Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1987 Daily Egyptian 1987 9-8-1987 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 08, 1987 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1987 Volume 74, Issue 12 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 08, 1987." (Sep 1987). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1987 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1987 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern IUinois University at C;arbondale Tuesday, September 8, 1987, Vol. 74, No. 12, 16 Pages Minor accidents, no traffic fatalities reported in region From SbiH end WIre r.porta Sou)h Side as be stood in the Nineteen minor traffic ac· str\!!et after parking his car. cidents in Southern lllinois Police were sec!ting the were reported during the first driver of a yellow Toyota three days of the Labor Day pickup truck. weekend, state police said In another acci<lent, !l-year­ Monday afternoon. old Mario Fultm of DiDnoor No traffic fatalities were was 1riUed when be was struclt reported in Southern I1linoio; by a picltup truck Sunday at an £r~m 6 p.m. Friday through intersection in suburban Monday aftei'llOUil, r-oIice said. Harvey. Officials said Monday II Natalie Hasdie. 20. died people have died in traffic Sunday when a man ap­ aCCidents throughout-the state parenUy seelrin~ revenge during the holiday weekend. against two men WIth wbom be A Crystal Lake man died had quarreled, drove his car Monday in a single-ear ac­ onto a Chicago sidewall<, cident. Police identified the police said. vktim as Robert Webb. 23. He Tbe <h-iver. Russell Pbillips, 19. was charged with reckless ~vJ':~~~;~.m.de:td N!~ bomicide. police said. them Illinois Medical Center A 74-year-old retirement in McHenry. home resident from Indian Webb's ca.r was southbound Head Park died early Sunday on Nish Road near Route 176 after being struck by an auto when it swerved out of control Saturday night. Baltazar Castillo was hit about one-half ~~~U~~t;.w~~~ . block from the Briar Place On Sunday. Bruce G. Nursing Home, authorities Bosack, -n, of Chicago, died at said. He died about eight hours U:30 p.m. at Christ Hospital in later at Loyola University southwest suburban Oak Lawn Medical Center in Maywood. of injuries suffered in a hit­ A former Kankakee resident and-run accident saturday, and a 17-year-illd Decatur police said. Bosack was hit by youth were 1riUed in sepuale a pickup _ em <lIi1:aCo'a IraIfIe -.,.Saturday. """K_.~In""""'''''''''' __ DIatropItr ~ ' a ........, Fair attendance taka • ~ pIedg8 during ttI8 IIeI8Ihon 8t Un......., ...., Suncl8y. Society nets $5,353 for MDA tops 1986 total Tbe CarboodaIe pledge center coUected a a.m. to5:30 p.m. Monday. A Du Quoin State Fair Saturday commanded the total of $5.353 for the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Tbe regiooal heatk,'IJ8I1:ers for tbe telethon ' poi<eman said Sunday that third largest figure so far at Telethon for the Muscular Dystrophy was televisioo stati"" KFVS-12 in Cape gate attendance figures of '3.700. ASSOciation. P a~l Cordes. center Girardeau. Mo. Tbe stati~ also served representative, said Monday. PactJCab, Ky.• Mount. Vernon, and Cape 291,100 had ~.er,,!:r last year's total at record Grandstand concert at­ Operated by tbe AmoId Air Society. a of 275.000. tendance figures were c.lIIlIIlunity service organizatioo affiliated Girardeau 1Iledge centers. Tbe lowest attendance figure seemingly dictated by price as with tbe sru-(; Air Force R<YrC. tbe pledge A representative from KFVS-TV reported was 12.000 on the preview night the free GosIlel-a-Rama show center was open Slmday night and from 7:30 a regiooal total 0£ $166.000. Friday. Aug. 28. The highest captured the highest at­ attendance reported so far was tendance frgure of 7.500. Last Sunday's 4l! .400. year the gospel show brought Opening day had 36.100 10.000 into the Grandstand. Libyan bomber downed in Chad; fairgoers. which was 1 100 As far as paid attendance. more than opening day 1ast Saturday's StaUer Brothers year. Su'lday. Aug. 30 had show filled the Grandstand war threatens civilian aircraft 46.000. tIJ., second highest with 7.000. Tickets for that NDJAMENA, Chad ( UPI) ­ figure reported for this year's concert were $6. lhreatened action against Gus Bode Tbe concert the French anti·aircraft gunners chman aircraft flying in fair. with lowest Monday fired a U S.-made Attendance figures Monday attendance was Tuesday's Chadian airspace. saying they through Thursday averaged Michael McDonald with Big ground-to-air missile and sbot " will be exposed to dange:-." approximately 18.000 per day Twist and the Mellow Fellows down a Libyan bomber before Libyan radio warned foreign with 19,300. Monday; 13.700. show. Only 2,2OIl concertgoers it could drop bombs on the embassies a.."<l civilians in Tuesday; 21,000. Wednesday paid $6 per ticket to see that C~ adian capital. military Ndjamena to leave im­ prrlormance. officials said. mediately for their own saiet-. and 19,201l. Thursday. e.:.:s Ctwd doesn' t t.,ve Friday night marked tbe Tbe World Trotting Derby on Libya . attempting to Chadian troops repOrt.ed1y '.y. start of a big closing weekend Saturday had 6.500 spectators retaliate for the 1= Saturday still occupied Monday the base to wo.-ry . bout Ihr.... to Its to Chad of a strategic ~ir hase for the fair with 30.700 coming and the auto races 00 Sunday .lrtl.... -Ronnie'" rr-tag through the gate. had 9.000. in southeast Libya, Monday Sae CHAD. P_ 5 ...... This Morning Physicians gather for annual fair By l.eura Mllbralh Bell N. RutJedge. "It·s a chance for com­ more communities involved Beethoven~ SIoIfWrtler John Record, assistant dean munities in Illinois tbat are than ever before with helps buy piIR)8 More than 50 Illinois com­ of students for fmancial aid \ooting for physicians to make representatives coming from munities will tICIId medical and alumni affairs for t!:.o ini!ial conb!~t with iDedicaI aU over the stale of l1Iinois. -Page6 represenbitives to meet with School of Medicine, is the fair'. students and resldents about However. tbe bulk of young residents and coordinator. practice opportunities." representatives will be (rom physicians at tbe School of Record said tlle fair 'ves RecordCommunities said. g __sUy send central and SOIi:!=n IDinois. SaIuki~ Medicine's ninth annll.:;l medicalstudenll: and resJ'!IIts Record said. stick with pIIirI Doctols Fair on Friday in a chance for an initial meeti."Il physicians from hospitals to Tbe fair is o.-.en to any Spnnj!tleld. with pt'lential employen tbat !be fair but a 130 can send medkal student, l\.'SideDt or -Spor1s 1 will bnpefuUy result in high representatives (rom clJnics or physician and ~ 1\ "low Tbe fair will run frun 10 interest 1eveIs leading to sile local groups of citizens. ressure enVlnlllJlMlllt" fer a.m. to 2 p.m. and will be held visits and eventually job Record said. r.earning about job op­ in a tent next to the &cbool at placemenl This year" fair will have portunities. ReconI said. r----------------------------, I !I , SIB 1 ,00ROKS5 ff FR,EE!IZlfI Oel;ve:y !I leO ·1/ 160 • . Pepsi I",'Pr'i I I _lu... La.... wlth. ...I.lv.ry of ~.I ! • . I We Specialize . I oj 1(.1.a... or ...... Iu... pizza I world/nation , inall~ I . PluG . 2/ 160 • . P.psl's I I limit one p f"r pI n o wltt~ lorll. or X-Iar.. , of Foreign Can I . Good fOf ..:.t!ivery. pidt.up Of'" eo' fn. I If it's foreign we'll fix it Supertankers, freighters I OP£NA'"AM£VnYOAYEXCEP' SUNOAYS 529· '3« I I Please validate coupon with the following Information : Z ~.':~;,. move safely thrGugh Gulf ~~~~___ Phone'.==-____ _ _ ! l __ DUBAY, Uttited Arab Emin~ (UPD - Supertan).<en and freighters moved safely tbrougb the p,'niaD Gt:Jj. MOIIday, talring advaDtajll! ~ a t.'ll in the (nn.1raq war. Industry officials Slid they were baping for a U.N .-negotiated peace in the conflicl '!be industry IOIIl'CeS said !bat despite last weeII:'s wave ~ Iraqi HOT by Nancy Henley and IraDlaD aUads in the gulf, • sleep rise in war-rislt insurance CCB premilDDS and DerVOUSIIOSS 8IDClIlI crews, shipping had remaiDed largely UDinterruptecl. ~ Philippine rebel prisoners moved off ships STYLING SALON MANILA, PbiJjppiDes (UPI) - '!be fint ~ about 800 rebel ay"UabIc: T_.1t 1'Inan. prisooers were tnmsferTed Monday from rain-battered ships in Manila Bay amid fn!sh warniDp renegade forces led by Col. Gregorio "Gringo" Honasan may be manbaIing for auoCher strike at President Corazoo Aquino's governmenl A Nav,. s.PDk esman said ~ officers and ~ enlisted mea captured in H.ooasan·s abortive Aug. 28 coop attempt 'were taken ashore and placed in the cuslAldy ~ their uttits after more than a week ~ detention aboard two overcrowded ships. More !ban 800 ~ the 1,200 captured rebels had been imprisoned on the ships. $999 Peronlsts win Argentina's mid-term elections BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (UP!) .- President Raul Aifoo­ sin's ruJing Radical Civic Union was stunned MOIIday by aD \llleX(M!Cted Pernnist sweep of mid·term e\ectioos that put 20 of 22 governorships ill the bands of O(lp05ition parties and erased the Radical majority in the Chamber of Deputies. Aifonsin met with 997-4577 key Cabinet n::=~ in his presidential residence in the suburb of Olivos Monday :0 review the defeat, and press secretary J ose Ignacio Lopez said .'ater " resignations were not considered." w.
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