Vol. 9 No. 6 JulyI August 1999 $5.95 Tim Bonyhady on john McDonald and the state of Australian art criticism john Sendy on China 50 years after the Revolution Margaret Goldrick remembers Arthur Boyd Bill Garner on the great and disappearing art of camping Peter Mares reports on the Indonesian election Special Book Offer VOONG WHY WEREN'T WE TOLD? A personal search for the truth about our history by Henry Reynolds Why Weren't We Told~ is historian Henry Reynolds' account of his own journey to understanding the truth about our history. Drawing on personal experiences and historical observations, Reynolds looks at Australia's history of relations with indigenous people from colonisation to the present day, identifying the myths that were taught in the past and explaining why and how they cam e about. Thanks to Viking Books, Eureka Street has 10 copies of Why Weren't We Told! to give away, each worth $24.95 . Ju st put your name and address on the back of an envelope and send it to: Emel<a Street July/August Book Offer, PO Box 553, Richmond VIC 3121. Executive Director CHARLES STURT Australian Centre for U N V E R S T y Christianity and Culture Australian Centre for (Located at Canberra) Christianity and Culture The Australian Centre is an ecumenica l foundation. endo rsed b y the Natio nal Council of Churches and sponsored hy the Anglican Diocese of Ca nberra and Goulburn and Charles Srun University. The Centre is committed to the celebratio n and nourishment o f the encounter and dialogue between Christianity and all as pects o f modern Australian life. Dialogue between Christian traditions and between Christianity and o ther faiths; providing a focus for reconciliatio n and the recognition o f indigeno us Australian spirituality; and. promoting and explo ring the interacti on o f the arts and Christianity are major aims of the Centre. lnregral to the work o f the Centre is the bui lding of a national meeting pl:tce. A site has been secured o n Lake Burley Gri ffin in Ca nberra o n the edge o f the i X trli a m e nt ~ tr y triangle. A d es ign for th e Cenrre·s buildings has been selected following a n a ti o n ~ d architectural competitio n. Fundraising to suppo rt the building is in progress. A majo r grant has been received from the Commo nwea lth's Federation Fund. The Executive Director will be responsible to the Boa rd o f Management o f the Centre fo r the trategic leadershi[ of the Centre, the development o f po licies and programs, advocacy and funding and oversight o f the building o f the Centre. The Executive Director will lea d a small team o f pro fessional sta ff, including a building project ma na ger and a fundraisi ng and business development manager. The successful applica nt w ill he committed to the vision o f the Centre and have a record o f outstanding service in church or community o rga nisatio ns. A demo nstrated ability to lea d a complex o rganisa tion and to manage large sca le projects is esse ntial. The appointee must have excellent communica tion sk ills and a record o f effective fundraising from private and corpo ra te donors. Success in entrepreneurial commercial activities and fo rma l theologica l qualificatio ns would be an advantage. Th e a ppoin tme nt w ill be for three years in th e lu-st instan ce w ith the p ossibility of re n ewal. A salary package up to $80,000 per annum is ava ilable. Patron: His Excellency the Hono urable Sir William Dea ne, AC, KI3E Chair, Cen tre Council: The Rt Ho nourable Sir Ninian Stephen, K G, AK. KCMG, KBE Applications close Friday 16 July 1999 Applicants are required to address the se lectio n criteria and complete the University's Applica tio n for Employment form, available from the Divisio n o f Human Resources, \X!agga Wagga telephone (02) 6933 22 l .3 o r email hstewarr@cs u. edu .a u . An informatio n package is available. Equa l o ppo rtunity in employment is University po licy. www.csu.eclu.au Volume 9 Number 6 July/August 1999 A magazine of public affairs, the arts and theology 34 BLUDGEON, DIRK AND GREASE CoNTENTS How adversarial must art criticism be? asks Tim Bonyhady, in a survey of the controversial career of John McDonald. 4 COMMENT 41 With Morag Fraser. CONNECTIVE ISSUES What does Augusto Pinochet have 6 to do with Australia's stolen generation? CAPITAL LETTER Kirsty Sangster provides some answers. 7 42 LETTERS INTEGRITY: THE LONG WALK Antony Campbell concludes his series 10 on an unconditionally loving God. THE MONTH'S TRAFFIC With Peter Pierce, Bill Garner, 45 Edmund Campion and Michael McGirr. POETRY 'College Memoir' by Xiao. 12 SUMMA THEOLOGIAE 46 BOOKS 15 Moira Rayner reviews Andrea Durbach's ARCHIMEDES Upington and Susan Ryan's autobiography, Catching the Wa ves; 16 Penelope Buckley reviews the poetry FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE of Aileen Kelly (p48) . From Indonesia, Peter Mares reports on local views of the Indonesian election. 50 Front cover: Australian From Laos, Jon Greenaway examines THEATRE scapegoat, 1987, by Arthur Laos' dependence, independence and Geoffrey Milne has two nights out Boyd. Oil on canvas, its five powerful neighbours. at productions of Eugene O'N eill's 267 x 41 5cm . Back cover: Horse skull Long Day's Journey Into Night and under a blanket and a starry 20 David Williamson's Corporate Vibes. sk y, 198 1, by Arthur Boyd. REMEMBERING CHINA Oil on canvas, 183 x 175cm. John Sendy gives an Australian insider's Arthur Boyd's work on the cover 52 and pp3, 30- 33 is reproduced view of China and communism 50 years ART AND ABOUT with kind permission of the after the revolution. Linda Williams reviews the Melbourne Bundanon Trust. All Boyd International Biennial. images have been generously supplied by Australian 23 Gall eri es, 35 Derb y Street, SKATEAWAY 55 Collingwood, Victoria. Guy Rundle regresses, on ice and FLASH IN THE PAN Cover design by Siobhan Ja ckson in London. Reviews of the films Cool<ie's Fortune; Cartoon p5 by Dean Moore. Graphics pp4, 10, 11 , 13, The Phantom Menace; Gods and 16- 19,20- 23,34-40, 48- 49 25 Monsters; The Winslow Boy; Th e Last by Siobhan Jackson. THE GEOGRAPHY OF SILENCE Days; Entrapment; Go; Notting Hill and Photograph p50 by Tracey Victoria Strutt looks at the physics Austin Powers: The Sp y Who Shagged Me. Schramm. and metaphysics of m editation. Eureka Street magazine 58 Jesuit Publications 30 WATCHING BRIEF PO Box 553 RAMSHOLT REVISITED Richmond VIC 3 121 Tel (03) 9427 73 11 Margaret Goldrick on the painter and 59 Fax (03) 9428 4450 the poet: Arthur Boyd and Peter Porter. SPECIFIC LEVITY V OLUME 9 N UMBER 6 • EUREKA STREET 3 EURI:-KA STRI:-Er COMMENT A magazine of public affairs, the arts and theology Publisher Talking Daniel Madigan SJ Editor Morag Fraser Assistant editor Kate Manton A RTHUR the 'object of our cover storyB this~ month, ~~~~~:~ is a painter whose'" reputation is Consulting editor now so firmly established as to be unassailable. The eyes of Michael McGirr SJ the world have adjusted themselves so that they can 'read' Graphic designer (or partly read- Boyd will always be a challenge) the strong Siobhan Jackson narrative lines and the sometimes violent, always lyrical Production and business manager strength of his work. Sylvana Scannapiego But it was not always the case. I remember going to an Editorial and production assistants early exhibition by Boyd. I think it was in a bayside house, Juliette Hughes, Paul Fyfe SJ, perhaps his own-close to wh ere I lived. The paintings were Geraldine Battersby, Chris Jenkins SJ from his Bride series. To a child's eye, the curving, floating Contributing editors figures were just a sympathetic extension of the free-floating, Adelaide: Greg O'Kelly SJ, Perth: Dean Moore visually encoded world that you inhabit at that age. The Sydney: Edmund Campion, Gerard Windsor colours were like pools-you could wade in them. I understood Queensland: Peter Pierce none of the mythology of course, but the images have stayed United Kingdom correspondent with me, to be understood at leisure-just as Boyd's bleached Denis Minns OP Wimmera landscapes, with their black sentinel birds like a rent in the sun, served, much later, to explain the dry country South East Asia correspondent we would drive across each year on those long Christmas Jon Greenaway pilgrimages that are an accustomed part of living in Australia. Jesuit Editorial Board Having Boyd around was rather like growing up with a Peter L'Estrange SJ, Andrew Bullen SJ, medieval Passion play permanently running in the shopping Andrew Hamilton SJ centre: bald metaphysics with your groceries. Peter Steele SJ, Bill Uren SJ But the critics at the time were not universally appreci­ Marketing manager: Rosanne Turner ative. Boyd, like m any single-minded artists early (even late) Advertising representative: Ken Head in their careers, had more than his share of castigation, mis­ Subscription manager: Wendy Marlowe understanding and misreading. The art world can be a corro­ Administration and distribution sive place. You need a kind of steely doggedness to thrive in it. Kate Matherson, Lisa Crow, Boyd, a head-down-dogged artist if ever there was one, Mrs Irene Hunter was variously criticised: for being too sentimental or too Patrons harsh.
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