The Estate Notices Dauphin County Reporter DECEDENTS ESTATES Edited and published by the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that letters testa- mentary or of administration have been granted in Dauphin County Bar Association the following estates. All persons indebted to the 213 North Front Street estate are required to make payment, and those Harrisburg, PA 17101 having claims or demands to present the same without delay to the administrators or executors or (717) 232-7536 their attorneys named below. ELIZABETH G. SIMCOX FIRST PUBLICATION Executive Director KENDRA HEINBAUGH Estate Notices Administrative Assistant ESTATE OF ANNIE WILLIAMS, (died: De- BRIDGETTE L. HILBISH cember 25, 2015), late of Middletown, Dauphin Reporter Secretary County, Pennsylvania. Executrix: Mary Edith Miller, 426 Russell Avenue, Middletown, PA 17057 or Attorney: Floyd M. Baturin, Esquire, Printed by: BATURIN & BATURIN, 2604 North Second K-PRESS Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (Attorneys for the P.O. Box 1626, York, PA 17405 Estate). f19-m4 ESTATE OF NEVIN E. HENNINGER, (died: December 11, 2015), late of Upper Paxton Town- THE DAUPHIN COUNTY REPORTER (USPS ship. Executrix: Melinda Henninger, 733 Tarry 810-200) is published weekly by the Dauphin Hall Road, Millersburg, PA 17061. Attorney: County Bar Association, 213 North Front Street, Robert G. Radebach, Esquire, 912 North River Harrisburg, PA 17101. Periodical postage paid at Road, Halifax, PA 17032. f19-m4 Harrisburg, PA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE DAUPHIN COUNTY REPORT- ESTATE OF EARL L. CRUM, SR, (died: Janu- ER, 213 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA ary 15, 2016), late of Dauphin County, Pennsylva- 17101. nia. Executor: Earl Crum, 98 South Houcks Road, Harrisburg PA 17104. Attorney: Gregory J Katshir, Esquire, 900 Market Street, Lemoyne PA TERMS: Advertisements must be received before 17043. f19-m4 12 o’clock noon on Tuesday of each week at the office of the Dauphin County Reporter, 213 North ESTATE OF RICHARD J. ROUSSEL, AKA Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101; Telephone: RICHARD JOSEPH ROUSSEL, (died: December (717) 232-7536; Email: [email protected] 2, 2015), late of Dauphin County, PA. Executrix: Patricia Roussel; Attorney: Vicky Ann Trimmer, Esquire, Daley Zucker Meilton & Miner, LLC, 635 N. 1ih Street, Suite 101, Lemoyne, PA 17043. f19-m4 ESTATE OF HELEN M. ALLMAN, late of Millersburg Borough, Dauphin County, Pennsyl- vania. Co-Executors: Russell G. Snoke, 276 Moore Street, Millersburg, PA 17061; Steve E. Allman, 365 Grange Hall Road, Millersburg, PA 17061. Attorney: Earl Richard Etzweiler, Esquire 105 N. Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101, (717) 234-5600. f19-m4 ESTATE OF DIANE L. HUTCHINSON, (died: January 25, 2016), late of Lower Paxton, Dauphin County, PA. Executor: David A. Hutchinson, 42 Bartlett Street, Chelmsford, MA 01824. f19-m4 FIRST PUBLICATION ESTATE OF ANTO DUJAK, (died: January 16, 2016), late of Lower Paxton Township, Dauphin Estate Notices County, Pennsylvania. Executor: Boris Duja. Attorney: Bruce J. Warshawsky, Esquire, CUN- ESTATE OF EVELYN M. DRESSLER, (died: NINGHAM, CHERNICOFF & WARSHAWSKY, December 18, 2015), late of Millersburg Borough, P.C., 2320 North Second Street, Harrisburg, PA Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Co-Executor: 17110. f12-26 Steven T. Weller, 555 Race Street, Millersburg, PA 17061; Co-Executor: Harold E. Dressler, Jr., ESTATE OF ROBERT L. MESSNER, (died: 555 Race Street, Millersburg, PA 1706. Attorney: January 29, 2016), late of Lykens Borough, Dau- Joseph D. Kerwin, Kerwin & Kerwin, LLP, 4245 phin County, Pennsylvania. Executrix: Terry A. Route 209, Elizabethville, Pennsylvania 17023. Bakowicz, 160 Romberger Lane, Elizabethville, f19-m4 PA 17023; Attorney: Terrence J. Kerwin, Kerwin & Kerwin, LLP, 4245 Route 209, Elizabethville, ESTATE OF LOUISE A. BREIT, (died: January Pennsylvania 17023. f12-26 8, 2016), late of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Execu- tor: Thomas E. Breit, 517 Madison Drive, Sara- sota, FL 34236. Attorney: Susan E. Lederer, Esquire, 5011 Locust Lane, Harrisburg, PA 17109. f19-m4 SECOND PUBLICATION ESTATE OF EDWARD SCOTT WALBORN, Estate Notices A/K/A SCOTT WALBORN, late of Thompson- town Borough, Juniata County, Pennsylvania. ESTATE OF JACQUELYN F. DOUGLASS, Administratrix, Donna F. Showers. Attorney: (died: January 1, 2016), late of Lower Swatara Melanie Walz Scaringi, Esquire, Scaringi & Scar- Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. ingi, P.C., 2000 Linglestown Road, Suite 106, Personal Representative: Marcy Jo Douglass, 710 Harrisburg, PA 17110. f19-m4 Appalachian Avenue Carlisle, PA 17013 or Attor- ney: Jean D. Seibert, Esquire, CALDWELL & ESTATE OF SANDRA L. DOLAN, (died: June KEARNS, PC, 3631 North Front Street, Harris- 26, 2015), late of Lower Paxton Township. Exec- burg, PA 17110. f12-26 utor: Kevin J. Smith, 1038 Scenic Drive, Coal Center, PA 15423. Attorney: Chad J. Julius, Esq., ESTATE OF LUCY C. VIA A/K/A LUCY VIA 8150 Derry Street, Suite A, Harrisburg, PA 17111. A/K/A LUCY G. VIA, late of Derry Township, f19-m4 Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Executor: Ronald J. Via, 700 County Line Road, Grantville, PA ESTATE OF MIRIAM C. HEPLER, (died: 17028 or Joseph M. Farrell, Esquire, 201/203 January 17, 2013), late of Elizabethville Borough. South Railroad Street, P.O. Box 113, Palmyra, PA Administrator: George W. Hepler, III, 912 Red 17078. f12-26 Hill Road, Dauphin, PA 17018. Attorney: Robert G. Radebach, Esquire, 912 North River Road, Halifax, PA 17032. f19-m4 ESTATE OF MARLENE E. PIKE-SHERMAN, A/K/A MARLENE E. PIKE SHERMAN, A/K/A ESTATE OF JOAN L. MOSS, (died: January MARLENE E. SHERMAN, A/K/A MARLENE 19, 2016), late of City of Harrisburg, Dauphin SHERMAN, (died: January 9, 2016), late of Derry County, Pennsylvania. Executrix: Cynthia M. Township, Dauphin County, PA. Executor: Rob- Louey, 6238 N. Highlands Circle, Harrisburg, PA ert G. Hummel c/o George W. Porter, Esquire, 909 17111. f19-m4 E. Chocolate Ave., Hershey, PA 17033. f12-26 ESTATE OF STEVEN ALAN LAMONOFF, (died: December 4, 2015), late of Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Ad- ESTATE OF ANNA MAE DENNIS, of Mid- ministratrix: Debra Chernicoff. Attorney: Bruce dletown Borough, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. J. Warshawsky, Esquire, Cunningham, Chernicoff Personal Representative/Executrix: PAULA K. & Warshawsky, P.C., 2320 North Second Street, HOSTETTER, 343 Aspen Street, Middletown, PA Harrisburg, PA 17110. f19-m4 17057 or to Attorney: KATHLEEN B. MURREN, ESQ., SkarlatosZonarich, LLC, 17 S. 2nd St., Floor 6, Harrisburg, PA 17101. f12-26 SECOND PUBLICATION ESTATE OF SPIGNER, A/K/A DONALD WAYNE SPIGNER A/K/A DONALD W. SPIG- Estate Notices NER, (died: October 31, 2015), late of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, PA. Executrix: ESTATE OF ROBERT E. HARRIS, (died: Carol W. Spigner, c/o Marianne P. Flood, Esq., December 20, 2015), late of Upper Paxton Town- 703 Lakeside Park, Southampton, PA 18966. Or ship, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Executor: to her Atty.: Marianne P. Flood, Flood & Masiuk, Robert J. Harris, 5027 Amelia's Path West, Me- LLC, 703 Lakeside Park, Southampton, PA 18966. chanicsburg, PA 17050; Attorney: Gregory M. f12-26 Kerwin, Esquire, Kerwin & Kerwin, LLP, Attor- neys at Law, 4245 State Route 209, Elizabethville, PA 17023. f12-26 THIRD PUBLICATION ESTATE OF GEORGE HOUSTON GARMAN, (died: July 28, 2015), late of Harrisburg, Dauphin Estate Notices County, Pennsylvania. Executor: Christopher ESTATE OF ROBERT ELLWOOD MANA- Garman, 10 Caravan Court, Middletown, PA HAN, died: (September 1, 2015), late of Lower 17057. f12-26 Paxton Township, Dauphin County, PA. Execu- tor: Patrick O'Connor, Esq., 3105 Gettysburg ESTATE OF MILDRED N. SNYDER, (died: Road, Camp Hill, PA 17011, (717) 737-7760. January 18, 2016), late of the Township of Halifax, f5-19 Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Co-Executor: Donald E. Snyder, 2386 Armstrong Valley Road, ESTATE OF RUTH I. PORR, (died: September Halifax, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17032; Co- 26, 2013), late of Lower Swatara Township, Dau- Executor: James R. Snyder, 175 McClellan Road, phin County, Pennsylvania. Executor(rix): Mr. Halifax, Pennsylvania 17032; Co-Executor: Billie Jeffrey R. Porr, 46 Oakglade Drive, Hummel- L. Snyder, 183 McClellan Road, Halifax, Pennsyl- stown, PA 17036 and Mrs. Wynette S. Kell, 425 vania 17032; Attorney: Holly M. Kerwin, Esquire, Richardson Road, Middletown, PA 17057. Attor- Kerwin & Kerwin, LLP, 4245 State Route 209, ney: Gary L. Rothschild, Esq., 2215 Forest Hills Elizabethville, PA 17023. f12-26 Drive, Suite 35, Harrisburg, PA 17112. f5-19 ESTATE OF JOHN A. STANCIK, (died: De- ESTATE OF RAYMOND L. PORR, (died: cember 5, 2015), of Lower Paxton Township, September 14, 2013), late of Lower Swatara Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Executrix: Janice Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Execu- M. Davis, c/o David W. DeLuce, Attorney, John- tor(rix): Mr. Jeffrey R. Porr, 46 Oakglade Drive, son, Duffie, Stewart & Weidner, 301 Market Street Hummelstown, PA 17036 and Mrs. Wynette S. P.O. Box 109, Lemoyne, PA 17043. f12-26 Kell, 425 Richardson Road, Middletown, PA 17057. Attorney: Gary L. Rothschild, Esq., 2215 ESTATE OF FRANCIS J. BOBITZ, A/K/A, Forest Hills Drive, Suite 35, Harrisburg, PA FRANCIS JOSEPH BOBITZ, late of Susquehanna 17112. f5-19 Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Co- Executrixes: Eloise M. Miller, 682 Mahanoy ESTATE OF CAROL A. HESS AKA CAROL Valley Road, Duncannon, PA 17020; Gloria J. ANNA HESS AKA CAROL A. KUBICA, (died: Leeper, 9448 Mountain Road, Grantville, PA December 24, 2015) late of West Hanover Town- 17025. Attorney: R. Benjamin Cramer, Esquire, ship, Dauphin County. Executrix: Alecia Deter, P. O. Box 159, Duncannon, PA 17020. f12-26 7715 Manor Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17112. Attor- ney: Jackie J. DeArmond, DeArmond & Associ- ESTATE OF ARLENE A. KINGSTON (A/K/A ates, 18 South George Street, Suite 610, York, PA A. ARLENE KINGSTON AND AGNES AR- 17401. f5-19 LENE KINGSTON, (died: May 2, 2015), late of Harrisburg City, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. ESTATE OF DORIS JEAN STINE, A/K/A Executrix: Gayle K. Morse, 1011 Hecks Drive, DORIS J. STINE, late of Middle Paxton Town- Dauphin PA 17018. Attorney: Michael J. Wilson, ship, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Executor: 113 Iron Furnace Court, Lewisberry PA 17339- Joseph A.
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