VOL. X X X IV • All The Cnnnty News For Everybody*’ MOCKSVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1952 ‘AU The County News For Everytxxiy’ No. 51 Grand Jury Heritage Furniture Endorses Makes Report E C MORRIS The Davie County Grand Jury Proposed Recreation Program ’VSi'KViU retnrned 129 true bills in a like (M t . j number of cases last week. The Commends Board For grand jury was adjourned Wed­ Pope Named Head Of nesday because of illness of Two Seniors Interests And Efforts Pennington Chevrolet Judge Don Phillips. The Heritage Furniture Com­ D. R. Stroud served as fore­ To Attend pany has openly endorsed the pro­ man of the Grand Jury and R. posed recreation program for the C. Evans as secretary. The foll­ Town of Mocksville and com­ owing report \yas submitted: Ball Game mended the Town Board for their County Jail Two Mocksville High School interests and efforts in that di­ Reported that the county jail seniors will be the guests of the rection. was in good condition generally. Mocksvillo Enterprise in cooper­ The letter from B. Jason Branch, Recommended the following re­ ation wi^h the Winston-Salem Superintendent of the local Her­ pairs and improvements: Paint Journal and Sentinel at a base­ itage plant, was read to the mem­ kitchen and dining room. Replace ball game in Winston-Salem, bers of the Town Board present Tuesday, April 8. two window shades in living room for the regular meeting Tuesday and one in bed room. Replace one Carolyn Ferebee and Larry night by Mayor John E. Durham. window light. Commended the Foster have been selected'by their The endorsement of the recre­ present jailer on the condition of respective coaches and teachers ation program appears significant .OPERATORS OF THE B & F MANUFACTURING COMPANY look over some of their the jail. to attend on the basis of their in that Heritaun is probably the sport shirts which are manufactured in Mocksville for the Kingly Sportswear Company. Courthouse all-around ability. Selection was largest taxpayer in Mocksville made on the basis of scholarship, Chester A. Blackwelder and Frank Fox discuss their products while Mrs. Velma Snow, Reported court house in need having a property valuation of of repair. Recommended the fol- athletic ability, and years of par­ $328,247. stenographer and bookkeeper, jots down the points in question. (Staff Photo). O. K. Pope has been named owing: Repair floor in Colored ticipation in athletics. The letter to the Town Board President of the Pennington Chev­ toilet. Build toilet for Colored These two seniors will join addressed in care of Hon. John E. rolet Company, Inc. John Wel­ Lack of Space Curtailing Two Cutting Affrays women. Repair screen in window other boys and girls of Northwest Durham, Mayor, read as follows: don Pennington will serve as of Office of Board of Education. North Carolina at the exhibition “Heritage Furniture Company At North Cooleemee Secretary and Treasurer of the Repair plaster in the Register of baseball game between the St. would like to commend the gov­ Expansion of Local Industry Two affrays in the vicinity of corporation. Mrs. W. M. Penning­ Deeds office, Repair leaking water Louis Cardinals and the Phila­ erning body of the town of Mocks­ & F Manufacturing Company w'as the residence of Carrie McConey- ton is vice-president. B&F Manufacturing Co. pipes in library. Repair screen delphia .Phillies. ville for their interest and efforts established. In October, 1949, Mr. head of North Cooleemee sent Mr. Pope comes to Mocksville doors to library. Boiler room Larry and Carolyn will meet to provide the community with an Producing 450 Dozen and Mrs. Frank Fox moved to two Negroes for medical treat­ from North Wilkesboro where he needs general cleaning. Replace the stars of the two teams after organized recreation program. Mocksville from Wilson, N. C., ment and brought about the ar­ Sport Shirts Each Week cap on steps at south entrance of has been sales manager of the lunch with Frank Spencer, soprts “Inasmuch as the proposed and the shirt manufacturing be- rest of two others. Gaddy Motor Company for the courthouse. Several registers editor of the Winston-Salem program is in keeping with the By GORDON TOMLINSON Robert White, 30, was arrested (Continued on Page 3) throughout the courthouse need past ten years. He will serve as Journal, and will have their photo policies of this company to pro­ A whirring of sewing machines Monday for allegedly cutting manager of the Pennington Chev­ repairing. Courthouse needs a snapped with many of the top vide for the welfare and interests on the second floor of the San­ Cars Collide Glenn Payne, 33, with a pocket general Spring cleaning. rolet Company. players of the major leagues. of the employees and the people ford Motor Company building knife Sunday night. Payne swore He has been engaged in the At Fork Church Prison Camp Larry is the son of 'Mr. and in general, we give our whole­ characterizes an activity that is out a warrant for White alleging Found 58 colored prisoners and automobile business since 1930. Mrs. Paul Foster of Advance, R t hearted support to this program. producing around 450 dozen of Considerable property damage that the latter cut him on and one white prisoner, eight regu­ He wias born and reared in Wood- 1. He is.a senior and plans to When once established on a sound men’s shirts each week. resulted in a collision near Fork about the left side of the face, leaf, N. C. attend N. C. State College next on March 29, around 8:30 a.m. lar employees. Stock includes 4 and lasting basis we believe that Although in existence just a requiring six stitches to close the In North Wilkesboro, Mr. Pope Highway Patrolman T. J. Bad- rnilk cows, 3 yearling cows, 2 year. He is a two letter man, this program will benefit not little over two years, this shirt wound. was active in church, civic, and having won letters in both base­ gett reported that Rad Bailey, mules, 24 hogs. There is a large only the children, but all the peo­ manufacturing enterprise is liter­ Sheriff G. Alex Tucker and business life of the community ball and basketball for two years. driving a 1949 Ford, pulled out supply of meat and various sup­ ple of this community, and fur­ ally bulging at the seams. At the Deputy Ransome Cook arrested He served as member of the board He was captain of the basketball of a side road into the side of plies on hand. There is approxi- ther establish the reputation of present time the lack of space White, Monday. Deputy Cook re- -of—stewards—of -the—Methodist ------- --- -------------- •;r l!K3 Plymouth' belng'dri Veirby Tnately-C0 - acres “or- Inncr 'ih' cuHI- *teanrthls“year. Mocksville as one of progress. | “ arid room is curtailing further de­ ported that White told him that Church, a member of the North Carolyn is the daughter of Mr. Marvin Cagle of Kannapolis. Af­ vation. Found the buildings, “In order to give public ex­ velopment and enlargement. At the affray started when Payne Wilkesboro school board, the and Mrs. W. F. Ferebee of Mocks­ ter being struck, tho Plymouth grounds, mess hall, kitchen and pression to our view of this matt­ the present, the owners are con­ began bragging about taking his Lions Club, Knights of Pythias ville, Rt. 1. She is a senior and lurncd over in the middle of the all cell blocks in excellent con­ er we are sending a copy of this sidering the possibility of con­ (White’s) wife out while he lodge, Junior Order fraternity, plans to enter training as a nurse highway doing considerable dam­ dition. The responsible personnel letter to each of the two news­ structing a larger plant in Mocks- (White) was serving a term on the and member of the North Wilkcs- at St. Leo Hospital rfext year. age. Cagle was heading West on were commended for the con­ papers published in Mocksville.'* villc. road. boro fire department. She has won her letter in basket­ highway 04 at the time of the ac­ dition of the prison camp. Respectfully yours, .*! This manufacturing establish­ White was placed under a $200 Jack Pennington has operated ball for the past three years play cident. He was,accompanied by County Home B. JASON BRANCH ment of men’s sport shirts goes bond and lodged in the local jail. the business since the death of ing on the teams that won three his wi’ie who suffered slight in­ Found eight While male in­ Superintendent under the name of B & F Manu­ Preliminary hearing will be held his father. He is a member of juries. mates, two female inmates. Sup­ consecutive county tournament Heritage Furniture, Inc. facturing Company, Inc. The Saturday night. the board of stewards of the plies on hand included 2,500 lbs. titles. She was co-captain of this The Town Board has officially stockholders in this corporation LEAVES FOR KOREA In the second episode in the First Methodist Church, a member of flour, 75 bushels of corn, 200 year’s team and high scorer. called a special election to be held include Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fox Cpl. Charles Bailey is spending same immediate vicinity, Bertha of the Rotary Club and the Jun­ lbs. meat in freezer locker, plenty on April 29 for the people of and Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. a 21 day furlough here with his Lee Hairston, 18, swore out a ior Chamber of Commerce. of cured meat, 500 jars of canned SPELLING BEE Mocksville to vote as to whether Blackwelder.
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