TH The tie that binds Wilfrid Laurier University since 1926 Volume 52, Issue· 5 ~J N [)AV SEPT£/v\BER 4. 2011 thecord.ca ..., - ~ ~,~~;Jc; · wading in -,o 11!.1~ Arts on the decline •ipc u taxaes " ,!A' ~opj-. 0 5,7 0 vaca •ns JUSTIN SMIRLIES According to Carroll, it is not un­ CAMPUS NEvV '> to; TOR common for admission numbers to . ~,4,_s7~ · student $?t9r~ fluctuate throughout the years, but Despite Wilfrid Laurier University's the general trend has been growth, ;op_p1ng.g d bt •s• .on~estaur continual growth as an institution, "In other years we've actually ex­ ~2.50 , . e ',arS [ I «11 Jior the faculty of arts, in a recent evalu­ perienced an increase in arts. The ••ons - ·~nrr ation of their admissions and en­ long term trend is increasing en­ In Depth, page 20 rolment, discovered that there is rolment, but eventually that has to a slight decrease in the number of level ofr.' ...... o- 20,00 first-year arts admissions for the The last large drop in the arts 2011-12 school year. faculty was in 2007 when the num­ Compared to a figure of 1,708 ber of first-year arts students fell ;::.•text bot first-year arts students in 2010, this 29.1 per cent from a figure oft,835 year's admissions were roughly in 2006 to 1,293. That number has ~ - .3,600 around 1,522. grown every year until the 2011-12 These figures, however, are sub­ school year. i,( J ~ ject to change and more accurate "Certainly there's an emphasis data will be available in the fall. Fac­ right now on more applied programs ,__: · J ~ 17,60 0 ulty of arts dean Michael Carroll - and applied education," explained \n who originally thought the drop was associate dean of the arts and com­ ,r~ ~ u taxies at seven or eight per cent - is still munication studies professor Jona­ 50 - concerned about this slight dip. than Finn. J 0 "We don't know why that's going "Now a lot of people maybe don't on. There's been a decline in appli­ necessarily feel that the arts does cations to arts faculties [in Ontario] that - that it doesn't provide them 7 generally," said Carroll. "Well, the with a concrete skill set like an engi­ J ~11~i~ · decline at Laurier has been steeper neering degree would or something ... and we don't know why that is:' like that." One of the issues that Carroll Finn noted that this decline in .s,: 50 noticed for the arts faculty is that arts programs is part of a larger cul­ face ons it draws students from a local area ture shift among universities and, disproportionally and there needs just as Carroll stated, it's not just to be more recruitment efforts past occurring at Laurier, but across the the Waterloo Region, as well as the province. Greater Toronto Area. "It is system wide. It's not spe­ $ "I'm talking with recruitment cific to Laurier at all," said Deborah about it on ways of doing that dur­ Bergen, acting associate registrar, ing the next year," continued Car­ admissions. roll. "The hope is, by drawing upon a $ .4. Cl' $ larger pool, we'll get more students." Campus, page 5 The boys are back in town The football team is ready for a new season after a long summer KEVIN CAMPBELL SPORTS EDITOR "As long as we can keep Shane healthy and keep On the day after multiple tornado the [offensive] line blocking for him, we should be warnings were issued across south­ ern Ontario and a tremendous elec­ able to beat a lot of teams:' trical storm lit up Waterloo region, the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks' men's football team were right back -Shamawd Chambers, Golden Hawks receiver at it that morning at University Stadium. With still a few ominous clouds Basking Ridge, New Jersey even­ the South. threatening to sour the players' tually came around, but suffered a "He's definitely got it down," said practice, the stratus never offered concussion in the Ontario Univer­ Bishop. "There's no question about more than a scattered spittle onto sity Athletics' semifinals against the that. He's a Canadian quarterback the eager Hawks, ready to start their Ottawa Gee-Gees, ending his and and he's ready to play:' 2011 campaign and their quest for his Hawks' season for good. Indeed, if the Hawks fall early, Vanier. Now Kelly has a year of experi­ fans may be forgiven if the first place The Hawks have returned to cam­ ence and his receiver, Shamawd they look isn't the offence. pus and their first test is staring Chambers, believes there's nothing The star-studded group includes them right in the face before they've 1 to worry about as long as the Ameri­ Kelly, Chambers (who is a pro­ even set foot on the gridiron. can is at the helm. jected 2012 top-10 Canadian Foot­ The team has internal questions "As long as we can keep Shane ball League draft pick), third -year that need to be asked, and they be­ healthy and keep the [offensive) receiver Alex Anthony, Laurier's lieve the answers lie in themselves. line blocking for him, we should all-time leading punt-returner Dil­ Let's start at the ever-pivotal be able to beat a lot of teams," said lon Heap and new receiver recruits QB-1 position. Last year's new MBA Chambers. Karsten Beney and Kelvin Muambe. student and starting quarterback, Linebacker and leader of the de­ Chambers wants to see his Shane Kelly, took time to adjust to fensive side Dan Bishop has just as NICK LACHANCE • HOTOGRAPHY MANAGER the Canadian game. The product of much confidence in his friend from Sports, page 37 Laurier football players take part in a scrimmage last Wednesday. Inside No longer a small school Celebrating 100 years Dancing for a cause Sheepdogs gain spotlight I The right to die Laurier is coming up with In light of Laurier's centennial Zumba classes held in the public Arts Editor Liz Smith talks to the A point/counter-point on the initiatives to manage growth on a anniversary, the university has square raise funds for UNICEF and Saskatoon band that recently current assisted suicide case campus with limited space planned many events for the fall drought-suffering regions graced the cover of Rolling Stone debated by two Cord columnists News, page 3 Campus, page 9 Local, page 14 Arts, page 23 Opinion, page 33 For the latest news on the laurier community, visit thecord.ca 2 • EDITOR'S PAG.~E~===== ~~-====;~~~:=:':~~~~~::;====~=======~THE CORD • SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 4, 2011 THE Editor'sChoice ~ News .................... ... ........... 3 Arts ...................- ............ 23 Editor-1n-Ch1ef 11\t~ ¢1 Campus ............ .4 Classitieds . .......... .. ................... 27 Linda G1vetash Realistic expectations Local ................. ................. .12 Features.................. .. .................. 28 lg1vetash@thecord ca ~ National.................. ................. 16 Opinion......................... .. .................. 31 Features, page 28 . _ _ . In Depth ............................................. 20 Sports .............................. ..................... 36 N Changes to The Cord Vocal Cord What are your plans form of news media online, the Lead for 0-Week? Videographer has been added as well. Interviews, concert and event recaps and newscasts will be more readily available on The Cord's You­ Tube channel (cordwlusp) and at thecord.ca, meeting the demands of LINDA GIVETASH our growing online readership. E - v" ..•HIEF The Life section that was re­ named and later eliminated over the Over the last 85 years, The Cord has course of the last two years has been continuously evolved reflecting the relaunched exclusively on thecord. minds of the students, the culture ca. What became a very apparent of the university and the technol­ loss oflifestyle content has found "Being an icebreaker. I ogy that puts the paper together. a new home online, filling the sec­ can't wait to meet my Sticking to the tradition of constant tion's need to be more visually inter­ first-years." change, this latest issue of the news­ esting and interactive. - Jesstca Areias paper launches our new design. With these additions, I also made In need of a fresh look since our the difficult decision to eliminate Fourth-year biology last redesign in 2009, our Visual the World section. To be clear, be­ Director Wade Thompson and my­ cause I did receive several com­ From the archives self took in feedback from the edi­ ments from our readers conveying torial board on the design and be­ disappointment in the decision, 2oyears disagreed that the price of a con­ gan tweaking. While it may not be there will continue to be interna­ 1VLounge [current24-hour I struction project is not the ruling the overhaul of two years ago, the tionally-focused content in The Lounge]walllooks 'like hell' variable in determining who gets the new style of the newspaper has in­ Cord. contract. creased the versatility for us to pres­ The stories in the World section A flurry of construction projects The newly completed skylight in ent the news. had always been either opinion col­ over the summer has prompted the the Concourse was funded by a gov­ In addition to the visible differ­ umns written by our volunteers or Wilfrid Laurier University Students' ernment grant. But the $2o,ooo bill ence of The Cord from last year, the event coverage of international fig­ Union (WLUSU) to look for an out­ , to renovate the TV Lounge is WLU­ staffing structure has seen some ad­ ures that came to speak either on side contractor hiring policy similar SU's responsibility. ditions. The new level of senior staff campus or locally.
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