THE MIDLAND DAFFODIL SOCIETY, ROBERT SYDENHANI, FOUNDER. UNDER THE SUPPORT OF THE PRINCIPAL AMATEUR AND TRADE GROWERS IN THE KINGDOM . THE IXTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT FULL LIST OF AWARDS, LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS AND BALANCE SHEET FOR 1914, 1H1- Schedule of Prizes and Rules for 1915. BIRM INGHAM. F OSBORNF LIMITFO, 114. NFW STRFF1. 4 LAWS. 1.—That the Society be called "The Midland Daffodil Society," and its objects be to encourage and populai ise the gro‘■111 and im- provement of the various kinds of Daffodils (Narcissus) and other Spring flowering plants. and to hold an Annual Exhibition at the Botanical Gardens, Edgbastim. Birmingham. —That the Society shall e(msist of Members ,:obseriliing not less than 10/- per nnuo. Only 'Members of the Society of six months' standing,. may compete at the Annual Exhibition. 3. — That there shall be a President. Vice-Presidents, Treasurer and Secretary, and that the of the Society shall lie managtd by a Committee consisting of the President, TI1 asurer, Secretary, and• not less than 51: veil elected Members, live to form a titionun. 4.—That the Committee have the right to decline entries or subscriptions. 5. — That there shall be a Floral Committee of fifteen numbers of the Scciety (one of whom shall act as Secretary) whose duty it will be to judge all Narcissi submitttd to them, and make suitable awards. This ,Committee shall be elected annually at the General Meeting. 6. — That the Annual Meeting he held sometime during the months of June or July, at which the Officers and Contmittee shall be elected and the Report and Accounts of the year shall lie presented. No pm- posals Mr alteration of Laws can he snlimitted at the Annual Meeting unless the Honorary Semetary has had not less than fourteen days' notice. 7. —All Members subscribing 10/- will have Mtn. admission tickets sent them ; and seven will be sent taeatb Subscriber of One Cuinea or over. REGULATIONS FOR EXHIBITORS, SEE PAGES 4 , AND 49. • THE MIDLAND DAFFODIL SOCIETY ROBERT SYDENHANII, FOUNDER. UNDER THE SUPPORT OF THE PRINCIPAL AMATEUR AND TRADE GROWERS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. PRESIDENT FOR 1915- P. D, WILLIAMS, ESQ., Lanarth, St. Keverne, R.S.O. VICE-PRESIDENTS—' THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF DARTMOUTH, Patshull, THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE COUNTESS OF DARTMOUTH, PAS111111. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE LORD MAYOR OF BIRMINGHAM. SIR JOSSLYN GORE-BOOTH, BART., Lissadell, Sligo. THE REV. G. H. ENGLEHEART, M.A., V.M.H., Dinton, Salisbury. W. A. Musts, Esq., Totley Hall, Sheffield. COLONEL H. HOWARDLC.B., W'ygtkir St. Asaph, North Wales. JOHN T. BENNETT Pot, 'ESQ., London. THE REV. WM. WILKS, M.A. (Secretary Royal Horticultural Society.) R. 0. BACKHOUSE, Esq., Sutton Court, Hereford. J. C. WILLIAMS, ESQ Caerhays Castle, Cornwall. E. M. CROSFIELD, ESQ., Brockweir House, 'Chepstow. A. M. WILSON, ESQ., Shovel', Bridgwater. THE REV. -J. JACOB. Whitewell Rectory, Whitchureh. P. R. BARR, ESQ., King Street, Covent Garden, London. J. D. PEARSON. Esq., The Nurseries, Lowdham, Notts. W..T. WARE, ESQ., Inglescombe, Bath. ' C. LEMESLE ADAMS, Esq., Pendeford Hall, Wolverhampton. G. H. VAN WAVERER, Esq., Hillegom, Holland. W. F. M. COPELAND, ESQ., Wordsworth Rd., Shirley, Southampton. Miss Wimaiorr, Great Warley, Essex. Miss CURREY, Lismore, Ireland. HONORARY TREASURER— C. LEMESLE ADAMS, ESQ., Pendeford Hall, Wolverhampton. HONORARY SECRETARY— HERBERT SMITH, 22, Tenby Street North, Birmingham. COMMITTEE- Chairtnan—REv. J. JACOB. ADAMS, C. L. GOODWIN, A. R. MORTER, W. H. BOURNE, C. HAYNES, B. M. PHILLIPS, H. D. COPE, G. B. HERBERT, C. H. SIMKINS, J. CRYER, A. HUMPHREYS, T. SPINES. WM. FREER, DR. LEE, TT. WOOD, E. H. MITCHELL, W. F. FLORAL 'COMM ITTEE- WILLMOTT, MISS GOODWIN, A R. WARE, WALTER T. ADAMS, C. L. JACOB, REV. J. WILLIAMS, P. D. BARR, P. R, MII,NER, W. A. WILSON, A. M. BOURNE, 0, PEARSON, J. D. SMITH, HERBERT,HOIU.See. CROSFIELD, E. M. PHILLIPS, H. D. A 2 REPORT FOR 1914. ROBERT SYDENHAM, FOUNDER. Since the last Report, our Society has received the heaviest blow that could have fallen upon it by the death of Robert Sydenham, our Founder. The huge success of our first Show without him is more eloquent testimony than any words, of the sound and healthy condition to which he had raised our Society. At a Special General Meeting held at Birmingham on December 10th, with our President, Mr. P. D. Williams, in the Chair, it was decided that our visible memorial to his memory should be the affixing of the words " Robert Sydenham, Founder," to the official title of the Society. This has been done. HONORARY TREASURER AND HONORARY SECRETARY. Mr. Sydenham had been our Honorary Treasurer ever since the inception of the Society in 1898. One duty of this meeting was to find a successor. Mr. C. Lemesle Adams has accepted the office. He is an old and well tried friend, and we feel that our financial interests will be safe and well looked after in his hands. Mr. Herbert Smith, now the Managing Director of Robert Sydenham Limited, continues to be our Secretary, and he has most generously come forward and promised the same help from his firm that we have always had in the past, and which we take this opportunity of publicly acknowledging. We owe a large debt of gratitude to the firm and to many in its employ, who yearly do so much in a quiet unobtrusive way for our welfare. THE 1914 SHow. As previously stated the 1914 Show was a huge success. We had a record number of entries and the floor space occupied by exhibits in the Botanical Gardens Conservatories was larger than ever. 3 THE OPENING CEREMONY. The Lady Mayoress—Mrs. Martineau—who was introduced to the Company in a few well chosen words by our President, Mr. P. D. Williams, for the second time kindly performed this ceremony and she graciously accepted a Silver Rose Bowl as a memento of the occasion. THE FLORAL COMMITTEE. We have adopted the new regulations of the Narcissus Committee of the Roy al Horticultural Society, and accordingly awards are now made to the different varieties according to their suitability for Show, Garden, Rock-work, etc., etc. (see page 47). We believe that the step which the R.H.S. has taken, and which we have adopted will lead to nothing but good results. The Garden is as important, if not more so, than the Show table, and we feel that the gardening public will be glad to know which are some of the best varieties for using either in or out of doors. AWARDS. AWARD OF MERIT for " GARDEN " also, AWARD OF MERIT for "CUTTING" to N. Evangeline, Division 4. Large quite white perianth ; firm smooth and substantial segments, broad and overlapping ; well proportioned cup of soft lemon. Tall, strong, 18 inch stems ; free and vigorous constitution. Exhibited by H. D. Phillips, Ltd., of Olton, Warwickshire. AWARD OF MERIT for " SHOW " to N. Idris, Division 2b. Perianth snow white—No. 1 (Repertoire de Couleurs 1905). Cup, lemon yellow No. 3. Diameter of flower 3jin., perianth segments 12in. by gin., cup bin. by gin., stem 18in. Free flowering and a good grower—flowers end of April. Exhibited by Mr. W. A. Watts, Bryn, St. Asaph, N. Wales. AWARD OF MERIT for " SHOW " to N. Mrs. Ernst H. Krelage, Division lb. A very beautiful Ajax variety, of fine form and wonderful substance, wholly white, with a faint creamy tint. The flowers are nobly posed on .stout stems, suggesting that the variety is a " good doer." The g inches long trumpet is about the same in breadth across the 4 finely-frilled mouth. The whole perianth has a spread of 4 inches, the outer segments measuring inches broad. Exhibited by Messrs. E. H. Krelage and Son, Haarlem, Holland. MEETING AT THE GRAND HOTEL. At the meeting convened for 8-30 on the evening of the first day of the Show, when the President Mr. P. D. Williams presided, and numerous members were present, the following resolution was passed :- "That an annual dinner be held on the evening of the first day of the Show for members and their friends at their own expense and that the arrangements be left in the hands of a committee. It was also resolved that there be only one toast in addition to the loyal one, and then the company adjourn to another room for an informal discussion, the President for the year occupying the chair." We trust that the proposed foregathering at the G. and Hotel on the evening of the first day of the Show in future years will be well supported, as it is looked upon as one of the best means of making members known to each other and it is calculated to increase the popularity of the Society and to encourage new members and beginners to pursue the objects of the Society. NON-COMPETITIVE EXHIBITS. The Rev. G. H. Engleheart had his usual stand of superfine flowers. The striking point in this year's exhibit was the white eyes with mostly green centres, one especially of a peculiar white with a curious suspicion of green in it, and the eye of purer white with a green centre. Also, amongst others, a most interesting delicate coloured flat eye with a pinky cream coloured band and a pale green centre. Awarded a Silver Gilt Medal. Mr. W. A. Watts, of St. Asaph, showed two vases of Idris and a vase of Bumble Bee, a white petalled flower with a double centre, very decorative, also a Polyanthus flower, Glandore, a native of Ireland—a very sweet smelling, broad, cream petalled flower with a pale yellow eye, and also a vase of Semi Partitus Plenus, that most interesting yellow petalled flower with sometimes an extraordinary "nose" of green but seldom seen.
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