US 20050249841A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0249841 A1 Hayek et al. (43) Pub. Date: Nov. 10, 2005 (54) PET FOOD COMPOSITIONS (22) Filed: May 10, 2004 (75) Inventors: Michael Gri?in Hayek, Dayton, OH Publication Classi?cation (US); Stefan Patrick Massimino, Kettering, OH (US); George Roth, (51) Int. Cl.7 ..................................................... .. A23L 2/00 Pylesville, MD (US) (52) US. Cl. ....... .. 426/66 Correspondence Address: (57) ABSTRACT THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY Disclosed herein are pet food compositions. In one embodi INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY DIVISION ment, pet food compositions Which are described comprise WINTON HILL TECHNICAL CENTER - BOX a component selected from 2-deoxy-D-glucose; S-thio-D 161 glucose; 3-O-methylglucose; 1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol; 2,5 6110 CENTER HILL AVENUE anhydro-D-mannitol; mannoheptulose; and mixtures CINCINNATI, OH 45224 (US) thereof. In yet another embodiment, pet food compositions Which are described comprise an extract of plant matter (73) Assignees: The Procter & Gamble Company, Cin selected from avocado, alfalfa, ?g, primrose, and mixtures cinnati, OH (US); The IAMS Company thereof. The pet food compositions may be prepared by any of a variety of processes including, but not limited to, (21) Appl. No.: 10/842,301 optional processes described herein. US 2005/0249841 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 PET FOOD COMPOSITIONS including reduction of body Weight, decrease in plasma insulin levels, reduction of body temperature, retardation of FIELD OF THE INVENTION tumor formation and groWth, and elevation of circulating glucocorticoid hormone concentrations. (For a revieW see [0001] The present invention is directed to pet food com Roth et al., Ann. NYAcad. Sci. 928:305-315, 2001). These positions. In certain embodiments, the pet food composi effects result from inhibition of carbohydrate metabolism. tions may comprise a selected carbohydrate component, or extract of plant material selected from avocado, alfalfa, ?g, [0006] HoWever, the commercial utility of such compo primrose, and mixtures thereof. nents has been limited, particularly as practical applications had yet been identi?ed. The present inventors herein provide BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION compositions Which may be commercially utiliZed, and further provide processes for preparation of such composi [0002] Studies have indicated that restriction of caloric tions. In particular, it has been found that the components intake by food deprivation sloWs doWn certain undesirable herein may be processed from plant matter, or otherWise cellular processes in laboratory animals, many associated provided, and then subjected to traditional pet food process With aging and age-related diseases. ing (such as, for example, extrusion or other such vigorous [0003] In particular, caloric restriction has been shoWn to methods) Without compromising the integrity of the com consistently extend the life span, delay onset and sloW tumor ponent. progression, and retard physiologic aging in many systems. Indeed, research spanning more than sixty years has shoWn SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION that caloric restriction is a nutritional intervention that [0007] The present invention is directed to pet food com consistently extends longevity in animals. See Weindruch positions. In one embodiment, the invention is directed to and Walford, “The Retardation of Aging and Disease by pet food compositions comprising a component selected Dietary Restriction,” Spring?eld, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas from the group consisting of 2-deoxy-D-glucose; S-thio-D (1988); Yu, “Modulation of Aging Processes by Dietary glucose; 3-O-methylglucose; 1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol; 2,5 Restriction,” Boca Raton: CRC Press (1994); and Fishbein, anhydro-D-mannitol; mannoheptulose; and mixtures “Biological Effects of Dietary Restriction,” Springer, NeW thereof. In yet another embodiment, the invention is directed York (1991). These effects of caloric restriction on life span to pet food compositions comprising an extract of plant and tumorigenesis have been reported numerous times since matter selected from the group consisting of avocado, the early studies of McKay. See McKay et al., “The Effect alfalfa, ?g, primrose, and mixtures thereof. The pet food of Retarded GroWth Upon the Length of Lifespan and Upon compositions may be prepared by any of a variety of Ultimate Body Size,” J. Nutr., Vol. 10, pp. 63-79 (1935). processes including, but not limited to, optional processes Indeed, over the past tWo decades, a resurgence of interest described herein. in caloric restriction in gerontology has led to the general acceptance that this dietary manipulation sloWs physiologic DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE aging in many systems. See Weindruch and Walford, “The INVENTION Retardation of Aging and Disease by Dietary Restriction,” Spring?eld, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas (1988); Yu, “Modula [0008] Various documents including, for example, publi tion of Aging Processes by Dietary Restriction,” Boca cations and patents, are recited throughout this disclosure. Raton: CRC Press (1994); and Fishbein, “Biological Effects All such documents are hereby incorporated by reference. of Dietary Restriction,” Springer, NeW York (1991). The citation of any given document is not to be construed as [0004] Reductions in fasting glucose and insulin levels are an admission that it is prior art With respect to the present invention. readily measured biomarkers of caloric restriction. Calori cally restricted rodents exhibit loWer fasting glucose and [0009] All percentages and ratios are calculated by Weight insulin levels, and the peak glucose and insulin levels unless otherWise indicated. All percentages and ratios are reached during a glucose challenge are reduced in those on calculated based on the total composition unless otherWise caloric restriction. See Kalant et al., “Effect of Diet Restric indicated. tion on Glucose Metabolism and Insulin Repsonsiveness [0010] Referenced herein are trade names for components and Aging Rats,” Mech. Aging Dev., Vol. 46, pp. 89-104 including various ingredients utiliZed in the present inven (1988). It is also knoWn that hyperinsulinemia is a risk factor tion. The inventors herein do not intend to be limited by associated With several such disease processes, including materials under a certain trade name. Equivalent materials heart disease and diabetes (Balkau and EschWege, Diabetes (e.g., those obtained from a different source under a different Obes. Metab. 1 (Suppl. 1): S23-31, 1999). Reduced insulin name or reference number) to those referenced by trade levels and body temperature are tWo of the most reliable name may be substituted and utiliZed in the descriptions indicators of this altered metabolic pro?le (Masoro et al., J. herein. Gerontol. Biol. Sci. 47:B202-B208, 1992); KoiZumi et al., J. Nutr. 117: 361-367, 1987; Lane et al., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. [0011] In the description of the invention various embodi 93:4154-4164, 1996). ments or individual features are disclosed. As Will be appar ent to the ordinarily skilled practitioner, all combinations of [0005] Components such as 2-deoxy-D-glucose have been such embodiments and features are possible and can result described Which block or inhibit certain aspects of carbo in preferred executions of the present invention. hydrate metabolism and may therefore mimic the effects of caloric restriction (ReZek et al., J. Nutr. 106:143-157, 1972; [0012] The compositions herein may comprise, consist US. patent application Publication No. 2002/0035071). essentially of, or consist of any of the features or embodi These components exert a number of physiological effects, ments as described herein. US 2005/0249841 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 [0013] While various embodiments and individual fea [0019] Avocado (also commonly referred to as alligator tures of the present invention have been illustrated and pear, aguacate, or palta) contains unusually enriched sources described, various other changes and modi?cations can be of mannoheptulose, as Well as related sugars and other made Without departing from the spirit and scope of the carbohydrates. Avocado is a sub-tropical evergreen tree invention. As Will also be apparent, all combinations of the fruit, groWing most successfully in areas of California, embodiments and features taught in the foregoing disclosure Florida, HaWaii, Guatemala, Mexico, the West Indies, South are possible and can result in preferred executions of the Africa, and Asia. invention. [0020] Species of avocado include, for example, Persea [0014] As used herein, the term “pet” means a domestic Americana and Persea nabigena, including all cultivars dog or cat. Within these illustrative species. Cultivars may include [0015] As used herein, the term “pet food composition” ‘Anaheim,’ ‘ Bacon,’ ‘ Creamhart,’ ‘ Duke,’ ‘Fuerte,’ ‘ Ganter, means a composition that is intended for ingestion by the "GWen,"Hass,"Jim,"Lula,"Lyon,"Mexicola,"Mexicola pet. Pet food compositions may include, Without limitation, Grande,’ ‘Murrieta Green,’ ‘ Nab al, ’ ‘Pinkerton,’ ‘ Queen, nutritionally balanced compositions suitable for daily feed, "Puebla,"Reed,"Rincon,"Ryan,"Spinks,"Topa Topa, as Well as supplements (e.g., treats) Which may or may not "Whitsell,"WurtZ,’ and ‘Zutano.’ The fruit of the avocado be nutritionally balanced. is particularly preferred for use herein, Which may contain the pit or Wherein the pit is removed or at least partially COMPOSITIONS OF THE PRESENT removed. Fruit from Persea Americana is particularly pre INVENTION
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