l^FA^ f x T R A / E x The most important news T stories from the 2017-2018 R scliool yeas' A By: The grade six students at Ecole Regent / Park CLASSJF EDS By: Lhryl and Alex r FOR SALE JOBS APARTMENTS FOR RENT Golf Clubs. Relay Technician Roommates Room Doggos .w ":"^i Taylor made. 3iron-PW Great Phone: (204)463-2321 Asking:$25 Every week If found call 'I> , 6B-Kevin GLF-Alex condition fl Phone:(204) 476-2334 (204) 471-3463 . ai Asking: $250 OBO '% 6B-Ryder GLF-Kalem Phone:(204) 741-5923 6B-Alrina Engineer 6T-Luke Phone:(204) 123-2363 6Le-Amin 6T-Hong Ye 6Le-Peyton Video Games 6T-Jan Hairstylist Gaming Room Cat of Duty Black Ops 3 GLF-Lhryl Call Phone:(204) 389-1289 Asking: $30 Every month If found call Minecraft. Mint condition 6T-Kyle Phone:(204) 435-4312 (204)413-4358 6LF-Elijah Asking: $110080 GT-Caleb Phone:(204)293-9531 6LF-Hannah >l, './ -/ ; -'^. Waitress -\-^ t'<'10^ <- Phone:(204) 245-2329 i\'*^hi3£^ ^1 { Note from the editor: vehicle Automotive Technician Room Pug Lamborghini Huracan LP 610-4 Phone:(204) 293-8532 Asking: $15 Every week If found call Mint condition Whata pleasure to workwith this amazinggroup of youngjournalists in the 2017-2018 Phone:(204) 152-3471 (204)215-1344 schoolyear. The students were giventhe task of reporting the schoolyear's most talked Asking: $262, 350 about events, and I believe they captured that magnifically. Phone:(204) 289-1872 Cooker . Phone:(204)362-3472 We had some wonderful journalists, some creative students, and they all came together to create c. " .derful piece that they can appreciate for years to come. 1 Barber Congratulations mini-journalists, on the job well done! Phone:(204) 234-1265 -]VL Kraychuk ^ Are You Ready For The Concour Ora+oire? By: Hong Ye The Concour Ora+oire has started and many are stuck for a subject. For many this will be _^y>. a very easy and for others, this will prove very http://whiteside.sd38.bc.ca/sites/ challenging. Lo+s of classes are s+ar+ing on whiteside. sd38. bc. ca/files/lmage-3-14. png.jpeg the week of Jan 15 2018. The author of this article has completely s+umped himself on ^ Jdioel finding a subject and he wishes you all better Canfceen tuck on i+. Though many are going +o be bored wi+h this but many classes have had practice / wi+h TUSC. This won't be easy but this author WfMfffl rKERESfiW ISfftWTfS wishes you all luck. Especially those who move TKBfiU&Kfl KW&IEBOM] on and hopefully even win! (Maybe even be- r come the next president or Prime Minister!) Good Luck! http://cdn.shopify.com/s/fiies/l/1098/4104/ articles/school-canteen_ad2a1381-4570-4605-8128 -9322fl0efdbd_1024xl024. jpg?v=1452609280 Le Cantine Scorpions By:Jan By: Kevin The Grand Opening of our LA CANTiNESCORPIONS will be on Tuesday October 10th. Here is a sample menu. We will be changingthe menu periodically accordingto stu<- quests and availability. This canteen will be run by student leaders in grade 6 and 8 and with the volunteer support of the ERPstaff. Grade 5 and 6 students will need to pre-order in the mornings and the grade 7 and 8 students may walk up to the canteen ^- *^... <T to make their purchases. t^ '^/^ f If you have any questions or concerns, please contact either Mme. Grande or Mme. Lafleurat the school. ^-^^ So order. i;::i^:%^"'s^;:;:::;::^;: /- ^ . 3: . Ste" The wall By: Kevin In the winter/ the school club of secre+s made a Donald J. Trump wall. Before the wall was always being destroyed. Now i+'s good and there are fewer breaks. Star Wars Battle Front 2 By:Luke D. IMarch 14, 2018 - the wall is just Battle front 2 is a newgame released on November 20th, it is a 4-stargame andvery fun. I of snow. The club seems [pieces n battle frontyou cantravel acrossthe galaxy to manydifferent planets like naboo,tatoowine, yavin, and manymore. |+o be taking a break. Well Inbattle front you can bethe clones, droids, rebels, andstorm troopers, butyou can also bejedi and sith. PyeongChang 2018 please remember the good wo Thejediare named heroes some of the heroesnames are yoda, obi wan Kenobi, ray, darth vader, elite trooper, and many more. Some new characters coming to battle front 2 are Jinn and caption plasma. land don't break i+ p ease. I thinKthat darth maul is really powerful because he hassuper cool ability's like force push, light saberthrows and using his normal light saber. StarWars battlefront 2 is releasing a new mode called factions. Factions is a game in battle front whereyou haveto choose resistance or imperials andfight it out tilt you wintften you ggtteam points, theteam with the most points wins. PyeongChang 2018 Reaches ERP School! Battle front is a Lucas arts game. the developers are pandemic studios and savage entertainment. By: Hong Ye IPersonally myfavorite map ishoth becauseyou canride on lamatype thingsand theirs lotsto explore. There issup- ThePyeongChang 2018 Olympics have reached Ecole Regent Park School. On February Iposed to bea newmap coming o^ . ^e map.in Star Wars the lastjedi I can'twait tilt the newmap comes out and I the new characters come out. 9th. 2018 ERPcelebrated the start ofthe 2018Olympics along with the rest ofthe world think this game is an 9 star out of 10 because of some ofthe glitches but other than that it isgood. andSouth Koreaespecially. Eachclass slowly paraded intothe largegym to find it com- I IThis is a very good game I hope you try it out! pletelyredesigned and decorated! After watching the opening ceremony videos, classes slowlydeparted to start their day. Every class participated in the following activities: dance competition, and tug of war. Loofc at your birthtkonetl Fidget spinners VS SLIME fTheiPhoneX I By: Elijah Which is better? By: Alrina If your birthday is in January,you are a Red Carnet By: Hong Ye Un If your birthday is in February, you are an Ame- The (Phone X is one of the newest phones thyst Imade by i+s manufacturer, Apple in 2017. 1+ When you are met with this question, which would .M "' .'i has amazing features +ha+ the previous If your birthday is in March, you are an Aquamarine you choose? Fidget spinners have had a long year of or Bloodstone. phones don't have and i+ has a pre+ty good up- obsession but now slime has everyone's attention! Ignade. This phone has unhackable face Ib If your birthday is in April, you are a Diamond. When met with witnesses, answers varied which is more useful than finger scan. One of If your birthday is in May, you are an Emerald. Kevin S. Ithe other features is the emoji's. You can If your birthday is in June, you are a Pearl, a Moon- "Slime is better." Vamers.com [voice cer+oin emoji's, which is WAY more fun or Alexandrite. stone, than regular emoji's or regular voice messag- Hannah C. If your birthday is in July, you are a Ruby. ing. And ALL this is powered by the strong, Slime, because it feels and sounds more satisfy- If your birthday is in August, you are a Peridot [powerful, and great, All Bionic Chip designed ing." by Apple. And you need +o be RICH if you If your birthday is in September, you are a Sap- Selina W. phire. Iwant to buy this, because the iPhone X costs Ia whopping $999! Its WAY more than i+s re- Ifyow birthday is in October, you are an Opal or "I like fidget spinners better because slime gets eve- Pinb Tourmaline. rywhere though slime feels better because it squeez- la+ed also new phone, iPhone 8 plus and iPhone es between your fingers..." 18. Even wi+h all these great fea+ures, the iPh- If your birthday is in November, you are a Yellow rf one X has a rival, Samsung (9alaxy S8+. This Topaz or Citrine. Amin H phone has features that the iPhone x doesn't If your birthday is in December, you are a Tur- "Fidget spinners are better than slime because slime like very big display, lightweight phone, ex- quoise, Tanzanite, or Blue Zircon. feels weird in your hands and (they) smell bad. Also tremely high pixel density screen, lo+s of they stain clothes." RAM (random access memory) and large cam- era sensor pixel size. The iPhone X is lacking Macrumors. com some impors-t-on+ features like how i+'s lacking The author of this article is much fonder of fidget micro Sb slot for storage expansion and a spinners because he is extremely moved by Mr. proprietary USB connec+or (even if you don't h'aghshenas'scomment following an incident where know these, they are VERY impor+an+). Even extreme amounts got into a certain student's hair though i+ has no home bu++on, ^. costs a and IPad. Also the slime picture above has somehow stuck to the fidget spinner picture digitally making LOT of money, it s+ilf is a new phone and i+'s me rage. So, which is better? Fidget spinners or the new genera+f'on. So we should be lucky slime?You decide that we have a new phone like this so... ITS THE IPHONE OF ITS TIME!!!! Fortnite Review By; Lucas W. WINTER OLYMPICS 2018 This is a review on a fun free new game that was released only a month now 3 months ago and is still in a beta now full stage the game is a battle royale game called Fotnite.
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