Sports Heritage Weekend Mail or Online Delivery Moorefield and East Hardy Sept. 23-25 Subscribe Today! On Two Game Winning Streak Special Supplement with Call (304) 530-6397 Page 1B Information and Maps Inside ESTABLISHED 1845 MOOREFIELD EXAMINER and Hardy County News USPS 362-300 www.moorefieldexaminer.com VOLUME 120 - NUMBER 37 MOOREFIELD, HARDY COUNTY, W.VA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 TWO SECTIONS - 20 PAGES 94¢ Commission Will Not Buy Harco Building By Jean A. Flanagan plan,” said Commissioner William County Commission in 2010, ques- Moorefield Examiner “JR” Keplinger. “We don’t want to tions arose as to whether two county have to put $1 million into it to fix it commissioners serving on the RDA Citing a structural review com- up. Board constitutes a quorum of the pleted in 2007 by Steve Schaefer As- “Just because it wouldn’t work for County Commission. sociates for the Eastern West Vir- us, it’s still a good deal for a private The RDA requested an opinion ginia Community and Technical Col- entity. It’s a good building, but it by the State Ethics Commission re- lege, the Hardy County Commission needs some work,” Keplinger said. garding that question, has received a has voted not to purchase the Harco Commissioner A. J. Wade has al- response, but has yet to make that re- Building. ways opposed the purchase of the sponse public. They will only say they The commission met in regular building. are “waiting for clarification” on the session on Tuesday, Sept. 6. The commission voted to send a opinion. “There appears to be a few prob- letter to the owner, which will state, Wade suggested the State Attor- lems with the roof, the walls and “After considering the costs associat- ney General be asked to weigh in on cracks in the floor,” said Commission ed with the necessary upgrades to se- the issue. Wade said he interprets the President J. Michael Teets. “Since we cure the building and remodeling to West Virginia Code as stating the got this report, I don’t think it would accommodate the courts system, the county commission should appoint a be a wise decision.” Hardy County Commission feels that representative to the RDA Board. Teets had spearheaded an effort the structure is not suitable for our “There is no authority in the code for to purchase the simulated stucco needs.” a county commissioner to be on the building, located on old Route 55, RDA Board,” he said. north of Moorefield, to use as a judi- Appointments to RDA Board Teets said RDA attorney, Jack Photo by Mike Mallow cial center for Hardy County. The The commission discussed at Walters said a county commissioner Courthouse, which currently houses length, a letter requesting Teets, must be on the board. the three courts - Magistrate, Circuit Derek Barr and Roy Harper be reap- “There was a time when all three and Family - has become crowded pointed to the Hardy County Rural commissioners were on the RDA Morning Has Broken and presents a variety of security is- Development Authority Board of Di- board,” he said. “We are more up to sues. rectors. The letter also requested date and better informed.” The sunrise behind Duffey United Methodist Church in Moorefield on Monday morning was The commission voted last month Payton Umstot, of Pilgrim’s Pride, be Keplinger said he would resign in breathtaking. to send a letter of intent to purchase appointed to represent that industry. favor of Teets staying on the board. the building, then held a public meet- Teets has served on the RDA “You’ve done a lot of good on that ing to gather public opinion about Board for a number of years as a rep- board,” he said to Teets. the idea. The meeting was held on resentative of the business communi- Teets instructed County Clerk Monday, Aug. 22. Of the six people ty and currently holds the office of Gregg Ely to contact the Attorney Moorefield Council Plans who spoke in opposition to the pur- Secretary/Treasurer. General’s office through the County chase, five were attorneys. No one Keplinger was appointed to the Prosecutor and said he would step spoke in favor of the purchase. RDA Board as a representative of down until they received an opinion. “We should be looking at a build- the County Commission. “Once we get a ruling from the At- To Meet Twice a Month ing that will withstand our 100-year When Teets was elected to the Continued on page 10 By Jean A. Flanagan council at a special meeting held in back to the municipality and part is Moorefield Examiner August. Hefner replaces Patsy Nel- used to promote tourism statewide. September is a Time to Prepare son, who resigned shortly after her The amendment will be the sub- Hoping to eliminate the need for election to the position. ject of a public hearing to be sched- special meetings, the Moorefield uled at the next council meeting. This September, as our nation everyone, this year to develop an be helpful before, during and after an Town Council voted to meet the first Ordinances The council voted to get clarifica- marks the 10-year anniversary of emergency management plan. emergency. and the third Tuesdays of each The council voted to move an tion on an amendment establishing 9/11, the Hardy County Office of One of NPM’s key messages is be Preparedness is a shared respon- month, beginning in October. amendment to increase the ho- term limits for Park Board members. Emergency Management urges citi- prepared in the event an emergency sibility, it takes a whole community. Currently the council meets on tel/motel tax to a second reading. The amendment limits members of zens to make preparations for emer- causes you to be self-reliant for three This year’s National Preparedness the first Tuesday of each month at 7 The amendment would increase the the Park Board to two six-year gencies in National Preparedness days without utilities and electricity, Month focuses on turning awareness p.m. The council voted to begin the tax from 3 percent to 6 percent. terms. Month (NPM), an event founded af- water service, access to a supermar- into action by encouraging all indi- second meeting of the month at 6 The hotel/motel tax is levied on The question arose regarding the ter 9/11 to increase preparedness in ket or local services, or maybe even viduals and all communities nation- p.m. anyone staying overnight in a hotel, the U.S. without response from police, fire or status of current members and wide to make an emergency pre- The Moorefield Council also wel- motel, bed and breakfast or short- whether the amendment would apply The event, now in its eighth year, rescue. Preparing can start with three comed its new Town Recorder. Deb- term rental cabin. Part of the pro- is a nationwide, month-long effort important steps: paredness plan. Preparedness infor- to them. bie Hefner was appointed by the ceeds from the hotel/motel tax comes Continued on page 9 hosted by the Ready Campaign and 1. Get an emergency supply kit mation and events will be posted to Citizen Corps, encouraging house- 2. Make a plan for what to do in Ready.gov. holds, businesses and communities to an emergency For more information about the prepare and plan for emergencies. 3. Be informed about emergen- Ready Campaign and National Pre- The Hardy County Office of Emer- cies that could happen in your com- paredness Month, visit Ready.gov or Free/Reduced Lunch Applications for gency Management is encouraging munity, and identify sources of infor- call 11-800-BE-READY, 1-888-SE- citizens, families, businesses and mation in your community that will LISTO, and TTY 1-800-462-7585. School Children Available Online Police Seize Marijuana and Hydroponic By Jean A. Flanagan www.wvschoolmeals.net and fill out Sisk said the State Superintend- Moorefield Examiner the application. It is processed the ent required schools to decide on a next day. new initiative for student nutrition. Growing System in Hardy County Home Several new options are available Shortly, parents will be able to Some suggestions included changing for parents of school-aged children in pay their children’s lunch bills online the reduced-priced meals to free, regard to their nutrition, according to with a credit card. Sisk said the sys- providing Grab-N-Go breakfasts and On Saturday, Aug. 20, 2011, at ap- ed the outdoor grow. dwelling, was an elaborate hydropon- Nancy Sisk, food director at Hardy tem would be a great help in collect- providing breakfast after first period. proximately 7:35 p.m., TFC D.G. The team was able to land and ic grow system which consisted of County Public Schools. ing unpaid lunch bills. Scheduling will not permit break- Lahman, Special Operations K-9 and seize approximately 54 marijuana lighting, ventilation, automatic wa- Sisk presented an update to the “At the end of last year, those un- fast after first period nor Grab-N-Go members of the West Virginia State plants that were located near the tering and electrical systems. The es- Hardy County Board of Education at paid bills totaled $38,000,” she said. breakfasts, so Sisk suggested the Police Moorefield/Petersburg, Min- dwelling. TFC A.P. O’Dell and Sen- timated value of the system was in ex- the regular meeting held Tuesday, “A lot of people want to pay their bills board approve changing the reduced- eral and Romney Detachments exe- ior Trooper M.M. Massie spotted cess of $50,000 dollars.
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