VOL. U L, NO. 256. Philaddphia Strikere Picket Hosiery Mills PLEDGES CONTINUE CALL OUT MIUTIA n m F A T A L IN PENNSY STRIKE TO COME IN FROM TO H0]D DRIVER ALL OVER NATION Martial Law to Be Pro- ARREST THIRD MAN Yondi ffit by (^r Dmeu by daoM d ia Fayette Connty IN SYLLA MURDER RockriDe Wonian Tester- M EHCAN BEATEN Officials Busy Explaining ?A ere 15,000 Miners day Passes Away at Hos­ BY SrA M SB COPS Various Pbases ef die Have Defied Authorities. Stanley Kenefic Also Comes pital This Momiug. Program— Coal and Ante* from Stamford — Police Raymond Judd Stoutnar, 17, son Pl^debpbia Man (Sves Ifis mobiles Next to Be Taken lUrrlsburf, Pa., July 29—(AP)— of Mr. and Mrs. John Stoatnar of Governor Plnchot told early today Seek Fourth Suspect. 851 Tolland Turnpike died at 7:30 m Up— Monday Sled h r jna-tlal law will be proclaimed in Side of His Arrest this morning at the Manchester Me­ Fayette county, heart of the turbu­ strike there. morial hospital from injuries re­ dnstry WiD Disenss Code. lent coal strike area, with the ar­ New York, July 29.—(AP)— A Barcelona. ceived early yesterday afternoon rival of National Guard troops now third man from Stamford, Conn., enroute. when thrown from his bicycle when Three hundred state soldiers, was booked on a homicide charge to­ MAY REQUEST LOAN hit by an automobile driven by Mrs. New York, July 29—(AP) — The Washington, July 29.—(AP)— eoulpped with automatic rifles, day In the slaying of Dr. E. War­ CONNECTICUT NOW READY Gertnide Custer of 12 Windsor Aaocsiated Press teoay received a The R ecov ery Administration quietly entrained at dawn at Mt. ren Sylla, bachelor dentist. Avenue, Rockville, on Oakland letter from Paul Earl Peterxell of served notice today that the Prea^ Gretna, summer encampment of the The prisoner, who gave his name TO BUILD BRIDGE street, opposite Bunner’s Market. Phlliulelphia giving his version of dent’s vdimtary re-employment National Guard, and started for as Stanley Kenefic, 23, of 63 Wash­ How It Happenec his arrest in Barcelona, Spain, on. __ ington avenue, Stamford, surrender­ Jtilv 11 and saying that he was also’ agreement, now being signed by BrovmsvUle. FOR RECOVERY CAMPAIGN Stoutnar, a pupil in the Manches­ The troops comprise the 2nd Bat­ ed in the Connecticut City yester­ ter High school and a member Of beaten and thrown talion, 112th infantry. In command day. He waived extradition and ‘brutally.’’ The lettei was mailed lapt year’s sophomore class, was en work movement, with the wages of of Major Kexmeth Momeyer. was locked up here early today. • i is from Barcelona. Chainnan Johnson Says Fefi route to his home on his Licycle and present workers divided among n The governor’s action climaxed a The other men were locked “P JU| nf poHAfnl Un- Peterxell said be went to the po­ without bail yesterday. were I flUnOSl AU U1 ICUCiai turned off the sidewalk into Oakland greater number. bitter dash of authorities vdth They FOREST WORKERS lice, with an interpreter,. to report Sheriff Harry B. Hackney, of Fay­ described as Edward F. Moran, 22- oral Aid May Be Obtainei street opposite Brunner’s Market, At the same time it made clear the theft of a package from his that not all more substantially ptod ette county, on the sheiilf’s flat re- year-old shoe salesman of 694 Main directly into the path of Mrs. Cus­ pointments Have Been ter’s car which was proceeding automobile. The police sent him employees may expect to ^ t aa fufal to remove his deputies from street, Stamford, and Joseph (Ter­ BATTLEFLAMES with an escort, he said, to make a — To Discuss Subject south. The view was blocked by much when their working time is the strike area at the Governor’s "*'- ry) Terasowlch, 30, former Iceman, formal report to a judge at the parked trflek, it was said today. cut. A reasonable readjustment is quest, and followed a personal con of 15 Woodland Place, Stamford. Made; But District Attor­ Palacio de Justiclo. He was taken to the Manchester required. Its genenJ trend upward, ^satlon with Hackney by long A fourth man, whom the police There learning that the judge was actual terms left to the employ- Memoiiat hospital where it was distance telephone In the early name as Lawrence Kelly, protege Hartford, July 29 — (AP) at dinner and would return to an U , unless It develops that the la ^ Boys in State Camps Get foimd that he had suffered ruptures morning hours. of the dentist, is sought as the ring­ ney Question Unsettled. Whether the Commission appointed hour, Pbterxell said . he. told his bu a “peculiar seiue of .Juatlca.’’ 16,000 On Strike leader of a robbery plot which end­ by the General Assembly to com- of both lungs,- a compound, fracture escort that he would also go to din­ Then, the administration wU step ' Meantime 16,000 to 16,000 miners ed in the death of the 65-year-old First Experience in Fight­ struct an additional bridge across toten^ in- ner and return to time to see the to to see that the spirit of the agree­ seeking to enforce union recognl- dentist in his luxurious apartment i w h in g tnn, July 29.— (AP)—Ap- the Connecticut river between Hart- Juries from which he died early to- judge. ment is lived up to. 5 on T ^ on strike. Ten casualties her. lut pototm«.U foUow«i I. ford and East Hartford will en- toy. “The ‘escorting’ policeman said ’These and other points are cov- have resulted from sporadic rifle « d ing Woods Fires. deavor to borrow money from the Active In Church he would not let me go, since 1 was erec' in new official toterpretatieaa pMbl Are and violence In clashes be­ Detectives Prank Murray and Leo rapid fire succession during the last Federal government under the pro-1 Raymond was a member of the to his custody, and if 1 tried to leave of the agreement, made necessary tween deputies and pickets within Steiner, who brought the prisoners two weeks to place Connecticut in a visions of the public work act, will I g^^ond Congregational church and he would handcuff me. (Remember ]jy questions from industrialists de- the last four days. here, said Moran told them that he position to push forward with the New Haven, July 29.—(AP)— be discussed by the commission ne^ 11 jjj the Christian Endeavor the interpreter was there all the alrous of signing but uncertain Sheriff Hackney at Unlontowr, and Kelly met the dentist a month home mortgage relief, agricultum week. The commission has already time.) I. said since I had done no whether the agreement might not after the telephone conversatltfj, ago in Rockefeller city. The chance adjustment, and public works The leaders cf the youths in Presl- society amd Sunday school. He fre­ given the phase of financing the quently took part in dramatics by wrong 1 would leave. I walked to require impossible pay roll outlays, said he “would, under the circum­ acquaintance ripened and Dr. Sylla, phases of the administration pro- Roosevelt’s forest arm y re- construction of the bridge some my auto and got to. need Contimiea stances, rdease my authority, but the young people, and was ever who took a friendly Interest in gram. ported today that the recruits have conai^rauun,consideration, itIt was said by Chalr- ^ worthy cause. “Four additional policemen ran Today, the stream of returning only under martial law." young men, gave Kelly a key to his The Public wwto ^ n e under toeir first baptism o! over and started to jerk and yank agreement blanks, signed by em- He was assistant to Miss Marion He said the governor, according apartment. .u have emerged victors me from the auto. 1 realized it was pioyers from coast to. coast, con- to law. is .entirely in control of the Last Monday, according to the I ization of the administrative staff.U# to I umlSS to im th« Lieggt who was superintendent o f best to retTim to the palacio and tinued steadily. Definite figures as situation. He said he had 1 storyotory attributeattributed to Moran, Kelly start operations. The state man- fight forest fires this week on sev­ brW^rcoi^So JuiUor d.partm.i.t o( th. ^ phone the American consul. to the numbers were meager be­ ed appeallug the matter to presi- | t-hat thev rob the - I suggested that they rob the dentist ager of the Federal Home O ^ers eral fronts, reports to Foreatac R. Whether one of the requisites is an scbtol, and spent yesterday “They refused to. allow me lo cause many post-masters bad failed dent Rfwsetolt, but that “s i^ o fa Sl.OOO ring and his money. The Loan Corporation was named, and M. Ross of the Clonnecticut Forest ajiproprlation by the state to cover foren^n there, helping ^ every way phone and pushed me violently to count the return envelopes. ftppc&l now would be out of tac four drove here from Stamford, had his plan for regional offices ap- fc part of the construction cost, if possible to arrange for the exhlbl- Meanwhile, Hugh S. Johnson, di- lour arove 'proved. Committees charged with and Park Association showed, and 1 around, away from the phone. Ftoal- I", each case they were instrument- thls Is not necessary, it is believed tlon of work at the closing exercises j j njy to mark down rector of the enterprls was expect- Tte sheriff ordered hla deputies to (Conttoued On Page Eight) the administration of the tobacco the personnel of the Connecticut | last evening.
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