AN INDEPENDENT SUPPLEMENT FROM MEDIAPlanET TO THE WashINGTon PosT All editorial content is The nutritional know Bacterial balance produced by Mediaplanet Our experts chew over and did not involve the news The benefits or editorial departments of the tough questions of probiotics The Washington Post. August 2012 DIGESTIVE WELLNESS LIGHTS, CAMERA, TAKE ACTION! Actress and advocate Emmanuelle Chriqui puts the spotlight on colon cancer. “We don’t realize the damage done each day. We must do a better job taking care of ourselves.” Sharon Osbourne raises money to promote colon cancer awareness for those in need. COVER PHOTO: GRAHAM DUNN / TEASER PHOTO: SHARON OSBOURNE MANAGEMENT AN INDEPENDENT SUPPLEMENT FROM MEDIAPlanET TO THE WashINGTon PosT 2 · AUGUst 2012 CHALLENGES More than 60 million Americans confront digestive health issues in their day-to-day lives. WE RECOMMEND Web sensation Patients with IBD log on and link up for a common cure PAGE 6 “If you look at twenty or fifty thousand patients, you have so much more information that The ‘insides’ scoop can be accrued. It is all really about the power ost Americans preventable. The American Col- patients make colonoscopy easier in numbers.” have experi- lege of Gastroenterology (ACG) “If you have now than ever. enced unwanted wants you to get screened for this symptoms or digestive symp- potentially deadly disease, and Speak up for toms, such as recommends colonoscopy as the need screening, the silent majority heartburn, indi- preferred strategy for colorectal don’t let Digestive diseases are a fact of life Mgestion, nausea, gas, constipation, cancer detection and prevention. for millions of Americans. If you diarrhea, or bloating. Acid reflux or Gastroenterologists know that embarrassment have symptoms or need screen- GERD, chronic constipation, irrita- colonoscopy is one of the most ing, don’t let embarrassment or DIGESTIVE WELLNESS, or fear keep you 5TH EDITION, AUGUST 2012 ble bowel syndrome (IBS), hemor- powerful preventive screening fear keep you from getting the rhoids, gallstones, and abdominal tests because we can see and from getting the answers you need. See your doc- Publisher: Ben Murray [email protected] pain related to diverticular disease remove pre-cancerous growths in answers you tor! America’s gastroenterologists Business Developer: Becky Weinstein are among the most common gas- the colon called polyps, stopping are on the front lines in diagnosing [email protected] Designer: Missy Kayko trointestinal problems that prompt colorectal cancer before it starts. need. See your and treating digestive disorders Managing Director: Luciana Colapinto visits to the doctor. The good news A recent study in The New Eng- and can help you stay happy and [email protected] doctor!” Editorial Manager: Sara Quigley is that these problems can be alle- land Journal of Medicine proves healthy for years to come. [email protected] viated in most patients, restoring that when polyps are removed Learn more: Visit the ACG’s Contributors: Faye Brookman, normal function and health. Your during colonoscopy, deaths from new patient website for a wealth Emmanuelle Chriqui, Crohn’s and doctor can help you learn how to colorectal cancer are reduced by of online resources, health tools, Colitis Foundation of America, Jeannie Gazzaniga-Moloo, Dr. Douglas Howard, control these symptoms. 53 percent. and expert insight: http://patients. Dr. Dominique E. Howard, Dr. Joseph C. More dangerous digestive con- ACG guidelines recommend gi.org/ Maroon, Dr. Mark Noar, Sharon Osbourne, Cindy Riley, Dr. Lawrence Schiller ditions, such as hepatitis, ulcer- colonoscopy every 10 years begin- Disclaimer: The content in this ative colitis and Crohn’s disease, ning at age 50, and beginning at special advertising section was Distributed within: The Washington Post, August 2012 impact the health and quality of life age 45 for African Americans. If not reviewed by Dr. Schiller or the This section was created by Mediaplanet of millions of Americans. Even bet- you have a family history of colon American College of Gastroenter- and did not involve the news or editorial departments of The Washington Post. ter news is that safe and effective cancer–or even colon polyps– you ology. Dr. Schiller and the Ameri- treatments that can control symp- may be at higher risk of getting the can College of Gastroenterology toms are available and researchers disease. Colon cancer is one of do not endorse any of the advertis- are closing in on understanding the the most preventable and curable ers or companies mentioned within causes which may lead to cures. types of cancer when detected this special advertising section. Dr. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK & TWITTER! early. Since the risk of colon can- Schiller received no compensation facebook.com/MediaplanetUSA twitter.com/MediaplanetUSA Testing as treatment cer increases with age, getting for writing this introduction. The best news is that colorectal screened in mid-life is essential. Mediaplanet’s business is to create new customers for our advertisers by providing cancer—the second leading Improved techniques for clean- Lawrence R. Schiller, MD, FACG LawreNce R. SCHIller, MD, FACG President, The American College of readers with high-quality editorial content cause of cancer deaths—is highly ing out the colon and sedating Gastroenterology 2011-2012, Dallas Texas [email protected] that motivates them to act. AN INDEPENDENT SUPPLEMENT FROM MEDIAPlanET TO THE WashINGTon PosT AUGUst 2012 · 3 INSPIRATION TIP Emmanuel Chriqui shows her competitive 1 edge to help raise awareness for colon health. Get INFOrmed AND get screeNed! QUESTION & ANSWER Dominique E. Howard, MD Board Certified Gastroenterologist with Capital Live to love: Screen for life Digestive Care ■ Question: How did actress who could raise the most for Emmanuel Chriqui raise charity. Chriqui’s fans pushed Dispelling colon awareness for colon health? her to the top, pledging more cancer myths ■ Answer: By going head-to- than $11,000 to Colon Cancer Gastroenterologist Dominique E. head with ‘NSYNC’s Lance Bass Canada. In addition to the funds Howard sheds light on two of the in a contest to see who could raised, she got to “walk” Bass most common misconceptions generate the most money for dressed in a Poo Fu the dog cos- on colon cancer prevention. charity. tume through Los Angeles’ Run- yon Canyon. I’m too young to need Actress Emmanuel Chriqui is Chriqui, although only 35, has colon cancer screening. using her celebrity status to raise been screened because of fam- Certain circumstances may awareness of a topic once taboo ily history. She urged people to put you at risk earlier than you —colon health. know their own family health think. Colonoscopy screening “Once upon a time, we didn’t history, get screened and eat beginning at age 50 remains talk about the colon,” said Chriqui, healthy. “I’ve made it my mission the preferred colorectal screen- a Canadian-born star perhaps to take the shame out of getting ing strategy by The American best known for her portrayal of tested. Preparation isn’t pleas- College of Gastroenterology. Sloan on HBO’s Entourage and ant, but when you wake up you However, certain individuals and now appearing in The Mentalist. are done and to me it is better to groups of individuals may need Colon cancer hit close to home be safe than sorry,” to begin screening earlier. Those for Chriqui – her mom died from Diet is crucial to colon health, with a family history of colon the disease when she was 16; she said. “Drink tons of water, eat polyps or colorectal cancer, a sadly her dad is now battling the more fresh fruits and vegetables personal history of inflammatory same disease. and examine the size of portions. bowel disease, as well as African When presented with the Remember, your colon is where Americans are at an increased opportunity to do something, food goes and gets stored.” risk and should talk to their doc- Chriqui considered it “divine Chriqui hopes to have the tor about an appropriate age to intervention” and something she opportunity to further share her begin screening. could do to honor her mom’s passion as an advocate for colon memory. “I want to do whatever health. “Know your body. Look I don’t have any I can to raise awareness of colon for changes – the truth is colon symptoms, so I can’t health and screenings.” cancer is preventable.” have colon cancer. That led her to The Power- of- This is a common misconcep- 2, an online fundraising compe- FAYE BROOKMAN KNOW YOur BODY. Chriqui hopes to have the opportunity to further share her tion. During the precursor polyp passion as an advocate for colon health. PHOTO: CLAUDETTE BARIOS/HBO tition against Lance Bass to see [email protected] stage and even in early colon cancer there can be few, if any, SPOTLIGHT symptoms. In later stages of colon cancer symptoms such too hard, or I ate something bad. cer, affecting men and women as stool changes, rectal bleed- Osbourne goes You have to listen to your body. equally.” ing, abdominal pain, anemia, with her gut It’s trying to tell you something is Osbourne recognizes the and unexplained weight loss wrong.” importance of maintaining a can develop. If you do experi- ■ Sharon Osbourne admits Osbourne underwent sur- proper diet for colon health. ence these symptoms you may she was never concerned gery and chemotherapy, which “I was a fast food junkie. I ate need to have a colonoscopy about colon health until she took its toll, even with in-home all the wrong things, like milk- regardless of age and should battled cancer in 2002. “I had assistance. After seeing patients shakes, ice cream and butter. consult your physician. never even heard of colon waiting at bus stops just to get I mean, this one colon has to cancer,” explains the talk show to their chemo treatments, the deal with all the rubbish we put DOMINIQUE E.
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