CHHONICtB Democratic Landslide Local, County Republicans Win Here Lutz, Beggs Winners^- Elects Gov. Roosevelt + •• • i • _' • • - •••'-.'• • . In Township Race Nearly Every State Give. New York't Chief Executive Major- Republican Gahdidates Are Re-elected \p Committee Post* by ity Over Hoover—Republican* Regain Control of Large Margin—5,500 Ballot* Are Cast to Set New Jewey Legislature, and Win in County. New Voting Record.. Tuesdays's election provided many surprises in the political field. The Democrats carried iheir national ticket in nearly every State of the (rci'n-m! A. l.iitr ninl. |anu-s < i.. .ib-ft;s.-l\<'|>iil>lic'iii u-miiiitt i»y Union and .with it Went many local upsets. New jersey even went to c-i-lctliiHi.- w-nii lKlinli.lv .oret'llu'ir IVm.K'nilfc ()j)|ii>neiitx in 1HIMII< -, Ict-liini. tin; .\nti- iiir ilit-iii IK-III); mt'iri! tliaii, twii'li'i uiic mu in in I 'the Koosevelt column-but here the_ Republicans regain control-of the Iniunl llial liver iIn- uilii-r iVuim-ratic cainlid.-iii-. '111.totals \n u \\ <) .Legislature.'• Senator Barbour to- or llq'jrs, "-V-UW i-Mi: l.iiu, ,-iiia. l,(.7.i 4<>r Smith anil 1,5^7' (-. i ^mll\ day was reported to have won the ilr.-r.iil/jitiw is I'liaisuian ni the 'r.ivvn-.lu|> Chmtnittiy-Iaiiil \li I . sks l\ S. Senate'race from Percy Wins Close Race •i-l.'ulk-r l.'iiiniiiis-.iiiiirr.'Ojiiiil iiinliiulilrilly will <in:mif'|linnsi.|M m tl ( •'.Stewart'by a small margin, 5,000 to 1 irKdni/alioii.nY ll«r'T>iH'ii'.hi)"1i I'mtiinitn-'c lamiiityn.'' 7,000. I'he Assembly wilt-be Re- Httiii Ht-11 wa- eW\n\ IUSUVP ..'f llii- vAc\- l.v' |nTsiin il .. ptililican by about 40 io 20. The 0 II iiriiiiit! in «ui null l i iln-s i llui / Republican control of. the State I H ill\ llu h^j,i.-,t \ ti in tin tii-l iv I (.Mill iril «i p. Hi I Senate is about the - same as la?t C WESLEY COLLINS In I in I I-I^^IU i i ilu u^lii lianas iii^liulin^ nMiti us u (>.'I7 ye.ir. .. • ".'• •. ' *,^' Sheriff '„ _ .. ii I tin Ii I il \ Ii i lit u i> > 117 i i **c«S |, r II nt 11 nnut U rum in ynion County Republicans elect-. DONALD H. BfeUAN Mil IlllUIMI III It illl t llll>pMI\ 111 lulls I*OJIIS| Ii | || u | t Ml 111 1^,1 1 |MH« 1 Dt ]«• n»U i\^ik)iKi iwi^etl nr irttiiiVeird I(|< uili i is will nn '"• l>i_r_ «.uiil nl IIILIIIL ul IJI^IIIIL UIILK M m\ i-t-Mr in (lit linii. IIMIIIIII lutttiin llu hmi i I Ii ni IIUI v III ill Erisident^Hooxeta^nf-ajorityi i)imh An I in I tht I ill rln'iiiii •In the - Gountyi^Repuljlican-majdt- I ollilHlli I lilt V Ii I) IIHUM-, {in |u i| o|IU(s : ities run frbm 17,000 to: 22,000. or lOHiiAhlp ( oimnlttrt)— RtsakUeaa eaadidales for local.and, The greatest upset, hereabouts was "<Ui H ^43 14 Oil IIJ 111. ; 1H 4 0 I HO the defeat of < Mayor'•Kenah of district oUscta nrttni larj.-ma— lut/ U 11} [14 III) 11(1 1UJ >1 >(|u 4 4 jj5)i S»II"> u m ua 47 n ii4 J4 IIII ii nni l E Jorttlm twn~UTihe~eiKlioii Tun- ~ *if>ltlT~tT*" Democrats did not think it possible |nenlniu day. Mayor Grorie A. Loti and to dislodge Kenah, but Tom Will- o. I—KIIHMI Iliiblirt Ill- iams. Republican candidate won by Jama a. B«cn were rc-flected W J70 Jllll fl(," JH5 TiOII f.TJ -tin 4.0 HIM No 73 ion u» 'mjiB isa nu ivi 101,7 nearly 6,000 majority. • It was a the Township Commute*; Lntlcr revolt against the Democratic con- la. 2— In Itrduie Drill— Jin'jUU 04D 204'' s6:» 1113 504 4U HHI Sfecaiif C Walcy ColilBi »•«. rlrrt- Yci 49 01 IW 40 . 110- US Wl III (111) trol, of Elizabeth, "for the normal No r Democratic majority there is around cd Sheriff r Charlei E. Lolieaux n-u €«. 3—l-^nrrtrnt y lUlttf llulldt— 2 i1 103 O'Jl 308 471 4US 30J 1408 5,000. Yn 07 70 10D 40 105 170 110 UtXI -mnasd U the KUte Kfnate from No The referendum for— a small W. WABBEN BABBOUR this Caaaty and Donald McLean mall rmhuldcr I 105 214 ,1M 152 :i:i!l .150 21U iri0 2UV Hoard of Freeholders carried in the United States Senator Yis . IM attS—3441--laa—4M —Mt> -3W ibO IU41 County by about 7,000 andvthe other wfl] rrpcrsrni the Sixth District in three refcrendums all carried by a much htawer vote, In Cranforcl all' Cooxtex m» a> rrialt of Tnnday'ii lohn Spargo Will Speak Caat for Junior fuur.referendums carried., . ^~ _ ~~ Followfng is Ihe tabulation of votes by districts in Cranford": elecUon. In Cranford November 17 League Play Is Announced ••- • •* -— •"- "« »U SD 6D 7D or> rw ""*• Hoover, R ___„ Iff *5if 9*0 cuiiunlsHloner Wltlr tho nnnouticoniml of Uw iiwt, Roosevelt, D .... 148 147 187 295 214 193 1412 OEOBGE A. LCTZ JA.UI1 (. HFGCS • iliKitlim in Niw JIIW) Kill npiHk 10 23 28 n (lnul nrriinKiminnUt lutvo bei-n iiutdu for Thomas, 8 ... ,18 123 Member Township Committee Alember. Tuwiisl lp' C'MninUUe Cmnfiml nn Illlirsdiy IMDIIIK NO. For V. 8- Senator-., Mm [irrnvntatlnn of- thr piny Ihr mbf r 1/ mull r tin tin pluu u( tlu ,teStalJ»BHJJ&&3 3 tiin'i t\ty Muiiiiuu ciuU utunlihK UJ 'lulu imn|)k'ti'U nt this wiii'k'a iniol- ilay allernoon Ui-tlie "Itoou viMt Hthool The production is being Klvcn under Legion,Y.F.W.AiTaiige "£A GfJKRKK E8T tlNI!" .'. UK of the cluU. Tlw. loclurq will b« Leads Are Announced leld in the Itooievelt Schonl and tha the auspices of thu Junior Scrvlco jpst fourteen years aco tomor- Lengue. The proceods will go to char- M -rowtnls-cryvas-nrised "to-Franee- MjbllcJn JuvUeU 1» iilti'iid. uccorOlng 546 461~3S9t o meuiben of tlio committee.. i , R to spread' throughout the; world . ^r Cdllege€Iub P lay Thg call Includes: Mra Spencer J M«yham,D.., 153 180 1372 Tho proirram of tlio Wednesday nr Assembly-- its glad mesrage, "The War Is ninku, Mrs. Philip W. Hall, Jr, Mrs ornlnti Club for November tins been Carl H. Mason, Mrs. J. Balrd Simpson, Pascoe, R _ 576 546 447 3533 Over." ••':'.. .•'••' • r Traffic to be Stopped for One Earl Guy to Be Judge in "Trial iven over t<> the committee, on Inter- Mrs. Weiley A. SUntter, Jr, MUs Ward, R 587 645 452 3554 Millions. of peo|)le throughout, tlonal Relations. At the meeting Mulr, R 594 544 451 3568 i Minute ^ Tomorrow Morii- the world will pause for a. minute by jury," to Be Given No- Elizabeth Oreen, Miss EtimbcUt Hw, Otto, R 577 536 4473491 Vedneuday, Mrs. Aduni Karl Robinson Miss Pauline Hail, Mlu Irmu Muhlen- at 11 o'clock tomorrow: morning rivi"«i l^ AckermkivD 211 160 1771302 I ing; Dance Will Conclude in obsenrmnce*sSr the endlntl ot vember 26;:. c, Miss Suiian PTuminer, Mlwi Harrington, D 207 157 1821360 KiniryPcrsontilltlt-'s." (Mrs. E. K. liovo- nrlno Park, Mlis Elnjne Wetlirrlll die great. International conflict,- tind lead a dlscu&slun uu ''The MfcElroy, D __, 155' 183 1392 Day's Activities, ; anil Miss Marea Hlbson. _Cooper, D_ 182 200 1582 lhe wiorld WiirL "' ". ' f -".; Earl V. CiuJ, acting Juflso in. the For Sheriff— ~8pfrfy, 2nd, H dt- Collins, R .453. -3580 Cranford will Join with millions of 11 o'clock <Paji», time) November preside' nt" the. "Trial by Jury,"^ Sat The. timely topic which wan to ha-vc tho production, u-iilnUd liyMrs- Ward,D . 188 1385 other people throughoot the world to- ll,,19ia An -announcement tell-_. day night, 'November 20 In the. IIOOMI- i-en Blvcn by Mrs, LOIIIH ISuycr lit thlit D. Towlcr,' Mm Clmrlts I'. For Coroner— morrow in observing the fourteenth an- ,ing «f the signing of the Armis- | veil School.- Case before trie court will (cl'k'B inecUiiK WUH ^Iven by Mlns Mary. Buckley, Mra. Philip W. Hull, Jr mid Sussman, R 438 3508 niversary of the ending of the World tice made verbally by. a represen- be Mrs. D. S. Moon-head, plnlntlll, S. Vreeland. Bhu rhoKU w\ liur ftub- Mfn. Ldnllo A. Crump. * Barnes;, D. 188' 1372 War.: The observance here wilt be un- tative ot the State. Department atiunM, II. D. Marlyn. defendant. Mr, ect, "Woman and-Tho New .Day'*' Mcmbars of Um Leuuuc urc Hporuor- der the auspices, of the American Le- on Monday morning, November Martyn-wilPnct us his- own 'counsel, Ing the dramatizing of fulry talm as a gion and of the Veterans of Foreign II. 1918, follows: "The armistice. while t. W. Oxee wlll.bo counsel lor mcatiA of furthering clcanir mid moro Malicious Mischief Charge UONS WILL HONOR Wars. Final plans for a program which has been signed. It was signed the plaintiff. .. :, " " Four High School Pupils wholesome entertainment for clilldrcu b Dismissed by Judge GIRL, BOY SCOUTS will start at 11 o'clock tomorrow morn- at 5 o'clock a. m, Paris time Announcement of Hie Jury has not In All-State Orchestra in tho cornmuhlty. Ing and last until midnight were com- (midnight Eastern timer and bretrmadu, although.''Rpscoe T.Poust pleted at a Joint meeting of commit- hostlUUes wiU cease at 11 o'clock , Because of the Insufficient evidence, Members With Hlfhe** Records to Be .will'.bo foreman, und A., I.
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