Fred Aldous • Kevin Cleary – ESPN Kevin Cleary • Kurt Graffy – ARUP Acoustics – San Francisco –Co- Kurt Graffy Keynote Jim Hilson • Jim Hilson – Dolby Laboratories – San Francisco, ¯ Audio Engineering Society 125th Convention Program, 2008 Fall 1 Technical Progra m CA. that has been optimized for monophonic encod - • James D. (JJ) Johnston – Chief Scientist, Neural ing of mixed speech/audio material while mini - Audio, Kirkland, WA. mizing codec delay and improving intrinsic error • Michael Nunan – CTV robustness. In this paper we describe two major • Mike Pappas – KUVO Radio – Denver recent algorithmic improvements to ACC: • Tom Sahara – Sr. Director of Remote Operations & on-the-fly bit rate switching and coding of stereo. IT Turner Sports A combination of source, parametric, and per - • Jim Starzynski – Principal Engineer and Audio Archi - ceptual coding techniques allows a very graceful tect NBC Universal switching between different bit rates with mini - • Other possible presenters include Speed Network, mal impact on the subjective quality. A real-time NFL Films, and NPR. GUI demonstration platform is available that illustrates the ACC operation from 16 kbit/s The day’s events will include formal presentations, spe - mono till 256 kbit/s stereo. A real-time two-way cial demonstration materials in full surround, and interac - stereo communication platform over Bluetooth tive discussions with presenters. has been implemented that illustrates the ACC PLEASE NOTE: PROGRAM SUBJECT TO CHANGE operational flexibility and robustness in error- PRIOR TO THE EVENT. FINAL PROGRAM WILL prone environments. DEPEND ON PRESENTER AVAILABILITY AND Convention Paper 7502 SCHEDULES. SPACE IS LIMITED TO THE FIRST 200 WHO REGISTER. 10:00 am Wednesday, October 1 1:30 pm Room 232 P1-3 MPEG-4 Enhanced Low Delay AAC—A New Standard for High Quality Communication— Standards Committee Meeting SC-02-02 Digital Markus Schnell, 1 Markus Schmidt, 1 Manuel Input/Output Interfacing Jander, 1 Tobias Albert, 1 Ralf Geiger ,1 Vesa Ruoppila, 2 Per Ekstrand ,2 Bernhard Grill 1 Session P1 Thursday, October 2 1Fraunhofer IIS, Erlangen, Germany 9:00 am – 12:30 pm Room 222 2Dolby Stockholm/Sweden, Nuremberg/Germany AUDIO CODING The MPEG Audio standardization group has re - cently concluded the standardization process for Chair: Marina Bosi , Stanford University, Stanford, the MPEG-4 ER Enhanced Low Delay AAC CA, USA (AAC-ELD) codec. This codec is a new member of the MPEG Advanced Audio Coding family. It 9:00 am represents the efficient combination of the AAC Low Delay codec and the Spectral Band Repli - P1-1 A Parametric Instrument Codec for Very Low cation (SBR) technique known from HE-AAC. Bit Rates— Mirko Arnold, Gerald Schuller , This paper provides a complete overview of the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media underlying technology, presents points of opera - Technology, Ilmenau, Germany tion as well as applications, and discusses A technique for the compression of guitar signals MPEG verification test results. is presented that utilizes a simple model of the Convention Paper 7503 guitar. The goal for the codec is to obtain acceptable quality at significantly lower bit rates 10:30 am compared to universal audio codecs. This instru - ment codec achieves its data compression by P1-4 Efficient Detection of Exact Redundancies in transmitting an excitation function and model pa - Audio Signals— José R. Zapata G ., 1 Ricardo A. rameters to the receiver instead of the wave - Garcia 2 form. The parameters are extracted from the sig - 1Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, nal using weighted least squares approximation Antioquia, Colombia in the frequency domain. For evaluation a listen - 2Kurzweil Music Systems, Waltham, MA, USA ing test has been conducted and the results are An efficient method to identify bitwise identical presented. They show that this compression long-time redundant segments in audio signals technique provides a quality level comparable to is presented. It uses audio segmentation with recent universal audio codecs. The application simple time domain features to identify long term however is, at this stage, limited to very simple candidates for similar segments, and low level guitar melody lines. sample accurate metrics for the final matching. [This paper is being presented by Gerald Applications in compression (lossy and lossless) Schuller.] of music signals (monophonic and multichannel) Convention Paper 7501 are discussed. Convention Paper 7504 9:30 am P1-2 Stereo ACC Real-Time Audio Communication 11:00 am —Anibal Ferreira ,1,2 Filipe Abreu ,3 Deepen Sinha 2 P1-5 An Improved Distortion Measure for Audio 1University of Porto, Porto, Portugal Coding and a Corresponding Two-Layered 2ATC Labs, Chatham, NJ, USA Trellis Approach for its Optimization— Vinay 3SEEGNAL Research, Portugal Melkote, Kenneth Rose , University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA Audio Communication Coder (ACC) is a codec 2 Audio Engineering Society 125th Convention Program, 2008 Fall The efficacy of rate-distortion optimization in ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS OF SOUND audio coding is constrained by the quality of the distortion measure. The proposed approach is motivated by the observation that the Noise-to- Chair: Hiroko Terasawa , Stanford University, Stanford, Mask Ratio (NMR) measure, as it is widely used, CA, USA is only well adapted to evaluate relative distor - tion of audio bands of equal width on the Bark 9:00 am scale. We propose a modification of the distor - tion measure to explicitly account for Bark band - P2-1 Spatialized Additive Synthesis of width differences across audio coding bands. Environmental Sounds— Charles Verron ,1,2 Substantial subjective gains are observed when Mitsuko Aramaki ,3 Richard Kronland-Martinet ,2 this new measure is utilized instead of NMR in Grégory Pallone 1 the Two Loop Search, for quantization and cod - 1Orange Labs, Lannion, France ing parameters of scalefactor bands in an AAC 2Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique, encoder. Comprehensive optimization of the Marseille, new measure, over the entire audio file, is then France performed using a two-layered trellis approach, 3Institut de Neurosciences Cognitives
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