白重恩 清华大学经济管理学院院长 BAI Chong-En Dean of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management 白重恩是清华大学经济管理学院院长、弗里曼经济学讲席教授,清华大学中国财政税收研究所所 长。美国哈佛大学经济学博士。研究领域为制度经济学、经济增长和发展、公共经济学、金融、公司 治理以及中国经济。 目前担任全国政协委员、“十四五”国家发展规划专家委员会专家委员、中国经济 50 人论坛学术 委员、亚洲开发银行研究院顾问委员会委员、国务院学位委员会第七届学科评议组成员、中国民主建 国会中央常委,经济委员会主任、国家税务总局特邀税收评论员、中国金融 40 人论坛成员、中国信息 百人会成员以及国际经济学会执行委员会成员。曾挂任北京市国有资产经营有限责任公司副总裁。曾 任中国人民银行货币政策委员会成员、布鲁金斯学会 non-resident 高级研究员。 主要研究项目:国家自然科学基金委中英 NSFC-ESRC 项目《中国的国际金融一体化--对金融发 展和稳定的影响》,负责人。2017 - 2019。农业部办公厅《三农问题中的财政体制和政府激励机制》, 负责人。2016.1 - 2016.12。中国金融四十人论坛课题《中国经济增长潜力研究》,负责人。2015.1 - 2016.5。世界银行:由世界银行行长任命的“世界银行营商环境报告的独立评审专家组 ”2012 - 2013。 Professor BAI Chong-En is Dean of the School of Economics and Management, Mansfield Freeman Chair Professor of Tsinghua University. He is also the director of the National Institute for Fiscal Studies of Tsinghua University. He earned his Ph.D. degrees in Mathematics and Economics from UCSD and Harvard University, respectively. His research interests include Institutional Economics, Economic Growth and Development, Public Economics, Finance, Corporate Governance and Chinese Economy. Professor BAI is a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, expert member of the Committee of experts on National Development Planning in the 14th five- year Plan, Academic member of the Chinese Economists 50 Forum, Member of the Advisory Board of the Asian Development Bank Research Institute, the 7th Discipline Evaluation Group of the State Council Academic Degrees Committee, member of Central Committee and director of economic committee, China National Democratic Construction Association, specially invited tax commentator of State Administration Taxation, member of China Finance 40 Forum, China Info100, and the executive committee of International Economic Association. He served as Adjunct Vice-President of Beijing State-Owned Assets Management Co., the monetary policy committee of the People’s Bank of China and was a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Brookings Institution. Main research projects: China's International Financial Integration -- Impact on Financial Development and Stability, NSFC-ESRC project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, in charge, 2017 - 2019. Financial System and Government Incentive Mechanism in the Issue of Agriculture, Countryside and Farmers, General Office of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, in charge, 2016.1 - 2016.12. Research on the Potential of China's Economic Growth, the China Finance 40 Forum, in charge, 2015.1 - 2016.5. 蔡昉 中国社会科学院国家高端智库首席专家 CAI Fang Chief Expert of National Think Tank, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 蔡昉,现任中国社会科学院国家高端智库首席专家、学部委员,第十三届全国人民代表大会常务 委员会委员、农业与农村委员会副主任委员。主要研究领域包括:中国经济改革和发展、人口经济学、 劳动经济学和贫困等。著有《破解中国经济发展之谜》《中国经济发展的世界意义》等。近年获中国出 版政府奖、中华人口奖、孙冶方经济科学奖、张培刚发展经济学优秀成果奖、中国发展百人奖、中国 农村发展研究奖等。 CAI Fang is the chief expert of National Think Tank and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He is a member of the Standing Committee and Vice Chairman of the Agricultural & Rural Affairs Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress of China. Professor Cai’s research interests include: China’s economic reform and development, population economics, labor economics, and poverty. Professor Cai’s recent publications include: “Demystifying the Economic Growth in Transition China”, “China’s Economic Development and Its Implications for the World”. 曹俊杰 成都市政府副市长、党组成员; 成都市环境保护督察办公室主任(兼) CAO Junjie Vice Mayor and Member of CPC Group of Chengdu Municipal Government, Director of the Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Supervision Office (Concurrently) 曹俊杰,男,汉族,1971 年 2 月生,河北大名人,1991 年 12 月加入中国共产党,1996 年 5 月 参加工作,西南交通大学机车车辆专业毕业,研究生学历,工学硕士学位。 现任成都市政府副市长、党组成员,市环境保护督察办公室主任(兼)。 1989.09-1993.07 西南交通大学机械工程系供热通风及空调专业学习,获工学学士学位 1993.07-1996.05 西南交通大学机械系机车车辆专业研究生学习,获工学硕士学位 1996.05-1997.07 西南交通大学机械工程学院教师 1997.07-1999.03 四川省成都市经济委员会企业改革处工作(其间:1999.03 任主任科员) 1999.03-2000.08 四川省成都市委常委办主任科员 2000.08-2001.02 四川省成都市经济委员会主任科员 2001.02-2002.08 四川省成都市经委企业改革处副处长(其间:2001.05-2002.08 挂职任省一号 工程协调办公室综合组副组长) 2002.08-2003.01 四川省成都市经委企业发展处处长 2003.01-2006.09 四川省政府办公厅正处级秘书(其间:2006.06-2006.09 挂职任自贡市政府副 秘书长) 2006.09-2007.06 四川省自贡市政府副秘书长,自贡高新区党委书记、管委会主任、板仓工业园 主任(兼) 2007.06-2007.11 四川省自贡市政府副秘书长,自贡高新区党工委书记、管委会主任、板仓工业 园主任(兼) 2007.11-2011.10 四川省自贡市副市长,自贡高新区党工委书记 2011.10-2012.01 四川省自贡市委常委、副市长,自贡高新区党工委书记 2012.01-2012.09 四川省自贡市委常委、自贡高新区党工委书记 2012.09-2018.10 四川省泸州市委常委、常务副市长(其间:2015.09-2015.12 四川省优秀干部和 人才递进培养计划第五期培训班学习) 2018.10-2018.11 成都市政府副市长、党组成员 2018.11- 成都市政府副市长、党组成员,市环境保护督察办公室主任(兼) CAO Junjie, Male, Han Ethnic. Born in Daming, Hebei in February 1971. Joined China Communist Party in December 1991. Graduated with a Master’s Degree in Motor Vehicle major at Southwest Jiaotong University and started to work from May, 1996. Now as Vice Mayor and Member of CPC Group of Chengdu Municipal Government, Director of the Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Supervision Office (Concurrently) September 1989 – July 1993 Bachelor’s Degree in Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning at Southwest Jiaotong University July 1993 – May 1996 Master’s Degree in Motor Vehicle at Southwest Jiaotong University May 1996 – July 1997 Lecturer at Southwest Jiaotong University July 1997 –March 1999 Work at Enterprise Reform Division at Chengdu Municipal Economic Commission (appointed Principal Staff Member since March 1993) March 1999 – August 2000 Principal Staff Member at Standing Members’ Office of CPC Chengdu Municipal Committee August 2000 – February 2001 Principal Staff Member at Chengdu Municipal Economic Commission February 2001 – August 2002 Deputy Chief of Enterprise Reform Division at Chengdu Municipal Economic Commission (temporarily as Deputy Leader of Comprehensive Group at Sichuan No.1 Project Coordination Office since May 2001 to August 2002)) August 2002 – January 2003 Chief of Enterprise Development Division at Chengdu Municipal Economic Commission January 2003 – September 2006 Division-level Secretary at General Office of Sichuan Municipal Government (temporarily as Deputy Secretary General of Zigong Municipal Government) September 2006 – June 2007 Deputy Secretary General of Zigong Municipal Government, Party Secretary and Director of Zigong Hi-tech Zone, Director of Bancang Industrial Park June 2007 – November 2007 Deputy Secretary General of Zigong Municipal Government, Party Secretary and Director of Zigong Hi-tech Zone, Director of Bancang Industrial Park November 2007 – October 2011 Vice Mayor of Zigong Municipal Government, Party Secretary of Zigong Hi- tech Zone October 2011 – January 2012 Member of Standing Committee of CPC Zigong Municipal Committee, Vice Mayor of Zigong Municipal Government, Party Secretary of Zigong Hi-tech Zone January 2012 – September 2012 Member of Standing Committee of CPC Zigong Municipal Committee, Party Secretary of Zigong Hi-tech Zone September 2012 – October 2018 Member of Standing Committee of CPC Luzhou Municipal Committee, Executive Vice Mayor of Luzhou Municipal Government October 2018 – November 2018 Vice Mayor and Member of CPC Group of Chengdu Municipal Government October 2018 till now Vice Mayor and Member of CPC Group of Chengdu Municipal Government, Director of the Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Supervision Office 曹远征 中银国际研究公司董事长 CAO Yuanzheng Chairman, Bank of China International Research Ltd. 曹远征,中国银行原首席经济学家。中国经济五十人论坛成员,中国宏观经济学会副会长,中国 太平洋经济合作全国委员会副会长,中国人民大学和东北大学教授,清华大学、北京大学、复旦大学 兼职教授。长期从事经济体制改革的理论与政策研究,先后担任世界银行、亚洲开发银行、联合国开 发计划署、联合国统计委员会的专家及若干转轨国家,如哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、 越南、蒙古、捷克的经济顾问工作。1998 年后又致力于中国经济体制改革措施的实际执行,先后参与 过大型银行和国企,如中国银行、平安保险、中国海洋石油、中外运、新华文轩等重组及海外上市工 作。目前担任中国铝业,中国诚通外部董事及泰康人寿独立董事。 主要著作有:《通货膨胀的国际传递》1981 年;《世界经济体系中的发达与不发达关系》1986 年; 《改革:我们面临的挑战与选择》 1987 年;《东亚崛起的奥秘》1989 年;《中国经济:面向未来的发 展与挑战》 1994 年;《面向 2020 年的中国经济体制改革》1996 年;《民营化:中国的经验》 1998 年 ;《中国私营经济的发展》1997 年;《深圳大型企业国际招标招募:国际并购重组新模式》2004 年; 《农村金融深化与发展评析》2008 年;《人民币国际化战略》2013 年;《PPP 政府与社会资本合作的 制度经济学分析》2016 年;《大国大金融——中国金融体制改革四十年》2018 年;《微型金融:从排 斥到包容》2019 年。 Dr. CAO Yuanzheng has been with the BOC since 1998, taking director and chief economist of BOCI Research Institute and chief economist of BOC. Before, he was the head of Chinese Economic System Reform, under State Commission for Economic System Restructuring. He is also the vice-chairman of China Society of Macroeconomics,vice-chairman of Pacific Economic Cooperation Council(PECC), member of Chinese Economists 50 Forum and China Finance 40 Forum, board member of Boyuan Foundation, independent director of Aluminum Corporation of China LTD (CHINALCO); of Chengtong Holding Group LTD(CLT); of TaiKang Life Insurance co.LTD.(TaiKang). He also holds academic positions such as doctoral supervisor of Renmin University of China, Northeastern University (NEU), visiting professor at the University of Southern California, professor at Tsinghua University Beijing University, and Fudan University. Dr. CAO has profound experience on China’s economic reform. He was the expert for World Bank, Asian Development Bank and the United Nations Develop Programme, and governmental economic adviser for transition countries such as Vietnam, Mongolia, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. He is now the economic adviser for several domestic provinces. Dr. CAO obtained his post-doctoral qualifications in technical economics from Darmstadt University in Germany and a Doctor of Economics from Renmin University of China. He also holds a master’s degree in economics from Wuhan University and a bachelor’s degree from Xi’an Foreign Language Institute. 陈昌盛 国务院发展研究中心宏观经济研究部部长 CHEN
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