VOL. n. MASON. MICHIGAN. THURSDAX. JUNE T. 187T. Offlclal &, BuHlncRM Director)'. FuoM the News' account of the Pio• havingiasolid.eight foot;.«rall,-vitb roomy AurelLus Statistioa. , Kiro! l-irut llBlpUs! . ' fnghamCountyDeniocpal neer meeting one would judge its report• entrances on the east, and it wtll. lighted The fire having destroyed onr.inill and CUVSTY OmCEBS. Supervisor Davis, of Aurcllus, furnish• considerable stock and macliinery, it Sheriff. Jamkh K. Daht. er did not-wake up until after dinner the and ventilntod. Tho Vail contains 123 Trwuiarur .Lemuix WooiinuUhlc. es us the following tacts relative to the becomes necessary for us to nsk'oiir cus• Clerk Jxo. C. S«dieiib. day the meeting was held. perch of stone and was liud up liy Ifcssrsi; tomers and friends who are indebted to JltKlslur rs-o. C. CiX.MO.v. XOCAl. & CGWERAIi NEWS. products of th.at township during 1876 : jHdlSOof I'nilllltO.......... - M. U.CllATTtlllOS. O.v May .17th a brown serge pawol be• Scth Hathaway and Harvey Acker in -1^ Acres of -M-heat liurve.ted^ ;....3,1C8 us to step forward jn'oinptly and- jiav up,, that we may be enabled to rebuild our J'ro». Atmniev - „.JtewAiiu Cakiii. longing to Miss Pomeroy was taken, by days. It is one of the finest pieces of nushoU " 4S,17S Circuit court uomn{;;-;;:;;;jj----g; CoMPANV K will meet TucstJaj- and Acres " now growing S.T.IO mill and resume business. - mistjike or otherwise, from Mrs. Barlow's this kind,of masonry we over snw, and Acres ofconi niised,. l.aoO Surveyor ; Aaiio!« P. Crakb, Saturday nights-for drill. reflects-credit upon the skill of the work• " •' outs " aoi Hb-.\Tixi;Tox it DuxriAM. room. The possessor will confer a favor "barley " .....0 Mason, May 2'J, 1877. 22tt', Brain Com'r -...I. B. •WoomiouBlt. D. E. Goodrich, of the Lansing Ecpub- by returning it to the rightful owner. men who raised it. C"™"""> i JoiIJ. J. TUTTl-K. LICAX, was in the city Sunday. The frame itself is made of hca\^ tim• 14 arriod. Furiu IiiiiilciiiuiitK, CITT OFFICERS. The jury in the case of thc'pooplo vs. Of .all kinds, iit the hardware store of Nayor Wj I.UAM M'eoniiorsR HKXny Reeves, of this city lost a valu• bers, is 3G.x50 feet in size with 20 foot In Mason, May 2:id, by Rev. Alex'. Mc- Clerk '. Skijvii U. Wonnp.N Addison P. Cook, on a charge of false T, Holl'inan, Dansville. posts, and was so well and correctly fram• Learn, Mr. Adoairam J. Sorell, of Brant, Tri'iuturerand Culluclor. .X. B, Iticr. able cow a few days ago. She died. pretenses, after being out all night were Scliool Inspector „ T, VanOhtuand ed that it went together without a single and Miss Mary E. Ecker, of Dansville. AVhiteloy will sell you note paper, Mamlnil .j U. O. Cai.i. Wm. E.ayncr has gone to Chicago on a unable to agree this morning and were envelopes, pens, ink,,jieiicils, ite, cheaper Street Coniinlsriiuner... 1'llll.ui' HICK miss, every piece exactly fitting the place S W. IlA.-H.MONn plonaurc trip. discharged. than j-ou can steal llioin. 5I11.TO.N ItVAS for which it was intended. The builder, Mason Markets, 0. E. Eaton wants wool. See notice in W-nE.VT—Kxtra, Sl.SO: milling extra, Sl.TS; Ko. 1, Justices of the Peace .W. A.Tr.Ki. The case of the People vs. Emily U. Henry Northrup, living with H. A. Haw- $1.7.'.; No. 2, S1..'.0. If you can't find wluit j-ou want any „..„l*»;Tr.ti LfiWK business locals, Marble, et al., for murder, will be com• loy, of Vev.ay, is well known as one of llAltLEY—Per cwt. 50 7.-. to fl.OO. where cl.se, call at Whiteleys uotys depot Aider„,en at i-arso/;:;;;;:;;^;^—--j^^^^f'^ OATS—Stixed cents 3.-1; white, <1() cents per bush• CnAS. Blanchard, Cleric of Roscommon menced Monday next. The Sheriff has the best mechanics in the country, and if A,aer„,„„, i»tw.^d{::::::;:::::;;:;::::^i;'i.;~ el. Sash, doors and blinds thitt are known couitty, was in the city on Sunday last. been ordered by Judge Huntington to this frame is a specimen of his work, ho COKN—SheUi-'d 7:1 cents per bushel, in etir,2S@lUtob e first-clas.-J, atthe factory of S. A. Aidennen, 2d Wuni {Jjj;^"); D. A. Castorlin, of Jackson, cftmo to summon "5 additional jurors, to be in is certainly deserving of the popularity he CLOVUr, S1.:UD—5.'..00 to S.-..'iO per bushel. Piuldock & Co, TIMOTHY SEEI)-82.(io per bush, NCHOOL DLSTIUC* OmCKIW. this city to visit friends Monday evening. attendance on that day. enjoys. rnwlilent I. O. Cannon. IIE.VNS—SI ..'ill to 52.00 per l.ushid. M1US4I11 CII.V.'«tll!K 3")in'<;tt.r 11. L. Ilr.snniHON. WoHK on W. F. Near's now building is Cliarles Marshal wont to Texas last As tho last r.ifter was made fast tho I'OTATOKS-Sl.I.'i per bii4iel. Sell 0. K. Pastry Flour at S3.00 per AwsesHor..; II. P. II r.sl>KitsON. FLOUK—So.OO pi*r cwt. for best. progressing finely. night.—News. cwt. TrasteeM',1 S. A. VAlmocK. call to supper was announced and all re• UUCKWIIEAT VT.OUB—5fi.0n per cwt. for best. Did he go by telegraph or on the under• 21tf, CiiAXE & Du.\xi.vn. »...J. V. .Ton.vnoN. .TosEi'ii Shaw is doing a thriving black- paired to long tiiblos prepared by fair nUESSED POUK—81I.IKI to Sll.OO per cwt. ground railroad? hands and laden with the bounties of the TUllKEYS—10 cts.perlb. J>-.*iCBE AG.VI>.<iT ,1CCU>K>-TS smitlilng business. I'uyUp, M-lllYou'.' thrifty housewife's well filled harder. And CUICIvRKS—Dressed, S (S 10 centspcr lb. • All those indebted to tlie firm of Sack- In tlio Old, neUalilo, Safe and Sound Fr.AZEi. & Jtohan have fresh straw• Mr. E. V, Cooper, son-in-law of R. DRIKD Al'l'LESt-lclita per lb. llic worlhy m.atron.s and llieiv blooniing rider it Metieli are rcfiuested to call at the berries for sale. Tryon, of A.laiodon, who bought a fiLnn liiirrrr.—in to u p.-r I'e. r.ir .;hoice. RailfayPassen^ersAssnrance Company I'urniuiro store without delay .and p:iy up, and located in Kansas last KTovorabcr was daughters who prepared and served the EGGS—10 cents per doien. ;is tho books of tho old firm must be set• OF irAKTKoan, cnx.v. A. B. Peebles, of the Agricultural Col• killed by lightning on the 22d ult. His repast are deserving of the greatest tled at once. E,'! ceniM a day forSa.dno. Sec Circulars, lege, was in this city over Sunday. praise for the complete success that r.tf ,T. c. ScjUlKlfc*, ABcnt. widow has sent for her father to come to BiiMincNM I^ocnlN. SACk-ainER & Meacii. E. F. ircach has gone to Port Huron, to crowned their eflbrts. Mason, April l.Sth, 1877. If.tf Gonti Ti!iii[t1arH' Or(1<*r. Kansas, and settle up the estate of the Tile Indciteudfiil Onli'r ol* tlootl Templars nieot at attend a Band Tourntiment at that place. deceased, that she may return to her old All in all the afternoon was one of the Xolices following this head will be eharg^'d forat.'> Si!ci1 ISiickwlioat.. tlii'ir hall everv rridavi-veiilnfr nt 7 i-'i-Inek. cents iMir line each insertion. ILtad-lines set in full J'l.iiaKXcK l)i:x..;i..i, W.S. \V. A. TnKi., W. C. T. FiTcu & Bunnell want wool in any homo in Alaiedon. most enjoyable we have pa.Jsed in many faced lyjH) Counted double. M:\rt. A. Sweet, :it tho Pioneer Groe.;l'y, quantitj'. See advertisement. a day, and we can but wish for a repeti• h:ts a bountiihl supply of seed buck-wlii-'at W. U.\M3fOXn, .luHtice and Ci.nveyancer anil Ma. & Jlrs. G. JI, Sprout will soon re• for .s.alc. Call early" and get what you , OoIIectiliiC .Xfreucy. nufiiiiessinliiH linepninipl- tion of like scenes at short intervtils dur- Sly iittendcl to. omee -Itli doer i.|u.t .if K. .A. Bun- Jfr. A. B. Wood, an Owo.sso publisher, move tij Rockford, Mich., thirteen miles WANTED—Butter and eggs at want. 21w'2 Titn^'s Grocery Store, Jfasen, aiichlKiin. nindo us .a pleasant c.ill yesterdiiy. ng ;ho balance of our nattir.al life. beyond Grand Rapids, where lie goes to Hu.nt's, Buy furniture of P.-iddock. Meacli .t Mas. n. Stid, of Vcvay, was buried witli take charge of llie city schools. At the Co. AUniNO .t CITKISTIAK, BnikTM in lUl kimiri ol DAmtow & Co. have a Kirby Reaper Wool! -Wool Wool ! M.isonic honors Friday last. close of the next school year ^[^. S, ex• FltlSSIC, SAT-T ANT> PICICI-ED MIJATS, and a Kirby Mower for sale. I sh:ill bo in tho market this season as When you w;iht a newspaper, nniga- pects to open !i hiw olfieo at Rockford. •/.ine or book, of iiny description, Ciill "al Mapl'* SiR'L't .... Jliwun, Micli. MoRK work f(ir dictionary makers. usual, for :inv quantltv of good, clean Their friends in this section will .ilw.ays re wool, 22w"t • C. E. Eatox. AVhiteloy's for it. ' O. IIlTXTINflTON', ili'itlcrin IVtoU iinil ^U.WH. The Ne\vs .spells terrific wth one r.
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