IRISH RAVEL OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE IRISH TOURIST ASSOCIATION Vol. 8 ~. 2 October, 1932 Price T breepenct Photo] "MOVING OFF" [LT.A. IRISH TRAVEL. October, 1932. BANK OF IRELAND; Come to + + + ESTABLISHED 1783. FACILITIES IRELAND FOR TRAVELLERS. See it by FUREY'S LUXURIOUS PIONEERS OF MOTOR COACH Motor Coaches TRAVEL IN IRELAND Examples of our Tours: HEAD OFFICE. COLLEGE GREEN. DUBLIN. We lead others may 7 Days' Tour-350 Miles and ho­ follow tel accommodation for £4 15s. Bc For Private Hire: BRANCHES AT Luxurious Coaches to Half-day City Sight Seeing in any part 0/ ireland. Dublin 6/- BELFAST, CORK, DERRY, Our Mol/o: Daily Tours to places of scenic AND 100 TOWNS THROUGHOUT IRELAND .. Truth in Advertising" and historic interest. 10/. ALSO AT Phone: 44560 A Week's Tour to KILLARNEY COSH, (QUEENSTOWN.) & GALWAY, (DOCKS) £7 10 0 inclusive ON ARRIVAL OF ALL LINERS BY DAY OR NIGHT. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE Head O//ice: 8 Upr. O'Connell St., Dublin BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Hire a Car! Real Photo Postcards and see the beauty-spots of Ireland, OF IRISH SCENERY AND ANTIQUITIES places that are really worth seeing. See them, what's more, in perfect peace and comfort. T,"acy's can supply you with a high-powered saloon, with or without chauffeur, Real Photo Cards printed from at shortest notice, and at moderate customers own negatives or prints. cost. Moderate prices. High-class I.F.S. Distributors jor:- work. All work carried out on our own premises in Dublin. §a~CGrE[R PRICES FROM £169 T. H. MASON, P. J. TRACY L~ ESTD. 1780. 18 Stephen's Green 5 & 6 DAME ST., DUBLIN. DUBLIN Phone: 61983-4 ~1~~~~~~~=tlle=~~~~J1 October, 1932. IRISH TRAVEL. RETURN HOME TICKETS BY FOR ALL CUNARD LONDON THEATRES By arrangement with Messrs. U.S.A.-CANADA ASHTON & MITCHELL Ensure yourself an enjoyable 12 and 14 MAYFAIR PLACE, homeward trip by booking Cunard LONDON, W.!. large, modern, luxurious liners ... wonderful comfort and cuisine ... every facility PIGOTT & CO., LTD. for the celebration of Holy Mass .. new reduced rates in all classes are now prepared to book Seats for any London Theatre GALWAY TO BOSTON AND NEW YORK SCYTHIA -- Oct. '2 LACONIA -- ~ov. 13 and to issue Tickets for same LACONIA -- Oct. 16 LACONIA -- Dec. II - COBH TO BOSTON AND NEW YORK Full parliculal's sent free and Thealre Plans SCYTHIA --- Oct. '2 LACONIA -- Nov. 13 may be inspected at our Booking Office LACONIA -- Oct. 16 SCYTHIA -- Nov. 27 SCYTHIA -- Oct. 30 LACONIA -- Dec. 11 BELFAST TO QUEBEC AND MONTREAL ATHENIA -- Oct. 7 LETITIA -- Oct. '21 ANTONIA -- Oct. 15 ATHENIA -- Nov. 4 112 GRAFTON STREET Apply Cunard Line, Dublin, CoM, Liverpool, or Cunard agent in your di..tr~t. DUBLIN NORTH CIRWAN LLOYD BLUE RIBAND OF THE ATLANTIC HELD BY THE Giant Liners "BREMEN" (52,000 tons) and " EUROPA " (50,000 tons) THE FASTEST LINERS IN THE WORLD ------------------.J ---------------------~ COBH to NEW YORK ~ GALWAY to NEW YORK s s BERLIN" ...... 29th Oct. 5.5 DRESDEN" 23rd Oct. S.s STUTTGART" 19th Nov. 5 s DRESDEN" 29th Jan. ! \\ 5.5 DRESDEN" 26th Feb S.s STUTTGART" . 14th Jan. I s.s STUTTGART" 11th Feb. ss DRESDEN" 26th Mar. s.s STUTTGART" 11th Mar. s·s STUTTGART" 9th April s.s DRESDEN" ...... 23rd April SOUTHAMPTON to XMAS SAILINGS NEW YORK s.s BREME " 12th Oct. NEW YORK to GALWAY s.s EUROPA" 21st Oct. s.s STUTTGART" 1st Dec. s.s BERLIN" 28th Oct. s.s BEI~LI .. .. 8th Dec. s.s STEUBEN" 11th ov. 5.5•.' EUROPA" 12th Nov. s.s BREMEN" 23rd Nov. NEW YORK to COBH ss EUROPA" 30th Nov. s.s... BERLI .. ........ 8th Dec. --------------- .1 ----------------------- Particulars from Local Agents or from- Limerick Steam Ship Co., Ltd., Limerick, Cobh, Galway. K.A.A 29 l11ISH TRAVEL. October, 1932. Ireland~s Premier Holiday Resort- DUN LAOGHAIRE Travel to THE GATEWAY OF IRELAND. ON THE ROYAL MAIL ROUTE. Beautifully situated ~hore IRELAND on the southern of Dublin Bay, six miles from the Capital. , The most accessible and up-to-date Seaside Resort in Ireland. Healthy, sunny, gay, and well-equipped. Exhilarating sea and mountain air. Abundant sunshine. Equable temperature. Magnificent piers and promen­ ades. Charming scenic surroundings. Open sea bathing. Modern medical baths. Boating, Golf (IS-hole course). Yachting, the chief centre in Ireland. Bands, Concerts, Dancing. First-class Hotels and Boarding Houses. Most convenient touring centre for the "Garden of Ireland." Illustrated Guide and List of Hotels and Boarding Houses (Post Free) from Publicity Bureau, Town Hall, Dun Laoghaire (Kingstown). Co. Dublin. DUN LAOGHAIRE For Health and Pleasure ! Ir-----------------------------------,I I 1 I SOUVENIRS OF IRELAND ! I I I When passing through Ireland it will doubtless frequently recur I bf"e New Ships I to the mind, .. What souvenir or dainty gift for those at home I I should I purchase while here? '. Of course it will be wished 1 I to get somethinK which will be distinctively Irish and at the same I FISHGUARD to CORK-Direct I time both artistic and useful. Scarcely anything procurable I Leave Paddington ·5·55 p.m. T ue•.• Thurs. and Sat•. I will fill those requirements as fully as the pure silk and wool I ! hand-woven products of the Leinster Hand- Weaving Co, Ltd.. I LIVERPOOL to DUBLIN I Dublin. comprising: I Leave Euston *8·5 p.m. Nightly (Sunday. excepled). I I I LEINSTER SUITING AND COSTUME TWEEDS 1 LIVERPOOL to BELFAST I (All Wool and Fastest Dyes). I Leave Euston '0-5 p.m. Nightly (Sundays excepled). I LEINSTER SCARVES (All Wool). I ARDROSSAN to BELFAST I LEINSTER SILKORA SCARVES 1 Royal Mail Route. Leave Glasgow (Central) 10-30 p.m. I (Pure Silk and Angora Wool). I Nightly (Saturdays and Sunday. excepted). 1 LEINSTER SUPER SCARVES I I (All Finest Botany Wool). I GLASGOW to BELFAST-DIRECT Leave Glasgow 9.0 p.m. (Saturdays 10-45 p.m.) 1 LEINSTER SILK SCARVES I Nightly (Sunday. excepled). I (All Pure Natural Silk). I ! LEINSTER RUGS AND CURTAINS. 1 GLASGOW & GREENOCK to DUBLIN 1 I Four or more Sailing. Every Week. I All are Irish made (Hand- Woven and Finished in Dublin). I I 1 GLASGOW & GREENOCK to DERRY I I Four or more Sailing. Every Week. 1 From Drapers and Costumiers and at the 1 * Restaurant Boat Express I HAND LOOM SHOP I I 1 I 133 St. Stephen's Green, W., Dublin I T.-avel I Where you can see the Tweeds and Scarves being woven. I I I -In COMFORT ~-----------------------------------. 3° SU BSCR IPTlON PUBLISHED 5/- PER ANNUM. EACH MONTH. 00 COPIES FREE 00 TO ALL MEMBERS IRISH OF THE WHOLESALE FROM ASSOCIATION AND EASON & SON, Ltd. OF ITS ASSOCIATE DUBLIN. DEPARTMENT TRAVEL OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE IRISH TOURIST ASSOCIATION, DUBLIN. VOL. 8. OCTOBER. 1932. NO. 2. H The Horn of the Hunter tt Cruises-Ireland Next? "Song sJlall declare a way E have heard interesting rumours tllat the Irish Coast \"ill be featured in some of tIle Cruises How to drive care away W operated by large t amsll ip Companies in 1933. Pain and despair awuy Hitherto Ireland has been off the Cruising map with Chasing the fox." tile exception of one or two pecial events which we under ·tand were \'ery well patronised, and a fe\\' Other HE Horn of the Hunter will soon be heard on the occasions on which single calls were made to on or Hill calling the follower of tlle "Sport. of other of our Ports. T l<ings " to rally to its summons. Already a bnght There appears tu he no reason for the om issioll of l:l1ill in the autumn air preludes the atmosphere of the Ireland other thilll that it \Va not in at the beginning line cold days of this winter port. Hunters are bUSy and up to the present Norway and the Meditenanean preparing their coats and cap an~ crops,. c~oo mg and have had almost a monopoly. The IrislI Coast is well exerci ing their mounts, and loolnng for" aI d t? m~ny punctuated by harbours which gi\,e safe anchorage, good an enjoyable spell of fir t-class port, galloplllg 0\ er "Jd~ landing accommodation and ea y approach, with first­ green field, jumping hedge and dJtch and stone gre~ dass tranport arrangements, to our principal Tourist wall in the wild ardour and enthu la m . of . tile (·entres. chase. "Foxes and Ilares are ashake m theIr .lam;," \Ve welcome particularly the \'isit of the "lie de and young hounds fresh to the field, are gettIng, Jll cuh­ France" to Cobh Harbour during the past seu on. \\'hen hunting, a foretaste of their winter's work. a ves el of over 40,000 tous cau come and go in perfect In Ireland-the " Hunter's Playground ·'-the " Happiest safety and allow a thousand of its passengers to mal,e of Hun.ting Grounds "-all the conditions of happy hunt­ a short visit to Killarney with complete satisfaction to ing are generously realised. A tradJtlon of long allll all concerned, \\'e need have no lIe itation in staldng our illtimate as ociation with this best of sports has resulted claim for a share of the \\'orld's Cruises. in a porting population, ever ready ~o jom 111 the SPJrlt The Cunard Line, in landing :>00 passengers at Glen­ or the chase and has ensured a plentIful supply of splen­ gariff, made it equally clear that \\'e are not cuul1ned did horses 'available for Ilire and purchase. The Irish to our Transatlantic Ports for uitable" halts." hor e-" Ireland's best ambassador "-i famou the Enquirie reaching the LT.A.
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