In: D. Marčić, M. Glavendekić, P. Nicot (Eds.) Proceedings of the 7th Congress on Plant Protection. Plant Protection Society of Serbia, IOBC-EPRS, IOBC-WPRS, Belgrade, 2015, pp. 307 - 310 WEED FLORA OF VINEYARD IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Zlatan Kovačević, Biljana Kelečević and Siniša Mitrić University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture Bulevar vojvode Petra Bojovica 1 A, 78000 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina AbstrAct Two-year study (2008-2010) weed flora of vineyards in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) performed on 51 locality. As result of this research it was found 133 species of vascular plants covered with: 112 genera, 39 families, 4 class and 2 divisions. The analysis of the biological spectrum showed 5 life forms with predominant presence of terophytes (45.86%), hemicryptophytes (39.85%) and geophytes (9.77%). Phytogeography analysis has been allocated 9 floristic groups, and the most common are: Cosmopolitan, Eurasian, Mediterranean, Boreal, Adventive and sub-Mediterranean, and together comprise 125 species (93.98%). It is very significant participation of 14 adventive species, and some species have taken invasive character, for example Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. Weed flora of vineyard in B&H is rich in flora due to the existence of continental and sub-Mediterranean wine-growing region. Considerable diversity is caused by the specifics of the study area, which are reflected in different climatic, edaphic and orographic characteristics, plant-geography, and different intensities of anthropogenic influences, traditions and the cultivation of grapevine. On the other hand it is important a presence of cosmopolitan and adventive species that are more or less extensively spread, and beside of typical weed and weed-ruderal species in weed flora of vineyards in B&H it was determined a significant number of ruderal and meadow species. Key words: weed flora, vineyard, Bosnia and Herzegovina. IntroductIon geography, and different intensities of anthropogenic influences, traditions and systems of grape vine growing. Studies of weed flora in vineyards of B&H is related to weeds that form anthropogenic plant communities MAterial And Methods that are, unlike natural plant communities, characterized by the fact that in their forming, structure and Floristic research of weed flora of vineyards were development crucial importance has anthropogenic factor. conducted during two growing seasons and included Agrophytocenoses of vineyards are relatively unstable the 51 site. The determination was based on publications: formations and if we exclude impact of anthropogenic Flora Europaea IV (Tutin, ed., 1964-1980), Flora of factor, they return to the climax communities that SR Serbia I-IX (Josifović, ed., 1970-1977) and Flora of typically have a zonal character. By analysis of the Croatia (Domac, 1994). Taxonomy and nomenclature is weed flora, in indirect way, it is possible to examine the conforms to the publication of Flora Europaea IV (Tutin, habitat requirements of the study area, the impact of ed., 1964-1980). Life forms of plants were determined environmental characteristics of the habitat and human according to the amended classification given in the Flora influence on the composition and properties of weed flora. of Serbia (Sarić, ed., 1992). Reference of floral elements Diversity of weed flora in vineyards of B&H caused by was determined by Oberdorfer (2001), (based on areal the specifics of study area, which are reflected in different maps Meusel et al. and Atlas flora of Europe) that contain climatic, edaphic and orographic characteristics, plant- the original range of cosmopolitan and adventive species. 307 results 1 2 3 Diplotaxis muralis (L.) DC. T/H med-smed In the table 1 it is given an overview of the identified Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. T cosm species vascular weed flora of vineyards in B&H. Echium italicum L. H med-atl Equisetum arvense L. G circ Tab. 1. Overview of the identified species of vascular weed Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. T/H adv flora of vineyards in B&H Euphorbia chamaesyce L. T med Life Floral Euphorbia helioscopia L. T cosm Plant species forms1 elements2 Foeniculum vulgare Mill. H adv 1 2 3 Fumaria officinalis L. T euroas.suboc Achillea millefolium L. H bor-euroas.suboc Galinsoga parviflora Cav. T adv Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. G cosm Galium mollugo L. H smed Agrostis stolonifera L. H cosm Geranium dissectum L. T smed-subatl Ajuga reptans L. H subatl-smed Geranium molle L. T/H med-smed Alchemilla vulgaris L. H bor Glechoma hederacea L. H/Ch euroas Allium vineale L. G subatl-smed Gypsophila muralis L. T euroas Amaranthus albus L. T adv Heliotropium europaeum L. T med-smed Amaranthus retroflexus L. T adv Hibiscus trionum L. T ist.smed Ambrosia aretemisiifolia L. T adv Holcus lanatus L. H subatl-smed Anagallis arvensis L. T cosm Hypericum perforatum L. H euroas.suboc-smed Anthemis arvensis L. T/H euroas.suboc-med Inula britannica L. H euroas.cont-smed Aristolochia clematitis L. G smed Kickxia elatine (L.) Dum. T smed Asclepias syriaca L. G adv Kickxia spuria (L.) Dum. T smed Avena barbata Pott. ex Link. T adv Lactuca saligna L. T/H med-smed Bellis perennis L. H subatl-smed Lactuca serriola L. H/T smed Berteroa mutabilis (Vent.) DC. T cont Lamium purpureum L. T euroas.smed Bidens bipinnata L. T/SH adv Lathyrus tuberosus L. G euroas.cont Bidens tripartita L. T euroas-smed Leontodon autumnalis L. H bor-subatl (L.) L. H med Bilderdykia convolvulus G cosm Lepidium draba Dumort. Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. H ist.smed Bromus hordeaceus L. T cosm Linaria vulgaris Mill. H euroas Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. SH cosm Lotus corniculatus L. H euroas.suboc-smed Campanula patula L. H euroas Malva sylvestris L. H cosm Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Med. T/H cosm med-smed-euroas. Marrubium vulgare L. H Centaurium erythraea Rafn. T/H circ cont Chenopodium album L. T bor-euroas Medicago lupulina L. T/H euroas-smed Chenopodium polyspermum L. T euroas.suboc Mentha arvensis L. H bor-euroas Chondrilla juncea L. T/H med-smed-cont Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds. H smed-euroas Cichorium intybus L. H cosm Muscari racemosum (L.) Mill. G smed Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. G bor-euroas.smed Myosotis arvensis (L.) Hill. H/T bor-euroas Clematis flammula L. S med-smed Ornitogalum umbellatum L. G subatl-smed Consolida regalis S.F.Gray T euroas-smed Oxalis stricta L. H adv Convolvulus arvensis L. G cosm Papaver rhoeas L. T euroas-med Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq. T adv Petrorhagia saxifraga (L.) Link. H smed Crepis biennis L. H mod.cont Phleum pratense L. H cosm Crepis sancta (L.) Babcock T/H med Picris echioides L. T med Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. G cosm Plantago lanceolata L. H euroas.suboc Dactylis glomerata L. H euroas.suboc-smed Plantago major L. H cosm Datura stramonium L. T cosm Plantago media L. H euroas Daucus carota L. H/T euroas.suboc-smed Poa annua L. T cosm Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. T circ Poa trivialis L. H cosm 308 1 2 3 During the two-year study of weed flora in vineyards Polygonum aviculare L. T cosm of B&H it was determine 133 species of vascular plants Polygonum lapathifolium L. T euroas.suboc covered with 112 genera, 39 families, 4 class and 2 Portulaca oleracea L. T adv sections. Potentilla reptans L. H cosm The analysis of the biological spectrum showed the Prunella vulgaris L. H bor-euroas existence of five life forms and we can say that studied Pteridium aquilinum (L.) K. in D. G cosm flora has therophytic-hemikryptohpytic-geophytic Ranunculus arvensis L. T med-euroas character. In the biological spectrum of weed flora has Ranunculus repens L. H bor-euroas been determine dominance of therophytic species (T) Raphanus raphanistrum L. T med-smed to which belongs 61 representative, or 45.86% of the Reseda lutea L. H/T smed-med total number of species. Rorippa sylvestris (L.) Bess. H euroas.suboc-smed Analysis of floristic elements has shown a 84 Rosa canina L. NP euroas.suboc-smed different floristic elements that classified into 9 floristic Rubus caesius L. NP euroas-smed groups. Chorological analysis indicates dominance Rubus ulmifolius Schott. NP smed-med of Cosmopolitan, Eurasian, Mediterranean, Boreal, Rumex acetosa L. H circ Adventive and sub-Mediterranean floral elements that Rumex crispus L. H cosm comprise 125 species, or 93.99% of total number of the mod.cont-subatl- identified species. Phytogeographical analysis has been Rumex obtusifolius L. H smed determined dominance of Cosmopolitan (26.32%), Sambucus ebulus L. G/H smed Eurasian (20.30%) and Mediterranean (13.53%) floral Satureja hortensis L. T ist.med elements. Satureja montana L. T med Scrophularia nodosa L. H euroas.suboc Senecio vulgaris L. T cosm DiscussIon Setaria glauca (L.) Beauv. T cosm Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv. T cosm Taxonomic structure distribution is similar to Solanum nigrum L. T cosm taxonomic structure of weed flora of vineyards in Sonchus oleraceus L. T/H cosm Serbia (Šinžar and Živanović, 1992; Crnčević et al., Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. G adv 1992; Živanović, 1988) and the vineyards in Croatia Spergula arvensis L. T cosm (Dujmović-Purgar and Hulina, 2004; Vrbek, 2000). Stachys palustris L. H euroas Stellaria media (L.) Vill. T cosm Significant richness of weed flora is a consequence the Tanacetum vulgare L. H euroas.suboc existence of two regions with different environmental Taraxacum officinale Weber H cosm conditions, different intensity of anthropogenic Thlaspi arvense L. T euroas-smed influences, traditions and systems of grape vine Tribulus terrestris L. T cosm growing. euroasian. The result is, a complex and diverse composition of L. H Trifolium pratense subocean weed flora and significant floristic differences in the Trifolium repens L. H cosm continental and sub-Mediterranean winegrowing region Urtica dioica L.
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