Software Product Description PRODUCT NAME: DECnet-ULTRIX, Version 4.0 for RISC and VAX SPD 26.83.08 ULTRIX Network Software (End-node Only) DESCRIPTION functions. The DECnet products and functions avail­ able to users on mixed networks can be determined by DECnet-ULTRIX, Version 4.0 is a Phase IV end­ comparison of the SPDs for the appropriate products. node implementation of Digital Network Architecture (DNA) for the ULTRIX Operating System and ULTRIX Note that incoming connections from all Phase III sys­ Worksystem Software (UWS) for VAX and RISC sys­ tems to DECnet-ULTRIX systems are supported. SUI>­ tems. port for outgoing connections Is limited to the following Phase I II systems: DECnet-VAX and DECnet-RT. In The DECnet-ULTRIX software enables communication addition, DECnet-ULTRIX only supports the connec­ among different networked Digital systems that use the tion of Phase IV routers/routing nodes on the point-to­ DNA Phase IIIIIV· protocols. At the same time, users point lines. and user programs can communicate with non-Digital systems that use the Internet (TCP/IP-based) proto­ Phase IV End Node cols. DECnet-ULTRIX offers the following capabilities: task-to-task communications, network virtual terminal, DECnet-ULTRIX is a Phase IV end-node only imple­ remote file transfer, mail, coexistence with the Internet mentation of DNA and as such, can communicate di­ protocols (TCPIIP-based), and network-wide resource rectly with any other Phase IV node on the Ethernet sharing and management as defined by the DNA pro­ or with any other Phase III/IV· node in the network via tocols. DECnet-ULTRIX can communicate with and is a routing node on the same Ethernet or connected via warranted for use only with other Digital Phase III/IV· point-to-point lines (either a dedicated DECnet Router DECnet products. Server, (SPD 30.34.xx) or a full-function VMS or RSX- 11M/11M-PLUS system with routing capabilities). A DECnet-ULTRIX allows ULTRIX users to access the Phase IV end node can communicate with any Phase resources of Phase IV DECnet networks. With proper III· node in the same area. Communications with network planning, DECnet-ULTRIX nodes can partic­ Phase II nodes is not supported. ipate in DECnet networks with up to 1023 nodes per area and up to 63 areas per network. The DECnet­ DECnet-ULTRIX supports the downline load function ULTRIX software enables communication among dif­ for the following products for both VAX and RISC p,l~t,. ferent, networked Digital systems that use the DNA forms: Phase III/IV· protocols. At the same time, users and • DECserver 100 user programs can communicate with non-Digital sys­ tems that use the TCPII P protocols. • DECserver 200 The network functions available to a DECnet-ULTRIX • DECserver 300 user depend, in part, on the configuration of the rest of • DECrouter 100 the network. Each DECnet product offers its own func­ • DECrouter 2000 tions and its own set of features to the user. Networks consisting entirely of DECnet-ULTRIX Phase IV nodes • Internet Portal have all the functions described in this SPD. Networks • X25router 100 that combine DECnet-ULTRIX nodes with other DEC­ net products may limit the functions available to the • X25router 2000 DECnet-ULTRIX user because some DECnet-ULTRIX DECnet-ULTRIX nodes cannot route messages 011 be-­ features may not be supported by all DECnet products. half of other nodes in the network. Since end nodes Conversely, a user of another DECnet implementation do not route messages, they do not need to store or will not necessarily have access to all DECnet-ULTRIX update routing databases. Consequently, end nodes have less overhead than routing nodes. May 1990 AE-6A~E DECnetoaUlTRIX, Version 4.0 for RiSe and VAX SPD 26.83.08 DEenet and TCPIIP Coexistence Mail DECnet-ULTRIX supports the coexistence of the DEC­ The DECnet-ULTRIX software allows users to send net and TCPIIP protocols. Coexistence means that and receive mail to and from users on other DECnet DECnet and TCPIIP can run together simultaneously Phase III/IV* systems The DECnet-ULTRIX mail utility (DECnet-ULTRIX systems use DECnet to communi­ extends the existing ULTRIX mail system to Include cate with other Phase III/IV* systems in DECnet net­ support for DECnet. Both the DECnet mail utility and works and TCPIIP to communicate with non-Digital the current ULTRIX mail systems share the same user systems in Internet networks). DECnet and TCPIIP interface. The syntax of the message address deter­ can also share the same system resources, such as mines how the mail will be delivered. For example, the DEUNA and DEQNA Ethernet interfaces, and pro­ to send mail from one DECnet system to another, the grams can be written in such a way that either of the message address syntax is nodename::username. lower-level protocols, NSP or TCP, is used. In gen­ eral, existing programs running over TCPIIP can be Task-to-Task Communications easily modified to run with DECnet. Taking DECnet Task-to-Task Communications allows cooperating pro­ programs and having them run over TCPIIP can be grams running on any DECnet Phase III/IV* node to done, but only if they do not make use of operations exchange data. This is an extension of the socket level that are specific to DECnet. interface in the ULTRIX Operating System to include Network Virtual Terminal support for DECnet's session control and end-to-end communications (NSP) layers. DECnet-ULTRIX provides both incoming and outgo­ ing heterogeneous remote terminal support (CTERM). Network Management This allows a terminal user on a DECnet-ULTRIX node The Network Control Program (NCP) performs three to establish a logical connection to another DECnet­ primary functions: ULTRIX, DECnet-DOS, DECnet-VAX, or DECnet11M/- 11 M-PLUS node. It also allows a terminal user on • Displaying statistical and error information another DECnet-ULTRIX, DECnet-VAX, or a DECnet- • Controlling network components 11 M/11 M-PLUS node to establish a logical connection to a DECnet-ULTRIX node. This connection makes • Testing network operation the terminal appear as if it were physically connected These functions can be performed locally or executed to the remote system and the user can use all the stan­ at remote Phase 111* or Phase IV systems. dard system and network utilities supported by that remote node. This capability is particularly useful for NCP allows the operator to display the status of DEC­ dOing remote program development and allows the ter­ net activity at any Phase 111* or Phase IV node in the minal users on smaller application-oriented systems network. The operator can choose to display statis­ to utilize the resources of other development-oriented tics related to the node itself, including traffic and er­ systems. ror data, or examine data rates and error conditions in the Ethernet controller. The local operator can also Remote File Transfer perform a large number of operations to examine and The remote file transfer cap9bility of DECnet-ULTRIX control functions throughout the network. uses "dcp" , the network file copy utility. DCP lets DECnet-ULTRIX provides network event logging to a users transfer files between DECnet-ULTRIX nodes terminal device, disk file, or remote node. The NCP and other DECnet Phase IIIIIV* nodes. utility can be used to enable and disable the event Nretwork File Access logging facility as well as to optionally filter specific events. Remote file access from other Digital systems is sup­ ported; user programs on other DECnet Phase IIIIIV* NCP can also be used to test specific components systems can perform directory operations, as well as of the network. NCP enables transmission and recep­ sequentially read, write, create, delete, and print files tion of test messages either between nodes or through on a DECnet-ULTRIX system. controller loopback arrangements. The messages can then be compared for possible errors. NCP allows performance of a logical series of tests that will aid in isolating network problems. 2 DECnet-ULTRIX, Version 4.0 for RISC and VAX SPD 26.83.08 DECnet-lnternet Gateway The principal characteristics of the Ethernet physical layer are a signaling rate of 10 million bits per second, A semi-transparent, bi-directional DECnet-lnternet gate­ and a maximum station separation of 2.5 kilometers. way is an Integral part of the DECnet-ULTRIX software. Actual data rates will be substantiaUy less than 10 mil­ This gateway, based on the TCP/IP in 4.3 eSD pro­ lion bits per second due to the limitations of the Eth­ vides bidirectional network access between DECnet ernet controllers. The Ethernet data link layer is char­ and Internet systems. It allows DECnet and Internet acterized by the channel access discipline known as system users to communicate and cooperate through the Carrier Sense Multiple-Access with Collision De­ their respective file transfer, remote login, and mail ca­ tect (CSMAlCD). pabilities. An Internet system user can use the FTP, TELNET, and SMTP protocols to communicate with HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS a DECnet system user who uses the DAP, CTERM, MAIL-11 protocols and vice versa. In addition, the VAX, MicroVAX, VAXstation or Digital RISC system gateway does not require special software on systems configurations as specified in the System Support Ad­ that use its service, nor does It require accou,nts for re­ dendum (SSA 26.83.08-x). mote users on the gateway system. OPTIONAL HARDWARE 802.3 Compatibility None DECnet-ULTRIX supports receipt of 802.3 packets and SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS* transmission of 802.3 packets via a programming in­ terface. For VAX, MicroVAX, DECstation 3100S, DECsystem 3100, DECsystem 5400/5810/5820 systems: DECnet-ULTRIX Configuration and Performance • ULTRIX Operating System Configuring a DECnet-ULTRIX node to satisfy a user's application requirements Involves making trade-offs of • DECnet-ULTRIX cost, performance, and functionality.
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