University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-29-1906 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 09-29-1906 T. Hughes Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 09-29-1906." (1906). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/637 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 15 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. 1900 NUMBER 32 ItMt mrvmUm. W. 8. ftncklor. T. S. Hubbell, Louie Among tbo ok! man's excess wan Seventy, W Instraot Wr dsroaates Ingtey Oeotn Learaard. IeMm ln-dovn- l. OF GEORGE found a bread steth salt, a pair at new k ike Las Vegas onnrahtioa to do Cnm. Onadwtek, Nleolaa Her- mm ovornlbt that bad never been w&cb power doctor-ito- n GULAR REPUBLICAN CONVENTION an In iMr to sOJaTfo a rera. M. C. Ortla. M. W. Dobaon and ana many misas or mauling in In the platform adapted by that Tmnna ONttorree, and that, on all oondRion. A large number af convohtkm la favor of wt redact km quest tone, they tm aa a unit at the ' ,lu Uul. m eiMHlfc, Wl or fee Wow Moxmo, Ijw VegM rog tew. and ealartte in vent b no wore Psnad banning on the woon oC and tho ssbstltatlou of stlarlot for Un tie conelaakm of the roadlng of the two snsall rooms of bts hangs. fooa wherever practicable. the report and Met of delegates. Mr. Another thing tonad am sag tfn nM W. 11. OlU.BIwWATBR, Outlerret eaked If proxies would be Doad Dody of a Roclusa Dls- - man s pnasssslrms. whssh shown (hie Ohslrmsu. altowed, and f not ho would Itke to srosptrleHy of the owner, was a Mt Mm.VlU.ll SUM4MM, Seorotary. withdraw his aaia as a delegate aa covorod at Ills Hut on which a It was by VnmftA. shall, adorned vnoved Hubbstl, be could not And the tine to ge to Ua eat position In hla froa seconded by Ialdro Bawdooal. that the Vegna. Hla name waa raererore wttn-draw- North first Street. Bsdy Buned at Palnriew. roport of the eommittos oh resolution on a auggestlon made by Mr. body bo Though the waa Stoooveredl adopted. The metkm parried, Hubbell. and the mum of J. Porter early thkt morning It won All Delegates From Regular Precinct Organizations Seated crank A. Hubbell MtrM that a Jooes subetitttted Inttead. ainwet oMMnlttee DECOMPOSITION HAD SET IN noes before the pises eowld ho mrf of three h"nppoiatod to The report waa the adopted aolantly fhmhjntnd ta parmlt a por In After By ueiegates to ummnu aa oorreeted. son waa Convention Thorough Investigation ihUtk Aa county, nntertmt. so strona lha smell at Vena. The Uernatillo seeordlng to deoomposey (lean. ro-- dale-gate- Paots to ttio of human The the call, la only entitled to nine s, Point Theory That id as that commit Praak a. A. HNkbefl mntna were phtoed In a metalne aaa Committee On Credentials. Frank oxftalned tho Man Poll In a Pit and hot by Undertaker A. Herders, bq Habejl, ft. P. 1 and (femes Wer thnt Ul county bag always hereto-fo-r Montoya, AMMl ner. been entitled to delegat!. Expired NlgtiL hnrlnd shortl attar hoe at Pslrvktw IdllM. V sixteen During eometery. Hn eon A raaaaa of five minute was taken. under favorable retraMiaan eondlttona, The house and Preelnot No. 7. Ban Antonio Mn toe to were fumtoateif nmtln IpU af ' t allow the commRtoat IjkDnaio up Its THE IRREGULARS, LED BY PERFECTO ARMIJO uei Baea, Darto Oullwrox. and the oommlttee named sixteen WHEREUPON ' election of aelocAtoa delegatea in nope Ijm With body In such an torneon ind a earns of Nfen In ahantn Predest No. 8. Lea OrkMos Max--! aejvopott. the ttat the the advanced began vsgs-ttenvnti- of Patrolman Knapp mhhB Im OaroU, T. 0. OuUerret, Joan C. uoiegsiee t Laa Vegan convention would admit them state of deoempdeltlon that the stoneh The committee, on rSmtovenlaK of ( in any orent. If not. the lag the eontenls. The trotfeefs wHh OTHERS, MARCHED FROM THE HALL Samara, JhMo Gutierre. arising from It sou Id ie dtjtoeiad out the money In thorn wore tho Rpvt Hi ItrMlnM Mb O ftauaiuu l Afrtun tee convention. ifiOT& rough Mr. county will be entitled to nine seata As fellows: j in tao convention. In the atreot, the remains of George things pished Hp. The met ay wan Bevera Sambos, J. I). Metsgar, I.ut lying In Armljo. Wit, committee .aBneifitod to After thla exptanation. Mr. Hubbell Ttmrals, ago about 10 yean, a reeluse loose a little oaavM naak Jwe Lueero. dofeoatos)w It will require the whom ef tHmor Preeruet No. iO. OblHtl Pablo soleot to Mo tifamorfal con rnW hU reapeete In a neat speeoh te living at 103 North First street, were vention at vases, fol- row to make a thorough searah er Strong Resolutions Unanimously Adopted. Endorsing tho CreeoiH. A Id arete, Las pfesoat the the Porfeeto Armlio boilnra who had found lying hut In Jhbr lowing sixteen delegates Hall they on the door of the the efTsots of the hones and until ih No. 11, Pajnrito-- C. Felipe from this left the becuase enuhl not Prednet oounty: A. HuMMI, W. which he lived this morning by the Job U finished n polleoman will re National and Territorial Administrations. Dologato INMttll, N. F. Cbavos, Saturalso Bar- - Fran It. eontroi the eonventrtm and hare iheir UbllUar--i, W. It. Qiw, T. K iVllker. little ilBuawlor of Mrs. Husonkt Bow main in charge or the prtMlsos, M en, Andrews and Pavoring Joint Statehood. No. K Illchaf. BBay Saanbat. Tlie convention then adjourned. who itves In the bouse neat door Precinct II. Albuquerque T. to hut. body 8. Hubbell. M. Utah-ey- , the Ttatmla The was Harry F. U, only BERNALILLO COUNTY P. Haaloy, W. a. M. pertly dreosad. and a night nap Strickler. ft covered tho head, which la evtdeuoe W. B. GUILDERS MADE PERMANENT CHAIRMAN ftiMMm, W. M. Ohllders. U Oradl. mnn Anon SeadorsJ. B. W. Dobeon. that tho had retired, when donta DISTRICT COURT Lools THE PERFECTO ARMIJO FACTION overtook him. Tho bony was lying LIST OF DELEGATES TO TERRITORIAL CONVENTION fare downrwnrde nt the side of the SSSJtf bed, woe partly doubled up aa It. Springer. W. ir. Qreer. David' nnd Refreshed by a half day vssatin rt. xjr W tnoogk atarnagteu ammm!! t Unn1.it t caaA the death had been durlng the time of osavenllono (Wedneirfay, September 36.) Hla Botlwii vroro Indeed dlagraoeful. rrJcl,ietr. U.7y of a violent nature, ami probably the tho No. 11 --uid A r k. BOLTED R EBULAR C waieh proraiwd yostordsy. She ism Tho ropuMlcau oounty convention, result or a nt, to wnwn is deceased torlal grand jury returned to work at - was aubjeet, aooordlng to neigh to elect (WUoatw to the territorial ro ?.? T7tJfiJ- " 3r?!LJ' wi:l.lil,! Werner. A. autlerre. lleVewenolll- - his 3:30 yowtorttay afternoon and the (Jai- a terra nvtvu kireiii n. iimiunv. i rln Cbavec. bora. Hn fKibllcan oonvontlon at Ias VeRaa, ri.A m.ii.1. 1. 1 ,,t thtntlaeo Ilaoa. Oftbnat led States grand Jury rammed vwwiritmii uviiiuvm. wrroiinje nun Oarela. J. A. Qurale, 1. J. Timmis wan last seen allvs on last grinding fofoneon. lorrl(or aembled at the Htka' opera houie at aa "fellow repubfleani." Martlae. Friday, when this The f. he meant mtaa vigiu he went to the home Inl petit Jury, which alao enioyed a reornlHK, batng oallad nn-tu- e auper-Intenden- t Mrs. M. 917 10 o'clock thta net rabid oounty aehool l'recinist No. 13. Old Albuquerque 11 of Phelan of North First recens yesterday afternoon A. Hubbell, (lie Met in Armory of Opera House and street, oouple beoauao to order by Frank In terma which were verr Jeana Ilomro, M. IU Springer, Mi- for a of buokete of wa of lack of ready work, resumed Its county cbAtrrnan. pleoalng to the conven'lon delegate. guel Duron. C. D. Mu rutty, illguel ter, and hail probably been dead alx labors again today taking; up tho onsa of Maynard I'. linn-le- y nays round. At or get On the Subject Statehood. aunaul notnlated Cliavaa, Maximo KanahK, Tom 0, Named County Officers, Besides a when the tmie of A W". Olektml versus ftofle U Alex In opening tbo convention he atatet! aa temporary aecretary. The mo- Montoya, David OervantM, Julian I'e-- ting the water, the old man wss In pkiintlrf's oase tho tion waa which ander. The eonskrted that not only the territory but ftoootided, and Mr. Hanloy rea. I). Montoya. his usual demeanor, waa not In putMng In a dbnetenar gtatee looking upon a Contesting to Go very evidence l ulled was. the waa aeeorted to the platform by Tbo committee reeommenda Delegation to talkative. Mrs. Phelan said this Judgment by Hannah a very Im- that morning coming scoured Hanlu forthcoming fall oieetlon aa committee of three. loth delegatlona from preelnst 13 fee that he had been against the defendant for 9S.0OB, duo portant a of state- Commltteeo Appointed. there ror water for long time and on. the queetlon seated but to be allowed one-bai- t vow. Las Vegas a on nnd above a certain Judgment ren waa deelded and he wa Mr Wllkeraon moved commit-t-a Convention.
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