2007 3 - Ca1UlU1P!/.~S make the rounds, door-to-door -~ Showing their James Jenner : Alex Selvtg By Richard Cherecwlch expansion, taxes and controlling l" U)"_n you have a situation something they can use out in life STAFf WRITER doors," Selvig drugs. HaJrvaJrd is buying up com­ aJfter high school," he said. ''If To stop the abuse of drugs like properties and ta1cing they don't go to college, they'll • So far, all six of the candidates Institutional eXI:~1~~.~~~ : for District 9 City Councilor have main issue for OxyContin and heroin, H~on off the tax rolls, it pushes have something they can use be­ :at least one thing in common: who ran for the same plans to get right to the source. back onto the citi­ sides a diploma." "We need to maIce sure dealers he said. Glennon, who "'" :they're showing their faces and cll seat in 20022 .~~~~~ :spreading their names the old­ been talking to fa are prosecuted to the full extent of began a leave of absence :fashioned way, by pounding the proposed Harvard law," she said. 'The local police fibrnl his job as supervisor in the :pavement and going door-to-door and he wants to ensure:itbJat force has to be supported. We QI'rr/es;to\\'Il court to campaign, :throughout Allston and Brighton voices are heard. have to have more enforcement to help families get "more :before the Sept. 25 primary elec­ "I don't .want to lose on the street." their buck" by malcing :tion. sight of the impact on lives of . Attorney Tun Schofield is also irlsljlutions like Harvard start Check Angie's Ust for thousands of u>i:.iasl3d : The candidates said they ring those people wbo have there focused on public safety and ex­ property tax on land reviews on service companies In VOI" '1'Aa :doorbells on a nightly basis to many, many years," said panded drug programs. for commercial use. and plumbers to movers and m."h"hic" : talk with residents and discuss the Ciommo said he also 0p- Scbofield, wbo hosted a fundrais­ Jenner, like Glennon, members report about their f'8l) )-lije AhlAn,.nr..I, ,issues that are important to them, er Thesday night downtown at the to see colleges contribute you decide who to hire , and :including institutional expansion, buildpose ~;os~to;n~~:~~p~lan~~~tC>. Black Rose that drew more thJan to the community, and :property taxes and schools, to on the land from t1x: 100 people, wants more funding Boston College might ' name a few. Archdiocese of Bos.ton! for more officers on the streets. revenue from their : The expansions of Harvard In additiOn cianvas,;inl, "At the end of the day, if you stadium. "Give us 5 or 10 Angies Ii~'" -University and Boston College don't feel safe in your own com­ of the revenue and malce neighborlrh:~oods~X" ~~~t sent It :are of particular concern to Alex mailingtc munity, that's all that matters," he effort to show the :Selvig, who wants more abutters area and has close to said. cfl1n,munity that you care about :and more community voices at up, thanks to some recMing. Scbofield also wants to im­ said. · Iocal task force meetings. "Peo- ''I had enough prove area schools, in the bopes wants to talce those con­ ·• pIe are I 00 percent mtere. sted, but from my '02 campalg~, of retaining families, and to have t/ibl~tions from colleges and put • they just don't know these meet- 'They more dialogue with colleges dur­ in a new Allston-Brighton . : ings are going on," he said. "The years ing building projects. don'en'atic)fl fund, used to sup­ Boston Redevelopment Authori­ ''I think we need to demand the community infrastruc­ ty is doing the bare minimum, tiativeRosie a stepH~~f ~~:: ~~:~~~~ .:: that colleges respond to commu­ and cover repairs of side.. and that's appalling." couraging residents nity concerns before they file and parks. If elected, : Selvig, who has adopted the if not for her, She estl.mates their pIan to the BRA," he said. will guarantee 20 percent :slogan "A-B Fights Back!" is she's registered close The quality of life for A-B resi­ salary to the same fund. dents is at the heart of Greg Glen­ also wants to improve ,going around neighborhoods on her door-t(Mloor ct:~:;ga : with company. He and his wife She opened or non's campaign, particularly re­ !Cn~i'OlS by teaching students a : were married June 29, and in lieu headquarters at cent increases in property tax and for when they graduate high : of a honeymoon, they're cam- St. recently, and the difficulty residents, especially : paigning. cussing her views on ips ljtulj on' ~ the elderly, face in paying them. need to give students MEETING jHarvard expansi'-JL.&J to be discussed ore often The Task Force arui Brl"tt\" 1 ~.VU'=I>\t: announce the .....u ""'O::u... f vu , By Richard Cherecwlch Several wsk said Mellone. ''I don't wantto use the DPIR did not include STAFF WRITER of the JUly • voiced their concern the possibility of an extension to ~OIilDlUni·. ty benefits. • The Harvard-Allston Task ing once a wee"'!k,'e:~~~[!~ not do our due diligence." not a gesture of good faith Allston-Brighton Hos: ~on '-I V 'U"~;" would reduce tI: Gerald Autler of the Boston developer to submit this :.Force will now meet on a weekly Community Tasl( ,,~-'~~ Ml¢~tin l~ . • basis in order to discuss Hrurvard the task force. Redevelopment Authority said ~:~g:n~ without community University's Draft Project Impact "By speeding up n1eo,tinlgs, we Wt it's oot up to the BRA to issue b included," Whelan said, Report for its proposed science do Harvard a service an extension, but up to Harvard. j:Ira\Wirlg applause from the The next BC Task 1<~ ·j.r o .,.">,,r,., complex. selves a ''It's not something I can guar- The weekly meetings were force member antee. It's not in my control," said asked the task force to will be held proposed by task force Chairman Task force Autler. for construction to begin be- Ray Mellone at the beginning of were also concerned At the June 27 meeting, a mo- community benefits became Tuesday, August the force's meeting on Monday. dance for weekly tion was passed in which the task point. 6:30 p.m. t 8:3 , ''In reviewing this DPIR, some cause of vacations force agreed to ask Harvard for Harvard doesn't get [the • elements are more important," sues. an extension of the comment pe- center] going, there's not Mellone told the meeting, which Later, for the riod should they need one. At to be any community bene.. The Brighton Mar he . I... ; .... ~. was attended by close to 40 pe0- task force meeting, Monday's meeting, the task force he said. 77 Warren Street, ple. 'To me, the most important an extension of the members said that no letter ask- at the meeting, Harvard aspect of the project is quality of riod. Several ing for an extension had been the community on some : life." the possibility· of drafted. which included For more ml:or:rtJ,alticlp Mellone proposed that the guaranteed by both 'There's nothing I'd like to birch trees along document be broken into eight the city if the task support more than the effort the Avenue and plans to in- [email protected] / 61 : sections, with two to be dis­ fully assess the task force and the community wood pla'nters and bamboo : cussed at each meeting in the 75-day comment have put in," said Kathy Spiegel- in the same area. order of importance. The task "My concern is man of Harvard, who said she force members presented force will exannine the trans- thorougbne s of the ire,tie,,,. Dot could not give a definite answer ofa lot that Harvard · portation and construction seg- the calendar," said ~ .mber HallY about an extension at the meet- said was cleaned, but stili had Summer Time is a Great · ments of the DPIR at the next Mattison. ing. Spiegelman said Harvard of piping on the lot Convert To Clean Dependable lIIalturlil meeting, scheduled for Monday, Mellone was wants to bIreak ground on the sci- not fixed yet, it will be," GET A OISt; OUINTljO July 16. The task force has until tension ence facility before the end of the Development Group Sept. 10 to address comments a crutch. year, and the time frame for an Harris Band, who of- b"'~~~~~~~ION BONUSES -about the report to the Boston extension would be very short. his apologies for the misin- "Whether we can ~~~~:~it, ~in ""SI6~1O for details. _ edevelopment Authority. 75 days is for us )1 " Another area of concern was 1 fO~'ition . ,- nIB submission deadlines : The Allston-Brighton TAB wel­ editor are due by Thesday at II stO[I-Hnl.htlon TAB, 254 Second Free Appointment· Free Home <>UlV". • comes press releases, calendar list­ am. for that week's publication. Needham, MA 02494; faxed : ings and other submissions for in­ • Weddings, engagements and 781433-8202 or e-mailed to Water Heater Replacement. : clusion in the newspaper. birth announcements are pub­ ~ton··bril~tclD@ ene.com. Obit­ , However, due to the narure of the lishedas space becomes available, submitted by fax sbould be : business, deadlines must be ob­ and can sometimes take several to 781433-7836, and by e- ~ 4. ~~t~t~T : served. weeks to appear from the time should be sent to ~ 119 Chapel Sireel, : - In general, the earlier an item is they are submitted.
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