Vol. 627 Thursday, No. 5 16 November 2006 DI´OSPO´ IREACHTAI´ PARLAIMINTE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES DA´ IL E´ IREANN TUAIRISC OIFIGIU´ IL—Neamhcheartaithe (OFFICIAL REPORT—Unrevised) Thursday, 16 November 2006. Visit of Vietnamese Delegation …………………………1369 Requests to Move Adjournment of Da´il under Standing Order 31 ………………1369 Order of Business ………………………………1371 Noise Bill 2006: First Stage ……………………………1381 Europol (Amendment) Bill 2006 [Seanad]: Second Stage ………………………………1381 Referral to Select Committee …………………………1404 Industrial Development Bill 2006: Order for Second Stage ……………………………1404 Second Stage ………………………………1404 Referral to Select Committee …………………………1447 Ceisteanna — Questions Minister for Defence Priority Questions ……………………………1447 Other Questions ……………………………1460 Adjournment Debate Matters ……………………………1476 Adjournment Debate Hospital Services ………………………………1476 Science Strategy ………………………………1484 Questions: Written Answers ……………………………1489 1369 1370 DA´ IL E´ IREANN beyond 25 November thus disenfranchising hun- dreds of thousands of voters? ———— Ms C. Murphy: I seek the adjournment of the De´ardaoin, 16 Samhain 2006. Da´il under Standing Order 31 to debate the fol- Thursday, 16 November 2006. lowing urgent matter: the imminent diversion of 6,000 vehicles to the M50 when the port tunnel ———— opens in December leading to predictable chaos on the M50 and surrounding outer feeder roads, Chuaigh an Ceann Comhairle i gceannas ar which requires an emergency response involving 10.30 a.m. the immediate lifting of the toll barriers. If the Government is unwilling to do this, it can at least ———— pay the tolls for commuters until the barriers go in 2008, the annual estimate for which is dwarfed Paidir. by the stamp duty paid in areas serviced by the Prayer. toll bridge. It is time to give something back to those crippled by sky-rocketing house prices and ———— epic commutes. The Government must pay the tolls and lift the barriers now. Visit of Vietnamese Delegation. Dr. Cowley: I seek the adjournment of the Da´il An Ceann Comhairle: On behalf of the under Standing Order 31 to debate the following Members of Da´il E´ ireann, I offer a ce´ad mı´le urgent matter: the abdication by the Government fa´ilte — a most sincere welcome — to Madame of its care of older people with high dependency Ninh, vice-chair of the foreign affairs committee needs as manifested by its lack of confidence in of the National Assembly of the Socialist some private nursing homes, and the need for the Republic of Vietnam, and her delegation. I hope State to take over and fully fund all high depen- the delegates find their visit enjoyable, successful dency care for older people in accordance with and to our mutual benefit. their legal entitlement, whether such persons are located in State institutions or private nursing Requests to move Adjournment of Da´il under homes, and to encourage not-for-profit com- Standing Order 31. munity alternatives for older-person care. Mr. F. McGrath: I seek the adjournment of the Da´il under Standing Order 31 to debate the fol- Mr. Gogarty: I seek the adjournment of the lowing urgent matter: the need to end the long- Da´il under Standing Order 31 to debate the fol- running controversy over the Niemba massacre of lowing urgent matter: the chronic traffic conges- Irish soldiers in the Congo on 8 November, 1960, tion in Clondalkin, Lucan and other towns sur- where nine men lost their lives, and support rounded by the N7, M50 and N4, which is Private Thomas Kenny and Private Joseph impacting on the daily lives of tens of thousands Fitzpatrick, survivors of the massacre, on this of people, interfering with national economic matter; and for the House to pay tribute to all activity and costing the State money through lost Irish United Nations soldiers who lost their lives productivity; and the need for the Government to while serving for international peace. inject a new sense of urgency into tackling the gridlock by providing additional buses, the early Mr. P. Breen: I seek the adjournment of the electrification of the Kildare route as far as Da´il under Standing Order 31 to debate the fol- Adamstown by 2011 not 2015, and the early con- lowing urgent matter: the immediate need to struction of the interconnector between Heuston provide Doolin coast guard search and rescue Station and Spencer Dock. If these actions are service with a new station at Doolin following the not taken, the gridlock will continue for another three recent drownings in County Clare. generation. Mr. McCormack: I seek the adjournment of the Mr. Gormley: I seek the adjournment of the Da´il under Standing Order 31 to debate the fol- Da´il under Standing Order 31 to debate the fol- lowing urgent matter: the small window of oppor- lowing urgent matter: the revelation that admis- tunity available for amendments to the electoral sions have been suspended by the HSE for five register which, coupled with a high level of inac- nursing homes in the Dublin area, the fact that so curacy on the register despite the recent advertis- few inspection reports are available on the Inter- ing campaign, poses a threat to the integrity of net and the need for the Minister for Health and the results of the next general election. Despite Children to make an immediate statement on the fact that the draft register is only now avail- what she knew about the state of our nursing able in most local authorities, giving less than two homes, how she intends to tackle the serious weeks for corrections, why has the Minister for problems in them and when she intends to intro- the Environment, Heritage and Local Govern- duce a robust and fully independent inspection ment refused consistently to extend the deadline system. 1371 Order of 16 November 2006. Business 1372 Mr. Cuffe: I seek the adjournment of the Da´il pendent nursing homes inspections be under Standing Order 31 to debate the following introduced? urgent matter: the need, in the absence of any Over the past few weekends Deputy substantial commitment to reduce greenhouse gas O’Donnell and Senator Minihan have been far by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage more active than the Ta´naiste in respect of his and Local Government at the UN climate change tax policy on stamp duty. Does the Ta´naiste still summit in Nairobi, for the Government to com- believe the Government does not require \2.5 mit itself to clear and binding annual targets to billion in stamp duty revenue? reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and depen- dence on imported energy. Mr. F. McGrath: We will give the Government a shopping list. Mr. Healy: I seek the adjournment of the Da´il under Standing Order 31 to debate the following An Ceann Comhairle: I suggest Deputy Kenny urgent matter: the need for the Minister for the submits a question to the line Minister. There is Environment, Heritage and Local Government to no provision for Leaders’ Questions on Thursday. approve immediately the Clonmel wilderness- Carrigeen regeneration scheme to improve physi- Mr. Durkan: The Ta´naiste has spoken publicly cal infrastructural and tackle environmental on it. issues in the area; and to ask the Minister to make a statement on the matter. Mr. Kenny: Is the Ta´naiste proposing to include this in the Finance Bill next year? When An Ceann Comhairle: Having given the will the U´ dara´s na Gaeltachta Bill be published? matters full consideration, I do not consider them It was promised in 2004 and is on the list of prom- to be in order under Standing Order 31. ised legislation. Order of Business. The Ta´naiste: Regarding the health Bill, the Taoiseach has indicated three times over the past The Ta´naiste: It is proposed to take No. 1, Europol (Amendment) Bill 2006 [Seanad] — few days that it is being drafted. It was the subject Second Stage; and No. 4, Industrial Development of extensive consultation, the heads of the Bill Bill 2006 — Order for Second Stage and Second were published last March and it will be dealt Stage. with when the Da´il resumes in the new year. The extensive consultation process elicited a large An Ceann Comhairle: There are no proposals number of public submissions on the draft heads to put to the House on the Order of Business. of the Bill. While I appreciate that the Deputies opposite have other things to do, no input was Mr. Kenny: Yesterday, the Ta´naiste viewed received from any political party in the course of with disbelief the information provided by Oppo- the valuable public consultation. sition Members on the closing down of nursing homes. It seems the Government is terrified of Ms O. Mitchell: We are the representatives the truth of these matters emerging. I understand here. the HSE announced this morning that no patients ´ should be accepted by four further nursing The Ta´naiste: In respect of the Udara´sna homes. Gaeltachta Bill—— An Ceann Comhairle: Does Deputy Kenny Mr. Durkan: Typical. have a question appropriate to the Order of Business? The Ta´naiste: ——it is expected next year. Mr. Kenny: When these are added to the Mr. Kenny: We were not asked. This is the expose´ by Deputy O’Dowd last night of a further forum we must use because of the secret way the case, which made a mockery of the Minister’s Government does business. statement yesterday, it appears this matter is very serious. Mr. D. Ahern: Deputy Kenny was caught out. An Ceann Comhairle: We cannot have a Mr. Durkan: The Ta´naiste has opinions on debate on the matter. As the Deputy knows, it everything. was discussed for three hours over the last two nights and was the subject of Leaders’ Questions Ms McManus: The Ta´naiste is now taking on on Tuesday and Wednesday.
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