MESSAGEMESSAGE FRFROMOM THETHE CHAIRMANCHAIRMAN ANDAND PRESIDENTPRESIDENT OverOver tthehe yeayears,rs, our long-standing Books for passionpassion ooff yoyoungung pepeopleople and iinvestingnvesting in thetheirir ASIA FOUNDATION AsiaAsia pprogramrogram hhasas rreachedeached millions of reareadersders futurefuture is an enenduringduring chcharacteristicaracteristic ooff The of aallll agageses anandd ssectorsectors of societsociety,y, equippiequippingng AsiaAsia FFoundation’soundation’s wowork.rk. IInn AAfghanistan,fghanistan, foforr students,students, prprofessionals,ofessionals, and policymakers wiwithth example,example, wwee aarere preppreparingaring AfghaAfghann ggirlsirls iinn PROGRAMS toolstools aandnd resresourcesources to contcontributeribute effectiveffectivelyely ttoo KandaharKandahar proprovincevince for the nnationalational pupublicblic HELPING SOCIETIES FLOURISHFLOURISH theirtheir ccountry’sountry’s ddevelopment.evelopment. In the past yyear,ear, universityuniversity entrance exaexam.m. LLastast yyear,ear, 78 IMPACT REPORT 2019 thethe nnumberumber ooff bobooksoks we have put in the hhandsands percentpercent ooff girgirlsls whwhoo rereceivedceived ththisis susupportpport of cchildren,hildren, eemergingmerging leadeleaders,rs, and adults passedpassed tthehe exaexamm and gagainedined enentrytry to a reachedreached nnineine millimillion,on, and tthehe yearyear’s’s four-yearfour-year nnationalational ununiversity.iversity. contributionscontributions brbroughtought the total number ooff booksbooks dondonatedated sisincence the program began to In the MMalaysianalaysian sstatetate ooff SabahSabah,, wwherehere more tthanhan 52 million. Books for Asia was youngyoung pepeopleople are ofoftenten rrecruitedecruited aass iinnocentnnocent recentlyrecently honhonoredored by the U.S. Library of participantsparticipants iinn ccriminalriminal sysyndicates,ndicates, wwee 156 93 73 38 52 CongressCongress LitLiteracyeracy AAwardswards for innovativinnovativee reachedreached hunhundredsdreds ooff ppotentiallyotentially aat-riskt-risk Strengthen Empower Expand Increase Promote literacyliteracy prompromotion.otion. IInn many remote, conflicconflict-t- youthyouth ththroughrough cculturalultural and fofootballotball cacamps,mps, Government Women Economic Environmental International affectedaffected regiregions,ons, books and literature araree short-circuitingshort-circuiting a dedestructivestructive cycyclecle and FLO Resilience Cooperation scarce.scarce. OurOur newnew BooksBooks for Asia digitaldigital initiativeinitiative providingproviding alalternativeternative ppossibilitiesossibilities in a pplacelace Opportunity — Let’sLet’s ReadRead —now—now allowsallows childrenchildren to readread wherewhere ssuchuch ooptionsptions are iinn sshorthort susupply.pply. learnlearn mmore,ore, follow our progress,progress, & supportsupport ourour programsprograms booksbooks forfor freefree onon a mobilemobile phonephone oror tablet FLO whereverwherever theythey areare and in theirtheir ownown languages.languages. In CChina,hina, dodomesticmestic givigivingng skyskyrocketedrocketed in 2008 afterafter the ddevastatingevastating SSichuanichuan asiafoundation.orgasiafoundation.org ThroughThrough ththisis initiative, we araree ccontributingontributing to earthquake,earthquake, mamarkingrking a tturningurning ppointoint foforr 87% 80% a love ofof rereadingading foforr chilchildren,dren, whilwhilee at the ChineseChinese phphilanthropyilanthropy whiwhichch wwasas limitlimiteded Budget Allocated Staff are local same timetime buildingbuilding a rarapidlypidly eexpandingxpanding untiluntil ththen.en. IInn ththisis ememergingerging ssector,ector, The Asia to Programs to Asia networknetwork ooff yoyoungung autauthors,hors, illillustrators,ustrators, and FoundationFoundation is wworkingorking wiwithth CChinahina FFoundationoundation translatorstranslators eequippedquipped ttoo creacreatete ququalityality ddigitaligital Center,Center, proprovidingviding tetechnicalchnical aassistancessistance to #Ch#ChangeStartsHereangeStartsHere booksbooks in ddozensozens of llanguages.anguages. TheTheyy aarere improveimprove efeffectivefective grantmagrantmakingking to civil ssocietyociety #V#VentureWithHerentureWithHer developingdeveloping skills anandd concontemporarytemporary avavenuesenues organizations.organizations. ThTheseese aarere jjustust a ffewew eexamplesxamples to publishing,publishing, while fformingorming a neneww ccultureulture of thatthat illillustrateustrate the sstrategictrategic aandnd nuannuancedced The Asia Foundation improves lives, expands opportunities, #M#MoveToTheFrontlinesoveToTheFrontlines literatureliterature aandnd lelearningarning iinn pplaceslaces wwherehere iitt hhasas investmentsinvestments the FFoundationoundation is mmakingaking in a and helps societies flourish across a dynamic and developing #R#ReadersIntoLeaderseadersIntoLeaders beenbeen largelylargely absenabsent.t. dynamicdynamic AAsia.sia. ThTheseese ththoughtful,oughtful, ccomplexomplex OUR investmentsinvestments cocontinuentinue to ssetet uuss aparapart.t. But ouourr Asia. We work with innovative leaders and communities to BringingBringing ttogetherogether new momodesdes ooff ththinking,inking, workwork is oonlynly popossiblessible bbecauseecause of deddedicatedicated build effective institutions and advance pathbreaking approaches,approaches, aandnd ttoolsools wiwithth the ddriverive and friendsfriends and ssupportersupporters like yyou.ou. ThThankank yyou.ou. reforms. Together with our partners, we are committed to OUR DDavidavid AArnoldrnold SunderSunder RaRamaswamymaswamy Asia’s continued development as a peaceful, just, and thriving PrPresidentesident aandnd ChaChairmanirman of the BoBoardard region of the world. CChiefhief ExExecutiveecutive OOfficerfficer and ExExecutiveecutive CoCommitteemmittee ISISHH MESSAGEMESSAGE FRFROMOM THETHE CHAIRMAN CHAIRMAN ANDAND PRESIDENTPRESIDENT OverOver tthehe yeayears,rs, our long-standing Books for passionpassion ooff yoyoungung pepeopleople and iinvestingnvesting in thetheirir ASIA FOUNDATION AsiaAsia pprogramrogram hhasas rreachedeached millions of reareadersders futurefuture is an enenduringduring chcharacteristicaracteristic ooff The of aallll agageses anandd ssectorsectors of societsociety,y, equippiequippingng AsiaAsia FFoundation’soundation’s wowork.rk. IInn AAfghanistan,fghanistan, foforr students,students, prprofessionals,ofessionals, and policymakers wiwithth example,example, wwee aarere preppreparingaring AfghaAfghann ggirlsirls iinn PROGRAMS toolstools aandnd resresourcesources to contcontributeribute effectiveffectivelyely ttoo KandaharKandahar proprovincevince for the nnationalational pupublicblic HELPING SOCIETIES FLOURISHFLOURISH theirtheir ccountry’sountry’s ddevelopment.evelopment. In the past yyear,ear, universityuniversity entrance exaexam.m. LLastast yyear,ear, 78 IMPACT REPORT 2019 thethe nnumberumber ooff bobooksoks we have put in the hhandsands percentpercent ooff girgirlsls whwhoo rereceivedceived ththisis susupportpport of cchildren,hildren, eemergingmerging leadeleaders,rs, and adults passedpassed tthehe exaexamm and gagainedined enentrytry to a reachedreached nnineine millimillion,on, and tthehe yearyear’s’s four-yearfour-year nnationalational ununiversity.iversity. contributionscontributions brbroughtought the total number ooff booksbooks dondonatedated sisincence the program began to In the MMalaysianalaysian sstatetate ooff SabahSabah,, wwherehere more tthanhan 52 million. Books for Asia was youngyoung pepeopleople are ofoftenten rrecruitedecruited aass iinnocentnnocent recentlyrecently honhonoredored by the U.S. Library of participantsparticipants iinn ccriminalriminal sysyndicates,ndicates, wwee 156 93 73 38 52 CongressCongress LitLiteracyeracy AAwardswards for innovativinnovativee reachedreached hunhundredsdreds ooff ppotentiallyotentially aat-riskt-risk Strengthen Empower Expand Increase Promote literacyliteracy prompromotion.otion. IInn many remote, conflicconflict-t- youthyouth ththroughrough cculturalultural and fofootballotball cacamps,mps, Governance Women Economic Environmental International affectedaffected regiregions,ons, books and literature araree short-circuitingshort-circuiting a dedestructivestructive cycyclecle and FLO Resilience Cooperation scarce.scarce. OurOur newnew BooksBooks for Asia digitaldigital initiativeinitiative providingproviding alalternativeternative ppossibilitiesossibilities in a pplacelace Opportunity — Let’sLet’s ReadRead —now—now allowsallows childrenchildren to readread wherewhere ssuchuch ooptionsptions are iinn sshorthort susupply.pply. learnlearn mmore,ore, follow our progress,progress, & supportsupport ourour programsprograms booksbooks forfor freefree onon a mobilemobile phonephone oror tablet FLO whereverwherever theythey areare and in theirtheir ownown languages.languages. In CChina,hina, dodomesticmestic givigivingng skyskyrocketedrocketed in 2008 afterafter the ddevastatingevastating SSichuanichuan asiafoundation.orgasiafoundation.org ThroughThrough ththisis initiative, we araree ccontributingontributing to earthquake,earthquake, mamarkingrking a tturningurning ppointoint foforr 87% 80% a love ofof rereadingading foforr chilchildren,dren, whilwhilee at the ChineseChinese phphilanthropyilanthropy whiwhichch wwasas limitlimiteded Budget Allocated Staff are local same timetime buildingbuilding a rarapidlypidly eexpandingxpanding untiluntil ththen.en. IInn ththisis ememergingerging ssector,ector, The Asia to Programs to Asia networknetwork ooff yoyoungung autauthors,hors,
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