VOLUME Y. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C., AUGUST 8,1875. NUMBER 23. THE CAPITAL, ARMY AND NAVY. irrevently call the little Sartoris, must be better. The Delano». It is a melancholy reflection, but none' the less To the Editor of THE CAPITAL. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. true, that babies born in the purple are just as sub- PUBLISHED WEEKLY A GREAT WANT has at last been supplied, and a Mr. Delano is evidently determined to die hard, ject to cholera infantum as the progeny of the great Tbe Explosion at Bridwlnirg. palpitating populace rejoicing. This stupendous and spends a good deal of his valuable time in en- unwashed. We congratulate Mrs. Sartoris upon PHILADELPHIA, August 7.—The explosion at the • BY THJE ' preface introduces us to the cause of the rejoicing, deavoring to convince the public that he is in per- the restoration of her baby's health, and trust Ulys- Bridesburg arsenal took place In the laboratory which is another example of what genius can bring fectly good official health. To attain this end Mr. building. The boys were employed In breaking up ses Algernon may live long and prosper. CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, forth. "We can, in all conscience, say, " Oh lord, dis- B. R. Cowen and one or two clerks in the Secre- condemned metallic ammunition. There were about tary's office are dally engaged in the preparation of sixteen boys engaged at this work when the ex- miss thy servant," for his work, is done. It is Dr. GENERAL WILLIAM MYERS, the depot quartermas- plosion took place. One was killed outright, three, 927 D Street, Washington, I). C. Elliott Coues that has done it, and being done, he ter of this city, has returned to his post after his "statements in justice to the Secretary," as they perhaps four, will die. James McLaughlin, aged nineteen, was killed outright. Full list of the In- rests. We refer, to brief matters and bring things lengthened absence in California in the pursuit of all read, and the precious papers are distributed gratis to such of the correspondents as will accept jured : John Melbrane, William McMuIlen. George DONN PIATT and B. G. LOVE JOY, Editor«. to'a foens, to that interesting a?d humorous novelette health, looking younger and handsomer than ever. Siller, Howard Stinger, Daniel Ross, John Hurtz, of the doctor's that is exciting so much interest and The general's family are spending the summer them for publication in the papers they represent. Albert Seller, Charles Dearborn, Joseph Farrell, TERMS.—$9.50 per year (Including postage) In ad- giving so much pleasure to lovers of light literature. months in the mountains of N<|w Hampshire. One of these statements was sent to the Inter-Ocean William Diehl, Howard Altemus, Edmund Shields- vance. last week and republished in the Chronicle of Fri- Joseph Vanzandt, Frederick Lutz, William Butler, Clubs: Ten copies to one address, 930 In advance, with And Thackeray says we are all such lovers. The Howard Ervin. No reliable accounts have vet been one copy free. Twenty copies to one address, 835 In title—we warn you ahead of time not to be scared WE FIND on our table the second number of the day. It is such an effusion as could be expected received as to how the explosion occurred. Mr. GilJ. advance, with one copy free. by the title—when read clearly is: "Abstract of He- Field and Forest, the organ of the Potomac Side from the representatives of the Indian ring, and who was near bv at the time, states that the first in- Naturalists' Club. It contains, besides other good life all their recent publications is absolutely un- timation he had of the disaster was the explosion, of suits of a Study of the Genera Geomys and Tho- one cartridge, rapidly followed by several others, THE CAPITAI. momys, with Addenda on the Osteology of Geomy things, a very interesting account of snake poison true. The principal statements are: That Professor and then the whole building went down. Some ac.~ Can always be found on sale at the news stands das and on the Habits of Geomystuza!" That ing, from the pen of Dr. E. M. Shaeffer, formerly of Marsh based his letter to the President on a report counts state that the boys were engaged In prepar- In the following cities ancf'watering places : ing the cartridges for an official inspection wheo <Sm» AMERICA» NEWS COMPANY, New York. sounds loud, bat it is absolutely nothing to what is the Army Medical Museum. The accident occurred »aade by me to the board of Indian commissioners, explosion took place. N«w YORK NEWS COMPANY; " on the Inside. Here is the plot of the romance. We to a young man plcnicing on the Potomac. He was and then, with a view of weakening Professor GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, U can only give it: bitten in the hand by a copperhead agkistrodon Marsh's statement, attack ine falsely and say that contortrix B. and G., and notwithstanding this long my character was bad in the army; that I attempted O'Connell. NEW YORK HOTEL, " Geomystuzi—the scene is laid in the wilds of ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, " name he recovered, as did another who was bitten self destruction while in delirium, tremens; that DUBLIN, August 7.—This was the third and la»*, Chicago—is a young lady, the daughter of Judge day of the celebration of the O'Connell cement»?. ASTOR HOUSE, " the same way when pulling on his boots. was dismissed from the board of Indian commis- CONTINENTAL HOTEL. Philadelphia. Geomydie, a retired mall contractor, whom it takes The festivities consisted of excursions, boat races oa sioners, and that I was dismissed from the board of PARKER HOUSE, Boston. a week to register his Keely motor bonds, and whose the Liffey and athletic sports. This evening the J. R. HAWLEY, Cincinnati, Ohio. LIEUTENANT C. W.WHIPPLE of Lieutenant Wheel- audit for drunkenness. cantata of " St. Patriok at Tara" will be given in WILL GRAY, St. Louis. Missouri. word is good for a quarter of a million cash. Miss er's expedition has lately been promoted into the Exhibition Palace, and there will be a display o£ PALMER HOUSE. Chicago. G. has two lovers, Geomys, a young newspaper man, ordnance corps, a wellrmerited Recognition of his sol- Professor Marsh never reo d my report before ha fireworks. There was an amnesty demonstration C. H. Q.UIMBY, Wheeling, West Virginia. wrote his letter to the President, and hejwrote of to-day In Glasnevln cemetery, where O'Connell is. C. F. JOHNSTON, Rlchmond.'Virginla. and Thomomys, who has large expectations, wears dierly qualities. We think we perceive his artistic buried. Forty thousand persons were present, In- J. T. ELLYSON, » a white cravat and affects the religious. Geomy what he saw in 1871, while I reported what I saw in taste in the groap of etchings which the Graphic cluding several members of Parliament. Kesolu- - C. C. HALEY, New Orleans, Louisiana. 1873. And although there is a remaikable similarity W SCOTT GLORH, Louisville, Kentucky. is loved by Miss G., but the old man favors Thomo., published last week. The attitude of the bucking tions were adopted in favor of home rule and ami- J. A. ROYS, Detroit, Michigan. and when the maiden considers the difference in broncho is simply superb; it is magnificent. A good between his narration of the different modes of etea: nes ty for the imprisoned Fenians. C. C. RIGHTER, Charleston, South Carolina. their bank books things are pretty much equalized ing and mine, the facts cited in c.ich case are totally SAN FRANCISCO, August 7.—The one hundredth WHITE & BAUER, San Francisco, California. deal of curiosity has been evinced in army and navy with her, " love looking not with the eyes but with different. birthday of O'Connell was celebrated here last, J. T. Cox, Alexandria, Virginia. circles as to the authorship of a little jeu d'esprit night. CONGRESS HALL, Cape May, if. J. the mind" to the main chance. Osteology is the which has been going the rounds of the religious As to my character, Mr. Cowen quotes a number COLUMBIA HOUSE, " , Children Killed by a Bear. WEST END HOTEL, Long Branch. N. J. heavy villain, wears black side whiskers and smokes press, entitled " Grace before Meat." It is said to of charges and specifications of which I was acquit- OTTAWA, ONT., August 7.—A dispatch from Gal- . GREENBRIER WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, West Va. cheap cigars; is in the pay of .T., the wealthy lover have been written by an army officer celebrated for ted honorably, but fails to state that I was acquitted, M. A. CROWN'S, NO. 78 W. Fayette Street, Bai timor . tineau says three children, while picking berries in Addenda is a cunning and retired Theater Comique although the acquittals are a part of the order he And at all the hotels and news stands in Baltimore. his efforts in the same line. To prevent further in- the bush, were attacked and killed by a bear. Only quoted from. The charge of attempted self-destruc girl, who favors Geomys, because he used to write quiry and trouble we will simply say that the author the feet and arms of one of the children can be CONTEXTS OF INSIDE. her gratuitous puffs when she was in the heel-sling - tion has no foundation whatever, as I was a member is — ; but on consideration w'e guess we won't found. PAGE 2.—Editorial Notes Abroad. ing line. The book begins with a description of of a detailed escort at the time I was shot, and could say so either.
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