Proudly Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFHFREE 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFHFREE ORWOODQ EWSQ FREE NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 Vol 30, No 21 • PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION • OCTOBER 26-NOVEMBER 8, 2017 ORWOODQ EWSQ NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER: SEE PICTURES: FALL FOLIAGE | PG. 4 JGHBID FALL FESTIVAL | PG. 11 ARMORY RINK $$$ Choosing the IN FOCUS...AGAIN Candidates | pg 2 State comes back to Bronx to hear locals’ take on $138M loan VIP’s Diner Café Closes Suddenly | pg 6 Lehman Center Kicks Off 37th Season pg 10 Photo by Aaron Mayorga THE ICE CENTER has long been the pet project of former New York Rangers captain Mark Messier (pictured) who serves as KNIC’s presi- dent, shown here in attendance at the Oct. 12 hearing. By AARON MAYORGA state loan for developers at a estimated to cost $353 million. dents sounded off on the Em- The beleaguered project to hearing. Since receiving the green light pire State Development (ESD) convert the Kingsbridge Ar- The state-mandated hear- from the New York City Council Corporation’s approval of a mory into the world’s largest ing represents a return to in December 2013, the project $138 million loan to KNIC. The ice skating center overcame a square one for backers of the has languished in delays, with 30-year state loan would carry major financing hurdle as resi- Kingsbridge National Ice Cen- construction at the Armory yet a seven percent annual inter- dents and community leaders ter (KNIC), an expected to be to begin. est rate and is earmarked to fi- pg 14 backed a multi-million-dollar state-of-the-art ice rink that is At the Oct. 12 hearing, resi- (continued on page 15) 2 • October 26-November 8, 2017 • Norwood News EDITORIAL Vol. 30, No. 21 Vol. 27, No. 10 NorwoodVol. 27,News 27, No. No.is 10published 10 bi-weekly on Thursdays by Who Will You Hire? MosholuNorwoodNorwood Preservation NewsNews is Corporation ispublished published (MPC) Nov. 7 will be the day you exercise your 3400 Reservoir Oval East Norwoodbi-weekly onNews Thursdays is published by bi-weeklyBronx, New on ThursdaysYork 10467 by right to vote. In the Bronx there are 11 con- Mosholubi-weekly Preservation on Thursdays Corporation by MosholuPhone: Preservation 718 324 4998Corporation tests (not counting citywide), most of which Mosholu3400 PreservationReservoir Oval EastCorporation 3400Fax: Reservoir 718 324 Oval2917 East E-mail: [email protected], Reservoir New York 10467Oval East have already been won, thanks to the power Bronx, New York 10467 Web.:Bronx, www.norwoodnews.org New York 10467 the September primary has on the Bronx. Phone: 718 324 4998 The general election simply formalizes Fax: 718 324 2917 Publisher Phone: 718 324 4998 E-mail: [email protected]: 718 324 4998 those victories. Mosholu PreservationFax: 718 324 Corporation 2917 Web: www.norwoodnews.org The race for Mayor is largely along the E-mail: [email protected]: 718 324 2917 ExecutiveE-mail: [email protected] Director of MPC same line. In the August 31-September 13 Melissa Web:Cebollero www.norwoodnews.org Web: www.norwoodnews.org edition of the Norwood News, we wrote DirectorPublisher of MPC CEO, Mosholu that the incumbent, Mayor Bill de Blasio, JenniferMosholu Tausig Preservation 3UHVHUYDWLRQ Corporation Corporation is likely going to win the general election Photos courtesy individual campaigns PublisherEditor-in-Chief, NorwoodRobertoCEO, News S. Mosholu Garcia PublisherEditor-in-Chief CEO, Mosholu THE CANDIDATES FOR Mayor include (l-r) incumbent Democrat Bill de Blasio, Re- MosholuDavid Cruz, Preservation [email protected] 3UHVHUYDWLRQ namely since the two challengers, Repub- MosholuDavid Cruz Preservation Corporation Corporation3UHVHUYDWLRQ lican Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis, publican challenger Nicole Malliotakis and Independent Party candidate Bo Dietl. AccountsCorporation Receivable Corporation Editor-in-ChiefDawn&ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ McEvoy Roberto S. Garcia and Independent Richard “Bo” Dietl, carry Editor-in-Chief Roberto S. Garcia DavidProofreaderDawn Cruz McEvoy very little support. Plus, the current antag- partment of Education to determine mis- bad old days of police corruption, where JudyDavid$FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH Noy Cruz onism towards President Donald Trump management of its contracts, investing in knucklehead officers used the badge to run Dawn McEvoy &ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJInterns doesn’t help much as both of de Blasio’s senior housing, and assigning independent- their own criminal enterprises). This quix- Diego&ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJProofreader Barcacel Peña, Stephanie Luciano, rivals were shown to have voted for Mr. minded officials to the MTA board. Her so- otic run deserves more scrutiny. Does his DawnJudy McEvoy Noy YaraDawn Palin, McEvoy Aaron Mayorga Trump nearly a year ago. lution to fix the homeless crisis by building raucous, flippant and troglodytic presenta- $FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH3URGXFWLRQ Regular$FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOHNeil deMause Contributors more supportive and affordable housing is tion remind voters of anyone? DawnDavid McEvoy Greene, Adi Talwar Dawn5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV McEvoy With a week to go before the general merely putting a Band-Aid to the overall Proofreader ContributorProofreaderDavid Greene, Adi Talwar election, here’s a quick breakdown of the issue of homeless who are mentally ill. Her Let’s put our take aside. What are your JudyMiriam Noy Quinones JudyInterns Noy candidates: name recognition is extremely slim. Hon- thoughts on the general election? Who will 3URGXFWLRQShayla Love, Paolo Mossetti, Justin McCallum, estly, how many New Yorkers knew about you vote for? It’s a question that should be on Neil3URGXFWLRQandFor deMause Chelsea Display George Advertising Neil deMauseCall (718) 324-4998 De Blasio: De Blasio has pounded the Malliotakis before she ascended to grab the the minds of the borough’s 795,402 registered 5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUVFor display advertising, call (718) 324-4998. drum on progressive politics that have in- Republican nomination for mayor? She’s voters from across all party lines including David5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV Greene, Adi Talwar cluded major reforms within the NYPD, stuck to the eastern section of the Bronx, the the very fringe. Unfortunately, the prospect SupportDavidSupport Greene, Your Adi Talwar Interns mental health system, and housing matters. most Republican sections when compared of voting was only on the minds of 71,084 vot- ShaylaCommunityInternsCommunity Love, Paolo Newspaper!Newspaper! Mossetti, Justin McCallum, The Norwood NewsLVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE- His platform over the last four years have ei- to the rest of the borough. But to win, some- ers, or 8.9 percent, this past primary in the TheShayla Norwood Love, News Paolo is a Mossetti,not-for-profi Justin t publication McCallum, andlication Chelsea and relies George upon the support of its and reliesChelsea upon George the support of its advertisers ther caused him to gain or lose supporters. times candidates should get out of their com- Bronx. advertisers and readers to produce a quality and readers to produce a quality community community newspaper. To support your paper, In the Bronx, we hear less positive things fort zone. There’s a quote from Ray Kroc, the Fornewspaper. display advertising, To support callyour (718) paper, 324-4998. become Forbecome display a member advertising, and receive call (718)a subscription 324-4998. said about de Blasio and more antagonism founder of McDonald’s, who said, “You are a member and receive a subscription for one for one year. Supportyear. Your lobbed at him, mainly for his propensity to Dietl: It’s hard to tell whether Dietl has only as good as the people you hire.” SupportSimply mail checkYour or money order for $40 dump homeless shelter after homeless shel- an actual agenda or if he’s shooting from the In a way, voting is a type of hiring. It’s CommunitySimply mail check Newspaper! or money order for $40 to: Communityto: Norwood News, Newspaper! 3400 Reservoir Oval East, ter in a borough that’s already saturated hip. The Independent candidate (who voted prevalent in the phrasing of candidates who TheNorwoodBronx, Norwood NY News, 10467. News 3400 LVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE Reservoir Oval East,- licationBronx,The Norwood NYand 10467. relies News uponLVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE the support of its - with them. He is not your blue collar mayor, Republican but says he’s a registered Dem- feel they are “the right person for the job.” advertiserslicationNorwood and News and relies isreaders not upon responsible theto produce support for typo aof- quality its but one edging towards elitism ripe with an ocrat) shared very little ideas at the first So the question goes: Who do you want to Norwood News is not responsible for communityadvertisersgraphical errors. newspaper.and readersOpinions To expressedto supportproduce in your signed a quality paper, I-know-what’s-best-for-you mentality that mayoral debate, opting to randomly shout hire? typographicalcommunityletters and bylinednewspaper. errors. columns Opinions To represent support expressed the your sole paper, in becomesigned letters a member and bylinedand receive columns a subscription represent has turned off working class Bronx resi- toothless counter-arguments that turned In a nation freer than most countries becomeopinion aof memberthe author and arereceive not necessarily a subscription forthe thoseone sole year.of opinion
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