Ecological Engineering and Civil Engineering Works A Practical Set of Ecological Engineering Principles for Road Infrastructure and Coastal Management H.D. van Bohemen Ecological Engineering and Civil Engineering Works A Practical Set of Ecological Engineering Principles for Road Infrastructure and Coastal Management H.D. van Bohemen Ecological Engineering and Civil Engineering Works 1 Versie7.pmd 1 13-4-2004, 11:32 Ecological Engineering and Civil Engineering Works 2 Versie7.pmd 2 13-4-2004, 11:32 Ecological Engineering and Civil Engineering Works A Practical Set of Ecological Engineering Principles for Road Infrastructure and Coastal Management Ecological Engineering and Civil Engineering Works 3 Versie7.pmd 3 13-4-2004, 11:32 Ecological Engineering and Civil Engineering Works 4 Versie7.pmd 4 13-4-2004, 11:32 Ecological Engineering and Civil Engineering Works A Practical Set of Ecological Engineering Principles for Road Infrastructure and Coastal Management Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische Universiteit Delft, op gezag van de Rector Magnificus prof. dr. ir. J.T. Fokkema, voorzitter van het College voor Promoties, in het openbaar te verdedigen op dinsdag 18 mei 2004 om 15.30 uur door Heinrich Diederik van BOHEMEN doctorandus biologie geboren te ‘s-Gravenhage Ecological Engineering and Civil Engineering Works 5 Versie7.pmd 5 13-4-2004, 11:32 Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd door de promotor: Prof. dr. ir. Ch.F. Hendriks Samenstelling promotiecommissie: Rector Magnificus Voorzitter Prof. dr. ir. Ch. F. Hendriks Technische Universiteit Delft, promotor Prof. dr. F.M. Sanders Technische Universiteit Delft Prof. dr. P. Zonderwijk Wageningen Universiteit, emeritus Prof. dr. T.M. de Jong Technische Universiteit Delft Prof. dr. P.D. Jungerius Universiteit van Amsterdam, emeritus Ir. L.A. Bosch Dienst Weg- en Waterbouwkunde, Rijkswaterstaat, adviseur CIP data National Library of The Netherlands (Koninklijke Bibliotheek), The Hague Van Bohemen, Heinrich Diederik Ecological Engineering and Civil Engineering Works Heinrich Diederik van Bohemen PhD Thesis Delft University of Technology – with summary in Dutch ISBN 90-369-5561-0 DWW-2004-034 Keywords: ecological engineering; civil engineering works; road infrastructure; coastal management This thesis is based on research and work performed by, or commissioned by, and published by the Road and Hydraulic Engineering Institute of the Directorate-General of Public Works and Water Management in Delft, P.O. Box 5044, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands. Cover: Paul Kerrebijn (copyright: RWS/DWW) Printed in The Netherlands Ecological Engineering and Civil Engineering Works 6 Versie7.pmd 6 13-4-2004, 11:32 Preface This thesis is the result of years of active service in the field of research and consultancy with regard to agricultural, civil engineering and nature issues. My supervisor, Prof. dr.ir. Ch.F. Hendriks, encouraged me to formulate in thesis format the knowledge and insights I have gathered over the years with regard to ecological engineering. Thanks to the consent of the management of the Road and Hydraulic Engineering Institute I have been able to do this, first in the capacity of part-time staff member at the Delft Interfaculty Research Center ‘‘De Ecologische Stad’’ (The Ecological City) of Delft University of Technology, and later on in the capacity of part- time staff member at the Material Science and Sustainable Building of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of the Delft University of Technology. The many years I have been involved with the Civil Engineering and Geosciences of the Delft integration of human activities into an University of Technology. ecological framework has been essential for my choice of the subject. On the one hand, these In many cases, provisions and solutions to activities involved work regarding the issues are solved in a monodisciplinary way. relationship between agriculture and nature in Experience has shown that multifunctional my capacity as a member of staff and later on solutions are often possible, e.g. by linking as a member and deputy secretary-general of functions or through the multifunctional use of the Natuurwetenschappelijke Commissie space for more efficiency with regard to the (Natural Sciences Committee) of the Dutch individual activities. Nature, both in The Natuurbeschermingsraad (Nature Conservation Netherlands and globally, is deteriorating Council). On the other hand, the activities rapidly, despite many initiatives employed to involved research and consultancy with regard delay this deterioration or enhance biodiversity. to the relationship between nature and ecology and civil engineering works in the capacity of It appears that there are yet more possibilities subdivision manager of nature and landscape to solve conflicts between nature and culture. consultancy, and later on head of the By adopting a more ecological point of view environmental research department, and and acting on the basis of ecological design, it currently in the capacity of research coordinator is possible to provide an important contribution of ‘onderzoek milieumaatregelen infrastructuur’ to the reduction of man’s impact on our proper (research environmental measures human environment as well as that of plants infrastructure) at the Road and Hydraulic and animals. This is evidenced by the study Engineering Institute of the Directorate-General results and case studies presented in this thesis. of Public Works and Water Management of the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water The possibility has emerged of applying Management. ecological knowledge and insights when designing, realising, managing and maintaining The Delft University of Technology have also road infrastructure and coastal management. In been instrumental to appoint me as part-time this respect, the main characteristics to be staff member at the Delft Interfaculty Research achieved are as follows: Centre for the Sustainable Constructed Environment, especially the research ● Enhance integrality (greater coherence) programme “The Ecological City”, and later as between functions. part-time researcher/lecturer at the Faculty of ● Improve ecological quality. Ecological Engineering and Civil Engineering Works 7 Versie7.pmd 7 13-4-2004, 11:32 ● Increase aesthetic quality. This thesis forms a synthesis of original ● Improve societal appreciation. performed applied research, as well as outsourced studies about the relation of The learning experiences presented below as (construction, management and maintenance well as the principles of ecological engineering of) civil engineering works and environment, that will be presented are, in my opinion based nature and landscape. A special focus has been on the results of this research, essential for given on integrating knowledge concerning the achieving better sustainability than is currently understanding, use and control of patterns and the case. processes of ecosystems into the construction, use and management and maintenance phases ● Nature and the environment should be of civil engineering works. Special attention is placed in a more social-ecological context, paid to roads, waterways, road verges, slopes, especially in connection with an economy banks and bridges and viaducts related to the that takes ecological patterns and main motorway infrastructure as well as in the processes into account. field of layout and maintenance of coastal fore ● A transdisciplinary approach to nature and dunes. environmental issues is essential for more Results have been included in this thesis from sustainable solutions to issues regarding other studies in the same field carried out the relationship between under the responsibility, but in close man and nature. cooperation with the Road and Hydraulic ● ‘Real sustainability’ may be achieved Engineering Institute, of the Regional through an ecosystematic approach in Directorates of the Directorate-General of which ecological functions of ecosystems are Public Works and Water Management, in order valued equal to ecological goods and to be able to present a more integral approach ecological services which ecosystems concerning the construction, management and provides to man. maintenance of motorways, as well as ● Experiencing nature, or ‘the sense of management of coastal fore dunes in the wonder’, to name the title of a book by Netherlands. Rachel Carson, is essential for sustainable attention to the preservation and This thesis highlights the most important development of natural values as a raison aspects referred to above concerning d’être for human society. motorways and nature, environment and landscape. For aspects about environmental A very personal incentive has been my many impact assessments (EIA) and motorways, years of work with colleagues. In 1991, a large reference is made to the thesis by dr. E.J.J.M. share of the knowledge existing at that time Arts, productgroup leader Tracé/EIA at the was summarised in ‘Nature engineering and Road and Hydraulic Engineering Institute and civil engineering works’, contributors to which as far as the subject compensation is were P. Aanen, W. Alberts, G.J. Bekker, H.D. concerned, to the soon to be published thesis van Bohemen, P.J.M. Melman, J. van der Sluijs, written by drs. R. Cuperus, productgroup leader G. Veenbaas, H.J. Verkaar and C.F. van de Nature and Landscape at the Road and Watering. I was offered the opportunity to Hydraulic Engineering Institute. For the fields of become the co-editor of this publication noise
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