Guantanamo Gazette Vol. 45 -- No. 128 -- U.S. Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper -- Monday, July 10, 1989 Marine Barracks doing their part to save water itor'sNote: The following continues the rine Support Battalion on deployment to Wes of articles which shows the efforts by Guantanamo is building a water reutiliza- various departments and tenant com- tion facility and we will get water from it mands/activities to conserve to clean our organic vehicles." Guantanamo's precious water supply. It is Ryberg said the water reutilization fa- our way to let you, the community, lknow cility will collect used water and the same that you are not alone in our struggle to water will be used over an over again for decrease water usage by 40 percent. vehicle cleaning. "The best part about this facility, be- By JOC BILL DOUGHERTY sides the water it will save, is that it will be in use long after our water problems are Water consumption is stabilizing. New solved," said Ryberg. "It's an investment in ideas and innovative thinking have helped the future." the base conserve its valuable fresh water The Marine Barracks Air Officer said resources. Storage levels have improved. the galley, like all the other naval base Leaks have been repaired. And more com- galleys, has been using paper products and mands and activities continue their efforts plastic utensils. 4 to help with the water saving efforts. "Besides the paper products, we are also One command is the Marine Barracks monitoring the barracks during wash *und Defense/Security Force (GDF). days," added Ryberg. "Each section of the "We have followed suit in many of the Marine Barracks has assigned an NCO to water-saving practices employed by the ensure efficient use of the laundry base," said Capt. Eric Ryberg, Air Officer facilities.we are making sure they have for the Marine Barracks. "Some of those full loads." practices include turning off water to the bachelor quarters during water hours and Water conservation is a vital concern to not washing any government vehicles." the Marine Barracks, whether working in However, the military vehicles that are the galley or in the field. deployed by the Marine Barracks, such as "We are closely monitoring fire condi- tanks, must have regular cleanings as part tions around the base," explained Ryberg. of their maintenance requirements. "We want to be sure we do not start any "This would use up large quantities of fires while training with explosive or pyro- racks that provides for the defense and safety, work hard and use as little water as water," said Ryberg. "Right now we are technic devices." security of the naval base. Like many possible, on the job or at home. Water not washing any vehicles but the 8th Ma- It's a water-conservative Marine Bar- commands in Guantanamo, they think conservation - it's everybody's business. CAPTAIN'S HOTLINE Daily flight schedule helping 4800 (Navy Resale ACTIONLINE, 4355) residents make travel plans To assist the community in making to 5 p.m. Deadline for sign-up is noon, July Query: Is there any way of providing unable now to hire additional person- travel plans, the Gazette will be publishing 14. additional help or staffing to the nel. In addition, the positions handling adaily flight schedule. Look for this sched- EML or Space "A" paperwork is notre- Personal Property Office so they can inbound/outbound property require ule each day, including the special C-9 quired at sign up time but is required for handle the increased work load of significant training before being able flights to Norfolk or Jacksonville. travel purposes. processing personnel who desire to to function adequately and hiring new Anyone interested in traveling on a C- Due to limited cargo space, baggage is transfer early or are involved in early people would not alleviate the problem 9 aircraft to Norfolk, Va., July 19 and/or limited to two pieces per person, not to return of dependents? immediately. We are working with returning August 9, can sign up on a first exceed a total of 40 pounds. Civilian Personnel to acquire volunteer come, first served basis at McCalla Hangar This is a no-charge flight for those pas- eply: The personnel in Personal employees but there again it will take on the following days; Monday and Thurs- sengers manifested by noon, July 14. operty are presently working time to train people for the positions. day, 1 to 5 p.m.; Tuesday andFriday, 7:30 Travel is not guaranteed since this is a overtime and we have shifted some We will continue to work overtime to a.m. to 5 p.m.; or at the Leeward Air NALO required airlift. inbound personnel to work with expand our customer service hours and Terminal, Monday Through Friday, 8 a.m. Other flights scheduled include: outbound shipments. Due to the man- to process necessary paperwork. Please hour restrictions at Naval Base we are be patient. TYPE AC DATE LOCA TION ARRIVE DEPART C-141 7/10 GITMO 6:45 p.m. 9:10 p.m. Direct Deposit video available Norfolk 11:40 p.m. 727 7/11 GITMO 11:00 a.m. 12:00 a.m. NAVY NEWS SERVICE move to make DDS mandatory for all shore-based sailors. Kingston 12:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. In the video, Master Chief Petty GITMO 2:15 p.m. 3:45 p.m. A Navy videotape explaining the bene- Norfolk 7:00 p.m. fits of direct deposit has been distributed Officer of the Navy Duane Bushey talks to all ships, major family service centers about the advantages of DDS for active duty andreserve sailors. "It's adependable C-130 7/12 GITMO 10:05 a.m. 12:00 a.m. and film libraries in Norfolk and San Norfolk 4:00 p.m. Diego. no-fuss service. I don't have to worry The 10-minute video "Direct Deposit: where my check is, where to cash it and I don't have to worry if my family has C-9 7/12 GITMO 12:40 p.m. 1:25 p.m. Best Pay Option" shows how to JAX 3:55 p.m. enroll in the Direct Deposit System money if I'm TAD or deployed." (DDS) and highlights the benefits of C-141 electronic banking. The tape also ad- The video is recommended for use in 7/12 GITMO 2:50 p.m. 5:15 p.m. dresses concerns members have expressed General Military Training (GMT) and In- Charleston 8:15 p.m. about DDS. The Navy is considering a doctrination Division Training. C-130 7/13 GITMO 10:30 a.m. 12:25 p.m. Norfolk 4:25 p.m. A three-part series on Guantanamo Bay will be 727 7/14 GITMO 11:00 a.m. 12:00 a.m. aired on the 11-Alive 6 p.m. newscast tonight, Kingston 12:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. GITMO 2:15 p.m. 3:45 p.m. July 11 and July 12. Each section is 2 1/2 minutes. Norfolk 7:00 p.m. The 11-Alive newcasts is the Atlanta, Ga., affiliate of NBC, Note: There is possible seating on all flights. This seating is not guaranteed. Flight aired locally on cable channel 10. schedules are subject to change due to re-routing, cancellations or additional missions. CHAPLAIN'S CORNER BAY NEWS ing at one another and at me. Job Search Information Fire Warden training By LT. JAMES JOSLYN What a great feeling it is to be Covers information about local jobs and how In accordance with COMNAVBASEGTM- in that kind of atmosphere. And to apply for them. Topics covered are military OINST 11320.2, introductory and refresher training like the green above, the smiles spouse preference, the 90 days rule, time in grade, for all command Fire Wardens will be conducted by Recently I attended a chap- 11, at all sorts of shapes and pay scales and other employment information. the Naval Base Fire Prevention Division July lains conference in Norfolk. come in Center Training are quiet, some re- Call the Family Service Center at 4141 or 4153 for 9:30 a.m., in the Family Service While driving one day I had this sizes. Some Room. Commands are requested to forward a flective. Others are bold, others more information and to register for this workshop strange sensation that something 11, beginning at 1:30 register of participants to the Fire Prevention Office impish. But they all make the being held Tuesday, July was really different. And then it p.m. via the Fire Department, stop 28. For more hit me. It was the color green. statement that things are going information, contact the Fire Prevention Office at Everywhere I looked, I was well because people care about EEO meeting 3441 or 3442, Monday through Friday. a deep, rich green other people they are working surroundedby The next scheduled EEO committee meeting 0 color. for and working with. ID cards to all of us is will be held in the PWD Conference Room, It struck me that I was proba- My suggestion Wednesday, July 12. The meeting will start PSD will be open Saturday, July 15, from 9 bly theonly one driving down that this: look around at the people promptly at 2:30 p.m. a.m. to noon to issue ID cards. All dependent ID street who was so aware of all you are working with. Look at card applications must be pre-verified and signed that green. The rest of those yourself.
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