A v \ - , ■■ THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 196J PAGE IWENTY-TWO I, AYGtacre Daily Net Ron 9 . ‘ \ ^ IW U mi Week Haded The Weather Apartment Builders Sued About Town TCC Seeks Regional Effort JiBejSB, t m d e a r, cool tonight. Low frotn Pfc. Donald OKschefskle, .son To Insure Conservation mid 40s to low 50s. Sunny, Over Storm Water System of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ols- 15,459 warmer tomorrow. High near qhefskle, of 51 Flower St., Is Efforts will also be made to 80. An 'Oakland St. property own­ M i I a C Cbrp, Is construcjtlng The Town Conaervatloli Com­ | \ MancAofiter— 4 City of ViOage Cham er haa filed .a $150,000 damage 191 apartments on Oakland St. with Headquarters Battery, mission last night outlined a encourage prlv’ate business to suit against the church-spon­ Flr.st Battalion, 13th Marine number of proposals for Insur­ become Involved In conserva­ yoL. Lxxxvra, n o . 275 and Suburban Development (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES— TWO SECTIONS) . (Citifie d Advertietns oa Pace tO) sored M ISAC Corp. and against Dlv. Communications Platoon ing the conservation of undevel­ tion. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1969 PRICE TEN CENTS Corp. Is constructing 200. Both thet Suburban Development stationed at DaNang, Vietnam. oped Snd seml-developed lands A list was compiled of lands Corp., chaurglng considerable complexes are on the east side In the town. which the commission describ­ damage to her property from of the street. The comimlsalon Intends to ed as "ripe” for development. an underground storm-wa/ter Papers filed In the Manches­ M 1 .S S Deborah Ransom, daugh­ push for local .legislation whlph Among the pieces of land nam­ system^used hy both, which al- ter town clerk’s office claim ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ronald would guarantee the preserva­ ed were Case Mt., the Manches­ \ In the West In the.East lege.dly‘ draln-s onto her land. that the underground sy.stem Ran.som of .376 Bumluim St., tion and development of public ter Water Oo., the Nike Site “of Manchester _ Mass U.S. Exodus Sylvia S. Yeomans of 235 was constructed by MISAC and will attend the three-day Pro­ lands, and guardi against the and the Hlllstown Rd. area. \ Oakland St., whose fam ily has that Suburban Development fessional Dance Teachers Con­ destruction of private pieces of These lands were selected for *00<n}pied the property for over hooks Into It. vention at the Roosevelt Hotel land, when that destruction work, such as fencing, manage­ iLiviog room luxury of distinctive Traditional ~ 60 years. Is al.so seeking a tem­ The suit Is returnable In Hart­ In New York this weekend. She would endanger the balance of ment of wildlife, and the stock­ = Seen in Vietnam porary and permanent Injunc­ ford County Superior Court. Is an associate teacher at the nature In. the town. ing of water preserves, accord­ tion, to force the two corpora­ The plaintiff Is being repre­ Beitty-Jane Turner School of The commission hopes to en­ ing to their needs and capa­ WASfflNGTON (AP)— Thursday, said the mlUtaty re­ tions to stop the alleged prac­ sented by Hartford Atty. Wil­ Dance. gage In regional cooperative cities. design. comfort-crafted by T h e P e n ta g o n ’s lOO.OiOO- duction over the next 10 months doesn’t necessarily imply a tice. liam J. Bumster. measures with towns ^ c h as In other action, the commis­ ilus cut in military man­ Vietnam cut of that scope. East Hartford and South , Wlndr sion sent a letter to the Board power is likely to be view­ sor In protecting and develop­ of Directors endorsing the But he specifically ruled o«R ed as a sign the Nixon ad­ ing land which would be In the purchase of land around Sal­ combat troop withdrawals from ministration is thinking mutual interest of the region. ters P<ind. West Germany, South Korea big in the way of future and Okinawa—leaving Vietnam t f troop withdrawals from as one of the few remaining places where large numbers of Do If Yourself or Lef Us D o If For You V ie tn a m . 4~Wers Making Final Plans Secretary of Defense Mdvln Americans are stationed. R. Laird, announcing the cut Pentagon officials admit pri­ vately that Laird considers po­ For Weekend County Fair tential replacement o f U.S. troops by South VleSnamdae a Manchester club members vich, Linda Nelson and Peter factor in hla plans to trim the Pella. arc making final preparations over-aU American military Adult directors are M r. and U.S. Support for this weekend’s 33rd annual force level. Mrs. Edward Ackerman, Mr. Furthermore, Preaident Nixon Hartford County 4-H Fair at and Mrs. BUI Lopes, Mrs. said In June he hoped to be able Bradley Field in Windsor Locks. Michael Misovich, Joan Pella, Seen Staying to more than match a sugges­ TEMPLE’S Three days of events are sched­ John Pella Jr., Mrs. John tion by former Secretary of De­ Pella Sr. uled beginning tomorrow. fense Clark M. Clifford to get Also, Marjorie Pella, Mrs. CARPET and FLOOR COVERING In K orea 100,000 combat troope out of Arabs carry an inscription from the Koran from Old Jerusalem’s E l’ Akaah Events Include demonstra­ Peter Pella, Evelyn Swanson, Vietnam this year. tions, and a Doodlebug Draw Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Swanson, BAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A Shouting youths parade in downtown Prague today Some mUitary officers believe Mosque, a wing o f which was ruineil by fire Thursday. The A.rttlw.are cursing 308 MAIN STREET TEL 643-6662 on Frid ay; a horse draw on Mrs. Gerald ’Thibodeau, and first round of conferences be­ the next withdrawal announced Saturday; and a 4-H horse Sharon White. _ as Czechoslovakia marks the first anniversary of^ tween Presidents Nixon and the .lews whom they blamed for the blaze. (Al’ Photofax) See .story jinge nine. by the President will probably show, dress revue and demon­ Chung Hee Park has raised the " Secrecy Cloaks the Soviet invasion. Wenceslas Square is in back­ amount to no more thw 25,000 stration of "Ketsugo” by the prospect of continued American men. Further pullouts could Har-Bro Do Jo on Sunday. troop support for South Korea Grace Plenzio There Is breathtaking elegance in the styling ground. (AP Photofax) take place over coming months. ’Tljere will also be two rock of this Traditiohal sbfa and matching chair. Cuban Spy Case and the promise of better weap­ SOFA and CHAIR At Thursday’s news confer­ bands at the fair—the Country Spacious and fabulously soft. Backs are deep ons for Its army. DAV Delegate WASHINGTON (A P ) — U.S. ence, Laird would not commit Rebellion, Friday evening, and diamond-tufted. Arms thickly padded and Lack of Funds Stalls The South Korean leader and himself on the administration the Damn Yankees on Saturday scored. Plump seat cushions of latex coil BOTH FOR *299 offlciala have clamped a tight Nixon met for two hours in pri­ Grace M. Plenzio of 54 Mar­ springs. Beautifully upholstered. Skirts are Reds in Prague Gas^ Club decision this month on whether Ud on detalla in the case of two ACT NOW night. garet Rd. will leave tomorrow fully lined. Every detail reflects master crafts­ OTTOMAN $38 vate shortly before s state din­ to go beyond the presently au­ Exhibits of all projects by 4-H for M iam i Beach, where she manship by Johnson-Carper. An exciting membera of Cuba'a United Na- Congi{ressman and His Aide ner for 250 guests at the St. thorized 25,000-man troop reduc­ Flood Control Projects CARPET YOUR KITCHEN WITH members will be displayed and will be a state delegate to the choice and exceptional value. tiona mlaalon who are accuaed Francis Hotel Thuraday night. tion in Vietnam. ribbons will be awarded in all Aug. 23-29 National Convention QUALITY CONSTRUCTION FEATURES of trying to recruit refugeea aa In an exchange of toasts at The "m ore than 100,000" man 9 Lotax foam rubbar saaf cushions PRAGUE (AP) — A touting aion to telephone the American To prevent a standstill of cur­ control, on which construction CARPET MADE EXPRESSLY FOR HOME USE . classes. of the Disabled American Vet­ apiea. the dinner, both stressed the ne­ r^ucUon comes as port o f a WASHINGTON (AP) — 9 Coil spring base with soft adga was schedultd t o start. erans (DAV). The convention The United Statea ordered La- American congressman said to­ Embassy. cessity of Asian firmness Twenty-four federally fi­ rent projects, the continuing In a recent poster contest pro­ 9 Fabric-covared cushion platform oongresskmally dlreated Penta­ day he was teer-g;as8ed four Engel said he was picked up against communism and of resolution enables the agencies Among the projects on which moting the' fair, area winners sessions will be at the Hotel 9 Fitted protactive arm covers hurry in! zoro Ekldy Eapinoaa Bonet, 25, gon effort to slash defense nanced flood control proj­ times and his assistant was ar­ 6^t 6 p.m. Thursday and released American help. Par)c raised the Oonatructlon has ' been delayed were Sheila Misovich, first America. tb leave the country Thuraday, spending by another $3 billion ects scattered across the to draw from the Treasury each KITCHEN CAItPETS rested, clubbed and held for 14 from police custody at 7 a.m. to­ month not more than one- ore the Bloomington dam on the place In the 15-19 age group, Miss Plenzio, who is state charging he had attemjpted to possibiUty of new Red disturb­ for the current fiscal year.
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