Xavier University Exhibit Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper Proceedings 1966-05-31 Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper Edgecliff olC lege - Cincinnati Follow this and additional works at: http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper Recommended Citation Edgecliff oC llege - Cincinnati, "Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper" (1966). Edgecliff College Newspaper. Book 197. http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper/197 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Proceedings at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ) The Edgecliff College Confers Degrees On Class of '66 The R ev. Raymond R oesch, S.M ., president of the Unive rsity of Dayton, was the keynote speaker at commencemen t exercises this eve­ New Class Officers Accept Responsibility ning. Candidates were presented for their degrees by S r. Mary Dolora, R.S.M ., academic dean. Sr. Mary Virginia, R.S.M., presiden t, confe rred "Student Council's accomplish­ Glauber and Judith Thayer as Juniors Anne Sack a nd Kathy the degrees, and Archbishop Karl J . Alter presented them to t he grad­ ments during the past year will be class representatives. Smith, by virtue of t heir positions uates. Presiding at the exercises was the R ev. Alfred G. Stritch, head difficult to equal, but I am sure Elected to the position of presi­ as president of the Catholic Stu­ that with the group of representa­ de nt of the Resident House Coun­ dents Mission Crusade and Sodal­ of the division of social science. munication between the genera­ tives we have on Council next yea r cil and thus a member of Student ity prefect respectively, will also The 124 graduates wore aca ­ tions, Father sta ted that youth's we will have a ve ry successful pro­ Council was Zita Zimmerer, junior. serve on Council. demic hoods which they had re­ claims of adult restrictions being gram." S o stated Judith M ors­ ceived the day before at the Bacca ­ unreasona ble a re, fo r the most hauser on assuming the office of laureate M ass. The R ev. Richard part, " utter nonsense. The ge nera­ Student Council president at t he Deters, S .J., dean of Xavier Uni­ final convocation, May 18. Judy versity E vening Coll ege, s poke at tion before you cannot be that stupid, that provincial, that obtuse served as junior class president the Baccalaureate services. and, in he r sophomore year, me r­ . t he person who gave a re­ " A central problem of our times sounding world voice to this quest ited the Saint Catherine M edal, is the reconciliation of freedom and for freedom was a ve ry old man •• Kappa Gamma Pi N a t i o n a 1 authority ... This problem is not over 80 - we call him Pope John. Achi eveme nt award fo r the out­ new . because man is man he standing sophomore. rejects authority ... " began Fa the r Sign of Maturity Othe r Council offi cers for next D ete rs. Pe rhaps the first sign of ma­ year include junior Karen Doe p­ turity, and certainly a sure sign, " Freedom and authority. Both ke r, vice-p resident; sophomore Jane is when you can sit down and talk exist, and we must have both. But Smith, secret ary, and freshman to someone of anothe r generation not too much of either," Fathe r E lizabeth Plieman, treasurer. or culture, and begin the conver­ l continued. "Absolute, unlimited , C lass pres:dents a nd Coun::il sation with the premise that you unrestricted freedom is license . re presentatives a 1s o h ave been may not have all the answers." similarly, absolute, unlimited au­ elected . Leading the senior class thority restricts freedom ... Fathe r went on to explain the will be S ally McDermot t as presi­ relation between an individual's de nt, aided by cb ss representatives Need Both i l conscience and authority as tem­ Judith H e ringer a nd P e nny M c­ "S o we must have both personal pered by love, applying this rela­ Donnell. J ane Hughes will be jun­ freedom and corporate authority; tion to students and to those in ior class president, with represent­ not only freedom, but also author­ religious life. The final solution atives Paula Lubke a nd Mary ity; not only authority, but also to the problem is to be found by Ly nne Yancey. Elected to lead the Seated from left to right, members of the new student govern­ freedom. And our problem is nei­ looking " to God and the way Christ sophomore c I a s s were Patricia ment are Sally McDermott, Karen Doepker, Judy Morshauser, ther freedom nor authority, be­ acted. By rne as class president and Ann Patricia Byrne and Jane Hughes. cause we must have both; our "Christ could demonstrate when i ' problem is to live with not one or H e had to ... but H e knew all!lo the other, but with both ... how to obey, how to submit to Seniors Foresee Endeavors In Various Fields "To solve this problem of recon­ authority . .. " It is in the example ciling freedom and authority we of Christ, Fathe r concluded, that Most of the seniors have made June are Nancy Riestenberg, who elude: Ann Schmid, Donna D e­ will need c 1 ear thinking.... " the resolution of the freedom­ some plans for the coming year. will work at IBM, and Catherine Rose, Mary Alice Manley, Susan Father then cited examples of authority conflict is ·to be found. W eddings and that first day of C roes who will enter the fi eld of Cullen, Hilde Baumann, Lind a "sloppy thinking which is creating teaching rank high on their list of public relations. Martha Franke Beardslee, Mary Ann Tenhunfeld, The Baccalaureate Mass, cele­ problems for authority, not solving future eve nts. intends to continue to run charter Kathleen Murphy-and Kathleen brated by Father Stritch, was fol ­ problems of freedom." Among the s umm e r brides: flights. Anne Marr plans to attend Staley , an Extension Volunteer in lowed by a garden party honoring M a rilyn K oons will marry Ronald Catherine Gibbs Secretarial S chool Colorado. Commenting on the lack of com- graduates and their parents. M cCarthy, Jun e 11 ; Margaret in N ew York and then enter the Pe ters will be married to R onald business world. " ' M cKnew, June 18; Diane D eSalvo Sally Schulte will conduct re­ Psi Chi Establishes Chapter; Initiates Nine will be the bride of David Duritsch , search at Children 's Hospital, while June 25, and Mary Ann Lueke Judith Goertemoell er and Ruth will become Mrs. P a ul Kenny on Homan do similar work at the Taft the same day. E ngineering Center. { . July brides are: G retchen Ohm Ann Doering, Janet H oSang, to Daniel Carter, July 2, and Pa­ J a net Duenhoft and Margaret Blau tricia Bre nnan to David Loftus, will work in the fi eld of m edical July 9. Othe r futu re brides in­ technology. clude: Che ryl and Kathleen Wilke, Teaching h igh school this fall J a ne Hudepohl, P atricia Gi e rha rt, will be: Deanna H oetker, Mc­ f l S heil a Smith , M a rgaret Winstel, Auley; Kathleen Pfarr, Loveland; Carole Thompson a nd E lizabeth C hery l Zimme r, Regina; Rosema ry I l Crusie. Koepfle and M aureen M cPhillips. Going into t he business world in E lementary school teache rs in- Summer Workshops Encompass Aid for Teachers, Administrators T his summer Edgecliff will present four worksh op programs besides l ' the regular sum me r school schedule. Of special interest to all elementary school teache rs is L ibra ry Techniques fo r E lementa ry Schools. Sister M a ry Roderic, R.S.M., director of t he library workshop, explained, "the ' i course will be a combination of lecture and demonstration." It will Edgec:liff Presents carry two semester credits, with a fee of $48. Registration is J une 16. ( \' Summer Festival T he class will run from June 20 Edgecliff Academy will p resent to J uly 1, from 1 to 4 p.m. its annual summer festival J u ne A three-credit course in M ethods members of Psi Chi pose in front of the seal of the college. Standing from 17-Aug. 14. In contrast to the win­ in Reading Development at the Recently initiated te r season of serious plays, dealing Secondary Level will be offered left to right are Deanna Hoetker, J ane Hudepohl, Cheryl Zimmer, Mary DiFabio, Mary Ann with the subjects of war and peace, June 20 to July 29 from 1 to 3 p.m. Wolking, Marilyn Vorherr, Kathleen Wuersig and Suzanne List. Mary Urbain was absent when the summer program offers com­ The course will emphasize reading the picture was taken. edy, romance, satire and musical skills, study skills, recall develop­ Psi Chi, a national honorary serve as advisor to the chapter. Chi is the promotion of under­ ( \ fantasy. ment and remedial problems. A psychology society, has approved H e is also vice-president of Be­ graduate study and graduate re­ Opening the eleventh season of grant, available u n d e r specified the establishment of a chapter at havioral Science Associates and search in the fi eld of psychology. the Academy will be the eighteenth­ conditions through Visual Con­ Edgecliff.
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