THE CORRUPTED FORMS OF DEMOCRACY AS THE CAUSE OF THE CIVIL WAR AS SEEN IN CONN IGGULDEN’S EMPEROR: THE GATES OF ROME AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters By JOHN ABRAHAM STEVE KALALO Student Number: 014214146 ENGLISH LETTERS STUDY PROGRAMME DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2009 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS To begin with, I surely want to thank and praise my Heavenly God, Jesus Christ who has given me this wonderful life to live in. Millions of thanks to Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani, S.S., M.Hum as my thesis advisor and to Adventina Putranti, S.S., M.Hum as my thesis reader as well as to the board of examiners. I definitely thank my beloved Papi and Mami for the patience, prayer and support all of the time. Thanks to my dearest brother and sisters, Bill, Eudia and Ita for praying for me and for taking care the business while I am doing the thesis. My special gratitude goes to my dearest Maria Benedicta Dian Savitri for the love, prayer and support. I dedicate my gratitude to my lovely family in Kalasan as well as in Jakarta and Tobelo and my pals, 2001 English Letters fellows. In addition, thanks to Stenly, Evy Lesar, and Andrie Pinem for such support and prayer. I thank all the lecturers and the staff of the Department of English Letters USD for helping me in all occasions, and to the staff of USD library for helping me finding so much information. John Abraham Steve Kalalo iv TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE .......................................................................................... i APPROVAL PAGE ................................................................................ ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE........................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................ v ABSTRACT............................................................................................ vi ABSTRAK .............................................................................................. vii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.......................................................... 1 A. Background of the Study.......................................................... 1 B. Problem Formulation................................................................ 3 C. Objective of the Study.............................................................. 4 D. Definition of Terms.................................................................. 4 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW......................................... 5 A. Review of Related Studies ....................................................... 5 B. Review of Related Theories ..................................................... 7 C. Review on the Social Condition of Rome................................ 19 D. Theoretical Framework ............................................................ 32 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY ..................................................... 34 A. Object of the Study................................................................... 34 B. Approach of the Study.............................................................. 36 C. Method of the Study................................................................. 36 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS .................................................................. 38 A. Democracy Depicted in the Novel Seen through the Plot and the Setting ................................................................................ 38 B. The Civil War as a Consequence of the Democracy Depicted in the Novel............................................................................... 53 C. The Corrupted Forms of the Democracy as the Source of the Civil War .................................................................................. 59 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION ............................................................. 66 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................. 69 v ABSTRACT JOHN ABRAHAM STEVE KALALO. The Corrupted Forms of Democracy as the Cause of the Civil War as Seen in Conn Iggulden’s Emperor: The Gates of Rome. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2009. Government system is crucial in one nation’s life since the political policy is determined by the government system. Therefore, the nation’s upshot has much dependence on the system applied. Democracy as a form of a government system is the most common applied system nowadays. In fact, it is used long before the modern era, when the tyranny was applied everywhere. It can be seen from Conn Iggulden’s Emperor: The Gates of Rome where the democracy in the novel is very significant to be explored. There are three problems revealed from the topic. The first problem is how plot and setting reveal a democracy as a form of government of Rome in the novel. The second is how the war as a consequence of the democracy is depicted in the novel. The last is how the corrupted forms of the democracy can be the cause of the civil war. In answering the problems, this study uses library research and sociocultural-historical approach. This approach is applied in this study since the study needs some evidences on the corrupted forms of the democratic that can be the cause of the civil war. The democracy in the novel is depicted through the plot and the setting. Through the first element of the plot, that is the exposition, it is clear that there are social classes: the Patricians, the Plebeians and the slaves exist in the Roman society. From the next element of plot, it is found out that Caesar has to face many challenging things outside his estate after his father’s death. Even, the conflicts are getting harder when there is another riot in Greece. It forces one of the Generals to get into the war. Later, it leads to the climax, where another war is happened and one of the Generals gets killed in the war. The resolution tells that Caesar is not arrested and predicted to be a fair and challenging opponent for the General in the future. In the way of the setting, the study sees the situation of Consul and Senate’s life at that time, as well as the Forums. Furthermore, the picture of democracy is shown from some forms: freedom of expression, free elections, majority rule and minority rights, political parties, the division of power, constitutional government and private organization. The civil war between two Consuls, Marius and Sulla, that leads to the climax, destroys everything in the society. Even, there are many corrupted forms of democracy that can be found in the system. One branch of the government system, judicative, becomes more powerful than others. It is the final form of conflict of interest among several powers that want to convert the democracy country to be a tyranny in which will bring many benefits to the dictator. Therefore, the corrupted forms of democracy in the novel are the cause of the civil war. vi ABSTRAK JOHN ABRAHAM STEVE KALALO. The Corrupted Forms of Democracy as the Cause of the Civil War as Seen in Conn Iggulden’s Emperor: The Gates of Rome. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2009. Sistem pemerintahan adalah sangat penting dalam kehidupan suatu negara. karena kebijakan politik suatu negara ditentukan oleh sistem pemerintahannya. Karena itu, bisa dikatakan bahwa kemajuan atau kemunduran suatu negara akan sangat bergantung dari sistem yang dianut. Demokrasi sebagai suatu bentuk dari sistem pemerintahan adalah salah satu sistem yang paling banyak dianut pada zaman ini. Faktanya, demokrasi itu sendiri sudah digunakan jauh-jauh hari sebelum zaman modern, saat di mana kekuasaan tirani masih merajai. Ini bisa terlihat dalam buku karya Conn Iggulden yang berjudul Emperor: The Gates of Rome yang segi demokrasinya sangatlah menonjol untuk dibahas. Ada tiga pokok permasalahan yang bisa dibahas dari topik ini. Masalah pertama adalah bagaimana alur dan seting di dalam novel mengungkapkan demokrasi sebagai bentuk pemerintahan di Roma. Masalah kedua adalah bagaimana perang sebagai konsekuensi dari bentuk pemerintahan demokrasi dalam cerita digambarkan. Masalah yang terakhir adalah bagaimana bentuk- bentuk demokrasi yang rusak dapat menjadi penyebab terjadinya perang saudara. Untuk menjawab ketiga masalah tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan studi pustaka dan pendekatan sosiokultural-sejarah. Pendekatan ini dilakukan karena dibutuhkan bukti-bukti mengenai bentuk demokrasi yang rusak yang dapat menjadi penyebab terjadinya perang saudara. Demokrasi di dalam novel ini terlihat melalui alur dan seting ceritanya. Dari elemen pertama alur, yaitu eksposisi, jelaslah bahwa ada kelas-kelas social yaitu Patrician, Plebeian dan kaum budak dalam masyarakat Roma. Dari elemen alur yang berikutnya, diketahui bahwa Caesar harus menghadapi banyak tantangan di luar kediamannya setelah ayahnya meninggal. Konflik bahkan menjadi lebih rumit saat muncul pemberontakan di Yunani. Pemberontakan ini mengakibatkan salah seorang Jenderal harus maju ke medan perang. Kemudian, perang lainnya pun terjadi pula, dan inilah yang merupakan klimaks, di mana salah seorang Jenderal tewas dalam perang tersebut. Bagian resolusi menjelaskan bahwa Caesar tidak ditangkap melainkan diramalkan akan menjadi lawan yang seimbang dan menantang bagi sang Jenderal di masa yang akan datang. Dari
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